Doesn't Contain Spoilers!
My god does this manga take you on an adventure. This was very morbid, has sex, has death, and lots and lots of violence. My expectation going into this was that it was going to be a lesbian couple going through some drama but MY GOD was I wrong. Had so much unexpected twists and turns. It was crazy but the story always drew me in. At first, it was boring and I didn't like the art, but then further in, it grew on me. I started reading for a few hours before realizing it lol.
Story 8/10- The plot was a little
Aug 2, 2020
Yagate Kimi ni Naru
To say it simply, I loved this anime and unlike many animes, there was a satisfying and great ending. Maybe it's just the fangirl in me, but the way they made the sexual tension had me on the edge of my seat in almost every scene. I know some people may not like how long it took them to finally end up together, but I honestly loved it. There are so many yuri animes out there that have no plot whatsoever so I watched/read many animes to find this series and manga. It's honestly the only yuri anime/manga I like. The plot was fantastic and