If you like Gintama, Nichijou, and other everyday comedies, then this would be the show for you. The anime mainly consists of little skits within the characters and other inspirations within the anime.
Similar to Nichijou there is really no story or plot in the anime, but it doesn't mean it lacks the enjoyability of other mainstream anime that we all or most of us sadly like a lot. What this anime has is the more relatable realistic characters that we either are or know.
ART: 8
This anime itself doesn't require any major art effects nor graphical breakthrough, so the simplicity of it's drawings and well
Jun 23, 2016
This is just one of those anime that is just outstanding. I gave this a 10 because the story line was very well done, the characters each had uniqueness and amicability in their own way. The art was not so great coming from an anime otaku stand point but after reading the others review about how it was similar to the game, it makes more sense. The sound was well done, eerie music and sounds came in haunting moments, and glorious music in good times. The mystery behind everything really boosted the enjoyment, and every episode was fulfilling yet you can't help to binge watch
Jun 23, 2016
At least to me the anime lacked a strong story line, in fact it had little to no plot. The main character is really the useless, undetermined, and dense, he also for some reason has extraordinary powers as expected, but for some reason it was never fully explained why. All the other side characters also carried no depth, or originality, which meant that they really couldn't carry the story along.
If you want to see bunch of girls with big boobs fighting for no reason, then this is the show for you. If you're looking for a show with some plot then I can't recommend ... May 31, 2016
Highschool of the Dead
Although most female characters have exaggerated breast sizes, the story is very interesting and has real character development. This is an anime that it's either you really like you don't, it is also some what gore.
So basically main things to notice before and not hate, -Big boobs -harem that developed -since it's a post apocalypse anime, its very fictional -lot's of blood and flesh I really like this because it is one of the few post zombie apocalypse anime, and that involves more of a bad ass mc than the usual useless teenage boy. It also several side characters that happen to be mainly female but few males that ... |