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Jul 19, 2023
[Content warnings for Oshi no Ko: Suicide, murder, blood/gore]
Overall: 6/10
Initially hearing about the plot of this anime, I was very weirded out and put off by it, but watching it, it's not actually as bad as expected. The plot and anime are pretty interesting, and I personally binged it all in one day, but I wouldn't exactly say it's binge-worthy. It's alright all around, though. Recommended if you like the average teen drama anime.
Story: 6/10
The main premise is actually pretty interesting, mainly the story surrounding the main protagonist, Aqua. This first season is a weird mix of comedy, slice-of-life, drama, and like a crime-detective type
feel? The entire "reborn" theme of the show was what initially weirded me out. Thankfully, the show doesn't focus on that aspect nearly as much as I was led to believe. Basically if you think you'd be interested in watching a group of teenagers become famous entertainers with a bit of drama and intrigue, you'd probably enjoy this.
Art: 7/10
The art is pretty good. It's basic anime art, in my opinion. There are some scenes that are much more detailed and pretty than others, though, and I do enjoy that. I also think most of the character designs are really cute. There's nothing bad about it, just basic.
Sound: 7/10
The opening to this show is really great, and the ending is pretty good too. There's quite a bit of music in this anime, which is a given since it's about entertainers, mainly idols. I enjoyed the voice-acting in Japanese quite a lot, though I haven't watched it in English yet, so view sub of your own discretion.
Character: 7/10
I enjoy this anime's cast of characters a lot. They're not just one-note, in my opinion, and they have fun and appealing personalities. I found myself rooting for every protagonist, even if I didn't expect to. All of them do have their flaws, of course, but it's minor things that are usually resolved later. I'm hoping to see more development of their characters in later seasons, though.
Enjoyment: 5/10
Like I said, while I did binge this entire season in one day, I enjoyed it just enough. There wasn't anything particularly wrong with it, I guess it just wasn't my favorite thing in the whole world. It was a perfectly average watch. There were a few parts where I got super invested and just couldn't stop watching, but it's not like I was making a shrine and cheering over every character after finishing the season. Would I recommend this anime to everyone? No. Would I recommend giving it a try? Sure! I will say this though, if you're planning on judging whether to watch the entire season or not based off the first episode, I wouldn't recommend it. The first episode completely reeled me in! So bad it was almost unfair!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 3, 2021
[Content warnings for Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: Partial nudity (not to mention underage), and general all around pervy-ness]
Overall: 2/10
This anime probably gets the superlative of my least favorite show as of right now. There's just nothing I liked about it at all. And yeah, I know I would get a lot of hate for this review. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me but, this anime is just what seems like complete fanservice, twelve episodes of nothing, and the sexualization of minors. The overexaggerated "tsundere" character is the most annoying cliche in anime, and Nagatoro was just executed especially poorly.
The story line is just awful. There's simply none at all. None of the episodes really seemed like they connected with each other with any importance at all, and the setting rarely left the school's art room, making it feel extremely stuck. And the only real story this show has going on is in the last three episodes, where the MC, Naoto, wants to win a competition between himself and the art club president. In the last three episodes.... The only thing the show focuses on for the rest of the time is the ridiculously embarrassing relationship between Naoto and Nagatoro. There's absolutely nothing cute or appealing about their relationship. Nagatoro bullies her upperclassman for fun, just to get a reaction out of him, while he is right on the line of enjoying it and being annoyed. Their relationship barely even grows as the show progresses. The only thing different is that sometimes Nagatoro isn't as ruthless and they get jealous of each other.
Art: 7/10
The art is basic. There's nothing really special about it. I didn't really like the style of their eyes (I thought it was a bit creepy), or the hair. Everything else was fine, I guess. Nothing stood out other than that.
Sound: 6/10
I do actually like the opening to this show a little bit, but I did end up skipping it more times than not. I also just could not get over the amount of sound effects throughout the show in the fanservice scenes. Also, I know she's a very good voice actor and I'm just biased, but Nagatoro's VA annoyed me quite a bit whenever she would just scream. It was hard to listen to.
Character: 1/10
I genuinely don't think I've ever equally despised an entire cast of characters more than the cast of Nagatoro-san. Every single character annoyed me to the core. The MC, Naoto, is just a stereotypical awkward pervert who enjoys being degraded by this little girl, while Nagatoro, his bully, is an annoying tsundere who literally never listened to him when he told her to stop doing something. Even if he was secretly okay with it, the fact that Nagatoro never stopped when he said no sorta just rubbed me the wrong way. The way she just seems to get pleasure from his pain is so strange and creepy.
Enjoyment: 1/10
I don't think I would enjoy this anime in a million years. It seems to have been made specifically for lolicon men who enjoy being degraded and can place themselves in Naoto's shoes, wishing that were them. Of course, I'm sure people outside of this demographic have somehow enjoyed this anime, but I'm certainly not one of them. Usually with short animes like this, I find myself finishing the anime in what feels like a few minutes, but with Nagatoro-san, it felt like I was checking the clock every few seconds, anticipating the end of each episode before it barely began. This show also sexualizes minors like crazy, which is just completely gross. Nagatoro (a 15 or 16 year old girl) is depicted fully naked a handful of times, and shown in sexualized situations or poses even more. Don't even get me started with her friends and the art club president. This show tries to pass off the art club president's portraits as a passion and love for her work, but it just feels like they're implying that she can only advance if she pictures herself in the nude, just for the attention of her male peers. Last thing I want to talk about: the amount of virgin and sex jokes there are in this show. Really? It's possible to be funny without making fun of the MC for being a virgin all the time, you know. And none of them were even funny anyways, in my opinion. But yeah, this anime is just really, really, REALLY not my cup of tea. Maybe you'll enjoy it, though, who knows.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 13, 2021
[Content warnings for Sgt. Frog: General anime pervy-ness, nothing too major. An adult frog alien has a crush on a 14-year old human girl, if that's bothersome. Mostly for comedy though.]
Overall: 10/10
Usually I would base my overall rating off of the mean score of each aspect provided, but I love this anime way too much to give it anything lower than a 10. This was the first anime I ever watched as a kid, and it's the only anime that still makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it. Definitely the funniest anime I've ever seen without exaggeration. It's definitely not for everyone,
but in my opinion there'll never be anything as perfect as Sgt. Frog lol
Story: 5/10
The story sort of gets lost throughout the series. I mean, half of this anime is composed of filler episodes, but the main storyline is just fine. Frog looking aliens come to Earth in an attempt to conquer humans and it turns out they're very unintimidating and terrible at conquering. It's hilarious, but basic at best. Anyways, it's been years since I've watched hundreds of the episodes, so take my word with a grain of salt.
Art: 6/10
The art's really standard. The thing that makes me set it above mediocre is just the character designs for the frogs. They're such funny, iconic designs. The actual human characters are also really cute too. Other than that, there's nothing really remarkable about the art for this anime.
Sound: 10/10
I LOVE THE OPENINGS AND ENDINGS FOR THIS ANIME. I won't even lie, they're in my playlist unironically. Every song for this anime is an absolute banger. Besides the music, the English dub voice actors are really amazing. They are seriously hilarious. Every single joke lands. My favorite is definitely the narrator though, he really just ties everything together.
Character: 7/10
A lot of the characters are stereotypical or strangely written, but I don't think there's a single bad character. They're all hilarious and likable even if they're rude or mean. The dynamic between Kerero and the Hinata family is super funny, and the dynamic between Kerero and the ARMPIT Platoon is even funnier. There's not much I don't like about these characters, they're just nothing amazing.
Enjoyment: 10/10
My love for this show knows no bounds. I will always enjoy rewatching it no matter how old I am. I don't think a lot of people would like this show, especially if you take anime sort of seriously since this anime is anything but, but for me this anime is just perfect in all the right ways.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 13, 2021
[Content warnings for Yuri!!! on Ice: Full rear nudity, typical pervy anime shenanigans, everything else is pretty much fine!]
Overall: 6/10
This is definitely more of a feel-good anime than anything really substantial. It's one of those that's really nice to watch when you're sad. It's nothing spectacular, and I do have a few issues with it, but nothing major. Mostly just personal preferences.
Story: 5/10
I feel like a lot of people won't agree with me on this, but I feel like the story was a lot less developed than other sports animes, but while it was less developed, I almost liked it better? Other sports animes have
many goals and arcs that they need to work hard towards, while most of Yuri on Ice just has one overarching goal: for Yuri to win gold in the Grand Prix. This anime focuses a lot less on the journey to get there, as many of the episodes are just the actual performances of the programs, and a lot more on the actual characters than the story. One thing that is really different about this anime compared to others in the sports genre is that it actual does have a bit of a romance aspect, which you don't see often. I did think it was a bit strange and out of place at times, but all in all, I suppose it developed nicely.
Art: 5/10
The art in Yuri on Ice is nice, but nothing special. The skating animation didn't really blow my mind, and there were some parts where the characters looked a bit weird. Besides the animation, I really enjoyed the effects like the sparkles on the skaters' costumes and the ice. The backgrounds of the cities also looked very pretty, especially at night. One of my favorite parts is probably the animation of the skaters' hair as weird as that probably sounds. It's always very flowy and pretty.
Sound: 9/10
The music in this anime is one of my favorite parts. It's not often where the music plays such a crucial part in an anime. Not only is the OP one of my favorites, the chosen songs for every skaters' program actually moved me, which was really, really surprising. Both Eros and Agape have always been my two favorite songs, especially Eros. It might just be because I'm biased towards Yuri's performances though.
Character: 5/10
Most of the characters were fine. Chris will definitely always keep me from watching this anime with my family, though. Seriously, every time he's on the ice, his weird commentary is totally unnecessary, although funny. Yuri is a very good main character in my opinion, but Victor felt a bit off. His personality didn't seem very consistent at all. I know no one is the same all the time, but a lot of his decisions really shocked me based off of the outgoing, happy-go-lucky Victor that was introduced in the first episodes. One of the most jarring scenes to me was when he broke Yuri's heart on purpose in an attempt to motivate him, which in and of itself was a terrible idea in the first place, but on top of that, he jokes about kissing Yuri while Yuri is clearly upset and crying. It just felt spectacularly inappropriate given the situation. The relationship between Yuri and Victor is cute, but sometimes it felt strange or rushed, and for a lot of the anime, it was hard to tell what exactly their relationship was. I didn't even realize they were seriously being romantic with each other until the literal scene where they kissed on the ice. Maybe that's just me being oblivious, though.
Enjoyment: 8/10
Despite everything I've just complained about, I still enjoyed this anime quite a bit. It's very funny, and I always love the competition aspect that comes along with sports animes. It never fails to make me excited. It's not great in a lot of areas, but the enjoyment factor is definitely still there for me, and that's really all that matters to me in the long run.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 2, 2021
[SPOILER WARNING! There are spoilers written under the story and character sections of this review, so if you haven't watched Wave, you'll be fine if you skip those sections. I don't ever write spoilers in my reviews, but for this show it's ridiculously unavoidable, so I apologize in advance.]
[Content warnings for Wave!!: mentions of suicide, but other than that, you should be all good.]
Overall: 4/10
All I can say is... what...? I've been so excited to watch this anime ever since I saw an announcement around September or October in 2020, but it was a huge let down. The story is painfully dry and jumps from
place to place with no real motivation or reasoning. I don't particularly recommend watching this anime.
Story: 2/10 [SPOILERS]
I've never watched an anime and truly said, "This story is terrible" so this was a first for me. The first episode made me excited, but that was really it. The only point I really liked was the decision to split up all three of the MCs (ie. Masaki going to school in Shonan, Nalu moving to Hawaii, and Sho "dying"). I thought it was a really bold choice that you don't see very often, but it was all erased in the last episode where all of them are seen on the same beach again. Sho's "death" is BY FAR my biggest issue with the show, though. Why did he kill himself? It was briefly suggested that maybe he didn't have a very good family life, but he was happy with Masaki and Nalu. The show never shows any signs of Sho being unhappy or desiring change at all. And besides that, where was Sho staying the entire show while he's "dead"? It can't have been at home because his brother clearly didn't know he was alive as seen in the last episode, assuming Sho's parents would've told him. The anime also tried to have character development skipping from person to person, but none of them made any sense. Yuta wants to quit surfing just because he thinks he's peaked, which is absolutely ridiculous. What kind of person who's THAT smart would assume he's peaked at age 15/16? And Naoya's episode where he is depressed because of an ANIME CHARACTER? That is insane. Bro, that's a whole 2D person, get yourself together. I literally couldn't stop cringing.
Art: 5/10
The art was fine. The water's animation is very pretty and the characters look pretty basic. The thing that really ruined it for me were the ridiculous 3D models during nearly every single surfing scene and the recycled animations. Usually in other sports animes I can tolerate recycled animations since they usually change them up enough or use them in a different enough context to make it unnoticeable, but in Wave, it's just the same animation over and over and over again. It was so distracting. And the 3D models just looked terrible. They appeared so out of place and stiff.
Sound: 6/10
The opening to this anime is actually pretty good. It's catchy enough to where I won't skip it every episode but forgetful enough to where I can't remember it in any other context. But I will bop my head to it when it comes on. The VAs also did a pretty good job. I can't say much on their acting since I don't speak Japanese, though. The only thing I wasn't really a fan of was how Nalu and Tadao just randomly broke out English phrases. Like, I get Nalu was practicing to move to Hawaii, but it just always felt to out of place and awkward.
Character: 3/10 [SPOILERS]
The MC, Masaki was my least favorite character. He was so basic. Painfully basic protagonist. The only characters I really liked were Sho and Nalu, and they disappear halfway through the show. Most characters were annoying or a drag (Yuta, Naoya, Fuke, Bill). Kosuke was fine, but wasn't spectacular or anything. All of their motivations were pretty weak. What? They all promise to compete at world just... because? The power of friendship? Rivalry? The love of surfing? Yuta is an annoying, stereotypical glasses character. His "smart" personality is way overexaggerated. He literally is a human calculator and it seems that's all he's good for. There's nothing remarkable about his or Kosuke's backstories. I don't even want to talk about Naoya. His obsession with Miruru is just embarrassing, and Kosuke's bitterness annoyed me. I would've even liked it more if the anime just stopped focusing on Masaki and centered around how Nalu adapted to living in Hawaii or more of Sho's backstory or what he did after he "died". And, I'm sure they're just keeping all of Sho's story a secret to set up for a second season, but the lack of context in the first season is just unbearable and made it nearly unwatchable. Sure, it leaves us wondering and wanting a second season, but it's more infuriating than intriguing at this point.
Enjoyment: 3/10
I probably would've enjoyed this anime anime in another life. Or if its plot and characters were just completely rewritten. Or if I watched it with my eyes squinted so hard that I couldn't see anything. Okay, but in all seriousness, I barely enjoyed this anime. None of the jokes landed, the only part I smiled at was when Naoya lost his board in the wave. That was sort of funny. I'll probably be watching it if a second season ever comes out, but only out of sheer curiosity. If you haven't watched this anime yet, I wouldn't recommend starting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 22, 2021
[Content warnings for Devilman: Crybaby: Full nudity, graphic sex/sex acts, rape, gore, generally pretty scary and definitely not for kids]
Overall: 5/10
Did I enjoy it? Sure. Would I watch it again just for fun? No. Probably not. I enjoyed some aspects of the show, but the majority of the anime left me confused and a bit bored.
Story: 3/10
The story was predictable and it felt underdeveloped at times. The plot twist with Ryo felt really out of place. I'm not sure if others felt this way, but his plot twist almost made no sense to me. I guess it's a given since I haven't read the
manga or had any backstory on any of the other Devilman series. Also, just a personal preference I guess, but there was waayy too much focus on sex in the show. I thought it would just end at the Sabbath, but it continued throughout the show with really no reason to be there. Sirene and Akira, Miko and some random guy on the street, the sex scene with Koda, etc. etc. The only reason my story rating isn't lower is because it did make me very emotional towards the end, and that always makes me bump up a score, even just a little bit.
Art: 8/10
The art style of this anime is very beautiful. I've never seen any other show quite like it. It's very simple but every character is distinguishable and very stylized. The use of color in this anime is also used really well. The shading and highlighting is unique, though sometimes the shine on things like Ryo's car do distract a bit. And although I know it's a part of the style, I'm not a huge fan of the anatomy sometimes.
Sound: 9/10
The OST is definitely my favorite part of this anime. After finishing the anime, I listened to the OST on repeat unironically. It's really beautiful music. As for other sound such as the voice acting, personally, I watched it in dub. I actually don't really understand the hate around it that much. The dub was much higher quality than a lot of other animes and the acting was very good. I'm glad they didn't dub over the Japanese raps. I just wasn't a big fan of Young Ryo's voice or some of the crying scenes.
Character: 3/10
I'll be honest. I didn't feel very attached to any of the characters at all. The only one I really liked was Akira, which is great since he's the main character, but I didn't care much for anyone else. I thought Ryo was really cool in the first couple episodes, but I don't like the turn his character took. Miki was pretty boring, and Miko was forgettable before her transformation. After it, she was just unlikable and mean. No one's backstory was developed very well either. I really only remember Ryo's and maybe a bit of Akira's and the fact that Akira's mother taught him how to tie his shoes. That's literally it.
Enjoyment: 5/10
My favorite episodes were the first few episodes. That's really the only reason I continued and watched the rest. I thought the story would get better again. There were also some really minor things that led me on, like, I thought there would be different supernatural aspects other than demons and devilmen because of the coach in the first episode who ate the fly like a frog. What was that?? Was he just a random devilman or something? A lot of my questions were left unanswered and kept me wondering throughout the entire show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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