Finally finished watching all episode. First part of this anime is quite confusing, because at that time i not yet reach the comic. But after that story buildoing is pretty neat and nice. Information not jumbled at once but revealed bit by bit. It makes deeper mystery for the story itself.
I really like all aspect of this anime. Seiyuu work great especially Rachel, event thought many people hate her. I can't denied that Saori Hayami as seiyuu always act her character perfectlly. Other seiyuu worked hard too but i wonder why i only noticed good act from her.
Rest of the review is in my blog
Jun 3, 2020
Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
First of all. I expect more when i read the first chapter. After all going throught, i felt that i just read farming manga in another world. This manga not expalined in detailed how to build your farm or anything like that. This manga is purely slice of life of the main characters llife happily with his job as farmer and his family.
I like the simplisity of this series. I enjoy read this series because the story is fun and enjoyable. All the characters have good tendency and the MC sometimes retort about common sense in the other world. Because when he come to other ... Mar 11, 2020
Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo
I really like the series. Just finished watched this in the theatre. First interested in this series because of trailers and the staff in it. Overall i enjoy it. Story is pretty complex with many emotions. We can really feel that the characters is alive in this story, not just some made up characters. You can enjoy it watching this movie alone, with your friends, or with your girlfriends. This anime is 13+ for my country so it's not suitable for kids to watch this.
you can read more of my review in my site, but Indonesian language. Link is in my Bio Jan 30, 2020
Darwin's Game
I really enjoy the original source. Many kind of mysterst is revealed one by one as Kaname grow stronger after every trial he's done. I don't know at what arc anime will stop but i thought it will end after MC fight ***.
All episode have average quality and stable. not have improvement or get worse. Well, it's still in watchable stage for me and story is pretty good, not rushed or the like. you can follow my blog in if you want my full opinion but it's in Indonesia, i don't have plan to make english version of my blog |