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Sep 8, 2017
At first it felt interestingly mysterious, weird characters with lots of mysterious potential on a crazy mysterious setting.. but it is devolving into a cliche based high school show where most characters just brag how mighty they are and there's no action whatsoever, also last episodes feel like fillers.. and there's only one more left to end so.. its a lot of potential created to fish for a second season but is not delivering much.. so It will likely drag on and become boring or be canceled without giving us all the development it deserves. Time will tell and we wait for it.. Update review
later, this can be a great show or a mediocre one depending on what it delivers from now on..
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 13, 2015
Golden time was a pleasant surprise after seeing mixed reviews, why is it so good? first it is a seinen show and skips most clichés and naive feelings to focus on relationships from an adult standpoint, so there are people dating other's ex's, breaking up and starting over and overall far more mature relations between the characters, doesn't drag the emotional uncertainties for too long and it develops at a decent pace, even for 26 episodes it doesn't feel dragged on, it simply takes some time to develop the characters and their connections, and the relationships are the focus here, not much air time is
wasted on school background and their work, it's all about relationships and how people interact without being a documentary. With that said it is a romantic anime and there's misinterpretations and uncertainties and all the usual situations in romance but everything is solved pretty quickly and the characters feel mature and proactive to deal with their problems most of the time.
The real issue and either you'll enjoy this anime or not lies in the main plot, the amnesia of the main character is explored to create several situation and arouse problems for the main couple but is also influential in the friends group, this seems to be the most controversial aspect from most viewers, in my opinion it did it's job well for the last big dramatic moment and the happy ending but it does feel a bit far-fetched at times, and the ghost of past memories brought into the mix seems like a deeper introspective plot was ready to be explored in case they did more episodes, instead they wrap up the memories problems in a rushed way but luckily it didn't damage the emotional impact of the dramatic and romantic scenes. The show ends with almost no loose ends despite a couple issues for nitpicking but overall is very enjoyable, it could actually be a masterpiece if they had more care in exploring the last episodes and milk away the emotional moments to bring more impact but it is still capable of making you cry a bit and rejoice with the happy end.
The music doesn't stand out but the characters are well voiced, art maintains good quality and it was very enjoyable which is my main concern and where I guide my final ratings by.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 24, 2009
As stated several times One outs is a baseball version of Kaiji, for the people who don't know Kaiji its all about extremely complicated bets, with a little glimpse into the darker nature of men.
The strategies used in the game are extremely convoluted and cannot be easily figured out, the viewer only figures out when the show gives enough clues and thats the main appeal of the show. The episodes also end with cliffhangers to make you watch the next episode, this is common in most sports/shonens but in this case the focus is so big on the gambling the cliffhangers are poorly written and
can actually frustrate the viewer. The extremely complex gambles and tricks can also cause some frustration, even if you figure out part of it, theres always something else, it drags so long it becomes tiring following all the events sometimes.
The story is often bend, specially in time, to advance quickly parts or even entire games that dont matter to the gambles, as result the characterization is mostly nonexistant, with the exception of the two main characters, but even so, we dont know much about who they are, just their current situation, everyone else just gets stapled with common concepts like: the big brute guy, the chicken manager, or the ruthless greedy owner of the club.
Overall the show is interesting and a good watch, the biggest flaw is the complete focus on the gamble, if you dont like it the rest is quite bad, the flaws I mentioned among others will throw the viewers out.
Finally the ending is rushed and obviously calls for a second season. Once again more episodes will just keep focusing on gambles becoming boring, a trait Kaiji also shared.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 13, 2009
Venus wars is to me a classic, Its not very very good but I watched it many years ago and by the standart back then it was quite good.
Probably not the best choice for younger fans who cant stomach the outdated animation but it is a fine example of 80's sci fi anime.
Its a decent quick watch, and a peek into the 80's, the golden era of anime, and by this I mean it's better than 90% of modern animes easily...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 19, 2008
A good watch for any occasion, Tetsuwan Birdy Decode provides some originality bringing back the open imagination to the anime, instead of the usual school plots or mechs it feels refreshing to come up with a different sci fi.
Being a remake it was a good option since the old OVA didnt fulfill half the potential of the plot.
The animation is very good in the fight scenes preventing the show from falling into boring, the plot itself is interesting and featuring only 13 episodes they are quite enjoyable.
The end leaves promises of more to come, and it wont hurt to get another season, some shows
feel like dragging for too long or sometimes they seem good but no room for future seasons, in this case there isnt any issues left hanging, providing a proper ending but leaves room for future adventures.
The relationship between Birdy and tsutomu is the higlight of the show, provides some comic relief and a bit of drama but is generally light hearted, fun and lots of action.
Wouldnt go as far as saying its a must watch but good entertainment worth a peek.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 27, 2008
Kekkaishi is a decent shonen show. All the usual elements are there, a simple minded young hero, the cute girl from the neighbourhood, their hate/love relation and lots of monsters to make them evolve and become powerfull saving the day.
What makes it decent? the techniques they use are interesting and the enemies vary as well, plenty of original monsters and the usual undisclosed romance do a good job entertaining, topped with funny gags and cliches that worked out quite good, becomes very silly for moments but also has the dramatic scenes building up momentum for the end.
Its not completely original or a must see but
its well built and didnt became boring like most shonens nowadays, if theres any flaw its prolly the open end, built on a good plot I was personally expecting more, at least the arc ends, but leaves room for more seasons.
Taking all into consideration its an average show built for entertaining and does it well, its not incredibly good but doesn't fall into boring or the usual flaws of shonens, if your into the style its a good watch but if you prefer something more elaborate, don't expect too much of it.
Wont disappoint but wont leave a strong impression either.
I enjoyed the ending song quite alot and Id like to comment on the 8 scoring in character, because I do believe there are good characters here, not original but better built then other similar shows. The enjoyment rating is a bit overrated because its hard to find an action shonen lately that isn't completely cookie cutter, this managed to get out of the box enough to be watchable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 19, 2007
Night Head Genesis is a show about people with psychic powers and the origin of that energy. It start with the story of the two brothers and their own problems being accepted in society due to their psychic power, evolves into a story about fighting to save the world from a supposed cataclysm and this unveils an elaborate plot about the world, nature, the growing psychic energy and its two sides, the good and the evil.
The theory is well explained and based on common scientific knowledge with a spiritual touch, the energy of all living things, animal, plants and humans is evolving and granting
humans powers, all the wrongdoings of humanity turn this power into negative energy causing catastrophes and ultimately the armaggedon. Of course by doing good, and accepting the powers given to humanity we can evolve together with earth into a brighter future.
The theory is basically this but while the show does a good job explaining it in the last episodes the plot is very flawed, for 20ish episodes you'll follow the story of the brothers fighting against a big corporation who doesn't care for the future of normal humans but suddenly the story ends abruptly without even explaining what happens to most characters.
The last two episodes happen an year and half later and the two brothers again use their powers to prevent another disaster, this episodes are more of a showcase of what would be like if the show didn't end so fast i guess, wasting so many episodes building a complicated plot to end it abruptly greatly damages the show overall and despite the last episodes giving some clues helping to understand the whole story behind the psychic powers the previous 24 episode plot is just unfinished and the little story on the last two would probably be the start of another season. With all said and explained I cant recommend greatly this show despite having great potential, was completely ruined. Its still enjoyable and you do understand more or less what happens at the end, the soundtrack is very good and its not a bad watch if you can bare the sudden shallow ending and not knowing what happens to most secondary characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 5, 2007
Salaryman Kintaro tells the story of a former bike gang leader entering society as a businessman, starting from bellow his charismatic personality quickly creates bonds of respect and admiration with co-workers and important figures in the bureaucratic world. Honest, straightforward and always true to his nature he dashes through his career raising fast and steady.
His personality clashes with several individuals and the few who don't sympathize with his nature in a corrupt bureaucratic world create many obstacles he needs to face.
The story is about morals and how a single man can raise through hard work in a field hes inexperienced, features some comic
moments but is mostly serious, the dramatic scenes are abusively exaggerated ruining the involvement in the story, grown men crying like babies over small issues tries to display how deep their feelings are for each other, witch is impossible in such short time, leaving a phony feeling in those scenes.
The music doesn't help much, old japanese classic themed music doesn't create the intended effect feeling misplaced and badly chosen, at least for the ocidental viewer like myself, I suspect it was more appropriate for the japanese viewers.
Despite its shortcomings you still want to see what will happen ahead keeping you interested throughout the show.
Overall its an entertaining show with some nice happy scenes leaving that "feel good" sensation on the viewer, the development is quite fast and so isn't boring. The ending is slightly abrupt but leaves an idea of what happens next. Definitely not a must see but still interesting enough to avoid being forgotten.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 24, 2007
I started watching bokurano thinking it would have a good story and some cool fights but that proved to be partially wrong, it has a good story but the fights, not really good. I still enjoyed it but its quite different from the story summaries, previews, etc.
At start the story seems lame and rushed, just a little excuse to put some kids fighting for earth in some big robots, the fights are quite dull as well and the animation is quite average with some bad parts even but thats mostly at the start.
I'm glad I kept watching it because it gets much better, the story
twists, or better, it unveils a completely different plot from the first appearances becoming rather interesting. The fights improve allot compared to the first ones but this is not a mecha style anime with lots of cool fights and moves, its a story driven drama where each episode u get to known one of the characters better, usually before their respective battle portraying their will and reasons to fight or give up. The mystery behind the robots and the battles is also unveiled slowly and I'm afraid I can't say much more to avoid spoiling the development, one of the good aspects of the show.
The music isn't bad, the opening becomes quite enjoyable after a couple episodes and theres the usual backtracks accompanying the crucial moments.
Overall its a good show, with a decent story about a couple kids who are put into a non desirable situation without even being asked, and are now carrying the burden to save earth, their own problems and doubts are explored while they find a meaning to fight for earth, themselves, protecting someone or simply giving up. Don't expect much action, its a show for people who like good stories with a slow but decent development and some epic moments filled with sadness, anger, and self sacrifice.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 21, 2007
Jin Roh.. how can I explain it? as expected from this superb director you get a masterpiece movie, why?
Everything fits together to create this unique experience, you start by watching the background story, the development of the events, and when you reach the end everything is unveiled. The story seems good, nothing exceptional, but this is just part of the experience. Expertly guiding the viewer through the events leads to the extraordinary climax at the end, releasing all the bottled up emotions carefully placed in your mind through the characters. Only at the end you will understand what is all about and understand how amazing
the movie is.
The soundtrack isn't much noticeable except the ending theme that accompanies the realization after the shock you just witnessed, it just feels right to let it play while rewinding and going thru everything that happened.
Everything else is just superb and this is one of those pieces of art that no one should miss, anime fan or not be sure to watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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