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Jan 16, 2022
I will review this going straight forward to the PTSD of the main character, a thing that I did not see in other reviews, I don't know why.
This review doesn't have spoilers.
the main character has post-traumatic schizophrenia, but although this is a remarkable adult plot, the movie doesn't completely understand the mental illness of hers as so and ground the situation into a child-like fantasy-power experience.
Didn't expect much before watching it, but the movie itself shows its potential and then just disappoints a bit.
I didn't see a single review talking about the PTSD which is in many real-life cases the cause of this type
of psychosis Hinako has. I don't wanna think I overthought the movie, it seems so explicit to me that makes me nervous nobody saying it.
So I think a movie more focused on this would be awesome, but despite having all the resources to do so, the movie takes a more 'animely' path.. what a waste.
Because anime can't have deep themes like mental illness, can it?
Finishing the movie has some nice but very predictable and forced plot twists.
Good visual art, good sound, surf scenes well animated, a catchy song, can make you cry (...) definitely the type of movie you'd see with your family or girlfriend to spend time together
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 23, 2020
Ok, chill. I will explain, with some spoilers but not much tho.
The Story might still be something a bit difficult but is not impossible. If you didn't understand it at once, you can watch it again and undestand, you can watch some 20' min explanation and undestand, you can reed a summary and carry on. It's a good story. It's not the best plot, but the real thing
are the characters.
The end might be some problem, with too many hard explanations togheter BUT it's nothing than a scare, it's not that difficult after some explaining hehe
The Gainax summit, it's one of the most important shonnen/mecha's animes ever made, but the Story is deeper than that, is not about mechas, it's about people, feelings (And I will talk it a bit).
The Art it's just epic and very cool. I do like very much the characters design and how they managed to make the lower-cost scenes in something more artistic than almost all anime out there. The direction it's magnific, you'll always want more, want to see what happen after the ''will continue'' after the cut in the end of the episode. Also, the sound it's great, but has some problems in ''Netflix's version'' (because they ommited the Ending). VERY SAD, NETFLIX.
It's a story about a boy whose dad didn't love him and whose mom died. It's about how a lonely boy changes his life against his will.
The characters, all of them, are HUMANS. They are HUMANS. People don't like it because, probably, they feel like them. The people that hate SHINJI it's because they are like them. Asuka it's like him, and due to that she hates him, she mirrors her in him. They have a lot of real psychology, in part, thanks to the problems Hideoki Anno had to pass through. And thats thogh, but real.
-- Character opinion expanded, with more SPOILERS (better if u already watched it) --
The problems and the feelings of the characters make you sympathize with them:
Shinji was a depressed and lonely boy, who had to do things agains his will, without people who love him. With the main problem on the hedgehog dilemma and his family-traumas caused by his father.
Asuka was challenging, independent and energetic. She hides her lonely, her low confidense and how much she needed people's acceptance and love because the traumas she had after her mother ****. She search love directly contrary to shinji who made it indirectly. She hates Shinji for that, she mirrors herself in him. In addition that she was disappointed in him, because he didn't love her the way she wanted.
Rei was lonely, had many sexual harassment and for that a suicidal behaviors. She couldn't make what she want. She needed real love and being truly her, a new person and not a tool nor a reborn of someone else. She tries to learn how to feel and be.
Misato was lonely, with a lot of stress and daddy issues or a bit of electra complex. She always avoids deep relationships and keeps them shallow, with a bit of nymphomania -trying to refill her loneliness-.
Kaji was a good secundary character too. I didn't know if hating him because the toxic he is to Misato, hating Misato because the toxic she is with Kaji or just love both. Kaji didn't appear too much, but when appears he changes the scene. He refilled the male figure Misato AND asuka needed.
Shinji WINS but instead of feeling like a WINNER PERSON, they use him like a GOOD WEAPON. He DON'T want to kill but HIS FATHER makes him kill. Shinji is only 15 YEARS OLD. He didn't even know what he wanted in life, his sexual orientation, what was happening to his mind and body. He suffer because of that, but still learn something. People hate them because they aren't goku, they don't win always. THEY CRY. Continue.
Ikari it's a good ''enemy''. He used all the people, he was machiavelic. Ruins shinji's mind, uses Rei and Ritsuko all the time. Had some weird bdsm with ritsuko plus is a sexual stalker, with a lot of mind issues, lot of ambitious and crazyness.
One more time making 90's anime the best anime? Probably.
thank you for reading
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 29, 2020
A pretty basic movie, that seems very good in the animations but with a basic and a bit toxic-romance story.
The main character, muge, has a big background of dissapeared mother but the movie skips all that and doesn't care too much bout that, instead of that we have an inexplicable cat-city in the sky that only cats can see and where they become ¿invisible? maybe, it's uncertain. Then we have a final fight and the characters are in love again. Like, koe no katachi, but bad.
Nothing too remarcable, it's too much for kids (but not like Tonari no Totoro, which has a plot for all
The music is OK and the characters are too 2D and have nothing memorable. I wanted to give up in some parts but I watched it with my gf so was ok.
A Mediocre 5,5
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 21, 2020
As a person who came back to the anime because of the nostalgia of watching it on tv, I had to say that it was worth my time.
I'll be short because I didn't finish the manga yet but I know that it's better than the anime (I know, while I was rewatching this adaptation came out the news that it'll be released the new anime adaptation just like Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood and have my overhyped). It hasn't spoilers.
First half:
The first half of the anime It's just like the manga and it's way the better part of all. It's super enjoyable and the slice of life
scenes are the best, because of the characters who are really good: Yoh it's super nice and we all love him, Anna it's super tsundere-cute, Manta is the friend we all want and Amidamaru it's the best nakama. They're also very good fights, the incorporation of HoroHoro, Ryu and Ren making a lot of chemistry between them. The fights with all the shamanic-things are very fresh and interesting, and also are incorporated some dark things like the fight with Fausto. If this goes like this, is a 10.
Second Half:
This is the part when things go down, but also happens in the manga. For a moment to another, we have that the real power makes the soul bigger, and with that, we start to have Megazord fights. Literally Megazord, just watch the soul of Ren Tao. NOT TO MENTION the three big PLOT DEVICE moments to win against Hao...
Also, I feel like the end of it was too rushed, that half-episode end with that slice of life was too hurry up... I would have preferred another chapter only for it.
In the end, it's a very nostalgic anime, with very good ideas but it went a bit down. I have to say, that with this decrease it's still better than half nowadays nekketsus out there, so give it a shot and also PLEASE read the Kanzenbang bc I love it (?
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 26, 2020
It does not have spoilers so it wont be long:
Its a good reboot of and 60/70s manga, and its the gory, dark and seinen-type adaptation of it.
A dark story of Hyakkymaru, a kid born with the curse of devils, in a contract that his father made to have a prosperous land. And then the story flows with this lambless and sense-less main character and his friend Dororo, who would guide Hyakkymaru to not lost his humanity and convert into only a blood-thirsty demon.
It setted in an samurai japan, but with demons and prosthetics, making it very interesting in the very beggining.
The story
develops very good yet the pace varies sometimes, getting faster -first episodes- or slower -in the mid-, but with a very
good-paced and hyping final episodes.
The characters are just fine, Hyakkymaru evolves from a 'semi-human' to a lovely person and Dororo will always a nice character -who carry some secrets almost all the serie. The family of Hyakkymaru, including his ''father'' are very simple but works very good. His 'step-father' had a lot of potential and didn't fail at it, with one of the best scenes of all the show.
In the other hand, that old man who is a luck of Plot device. It lows the final rank, simplifying some scenes that could have ended with a lot of emotional charge, but that just wastes the opportunity. And a detail that i couldn't just avoid, was the speed that hyakkymaru learns japanese. Well, this could've been in the travels that we dont see, but still, learns to talk and the meanings of the words, very fast. And God bless the Rapidash -no-
The art has it flaws, but it's not due to 'bad animation', it's an style. People saying its bad animated but then loving devilman crybaby? It is not but animated -except one episode, 17 or something, that is truly a downgrade but just in that episode- and sound it's magnific, probably, because of using of that old-japan thematic in the music. I didn't like that much the first opening and the second one neither at first -after you hear it more times it gets better-. The endings were great.
Some chapters had very good fights and others had a very 'one-punch' win -that obviously I didn't like-.
Very enjoyable and very recommended. It isn't a must, but it's one of the 'big 5' 2019 animes
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 7, 2020
the comparations with brotherhood are almost a must, but that doesn't make this adaptation a bad one, isn't that good yet is better than a lot of shonnen out there and all being just a alternative universe of the original story: It's a very good shonnen and better than a lot of them being a creation of BONES. Thank you.
This show is darker than Brotherhood, and has a different story because the manga was publishing in that moment, but instead of stopping the anime, they make their own story, with more drama and as a result, more seinen, but obviously with a story less rich
that the original.
So now, here we go, this will have some spoilers, but nothing too important. You can see my review of FMA Brotherhood for more.
This show also touch the value of life like in brotherhood and also has a point in the develop of EDWARD, who in a part doubts in killing a lot of innocent people for his own good and that makes him think about his own mind, and in a couple of episodes next kills a homounculus what is something very thought-provoking to him -and to us- and that makes him depressed to then think about life and feel better, developing his mind a lot.
At the same time, WINRY is more important in this version, which is cool. She's still a Woman, like I said in the brotherhood review, something almost impossible in the actual shonnen industry. Nevertheless a detail that I would've loved is that in brotherhood we noticed how winry and ed grows up and in this version they seem the same in the beggining and end of the story, making the differences only in their minds but not in the body as in brotherhood.
ALPHONSE has the same mindkind, he has to pass through the same problems as in brotherhood -If he could someday have his body, if he was really a person or just his brother's invention, and so on- but with another problem near the end. Although, in this version MAY CHANG doesn't exist, so he doesn't have that romance neither and that's very sad.
They three have a lot of moments and arcs where they decay, get up, think, regret, changes and where are happy, making them so human and lovely. A Masterpiece in each and every version of the story.
In second place, HOHENHAIM has less background and his arc is worse than in original story, plus in brotherhood he has better desing, but it's still a good character.
ROY MUSTANG isn't that epic and it's just another support character, nothing like in brotherhood. Has a good plot twist with the dead of Winry's parents but in general he is not so good. winry's parents dead is more logical than in brotherhood and it's a good plot twits but would be impossible for the brotherhood version. That ''it's raining'' scene isn't good as it's in brotherhood but in the other hand, Hughes is more important in the first half of this story in contrast to brotherhood, and that was a detail that I LOVE, I truly grew fond with him and therefore THIS TIME I almost CRY his dead, while in brotherhood I was just like meh. NO, this time really hurted. Episode 25, I will always love you. And I really like Scieszka, who is Hughes' secretary and then a good complementation for Winry-chan. They both seem really well as sisters, loved them.
Sensei , Izumi Curtis is funnier in this adaptation -I think- but she has almost the same story that in the other ones. The Big difference is that in original story and brotherhood, the story of elric brothers in that island is like more important than here, and here the fact of the transmutation of Izumi baby is more important than in Brotherhood, because of that homunculus, but that are some details only.
Scar is a touching character, bad and then good, with a impressive redemption arc, which i's way better and darker than in brotherhood. He has a deeper relationship with his own brother, and how he compares his relationship with his brother and the relationship of elric brothers, making him more human than in original story. Scar has a good ending, not better either worse than in original, just different and still a good one.
Ling Yao, May Chang and Olivia Armstrong DOESN'T EXIST EITHER T_T WHYY. In this version exist a girl who is the assistant of Hughes and it's a plot device to make things easier because she can memorise everything she reads and she had read all the books in central city library so she can rewrite them :| .. Ok, we continue..
The TRUTH is completely different or almost nonexistent, and all the story about FATHER DOESN'T EXIST. The father-plot was changed to that romantic weird story of Dante. So that's a big point for Brotherhood. Here, don't explain that central city is a big transmutation circle and uses that plot for (spoiler) Lior. It doesn't explain exactly what was the second intentions behind attacking ishval like it does in brotherhood.
The Homunculus have another background because of the point that Father doens't exist, so they have another story, but Lust has a story that could've been easily in brotherhood version making her deeper, but it isn't in that version and it's in this one, so here she is more important, also because in FMA2003 there are less characters, so it's easier to investigate more about a short cast of secondaries than in original story.
* Without Spoilers * the end, with that explanation mixing alchemy with WW2 was a bit weird but ok, I just didn't like the end, because you have to then see the movie, but with this said, this is a story not to be missed, either if you liked Fullmetal Brotherhood, Fullmetal the Manga or if you didn't liked any of those.
And finally, art and the sound are both very good, epic for 2003 but nothing like today's animation. The openings and endings are very good. Bones did a really good job with this show, so to sum up:
Thank you, Bones.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 15, 2020
Boku no Hero's probably worst season if Mirio haven't been there. This season has a good half-season plot, with the Overhaul arc and Mirio & Kirishima's development.
Deku is still a bad main character, Mirio was better.
Kirishima, Nighteye and Eri-chan were the best (and almost only) secondaries characters that were important.
In the Art side, the fights were very very good yet in the final arc of the season there're too many flashbacks and so with the voices in off that interrupt. The Plot is still very slow.
Arcs were a couple, the most important is the Overhaul arc, but the other 3 arcs: Course, festival and
the other one, felt REALLY like just refill. In the course arc they tried to show something of bakugou and Todoroki but it wasn't that good. The Festival really felt like a refill in all the scenes that Mirio and Eri didn't appeared. And the other one I didn't watch it yet but I know it's about Todoroki's father. I wish it'll good enogh..
Very good season end, but it's just the beginning of another arc so I won't put a note.
Overhaul arc: 8
Course arc: 5
School festival arc: 3
Good begin, very bad middle and promising end. 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 15, 2020
Good adaptation of the original series into a new hd draw and new animations, with some added scenes that contributes the story but without lots of scenes, making the progress of shinji very fast paced.
You must watch the original anime but if hadn't and watched the movie anyways, I full recommend watching the 90's anime and the 90's movie, because it's a much more develop story.
I will watch the other 3 movies and I wish the story changes a bit more, because if not, it would be still a good remake but less good than the original series, and that makes me think, it's worth?
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 14, 2020
No Game no life (season 1?) review:
I've seen NGNL before but after seeing my 13-years-old self had scored this anime a 9 I HAD to watch it again because I knew nowadays would've more critisism
No Game no Life it's another isekai. It's a pretencious one, which tries to be more than an isekai but then breaks the seriousness with ecchi and comedy.
Has a very good art -Using Red Lines insted of Black ones gives personality- and good games, but after showing good rules you know that Sora & Shiro will -always- win because their abilities or for the script conveniencie like every gary
stu character, because it's the type of shonnen that makes it's main character godlike. Yes, it's true that the weakness of been outside their room or the weakness that they can't be far it has it's reason but that doesn't change the fact that the have superskills and god minds.
Shiro it's a good SUM of the show: A sexualized 11-years-old girl, who pretends it's a normal human but is more intelligent that einstein. And also, has a creepy relationship with Sora, who 'its her big brother' but they are.. weird.. - they kiss in an episode, and he doesn't mind if she is naked above him..-
Really do you think that winning everytime it's a character development? In this anime NONE develop. Just, maybe, kurami a little bit..
And Steph is the other face of this serie and Im sad for her, because is horrible. It's horrible but it's not her fault. I truly think she could've been a good character
with logical development BUT the story it's always making fun of her and using her as a ecchi device
I also have to say, the references in this show are magnificent, like the evangelion or the ghibli ones, and the opening song its a classic
Some people gives a 4 and others a 10.. I don't think neither are objetive, because in the end it's a isekai ecchi comedy so you can't give a 4 , what were you expecting? Evangelion? I think a 7 is fair and despite I know that they finally win the god of that world Tet, they clearly say in the movie that Tet only lost once but sora and shiro never lost.. but still I want to see the continuation of the story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 6, 2020
This is not a Ghibli-kind movie, yet without fantasy it's still a good movie.
To sum up, the story is a good slice of life and has a good romance drama, with characters with logical problems, it's well directed, has good art and photography, good sound.. but I have some problems with the movie:
1) The main character has a best friend; the story tells how they became friends and that's cool, but then a girl appears and they both fell in love with the girl but this is a mishandled problem by the movie, with a confusing and completely needless, the best friend.
2) The girl
isn´t that beauty like all the people in the movie says.. well i say that because it's pretty much the same as the other ghibli girls...
3) The story has a toxic message of love: This girl isn't kind with the boy, she has very human problems but also uses him, slaps him and ignore him and never says sorry BUT he is IN LOVE. why?
After saying that, maybe you can tell that the story tries to give the message that you don´t have to fight with a friend for a girl? Its a good movie and in only an hour has a big development but Im not sure about that message.
Pros and cons, its maybe an 8. Not the worst ghibli movie neither the best but very enjoyable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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