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Aug 30, 2020
If I sold you a mecha/military anime that was 5% mecha fights, 2% extremely shallow politics and 93% girls nagging about their feelings, you'd probably think some wires in my brain were crossed and I was accidentally talking about some moeblob shovelware SOL, but I'd actually be talking about mobile suit zeta Gundam.
Having female/child characters with prominent screen time AT ALL in a military anime is already questionable but this anime definitely takes it to an annoying extreme; the second half of the anime has the same basic plot looping on every episode: child or female disobeys orders and takes off in a robot to
play basketball or whatever dumb shit, something goes horribly wrong, character is not reprimanded at all. Rinse and repeat. There is no character growth at all, even the protagonist remains exactly the same though people around him keep saying 'he changed' or 'hes growing up' that doesn't actually make it true, though the protagonist despite being a minor himself seems to be the only one with any sense at all he is not an officer so just gets all his valid criticisms nagged into the void by all the worthless female cast.
Speaking of which one of the most unforgivable sins this anime committed is having a character who did nothing in the entire show except nag whenever she was on screen, say exclusively irrational and delusional things and eventually betray everyone. Did she have character growth? Did she at least have a satisfying death? No on both, she quite literally pauses time after her mech is impaled to nag to the other woman who just stabbed her about how OOGA BOOGA ME WOMAN MEN BAD MEN BAD MEN BAD. She learns nothing and then dies with no regrets. Amazing.
The only way to redeem annoying characters is by giving them satisfying deaths on behalf of the viewers, it couldn't have saved this anime but it would have been a good start. Of the 3 extremely annoying characters who died none of their deaths were remotely satisfying: there is the above and then there is the boy who steals ships about 10 episodes in a row and disobeys orders (keep in mind this is supposed to be a military outfit, he is allowed to do this over and over and nobody does anything, what the fuck?) on the 100th occasion of him disobeying orders he crashes and dies, nothing relating to his disobeying orders so a completely missed opportunity for the cast to do some reflection on why they completely failed to contain this out of control child and allowed him to constantly steal military hardware on a whim. Then there was one more who should have honestly been left adrift in the void to die alone. The nagger mentioned above should have been shot by char on their immediate meeting with some cheesy one-liner, the timing would have actually been perfect and it would have saved us a lot of screen time wasted on her in the next 5 or so episodes.
Many of the cast from the original return, and their returns post time-skip are all pretty good though I'm still mad Seiya didn't die since she was so annoying and worthless in the first series. At least she was irrelevant in this one. There was one thing that annoyed me though in that when first meeting Amuro again frau bow nags him irrationally like always and Amuro just takes it like a b as always instead of "correcting" her, she is married to another man so there is no need for him to deal with her BS anymore, theres that lack of character growth again.
The only marked improvement over the original this has is animation, it suffers from the extremely poor writing of the original although the continuity is a bit more solid.
Overall: avoid this anime at all costs, its an absolute chore to get through: do not let yourself get baited by those who have nostalgia for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 28, 2017
Going into classroom of the elite, it's easy to be fooled; you see a loner protagonist who isn't popular in school and you're already mentally preparing yourself for the alien vampire transfer student with ridiculous knockers and the fallen meteor that gives our protagonist superpowers, but that's not how it goes.
What you get in the end is a surprisingly cerebral drama based around sociopaths and delinquents being basically thrown into a freak show and our protagonist having to work his way out, if I had to draw a parallel to another well known franchise I'd say this anime is The Fruit of Grisaia but much,
much smarter and with an actual coherent plot rather than just the mc getting to know 1 girl per episode for little payoff.
A lot of people didn't give this anime a fair shake and reading some of these 3 and 5 reviews it's obvious why, they fell into the trap of expecting a brainlet titty harem anime but what they got at the end was something that only an older viewer who has watched a lot of stuff can usually appreciate. I guarantee that if this anime was 12 episodes of the girls getting caught changing and accidentally flashing pantsus all the 3s would be 7s and vice versa.
But this is an anime review rather than a meta review of MAL itself so I'll say this, this anime's art is absolutely beautiful, the sound is just fine, the story is compelling and really makes you wonder 'how will they get out of this mess?' just as any good drama should and all of the characters are done absolutely brilliantly.
This anime is S tier at what it set out to be, all that remains is whether you're the right viewer for it. If you just want dumbed down titty flashes or nonstop action then obviously you won't enjoy this, this isn't some isekai fantasy or super power shounen, it's just a brilliant intriguing drama about a fucked up highschool with fucked up people.
Only reason I would ever hesitate to recommend this is because I've heard lots of murmurs that season 2 won't be happening, and at 12 episodes this will definitely leave you wanting more.
That being said I haven't seen any evidence of this so go ahead and watch this, you won't (shouldn't) regret it.
~Jgod sama
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 27, 2017
I won't be comparing this anime to Kaiji, because that would be an insult to kaiji.
The best way to summarise kakegurui's problems is this: it's trying too fucking hard
The premise is this: the very top of the wealthy and powerful instead of sending their kids to the best school money can buy, send them to a ghetto tier school where seemingly no lessons happen and everyone just sits around playing games, in fact I don't think I've even seen a teacher.
Lets ignore how pants-on-head retarded this concept is for a moment though at the risk of getting off track, our protagonist is a mary
sue superhuman gambler female who frees our limp wristed neutered male protagonist from debt slavery, after which he follows her around like a lost puppy never saying or doing anything interesting up until the very last episode, I would call him a self insert but if you're pathetic enough to relate to this guy you're probably reading the manga instead of watching the anime.
Anyway they only go half way with the super human mary sue thing, and she does lose sometimes and goes into debt slavery but fortunately for her she is an over-endowed special needs child who can't seem to comprehend her situation in the slightest, also she's a mashochist so that helps.
The anime depicts her taking on the student council until eventually playing the president which ends literally as predictably as possible as soon as the premise of the game is revealed, but the main problem with this isn't the awful characters, the stupidity of the protagonist or even the idiotic premise.
I don't know if this was carried over from the style of the manga artist or something but they try so hard to make the women of this show look menacing by making them show all their teeth and suddenly become wrinkly 40 year olds whenever they get the upper hand, it doesn't work and honestly just breaks all the tension of every game.
Do not watch this, kakegurui needs to kakegrow the fuck up
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 26, 2017
Isekai waka waka smartphone desu is the very definition of mediocrity.
If mediocrity was a city, isekai famalama smartphone dingdong would be working a low paying office job in it.
Don't assume that this anime ever gets exciting just because it has isekai in its name -- because this anime is 100% through and through slice of life
*spoilers ahead* nothing EVER goes wrong. (that being said it is still somehow more interesting than log horizon)
Every episode before 12 goes like this: Touya and his incredibly boring harem go to a new location, they reach a threatening looking hurdle, touya dono casts slip and it falls over allowing
him to claim victory
The remaining 10 minutes of every episode is every character introcuded so far making loud guttery slurping noises
WOW TOUYO DONO YOU ARE SO AMAZING LOOK AT THAT YOU MADE HIM FALL OVER WOW *SLURP SLURP*, even the 'kings' of this world seem to have no pride and have no qualms about becoming touya's literal bitch at the first display of competence
Episode 3ish is literally hey you did this job for me well, here fuck my daughter.
So why did I rate it a 6 you ask? purely because the standard for anime is so low.
That's it.
Not recommended
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 25, 2017
Aho girl is a 12 episode slog, void of any plot; it's the sort of anime I would never finish if I had anything more plot driven to watch.
But I enjoyed it reasonably enough.
The setting is this: Main character is a girl who is dumb and likes bananas (wow!) and the show is mainly driven by her dynamic with the other main character (a male) who is a straight edge intelligent (albiet loner) guy who has clearly been jaded by years of psychological abuse as the hands of this mentally unsound banana scoffer.
There are other characters but none of them are memorable, just like the
I watched all 12 episodes and as I said I found them reasonably enjoyable each for what they were but the lack of any meaningful narrative definitely put a damper on it in the long run, when it was over I just felt empty. Usually when I finish an anime I feel either like I want to see more or at least I'll be able to have fun tearing this anime to pieces on unsavoury chats and imageboards but with Aho Girl I felt nothing.
This anime is insignificant, it's meaningless. You will feel like you wasted your time if you watched this so I can't recommend it to anyone
Only reason its not a 5 is because the opening is nice.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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