"cliches aren't really cliches unless you overthink it!" -some dumbass with too much free time
this is one of the shows i was looking forward to watching this season. i've heard great things about it, and i always see it on the popular tab on crunchyroll, so i put it on my watchlist, and after a few months, 2 days ago i again saw it on the popular tab and decided i should finally pick it up after much procrastinating and many 12 episode average slice of life anime.
needless to say, i was massively disappointed and left with an urge to go back to watching
random commentaries on youtube.
my overall opinion is that this is an overrated typical shounen that screams unoriginally and doesn't even try to hide it, and that doesn't even make it bad. extremely overrated, yes. bad, no.
let's get into the review
Story: 5/10
In the bluntest way possible, the story is boring and mediocre. It's the typical "complete grand goal due to what my dead family would think is best for me" cliche and... it works. i guess. it is not overly bad and not overly good, so i think a 5 is good enough for this anime. after watching 7 episodes into the show, i can and will say that this series is overly predictable, boring, and unenjoyable which is saying a lot since i'm supposed to be the target demographic being someone who watches a lot of shounen. it has some potential for future arcs, but definitely not as much as some people seem to think. the pacing is alright, but i really hope that they give more context in the future as to how much time has passed in between episodes, because i was under the impression that the main three had known each other for a day but then suddenly its been 2 weeks and no one said anything and no one brings it up until late into the episode. the power system is weak but not weak enough to where i could step all over it in the review. its honestly just a copy paste of one of the nen techniques from hunter x hunter but expanded on. like i said, its not too bad, but its just another of the many examples of unoriginality in this show.
Art: 9/10
what can i say. once again, mappa blows it out of the water with their amazing animation and visuals. it truly looks great. the only aspect of the show that didn't disappoint aside from the music.
Sound: 8/10
nothing in the background is particularly noteworthy, but both the opening and the ending are very good. they are in my playlist and i like listening to them while playing games or staring at the ceiling. hopefully this trend keeps going with the second pair of ops and eds
Character: 3/10
ok, but everything about the story is not too important if the characters are well written and have a good backstory, right? wrong. the characters are easily the weakest point in this series and they are very easy to dissect. they can just be boiled down to "naruto characters decided to get new hairstyles." these guys are literally just team 7, all the way down to the way they act and their dynamic. no discredit to naruto btw, this is just a comparison. allow me to explain.
main character with lots of hidden potential than can maybe outshine the entire cast if they are able to reach their goal of becoming strong, lacking a few braincells and much better at straight up brawling than having to think of a strategy.
emo friend who is much more experienced with the power system than the mc, kind of cocky but has a good heart and is kind of a rival to the mc although being much more high level at the beginning of the story and having to even out with them slowly but surely. probably has the most battle sense out of the group and knows when to retreat
the only girl is their group and is extremely proud of that fact. fairly weaker than the other two but can by useful in missions. sometimes. thinks that being a girl is a personality trait and thinks that they are extremely pretty but not many others seem to think so. thinks the mc is a brat but slowly warms up to him and is extremely sassy and probably a tsundere
their teacher who plans for the mc to be his successor and is considered the strongest of their power system's users and is extremely strong. seems to know everything and is used as the power ceiling so we understands where it is at the beginning of the anime. also kind of mysterious (what is under the mask??). has white hair and is always late to lessons and meetings. seen slacking off and showing off quite often.
so which anime am i talking about here? jujutsu kaisan or naruto? hard to tell huh. lets look at another example of bad character writing. the backstories. i dont understand how itadori is so strong, can someone explain? has he been training or something? and why is he able to fight scary demons so easily? i thought it was something to do with his bloodline of something, but no one ever mentions it, almost like they will never explain. i don't understand why nobaras hometown apparently hated her friend. why did they hate her? because she was from the city? thats it? how bland and boring. how about megumi? there was some lady who saved him so he decided to save itadori. who is she and why does he suddenly have the resolve to kill curses because of her? none of our business i guess. at least have your main characters be a little well written and original. that is something this story does not know how to convey at all though.
Enjoyment: 6
it was fine. i might have but it at a 7 if i didn't have such high expectations going in. now i'm just disappointed and have 4 more missing assignments.
Overall: 7
I see the appeal for those who have not already watched naruto, but i cannot imagine a world where naruto fans watch this anime and think "yeah these characters are original and ive never seen them before" because that is just a blatant lie. anyone with eyes can see that this is not an original anime, but i suppose if you have not watch naruto or hunter x hunter, this could be a good pick for you. it is probably geared toward new anime audiences, so if this is your thing then by all means, go watch it, but whenever i watch this all i can think about are the naruto copies and hxh power system. hopefully you have had a better experience with it than me though. i will continue to watch and if it gets better i will write another review i suppose. for now its just wasted potential that is overhyped because people like naruto nostalgia. hope you liked the review and i will go back to staring at my wall with a blank expression for a few hours.
Feb 5, 2021
Jujutsu Kaisen
"cliches aren't really cliches unless you overthink it!" -some dumbass with too much free time
this is one of the shows i was looking forward to watching this season. i've heard great things about it, and i always see it on the popular tab on crunchyroll, so i put it on my watchlist, and after a few months, 2 days ago i again saw it on the popular tab and decided i should finally pick it up after much procrastinating and many 12 episode average slice of life anime. needless to say, i was massively disappointed and left with an urge to go back to watching ... Nov 30, 2020
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan 2
no i did not just cry because of a comedy anime.
ok maybe i did but that is none of your business anyway this show is great and you should watch it right now. ( i have also made a similar review for the first season of this show, this is technically an updated blog but with more knowledge on my part ) it is similar to one punch because of the comedy, but it really capitalizes on that aspect here. Story: 7/10 Ok so obviously this is not a story based anime, it is a comedy, so the story isn't going to be the greatest aspect, but ... Nov 24, 2020
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan
first show i definitely prefer in dub. the sub is too fast and a lot of the comedy gets lost in it. they are too fast. i might not watch them just because of that. i just cant believe they did do another dubbed season. okok, im sorry, this is a review for this season, not the next.
Also, i usually watch shounen so this isnt really my style but i enjoyed it non the less. this season was amazing. very funny and just enjoyable overall. Story: 7/10 Ok so this show has no continuous story. it is comprised of little skits where they just show ... Oct 16, 2020
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
this was a very enjoyable anime for me to watch. normally this genre wouldn't appeal to me, being shounen trash, but i heard that it was an anime that made fun of things that you would find in a typical shounen and decided to watch it. i'm glad i ended up picking this show up.
they made a typical romance anime and somehow got all the elements and ended up with something original. this is an anime about chuunibyo, a japanese term that means "8th grade syndrome". it refers to a mature teen/preteen who has made up they're own crazy persona in hopes to be ... Sep 20, 2020
Black Clover
Black clover as of the end of EP84 - 10/10 - woah. honestly up until this point I thought the series was an 8. but this is probably just my right off the experience of the watch review, so it’s probably higher then it should, but it suddenly got so much less cringy and so much better in EP83. I really am not sure how, but it did. Honestly I feel kind of guilty on how much I like this show. I love the comedy, the story, everything about it, even though a lot of it is predictable and cliche. It is just such an