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Jun 12, 2023
I like this anime, but I was expecting impressive, well rounded characters and was kind of disappointed.
The art and animation are beautiful, the side characters are so loveable(!), but Yamada, the development of his feelings and of the MC's feelings, they felt just a little empty. People have said the Manga was better.
Like I was expecting this series to really make me feel something, make me relate back to my past crushes, but it all felt kinda like a letdown.
The side characters were actually my favorite part of the series once they met in person, but that really shouldn't be the case while
the romance is rile-ing up!! I'm supposed to feel more invested in the relationship or the plot, or at best equally invested in the MC's, the plot, and the side characters.
I think the visual presentation was great and nothing was really bad about this series that would irk you, but the progression of the main relationship was not interesting enough to me.
Some other people have said, the personalities of the MC's and the way their relationship developed was better in the manga and made a lot more sense. I can't attest to that since I haven't read it, but I probably will because I think its worth seeing this relationships potential and where it was meant to go.
Also, Yamada's "I don't understand other people or their feelings" personality felt unbelievable or like it was supposed to be autistic-coded but came off like the anime's writers thought "oh he's just socially inept" and oversimplified it.
Or maybe its because he has some trauma about relationships, but either way its pretty difficult having that much trouble understanding other people but the way they wrote it felt pretty one dimensional.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 9, 2023
This anime is silly. Don't let the OP and ED make you think it's something really deep and complicated. It's not deep, but its super entertaining and despite each of them being based off a main trait and not that rounded, they're still entertaining and the MC is likeable.
TLDR: Art: 6/10-8/10 (varies)
Entertainment: 7.5/10 (super fun, super entertaining, good atmosphere, not super well developed but likeable and relatable characters, esp MC)
Plot: ??/10 (the plot isn't at all as complex as the OP and ED make it seem, this is more of a silly anime with comedy and action in an interesting premise. At first
it seemed like a parody of anime tropes, but then it started leaning into them?)
Music: 6.5/10 (the OP and ED are VERY good, the actual OST is nothing remarkable but also not bad)
Overall: 7/10
Art: 6/10 - 8/10, sometimes lazy, sometimes really cool
I love the color choices in this anime, some small bits do remind me of an early 2000's anime also. But there's a lot of things like: still frames that could've been stylized more so they aren't plain to look at (plain, undetailed, round brush lineart isn't that bad when its moving, but when I'm staring at it for 4 seconds while the character is talking, it should have more effort put into that frame...)
Entertainment: 7.5/10👍
Even while the plot gets slow, the show is still super entertaining and fun
Plot: ??/10
I'm not sure where the plot is going yet to be honest, it looked like Otaku Hero is going to convert any members of the SSC he can, but now idk. The nice thing about this anime is it stays entertaining. Its not solely plot driven, its also about the main characters.
Though it gets frustrating seeing all these cuts to the main villain, and Otaku Hero going "We're going to win back Akihabara!" When-- even if they learned something important-- or we as the audience learned something about the characters we didn't know before-- they've make almost no progress towards that goal by the next episode.
I feel like this plot could be so much more touching and gut wrenching if it was produced into a manga or a light novel before hand to let the authors fully flesh it out, but the produced it for TV first, and they stuck too hard to the lighthearted comedy, moe(?) and inspiration-via-mc genre of the show that they were afraid to make it too deep. (Or didn't know how to write darker stories well.)
The comedy is good and entertaining, and I'm glad its not just another comedy that uses incessant ecchi moments to fill space where they couldn't come up with something funny, but I wish the plot were more developed or pulled out more emotion from its audience.
For the OP that seemed to tease this really interesting, complex plot, this show's plot is not on that level. But that doesn't make it bad.
Music: 6.5/10 Everyone's saying this anime has great music, but it's really just the OP and ED. There are some pretty good pieces of music in the actual anime though, but it's nothing really groundbreaking.
Overall: 7/10. Not what I expected, but I like it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 8, 2023
Hikari was so controlling and stubborn towards Manaka it was insufferable. It's hard to sit through.
Art: 8/10, beautiful but kinda pug-like faces
Sound: 8/10, I remember it being pretty good
Characters: 5/10, WHY are the MCs WORSE than the side characters??
Development: 6/10, its there but not that great compared to how they are in the beginning
The main problem I had with this anime was Manaka and Hikari's relationship, specifically how controlling he is and how he barely sees her as a person because of how bad his empathy is, especially towards her.
Manaka *is* a little flat as a character, mainly being kind and clumsy/absentminded, but she
isn't without some depth and relatability.
But the way Hikari treats her like she has no brains, is incapable, and gives her no space to learn independence or confidence in herself made me literally wanna pull my hair out.
I'm tired of this trope in anime. "Oh but he's afraid to lose her!" "He's still young and immature." If you're gonna do it, it has to be done right and the growth has to be done well enough so it doesn't become straight up frustrating.
It feels like this anime was acting like its normal and cute in the story's universe to be overprotective to the point you don't see a girl as a person, just some emotional security blanket you can't lose. He was borderline abusive in how he controlled her. This shit would not fly IRL and its not even fun to see in fantasy anime land.
I know he starts to learn from his actions. I know he learns he was wrong and acting like this towards people you love makes you even more likely to lose them than if you just treat them normally.
But god, I just couldn't sit through it.
Seeing him act this way with no one really intervening and MANAKA NOT STANDING UP FOR HERSELF EITHER was killing me. Not all women on screen need to be a 'strong female character', but seeing girls and women act like this in anime or TV almost makes my blood boil. No girl, unless they've been
[TW abuse, skip 1-2 lines]
abused and/or conditioned by someone abusive,
is that naïve or compliant to not see what is wrong with this treatment.
Why is this trope of "cutely overprotective" boys and "cutely too shy to object" girls still a thing, especially if its gonna be used poorly, because not enough people in the anime object to this behavior from him.
I know he got growth by at least realizing he was wrong, but I genuine couldn't sit through it. That's why I dropped the show and only know a little about the ending because my sister was watching it on the TV. :/
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 6, 2023
[spoilers are not in this half of the review]
This is actually one of my favorites. Some episodes were so good, some were a bit boring but the Animation and color choice in this anime are always top notch, the backgrounds were great too. The music was pretty good in some parts, but overall not that attention-grabbing. This show is really nostalgic for me because I watched it in middle school.
The character designs are fun, but I always felt like Ookami was a parody of Taiga from Toradora and Ryoshi was like the average Hero anime MC, just given really bad social anxiety.
The music
was good during some parts but it didn't catch my attention.
This show feels original *enough* but if youre expecting something genre-bending,this isn't it. However, the characters are still funny, entertaining and endearing. I really liked the atmosphere of this anime.
The issues I had with it were the meandering plot and how quickly within episodes it went from "Omg, this scene is so good" to "okay, skip, skip, get on with it, I've seen this spiel before... Get back to the good stuff." It's like the author/writers didn't know how to write the moments in between Action, Slice-of-life, and Comedy. The moments where characters were explaining things or being genuine to each other were often really boring, and they might not have been bad if the rest of the show was at that same pace, but because the show goes fom calm to exciting so quickly, the calm parts get really boring. Also the ending (and overall direction the plot took towards the end) felt like a letdown. Like, "Huh? That's how this anime is ending?? Why??"
THE BIGGEST ISSUE I had with this anime is the way it deals with the sexual assualt against ookami-san, making it a whole "I have to be the hero now" thing for Ryoshi. As someone who's been though sexual assualt, this show dealt with it so badly.
Ryoshi has to prove himself more of a man than her abuser... for some reason. In the middle/end of the anime he seems to think he can fix her and make her tough side just go away because its not the real her or something. YIKES.
He is pulled out of his shyness and fear by his want to protect Ookami *even if she doesn't want him to protect her*. Which I get, she is stubborn and won't admit when she needs help, but I don't think they ever had a proper talk about how she feels about what happened or Ryoshi asking how he can actually help her.
I know, that's because having tension/a misunderstanding between them creates more drama, and animes need to create drama, but this was such a poor subject to do that with. It's like they invalidated the feelings of someone who was sexually assualted, chocking up her not wanting help or not wanting to talk about what happened to just being a "stubborn tsundere girl". People often don't want to talk about their abuse or cope by being tough. So Ookami isn't just being foolish acting that way, putting up a front because she's pretty insecure. It's a lasting change in how she acts towards people and feels about herself, that was instead treat like, "Ookami is a stubborn tsundere, how cute! She's fiesty" with inadequate acknowledgement for how thats literally aproduct of self esteem issues and trauma. Its not just cute. It won't just go away because some guy fights for you either.
It was used to expain why Ookami is so tough and such a tsundere, but was unrealistic because how she reacts to threats near the end is so inconsistent with the first half of the anime.
For example: She collapses when her abuser tries to talk her up. Literally collapses on the concrete. Even with PTSD, that's pretty rare, especially from someone with the hard resolve of Ookami. It felt really out of character and like it was just unrealistic drama for drama's sake, like how anime girls break down crying out of nowhere. Her SA trauma and the battles with her abuser was such a big plot point of the show yet it was so badly executed.
Also, I was really happy how its implied Ookami and Ryoshi start dating, but it gives it the feeling of one of those "love fixed me" endings...
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 29, 2023
(I copy pasted this from my own review comment on mangago)
Even though its mostly set in school and has drama and potential for romance, its not too sappy or happy-go-lucky.
This manga is angsty yet mature, with good doses of comedy. The art is beautiful and the artist and writer are really good at creating atmosphere and tension without it being too moody, its just right for a drama(?) like this.
Also it's not atmosphere and tension 24/7, there's a lot of relatable moments and lighthearted moments. The balance of subgenres (romance, psychological) is really good and doesn't overwhelm the main drama genre
of it. The pacing is also fantastic, but the manga isn't done yet.
And yes, there are psychological undertones, they start showing up in the middle and later chapters with a certain character fueling it.
The characters are likeable and relatable but all have flaws that help fuel the story when combined with their own different unexplained abilities. They're all well developed and complex.
In the comments of another manga site, a lot of people were saying they were confused by this manga. That's because you're supposed to try to figure out what's really going on by yourself, as the reader. So be ready to question what's going on and how the characters really feel/why they act the ways they do.
Anyways, this manga is SO good so far. I'm DYING for more chapters to come out...
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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