normally i would say I want it to be more lewd but it is too wholesome and cute pilled it is perfect the little Hiura fella is cute as hell. story is about a little dude and a normal sized dude doing bro stuff this comic book is for the boys. the art is great very cute and has a pretty good amount of detail Hiura is very autistic and we like that. DUDES ROCK WOMEN WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND
absolute kino that little dude cute as hell very cute comic book I would recommend it to all my fellow heterosexual American
Jul 27, 2022
Josou Shounen Anthology
Absolute Kino the high quality and perfection was so moving I was crying out of my eyes and penis. very nice trap tummy and leg and face and all of body :) . I understand why some might be turned off by the name and concept It takes a very high IQ to understand but when you do its terrific. If you are a heterosexual man with a high IQ then I would recommend you drop whatever you are doing right now and read this classic.
very cute very funny very artistic very thought provoking very smart Very cool very epic very great very hot stuff |