Let me tell you that something is very wrong with this story, it doesn't have any logical meaning.
First of all, we have the King of vampires who want to find his"beloved" queen that was sealed because she was too strong (there's a second reason here i don't want to give spoilers) , secondly we have dhampires (half humans, half vampires) who want to kill the King (because he "betrayed" them), then out of the blue aliens are invading earth ( hahaha).
The humans and dhampires need the help of the King to distroy the
Mar 29, 2010
Wolf Guy: Ookami no Monshou
well, this manga it's really bloody, violent, and for mature people. I like it, it is kinda dark, it could be a little more amusing for the enjoyment, but it's really good the way it is.
>the story it was very unique( the integration of a warewolf in a human schooll, and beacause he is such a "alfa male", he gets in a lots of fights). >the "smut things" going there are kinda psychotic. > the art was very realistic, and unique ( the characters doesn't have the traditional " big eyes", however they were very deep and full of emotions), i like that a lot. >overrall: every thing ... |