Apr 11, 2011
Yumekui Merry
Yumekui Merry had introduced an amazing concept,the idea of beings that inhabit the dreams of others and a world of dreams. The anime had great music as well as great animation. in the story department , however, the anime was lacking a lot. The fight scenes were decent when they could have been phenomenal and the story was okay when it should have been great. if you are into anime and are looking for something new that looks good and has an ok story than u should watch this. However, if you are like me and are not just looking for an anime but for
Jul 26, 2010
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
when i first saw this anime I thought to myself " Oh no another wannabe gundam"; however, as I continued to watch episode after episode I was slowly drawn into the story, action, tinge of romance, and overall greatness. It is rare for me to write a reveiw but i felt that this anime compelled me to do so. If you are thinking of watching this anime because have nothing better to do then you should find something else, this anime is much more than that it is a masterpeice that deserves to be treated as such.