Apr 21, 2020
Well, when you see some reviews saying that Pet is underrated or that it is poorly executed, it is not at all. In this review, I will explain why Pet is one of the best anime in years.
Story: 10
The first chapters of Pet begin by explaining what the trajectory of the other episodes will be like. That people have peaks and valleys, in which people called "pet" will be able to manipulate people's memories. During these 13 chapters, we see the evolution of many characters, such as Tsukasa, which begins with the objective of destroying Hayashi's mind, since they were orders from the company, and
also destroying Satoru, already as Tsukasa's personal objective. In itself, the story is worth it, really.
Art: 10
The artistic drawings that this beautiful anime gives us is beautiful. How well the landscapes, rivers, key moments are represented, everything is great.
Sound: 10
For me, the best part of this great anime. Already the opening of Pet (the group is Tk from Ling Tosite Sigure), is for me the best of the year, without a doubt, since it reminds me a lot of the first opening of Tokyo Ghoul. And then the ending (the group is Memai Siren) is also great. Then we move on to anime, where the sound effects, the music, everything. It is perfect.
Characters: 10
The characters, a very important point to capture the attention of those who watch any anime. In my case, the Pet characters are well designed, look Tsukasa, who for me is the best. But then there is Hiroki, Satoru, Hayashi, Jin, Katsuragi, etc. They are all well designed.
Enjoyment: 10
It is true that, at first, I had my few expectations of Pet, since on YouTube they had meaningless trailers, but, thanks to fate, Pet was an anime that I enjoyed too much. I even saw each episode twice, because FUCK, it was beautiful. And it became for me and many, THE BEST ANIME OF THE YEAR.
Overall: 10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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