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Nov 11, 2022
I adore original novel. Enjoyed every bit of it. Sure it is a vile thing. But such drama should be like that.
I have read 2 volumes of Junji Ito's adaptation and desided to read this one too. Furuya's adaptation shines the light on different points of the story comparing to the Ito's version. So it is completely different experience. But is it good experience?
I don't feel the main character. I think Ito had portrayed the main character as it was shown by Dazai. But Furuya's interpretation makes the main character completely different. Sure the plot points
are based on the novel but I don't sense him to be that guy. Itbis a new character completely. I don't feel him be depressed. In both Dazai and Ito works he is a complex character, you may think he is an awful guy, but you like to follow him towards the end of a spiral
Here I feel indifferent towards him. He seems boring. And so the manga gets boring too.
There are plot points that are present here and not in Ito's interpretation, but I didn't like them in the novel and don't like in this manga.
The art work is alright, it is pretty pleasant to look at, but I don't see anything eye-catching in it.
Also, moving the event from first half of 20th century toward today's time doesn't work for me at all. The plot has the right to have modern setting, I just don't see the point in doing that.
I don't think I will finish this manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 16, 2022
First what I want to say is Motoko from Ghost in the Shell, Alita from Gunnm, or Dorothy from The Big O are more compelling characters. Actually my favourites in anime/manga or even in entertainment media overall. Tima has a basic plotline. Being the highly intelligent robot that rebels in the end. You can sympathize her when she has got saved by Kenichi, but when she goes berserk I just don't care. We have seen such plot in most robot movies. Even if mechanical life is possible and artificial intelligence may be real, if a robot is malicious it is an enemy.
Otherwise it is a beautiful movie. Great direction, animation and music.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 20, 2022
A retrospective thoughts on the series and its fanbase.
I will be short on discussing the plot and the character but I have to mention something.
First of all, it is better than the first adaptation. As much as I like FMA, Brotherhood is times better. We all know dramatic moments of the series and it is a classic that everyone has to watch/read.
And now my opinion on the fanbase that boils in my mind for year.
I appreciate opinion of the majority, so if Brotherhood is #1 on MAL, is fine for me. But subjectively, in my opinion there are series that may be,
and even are better than this show.
The fanbase of FMAB is so overprotective, so unapologetic, so egotistical, that cannot accept any show to be number 1 apart from
the one in question.
Subjectively the Final Season of AoT is better than FMAB. And so many people agreed on it it got its first place. But as soon as it did, the fans started to downvote Attack on Titan. It just makes FMAB fans to look bad, sad and pitty. Shame on them.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 24, 2021
I have watched anime somewhat 10 years ago, actually, I think exactly 10 years ago. I remember that plot was confusing but I picked Ikkitousen for boobs and fights. And I have watched all the franchise.
As I heard that the manga and anime are different, and as I remember almost nothing because of so many years have past since the watch-through, I decided to read the manga.
And well, story is not particularly clear, the plot is still confusing, though the historical summary before every chapter helps a bit.
I would say, that if you want to see naked girls fighting each
other read Sekirei. The storyline is clear, characters are compelling, overall it has a wholesome atmosphere.
But if you want the fights to be brutal and don't really care about the plot, then yes, stick to Ikkitousen.
Another con is the characters, especially design. You have Kan'u Unchou, or Ryomu Shimei with great design. You have some loli girls. But overall all the girls have same physique but diferent face and hairstyle. On a panel showing them naked you hardly distinguish them.
Overall, this manga can be fun, but don't expect much and enjoy for what it is worth: boobs and fights.
PS. And why I even writing this review is to ask you not to read it in TokyoPop version. It has butchered translation. Trying to adapt the narrative to Western audience, they changed dialogs, including pop culture references to American culture. They have 4rth wall breaks, where they shouldn't have been. But the most awful thing their translation is a ton of sexual remarks made by male characters, where they are not in the original.
The speech of every character drives the plot, and does notexpress sexual appeal.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 30, 2021
I love absurd comedy. I love Akiyuki Shinbo's shows.
But this doesn't work at all. I know that this show relies on the comedy of the absurd and that it is (mostly) episodic. I mean it has an overarching plot. So you can't judge seriously a comedy.
But is there any comedy? Sure you might find funny the characters' personalities and their interactions. It is good for 1, 2 even 3 episodes. But during all the show the jokes are the same. Take episode one and episode 26. Is there any difference?
No! I repeat each and every episode
has the same jokes. When something repeats over and over it just gets lame and boring.
I had hopes for the show and on the mid point, there were 2 or 3 episodes that were better than others, but after that everything got even worse.
The best part of the show is the music. The OST is decent enough and it helped me finish the show. Endings were good too.
But the utmost value of the show are the openings. There are several and they all are amazing. I can't choose which one I prefer.
But was it worth to watch 26 episodes just for music?
I would recommend find OST in the internet and listen to it, but don't watch the show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 13, 2021
I wasn't sure about writing the review. But I just have to express my thoughts about this anime.
I love the shaftness in anime. That's my aesthetic 100%. Therefore visually I find this anime pleasing. I guess the only anime made by SHAFT which visuals I disliked was their take on Fate. There it felt unnecessary. Here it is on point.
Sound in this OVA is good too. The ost that plays during the episodes is soft and relaxing, I find it almost meditative. And OP/ED songs are so great I haven't skipped them even once.
Story is
another deal. It is not boring per se, yet I see how people might dislike this anime because of it. Kubikiri Cycle tries to be both: a "coming of age" story and a "murder mystery" one. And I feel it is neither. During my watch through I set myself to receive it as a murder mystery, but all that soliloquy of a main character about his relationship with a blue-haired maiden and other feelings just set me off. Yet, I can't say that his monologue and some dialogues on that matter were not interesting. Just felt out of place.
The protagonist therefore is not the one who I liked. The main character from similar story of Umineko is far more appealing. This guy felt bland. And the absence of his name made the situation even worse. Second male character is a cool dude, I would drink with him in a bar and chat, but as a character in a story he is nothing great. The female characters are amazing. Obviously from the design standpoint. As far as it goes for their personalities they are actually good too. Each of them are unique and each of them are likable in their own way. Though again, the anime says who they are, but rarely shows. At least they are more developed than male ones.
So I can't say I did not enjoy this OVA series. It is just not on the level of Monogatari, for example. But you should have never expected to be so. It is its own story. If you a great fan of MS, watch it and praise it. But keep comparison to this OVA away from discussion. If you can be open minded you are very much welcome to watch Kubikiri Cycle. With all its flaws it is still worthwhile to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 2, 2020
I started this anime as an ongoing. I like to watch romcoms from time to time. At first it looked fine. Then it got very cringy, yet somehow charming. So I waited several weeks to binge watch second half of the story. And today I finished it.
First of all the good part. All the female characters are amazing. Especially Mizuhara. She is literally the best girl.
Secondly, all the male characters are idiots. Especially Kazuya.
He is the main, the one and only problem of the story. That cringe that I mentioned comes
mostly from him. And yeah, it is kinda funny. Sometimes he does good deeds and you forgive all the bad things he done. But most importantly you hope and wait for him to be better in the end of the story. And his persona goes worse and worse. He is a stalker and a cuckold. At least he acts like one. He can't stand for himself. Not even in his feelings.
Spoiler warning
So I am watching the last episode. And it is very good. It is tense and thrilling and I am thinking that this anime is actually better, then I thought. But then Kazuya does nothing when he should have. Okay. Still some time left. Then he actually gets opened and honest towards Mizuhara. And I was like : "Finally! It was painful to watch sometimes, but at least there is a playoff." But then he takes his words back. Obviously I am pissed off.
Surely, the anime is decently funny, and there are good characters. But there are more moments that enrage me during the watch. Especially this finale.
And there is season 2? Who would watch the story about spineless loser? Another losers? I mean if there is a loser that has a development and gets better, then sure. But that dude is beyond saving. Absolutely worst character I have seen.
And he has a harem? Really? In real life all the girls would turn away from him. In my opinion any story has to have a message. Even the simplest message will do. Doesn't have to be deep or philosophical. Here it would have been like: this guy was an idiot, but he changed himself and now he is a better person. And the girls love him because of his change, not because he is just who he is himself.
P.S. and simply lack of character development is just bad writing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jan 19, 2020
I finally finished watching .hack//sign end sequel OVAs. I spent around 6 years to do it and here is why.
The premise is interesting so I began to watch. The first thing that caught my attention is music. OST here is amazing but it also has some drawbacks. The story develops very slowly and all these New Age and Ambient tracks make everything feel even slower. I got bored after 2 episodes end got back to this title last autumn. I felt that I have to give this anime a chance. In a way, it was a disappointment.
You might
ask, why I gave 7/10 to it if I did not enjoy it, is it only because of music. That would be not entirely true. There are several episodes that kept me captivated. Without those episodes, this anime would be mediocre, average to me. One of those episodes is the final one.
Art is nothing great in particular even if you compare to titles from the late '90s and early '00s but it is not horrible. Characters are nice but you will not attach to them and are not so memorable.
In conclusion, .hack//sign is good but I will not recommend it to anybody. It would benefit from cutting the runtime in two but with 26 episodes + 3 OVA, it is a waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 23, 2019
I feel it is a very controversial show. I did not expect much from the very beginning and the first episode seemed fine to me. Very nice CGI was there. Also, I have to say, the OP and ED of the show are amazing. But plotwise and characterwise it was awful. But I do not like to drop something after the first episode. Well, I do not drop anything after just first episode. And the second one was better by all means.
Unfortunately, after that, the series went to downfall. Little to no character development. The story
did progress during a mini-arc, but it was unsatisfying nevertheless.
In the end, I expected it to be pointless and uninteresting anime and as I lowered my expectations, after watching 11 episodes I do not regret doing so. I actually quite like it.
The show totally deserves the rating it has. I, myself, would give it a 6, but I give 7/10 because at some moments I was pleased with it. I gave the chance to this anime and I want others to do so too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 13, 2019
In my opinion, if something is objectively bad, you should not watch it. Why would you? Better watch something good, or rewatch your favorite show.
Some people say that it is vital to watch bad things to appreciate good ones, but I disagree.
Nevertheless, I decided to watch the absolute worse I could find on the MAL database. And as far as I know, it is this short OVA.
Let me start with my enjoyment while watching this atrocity. I mildly enjoyed the opening theme, but not the imagery. Also, there were some unintentionally funny scenes. I memed
on them. Otherwise, it was a pain to watch it. 2/10
The story is almost nonexistent. Some girls in mech suits fight a monster. Who are they and why they are the ones to fight it, I did not understand.
I am watching today Love, Death and Robots. It is an amazing anthology of animated shorts. Why I am talking about it? Because CGI is amazing there. Here it is so bad it made me laugh/ And yes 15 years of difference, how can I compare it. The thing is 15 years ago American CGI animation was still good looking, and this show just made me laugh. Why would you use CGI mech suits and not draw them manually, if it looks terrible? You are not Evangelion. And Evangelion had manually drawn mechs as I remember anyway. Characters and their interactions look like some dating simulator it is stiff and hard.
As I already said opening and ending are ok. It is fine to listen to them. But music during the episode is awful. Also, during the battle, there is some noise that irritates the soul itself. It sounds like a production line so you can not hear anything apart from it, but maybe it is for the better. Because the dub is hellish. You know, that people around the world praise seyus and most of the anime fans watch anime with subs to hear their voices. This one has the absolute worst Japanese dub I have heard. I think seyu has to try to sound so bad, it cannot naturally happen.
Do they even exist? At the opening authors put the names of the heroines yet I do not remember them. I do not remember their personalities or how they look like even though I just finished watching it. There is also commander, that well, commands. He sits in HQ and talks some nonsense during a couple of scenes. Also a guy who has an expression of brick but then tries to be a hero. Which is just does not make sense, like anything else in this anime, anyway.
Overall it is 1 out of 10. I know that Mars Chronicles is also an example of bad anime, but I would prefer to watch something by Akiyuki Shinbo that I still havent seen or anything from the top of the MAL. It is indeed an absolute worst anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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