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Jun 29, 2018
Steins;Gate 0 (Anime) add
Preliminary (12/23 eps)
Time for one of my newer favorites! Steins;Gate is a show that explores technological breakthroughs and their consequences on a scale that (at least in my opinion) hasn't been explored. From the originality of the characters to the depth of the plot, this show has grown on me incredibly. It's safe to say I'm a firm believer in Steins Gate.

The show is brought to us originally from the visual novel game released in 2009. A manga was adapted by Yomi Sarachi the same year, which we didn't see in America until 2015. White Fox premiered an anime adaptation in 2011, and Funimation licensed it in ...
Jun 27, 2018
Mixed Feelings
Since it's initial premier in 2014, Tokyo Ghoul has taken the community by storm and added elements to the horror/ gore genre that will mark it as a show that won't be forgotten.

That being said, Tokyo Ghoul has faced a precarious balance of backlash and support as the series has continued on. The show, premiering in July of 2014 was initially directed by Shuhei Morita through the second season. The director's job was handed on to Odahiro Watanabe for Tokyo Ghoul: re which premiered April of this year and ended it's first half just before the summer season. Studio Perriot took this project on, initially ...
Jun 25, 2018
Devils Line (Anime) add
Ah, vampire story lines. I really love seeing what the next person's idea is going to be for this concept, and am usually disappointed to some extent.

Devil's Line met my expectation for that, but also pleasantly surprised me in that the disappointing elements didn't ruin the show for me!

I started Devil's Line with the manga when it was first released, and was initially extremely disappointed. The story was choppy, the plot pacing/ ordering was disorganized, and there are so many holes in the story that you can slap this tale on a sandwich and call it Swiss cheese.

With that, I was more than rewarded ...
Dec 6, 2017
Beelzebub (Anime) add
Preliminary (30/60 eps)
Now before I get some angry person on here about the plot of this show, pls dun, just go away. This show is not meant to seriously take on the task of giving it's audience this super in depth plot line. There's no serious back stories, other than Baby Ba'el's (the main character) and even that isn't too in depth or serious. It's simply an adventure/ action themed comedic anime who's point is to be comedic while fulfilling a basic plot line.

I started watching Beelzebub a while back as a filler show to watch while I was waiting for the new episodes to update ...

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