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Feb 4, 2025
I really wanted to like this anime. It has a cool visual aesthetic and characters that feel genuine in their motivations. However, the biggest problem is not that it's another "get revenge" anime, but it just feels like it tries to do too much, and ironically too little for other things, and too soon.
1. The scenes and situations change so fast that it might give you whiplash. I understand the allure of teasing you about a character's backstory, but wants to unveil more later.....but when you have 5 or 6 people all in that category at the same time...........it feels like the anime is
rushing the overall plot further then actually digging it's roots into why you should actually care.
2 The anime suggests that there is world-building, but gives you no real sense to immerse yourself in it. There will be plenty of references to different people, wars, battles, and heroes.............and you're thinking "what?" with steam coming out of your ears trying to remember everything that supposedly happened, but is never seen. It gives more "word vomit" rather then actually showing you.
This truly is a missed opportunity to make one of the rare good "revenge" animes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 3, 2025
This is how a fun anime/manga that doesn't take itself so seriously is supposed to be done. There is a difference between being light-hearted, like this show is, and something that goes off the rails........like that deer-girl anime.
Each episode and more importantly, each character, is worth watching. Are the characters completely unique? No, but what screen time they do have is still enjoyable.
I've said many times that in order for an anime to be good that they can't give a lazy effort to it's side-characters, and thankfully Sakamoto Days does give each character their own charm where you feel their presence in the
I think some people are overly harsh on the show critiquing it for something it was never meant to be, rather than what it is meant to be. It's like they think this anime is supposed to be some deep riveting drama or something. It's not and never was meant to be that. Believe it or not, not every anime needs to be written as if a case study was going to be done on it. Frankly, some of the critics just come off as wanting to be more enlightened than they actually are. If they had their way all anime would be put into a box with little originality.
An anime can just be fun, and I think some reviewers have forgotten that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 29, 2025
1. The FMC has a one-track of mind of wanting to be adored by everybody. The male protagonist doesn't bow down to her and this causes her to make it her mission to make him adore her as well. There's really not anything else or deeper about her character. It's just a egotistical girl that has an unhealthy obsession for validation. The MC is just as one-dimensional. He's a guy that is stand-offish but secretly a huge simp for the FMC, like everybody else.
2. There is nothing that has any resemblance of humor, so don't expect comedy to pick up the slack.
One of my biggest pet peeves in anime is when a character walks down a street and all the random characters, young and old, male and female, are so bedazzled by this character that they stop what they are doing, stare, and even blush. This show has that and it fuels the FMC's ego. Of course, unfortunately, this anime does the stereotypical thing that a lot of low-budget anime does.....it gives random panty shots here and there, even without reason.
4. I feel very confident in saying that after watching anime for over 20 years.........this anime must have a top 5 lowest budget for animation. There are MANY, and I do mean MANY, "scenes" where the characters don't move or barely move(mouth) and the camera just pans to the left or right while the characters remain motionless. There are a lot of close-ups of faces with minimal mouth movement....and I suspect it's done so that background environments and other characters don't need to be drawn.
5. The overall story is not the only thing predictable and cliche, but even the dialogue and actions. I knew the stuff that would be said or done before it happened........
Summary -
An abundance of one-note characters, predictable/cliche story, almost non-existant animation budget, and a lack of humor..........and I really don't think this anime has any redeeming qualities. It reminds me of some stories on fanfiction.net I read when I was a teenager and written by young teens.....but worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Oct 29, 2024
This is a very cool idea, in general, but the character dialogue and individual motivation is perhaps the most "whack" I've seen in an anime in years.
Yoshino is sent to Tokyo for the sake of being engaged to yakuza by the name of Kirishima. Why? Who knows. Why does she go along with it? Who knows. All the same, Yoshino goes along with it because her grandpa wants her to do it for a year. Why a year? Who knows.
So, Yoshino meets Kirishima and is justifiably intimidated and scared of him. However, she also finds out quickly that he doesn't have a real
interest in her. So, what does she decide to do in order to gain his favor? Sell one of her organs and stands up for herself against a school bully. For a character who calls Kirishima "crazy", her actions certainly don't seem sane or reasonable for any reason..........ESPECIALLY since she still doesn't like the guy and plans on moving back home after a year is over.
I think you really need to dwell on that. This chick sold an organ to impress a guy that she doesn't like and plans on leaving him in a year.
Another reviewer called it a "toxic relationship".....and it eventually becomes that. However, she was making these decisions within a couple days of meeting Kirishima and barely even spoke to the guy. You can't excuse her selling an organ due to being a "toxic relationship" when they've barely spoken for more than 3 minutes to each other.
Another issue is that there seems to be too much empty "dialogue in the air" by Yoshino that really serves no purpose at all. Even worse, sometimes her dialogue just doesn't make sense. For example, in episode 4, Yoshino thinks Kirishima will kill her if she goes back home, even though he's quite clearly never threatened her.
After 4 episodes in, I still know just about as much as I did in the first episode, minus a few minor details. The characters all feel very wooden and shallow, despite Yoshino being emotional at times. The general dynamic of the two MCs reminds me of a bad version of Twilight.
The worst part of all.........is that it's just boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 21, 2024
How many times have we seen the "MC is done dirty by old party and now has to form a new party"? This feels like at least the 15th time by now.
Not only is it not original, but unlike many other anime/manga that fits that niche.....the MC is not likeable. After him insulting his last remaining OG party member for the 1000th time for being dumb, as if he were expected to be a mind reader, I thought "Man, stop it already. Leave the guy alone.".... His personality is just as crappy as his character design(more on that later).
Frankly, I have a low tolerance
for needless bullying and egotistical characters.
In general, I have no problem with a MC getting revenge on people for doing him dirty. I have no problem with him being ruthless. There are several other MC in anime that fit into that category. However, let's keep it within the scope/ballpark of the "wrong" that was inflicted upon the MC. Selling off his old party members to be slaves for life just feels like overkill. He could have just turned them into the authorities, but the anime/manga wanted to try and say "look at how ruthless he is. Isn't it shocking? Doesn't it make you feel like want to watch more because of it?" .....well, no, not really. It's been done before and done better.
It overall feels like a cheap gimmick to try and "pull you in".
I know it's a minor detail, but the character designs bug me too. The MC looked like he came from a Yu-gi-oh cartoon, starched out jacket and everything. Then you have the scantly clad fan-service girl. Then you have the guy called "wolf" who just so happens to wear a think fur cut that covers most of his body. How creative(sarcasm).
Next, the "I want to be the strongest/best" as the motive for an anime story was old 20 years ago, and it certainly is just as ho-hum now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 19, 2024
This anime seemed to be popular, or at least a song relating to that. So, I checked out the anime see what all the hub-bub was about. Man o' man, I haven't felt the need to drop an anime as quickly as this in a long time.
I generally consider myself easily amused, even by low-effort attempts at humor. However, after watching a few episodes, I don't think I cracked a smile even once. This show attempts to be funny over and over again with barely a pause in between the next poorly thought out "funny moment". Instead of laughing I ended up having
an expression of cringe and boredom. The deer cracker "joke" got old by the second time around and yet it's continually used even more than that. The type of humor that this anime leans heavily into is "randomness". That's a very hit-or-miss niche, and in this case it was nowhere close to being a "hit". Gintama, it ain't.
With such a flop at humor, the only thing left is the story, characters, development, and animation/visual.
This type of anime expects...even demands......for you to turn your brain off and to accept a paper-thin story. It requires you to accept something (a deer girl) without even an explanation. The characters, by and large, accept this deer-girl into their school life without even questioning how a being exists or why this deer/human creature is in school. That's pretty much it for the story.
The female MC is the sole exception and seems to have reaction of shock like any reasonable person would at such a being of a deer-girl. Nobody else raises an eyebrow. Obviously the FMC is being used to play the "Straight man" in this anime but it feels off because of how quickly she accepts the existence of the deer-girl.
The deer girl's name is Noko. She's the "whirl-wind" of randomness in the show, but none of her behavior is particularly entertaining. She flips from being a character who is reasonable with calculated thought into her "animal low intelligence" persona over and over again, even randomly. It's often done to try and make a situation "funny", but as I stated before, the humor is .....well.....not funny.
This might be one of the worst animes I've seen in a very long time. I will give it a 2 ONLY because the visual and animation isn't complete garbage, like everything else is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 10, 2024
This is an anime that won't break any new ground and doesn't dig deep into world-building, characters, or overall story........and while there are many other anime that shares such "cons"..........this anime is one the very few anime that isn't completely unenjoyable.
While several characters are introduced, Rick and Angelica are really the only people that the show cares to invest in.
There's also the cliche niches; such as an over-powered mc, bratty bullies that get humbled, former bully-turned-friend, even more OP mentors of the MC, etc........
This show is not going to "wow" you in any regard.
HOWEVER, it is just entertaining enough that it passes
the measure of you being able to watch it to kill time and not regretting it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 9, 2024
If you thought there couldn't be an anime MC more dumb and oblivious then Goku (from Dragonball) then I present to you Noor. This is a character that is so out-of-touch with what's going on around him, and the gravity of his situations, that it makes you want to face-palm at least once per episode.
For example - The king gives Noor a reward for doing a great thing for his daughter. The king awards Noor with a special sword that was above the throne. Obviously, anybody with a brain cell would believe that this is an honor and that the sword must have importance
to the king/nation. What does Noor think? "Hey, the shape of this sword would be good for digging a ditch"....and that's exactly what he does with it.
This is the theme of the anime, an over-powered MC who is not understanding fully what's going on around him.
The other characters seem to serve no purpose other than help move the story along by directing Noor to do a certain thing. The side characters are not fleshed out at all. What you know about the characters within 5 seconds after meeting them will be all you really know about them. Instead of the anime adding any depth or background to these characters, they seem to share the same function; to portray how amazed and inspired they are of Noor.
The action, what little there is, is very underwhelming and cheaply animated.
Frankly, at ten episodes in, nothing has changed. If anything, it's gotten worse.
I will stick with it to the end, but man o' man am I tired of hearing "Parry, parry, parry".
(Edit: Unlike Saitama, from One Punch Man, Noor is supposed to be a serious character....not a gag character like Saitama)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 19, 2024
Edit: I have watched 12 episodes.
I'm sad to say that the anime never really delivered on any kind of story beyond "girl got dumped". By the end of the 12th episode, it feels like you could have stopped watching by the 6th episode and not missed a single thing of importance, maybe even sooner that that. The characters were largely the same at the end of the anime as they were at their introduction. They had zero character depth or growth........despite the anime trying to suggest that the dumped girls accepted being dumped. Even by episode 12 the FMC is still acting just like
she did at episode 1.
The MC never shows any character development or much personality.
This anime has an initial cute premise, but fails to deliver any kind of pay off that you might hope or want. It's not a complete waste of time, but it certainly missed a good opportunity to make a true "coming of age" anime. It was like having all the ingredients to make a cake, but not actually making a cake.
Nothing ever really feels "resolved" for the characters and I end up asking myself at the end......."what was the point of all this?".
Comedy? None. Romance? None. Achievement for a character? None. Maturity? Not really.
Although the MC is cardboard, it's obvious that he's showing more care to these girls than other people in the anime. He even goes beyond what a normal person might do. Do they ever thank him for paying for their food, helping them out with projects, or being there to listen to them whine? Nope. You will, however, see them make jabs/insults at him throughout the anime and it becomes frustrating.
After the first 6 episodes I rated it an 8. However, by the end, I have to give it a 6 because it never does anything with it's characters over the rest of the season.
I can't recall another anime that focuses on the rejected anime girls, so this does feel like a fresh idea.
The art? It's absolutely beautiful. It's anime-movie beautiful. The character designs are also well-done.
The hot-and-cold emotions of the rejected girls........or rather I should say the supportive-and-jealous emotions...... portrayed is well represented. Wishing two people happiness together, but struggling to not be jealous is a very real "battle" that people face.
The personalities of the side characters really do shine through as being entertaining, and even original in some cases. Even the more minor characters of the show, like the sister of the MC, can capture a scene.
However, there is an issue. It's the MC himself. Yes, he's surrounded by very expressive characters, but there is still the lack of him showing any distinct personality. After 6 episodes, I still barely know squat about him as an individual. Maybe he's supposed to be this way in order to represent the viewer. The problem is that this is a romance anime that will likely bring him to the fore-front at the end for a possible romantic confession. Such a scene will feel flat and empty with such a wooden-character who ......for all intents and purposes, barely exists in the show. A romantic scene will feel even more forced because the MC isn't even that big of an influence to the rejected girls. He's not offering them words of wisdom. He's not comforting them. He's just....."there".....at certain times adding npc-level dialogue. Somebody mentioned that if you took him out of the show then everything would continue as it does anyways. That's closer to being the truth than not.
I'm also starting to feel unsatisfied about a lack of direction or the "grand picture". Yes, I understand that this is an anime focusing on rejected girls, but many slice-of-life anime can present a story AND a substantial theme that drives the story forward.
It's a good anime, but it really does struggle with providing motivation that could build into any kind of climax. It just passively continues into the next passive episode.
This is the only time I've given an anime a score of "8" and still have mixed feelings about it. Tbh, 7.5 would be more accurate, but that score is not able to be chosen, and this anime is better than a 7.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 18, 2024
I wasn't sure what to expect when I started watching this anime. Truth be told, at the very beginning, the MC didn't cause me to have a lot of hope due to his generic design. However, over time, I've found myself liking him.
Overall, I'm happy to say that the anime has exceeded my expectations.
Masachika, the MC, may have a generic look, but his personality is actually pretty cool and even feels unique when he interacts with his sister's teasing in the 2nd episode about greeting each other. Speaking of his sister, Yui; she definitely entertains. All the characters are handled very well and
I think it's always important to distinguish the surrounding cast. Unfortunately, many anime fails to do that.
While the overall animations and design is not going to be anything to "write home about", it certainly does the more important aspects, such as entertainment, very well. I also like the pacing. It doesn't cram a bunch of info down your throat as soon as it can. Certain information about characters and their past are revealed in due time AND at appropriate timing.
While it is yet another "high school romance with popular girl", it actually does the niche a lot better than 90% of prior anime.
While I would like to give it a "9", the highest I've ever rated an anime, I think it's more appropriate as an "8". Wbtw, is still a good anime and worth watching and even reading the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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