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Aug 7, 2024
I won't spoil anything major, I will say that yes it does adapt that chapter, this is 12 episodes long, and if you read the wn/ln you know what that chapter is, that should tell you everything you need to know for pacing.
Now, I don't know if what I read was the ln or the wn, I personally don't care, what I read was far FAR better than this, and I choose to blame the animation studio deciding that instead of a young adult level story, they need to to make it appeal to the kindergarten level, and from there make up a bunch
of crap that doesn't happen and characters that don't exist.
When this got announced, I was looking forward to it, only for THIS pile of crap to come out. I will be honest, if this faithfully followed the ln and I only read the wn, that's on me, but the author themselves vandalized their own work if that's the case.
Ane of the very few anime I just am unable to enjoy at all and even without high hopes because of the source probably wouldn't have liked it much going in blind, this is currently a benchmark for how bad something can be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jul 3, 2021
This is an anime about the journey not the destination, meaning everything up to the end is great, the character is fun the situations are interesting, but that ending.
Lets start off with what I mean when I say character. Kumo is really the only thing that makes this show stand out, there are other characters, but if you read the ln/wn, you find those chapters exceedingly hard to care about, the same thing for the anime, you just want to see more about kumo.
I won't go into spoilers here but the nature of the topic could be a spoiler itself, the way the
story ends, with literally mid fight in an episode that feels like it was heavily condensed, is really the only blemish on the anime, but that blemish further extends when when you realize the whole pay off for having humans in the story at all is gone. The manga did a great job of this, knowing that the human aspects are just not fun at all to read/watch so they removed them entirely, and I 100% believe this is the right call to make, there is no time or dedication to them that make me care at all about what they have on the line, so the attempt to make me care just falls completely flat. The story could have ended in a better spot if they never put the human focus there, they could still have them, but not a focus on them for the ending.
Up until the end, and when I say the end I mean the last 3 episodes and the build up to those episodes where human focus was, this was easily a 10 for enjoyment, but as the ending and byproduct of that ending happened it gets points docked. art is also low, the spider and monsters are fantastic, however the humans look like they got outsourced to someone who had no idea how to use a 3d program or any principles of animation I have seen worse, berserk, but damn were these not much better.
I came into this from reading the manga and the wn/ln so im perfectly happy with where it cut off, but if you are anime only, this would destroy the anime for you, with no season 2 announced that I know of, and if they dont season 2, this could easily just make you mad.
overall have fun watching the anime, don't get wrapped up in any human side crap, and you will have a good time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 16, 2015
Bounty hunters chase a woman who is suppose to have committed murder, but she is an actress who has many disguises, the only way to find her... strip her to see her tattoo.
This manga was destined to be hijinks heavy, but they tried to be serious at times which did not complement the overall feeling the manga gave. Out side of the need to stop everyone, you can guess how every situation plays out fairly easily, up to the last volume. The last volume pulls so much crap out of its butt, that it taints the rest of the series and leaves you asking
why... when you wrap up a plot point I want to know why/what happened, not asking why all over again.
If this manga had stuck to people are copying her, and using her appearance to do bad crap and the cast had to go investigate, this would have been a fairly fun romp through space and gave the plot the breathing room to evolve, but as it stands... its unenjoyable in retrospect due to the ending.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 21, 2014
I can't stress enough how much I enjoyed reading this manga.
Made by Kigitsu Katsuhisa, the person who made Franken Fran, you know it will at the very least be interesting.
Here, I will tell you in 3 questions to see if you will like this.
Do you know who Helen Keller is?
Do you know what esp is?
Do you think the two combined could be interesting (keep Kigitsu Katsuhisa in mind)?
If you said yes to all 3, you will enjoy this manga. It's highly episodic, which is both a good and bad thing. It makes the story seem longer, and doesn't dwell on things to long,
but some people would have liked to see more of that.
Commenting on others in the review is not allowed, but I believe that in this case there is a good counterpoint to be made. Moritheil, as of 26/12/10 just did not get the manga at all. I suggest you read his review too. If you find what he says very agreeable, than this may not be for you. But what he failed to realize was this was a light hearted (at least as light hearted as the author is capable of) and borderline fantasy, not set in the "real" world and meant to be heavy drama.
But there is only one thing that I personally can complain about, and that is the manga only lasts 18 chapters.
Here is a possible spoiler, but in the whole manga, nothing really seems to move forward, or gets resolved, leaving a mildly unsatisfying ending. Which is only patched up by the VERY interesting chapter 2 extra. The manga almost feels like it was meant to go on a little longer. That complaint aside, you are doing yourself a favor by reading this.
-- This review was originally removed, I forgot what I rated the manga but the way I made it sound seems like it was a 10/10 all round. The reason it was removed was spelling and grammar, and apparently I said nothing I liked or didn't like, though apart from grammar, I changed nothing. --
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 20, 2014
Ok, there is two caveats to my 10/10
1) I don't consider the end as part of the manga
2) I was looking for this style of manga
If I take into account the ending, the manga only gets a 6/10, because this manga ended, I believe in the middle of a rights issue I can give it more leeway than I normally would.
This manga takes a good, 3 volumes to set the pace that the whole thing will follow. And its, I believe about volume 7 before the artstyle stops changing.
What can I say about this... its a lighthearted fantasy ecchi battle harem comedy... wait, I
know it sounds like crap with that description but hear me out. Every character you get to know better, and it constantly throws a joke at you, some of them get old, but they never get run into the ground. The only real problem is the manga gets capped off at what was probably only the 2/3 mark... it finishes all its arcs, but things where happening irl at the time that made ending the manga the better of the two decisions.
A harem without the sex, A battle manga without death (shocking I know), and a comedy without getting old, an art style that fits the content perfectly, and a mangaka that knows how to tell a story...
Go into it expecting everything not to be taken 100% seriously, thats really the best way I can describe it to you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 30, 2014
Ok, lets get this out of the way. There is 1 spoiler that I will say right now, and that is also the biggest disappointment in the anime, the cliche happens. Think of it, demon lords daughter comes to the human world, and the dad is, at least in this show, dead. From episode 1 I saw this coming, and was hoping I was wrong, and up till then, I thought I was. Up till the end of episode 8 I was thinking that maybe i was wrong and the cliche wasn't going to happen, but than it happened... than episode 9 came around, and
I thought it could still go a different route... it doesn't.
With that said, when they pull the cliche, they do it in an interesting way revealing a little at a time that its not just the obvious white and black, but manage to do a shade of grey approach.
Now, episode 1-9 (before the ending) feel like I'm watching episodes of working but in a different setting, and with a story backbone, and if it was just those 9 episodes, I would rate this a 10... but the cliche does it in for me and made it much less enjoyable because I knew how the last 3 episodes were going to go, with the last episode I knew the direction almost point by point. These episodes also feel so VERY rushed, where they just bomb the thing with plot that shows up like we should already know what is going on, which if you read the source material, you may very well get a better appreciation for it, but as I cant read japanese, and am fairly sure nothing substantial is in english, I cant confirm.
If you know what the cliche is just by me saying that, you may also not enjoy the last few episodes, or at the very least say they are the weakest part of the show. If you don't know what the cliche is by me saying cliche... than this very well could be a 10 out of 10 anime for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 27, 2013
How to review this... its hard... at least without spoilers.
The person who wrote this knows exactly how to pace a story without dragging out anything or even making it to fast paced. This isnt a story where someone starts weak and gets better over time, they are already at their best from the get go, and it is a VERY refreshing pace from the "i lost a battle, train, i win WOOT WOOT" that most manga tends to become. Hell, everything wraps up nicely too, another rare feat for any manga.
I personally can't recommend this more highly than I already am, but this
wont be for everyone, read the first 3 chapters, that will tell you quite competently how the rest of the seriese will go. Their identities don't remain hidden, there is no sudden twist, there is no several chapter long build ups. To say it again, this manga is masterfully paced, with a constant tone that doesn't change from chapter 1 till the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 3, 2013
I can make this short, without spoilers, read chapter 1.
Did you like it or find it interesting? Congrats, every chapter feels like it.
Did you not like it? The feel doesn't change at all so its not likely you will like it with more chapters.
Really read the discription, its really all there is to this manga.
On a side note, the story feels like its over FAR too soon, but it also feels like there couldn't have been more written at least in the context of the stories original premise.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 12, 2012
(i tie superior and superior cross into one entity, so keep that in mind with what i say)
i'm able to look past the ending to say this is one of the better mangas i have ever read. sense i first found this manga, every volume release i have re read...
lets start off with the demon lord... presumably a product of her upbringing, meats the hero and falls in love, and from there on you see her character evolve over the coarse of the story, everyone else is more or less a secondary character to her, even the hero though you do see some progress
in his character when its brought to his attention she may be (she is) the demon lord.
over all its predictable evolution of characters, but i like them all.
the art... i cant comment, the only person who did the translation of the manga has either the worst scanner or the worst editor on the planet. from what i did see of a nicely done chapter or two, the art is great.
the story, is more or less a light hearted romp through a world where monsters are "evil" and humans are good, though over time you meet monsters who are good, and humans who suck... but most humans who suck take such a stupid and convenient 180 from evil to good that it ruins moments of the manga.
to not say spoilers, but this may still be a spoiler so skip this line if you want to go into it with no idea... this manga is about the journey and not the destination. the ending of this manga just feels way to fast paced and way to convenient that it sullies an otherwise great manga. with that said, its still better than most other manga out there today.
pick this up and read 2 volumes of superior before you judge it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 7, 2012
interesting story, but VERY flawed its execution that is hard to follow on a chapter by chapter basis, and an ending that will leave you with more of a wtf feeling than anything else.
over all, read chapter 1, see if it interests you, but don't get your hopes up at all, and you may enjoy this enough to make it wroth reading...
i want to note that its entirely possible that the translation i read of this is flawed to the point it ruined the story, but because of the care put into many areas i'm giving it the benefit of the doubt.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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