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Jun 10, 2024
"Devilman: Crybaby" begins with promise, offering a strong introduction to its characters and the intriguing world they inhabit. However, this initial spark quickly fizzles out, as the show fails to develop its characters or expand on its world-building in any meaningful way. The plot becomes erratic, jumping from one event to another without a coherent sense of pacing.
The story's writing is disappointingly weak. The creators had an interesting concept: exploring the difficult times and flawed decisions of teenagers, exaggerated by a devilish twist. Unfortunately, this promising idea remains superficial, never delving deeper into the complexities of its themes. Instead, the show wastes precious screen time
on pseudo-philosophical and pseudo-scientific info dumps, which are more pretentious than enlightening.
Comparisons can be drawn to other anime like "Tokyo Ghoul" and "Attack on Titan," where the protagonist is caught between good and evil. However, "Devilman Crybaby" also shares their clichés, failing to bring anything fresh to the table. It feels as though the writers lacked either the skill or the time to fully develop the narrative, resulting in a series that feels rushed and undercooked.
In summary, while "Devilman: Crybaby" starts strong, it quickly loses its way, falling into the trap of shallow storytelling and missed potential. The series could have been a profound exploration of teenage struggles through a supernatural lens, but instead, it settles for mediocrity.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 28, 2022
- Excessive Exposition and talking. Talking is not bad but requires a good script.
Dialogues are rough here.
- fighting has no choreography and sense of environment. They are talking most of the
duration of the fight.
- animation is worse than 2006's Fate/stay night
- no setup and payoff, things are introduced on short notice
- trying too hard to be serious and deep. It tries to ask questions that the original has
already asked and answered. Same questions can be asked but they should be
answered in new different manners to make this series unique but fate/extra fails to
answer any of the questions asked.
- Extremely one-dimensional characters. random characters are introduced to help
our duo in their battle but they talk a lot and seem to form relationships with the duo
Immediately even though they are in the middle of a war where everyone is greedy
and nobody can be trusted. The plot is convenient for the sake of convenience.
- for some reason, Saber's ass is always visible. her personality has nothing to do with
that outfit.
- the MC talks a lot about hate. he sounds dumb most of the time because he lacks
intelligence and expertise on that subject. Most of it comes out as non-sense
- everyone is trying their best to be edgy, reminds me of Tokyo ghoul and attack on
- the voice acting is also bad
- fate is a big IP. fate/grand order game makes a lot of money they can afford talented
people for spin offs
- one problem that has plagued the entire fate is the number of characters they want
us to care about.
- Protagonist is barely active in the plot. all he does is act as an edge lord. Side
characters are more active than him and he is reacting to their actions.
- and I haven't mentioned the worst offender yet. The Editing is the worst I've seen in
a long time. nearly as bad as Bakemonogatari.
- the backstory and melodrama of each master remind me of bleach's melodrama. it's
painful to sit through.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 8, 2021
They should've restructured the show for the movie instead they made a summary of the show with minor changes.
Animation and fighting are fun to watch. Other than that there is nothing special here.
The TV show is far better than this.
It's only for people who are familiar with every character. It lacks character development and there is no storytelling or narrative. It feels like a compilation of random events.
It does not feel like a movie at all. nobody should watch this at the cinema because this thing has nothing to do with the cinema.
Waste of time.
Not recommended.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 21, 2021
It is the most painful show I have ever watched. it's so boring, I can't sit with this shite for 24 minutes.
There is no story. It's just random events forcefully made to happen by the author.
There is no art. It's just a PowerPoint presentation. there is a slide of pictures and they just keep talking over it. The pictures in the slide show are meaningless. they share no information about the plot or story. There is barely any animation here.
characters are complete trash. they pretend to be smart and logical but none of their talks makes sense. None of them have something meaningful to say.
The protagonist wants to save "girls" but why? no motivation is explained.
in the first couple of episodes, the show is like "rape is bad" but then continues on objectifying underage girls for the pervert fans of the series.
Harems are usually dumb but others are dumb fun. Bakemonogatari is just dumb.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Feb 17, 2021
I think this is one of the best pokemon seasons. Many people don't like it because it is a soft reboot.
I think their nostalgia is blinding them. I watched it in 2010 then rewatched it again in 2021 with all of the other seasons. The first pokemon season is the worst in my opinion because they are trying so hard to appeal to the western audience. The world is still a lot like the real world. But the game world is a lot alien. They were afraid that an alien world might weird out the audience and that's why the first season is so bad.
here they are just presenting the real world of pokemon. They not trying to please the western audience. It is alien and different. That's why people don't like it.
Writing has gotten better with each season of pokemon. It shines very well in this season. Episodes are funny for me. I love Oshawott and Emolga. I like the new art style.
Ash's brain is reset and it might displease some but I don't care. Every new game gives us a mute protagonist and the entire game mechanism is introduced again. They did the same thing in the anime. I like the changes made to the team rocket. Because of these changes we got two season finales. One here and next one in the next season. These season finales feel great because of the entire build-up. Most of the previous seasons just ended anywhere. Team Rocket was the most annoying part of season 1. They did the same thing in each episode and dumb people enjoyed it for some reason. Now they are part of the story seriously and people are complaining. This season has a better structure than any of the previous ones.
Each episode is well written and something new happens. Each character and pokemon have so much more personality. I just love the cottonee episode.
Attack animations are changed. I saw some people complaining. This has been done first time in the anime but in the games, each new console has different attack animation.
Music from games is used more than in previous seasons and I like that.
The episodes where Meowth joins our crew are so fun. Iris even tries to capture Meowth.
In the Purrloin episode, Meowth and Oshawott fall in love with the Purrloin but it turns out to be a guy. So there are subtle jokes here and there in this season and I like them.
There is a lack of fillers. All eight badges are acquired in just 84 episodes. The travels between each town are small. Instead, more focus is given to battle competitions that happen in each town.
Many people dismiss this series because they changed many things that people loved over the years. I don't like to watch the same stuff again and again. That's why I like this. They did something new this time. Give this season a try. Yes, the next seasons of Black and White suck but this one is very good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 17, 2021
Meloetta arc is what makes this season great. The Unova league part is lame.
In English Version, the season ends at Meloetta arc and serves as a season finale where Ash and his friends fight against team rocket. This has only been done in this season and the previous season.
A more structured season is made instead of just ending it anywhere. This entire arc is well written and fun to watch. Melloetta is adorable. Piplup and Oshawott are even more adorable.
Everything about the league sucks. Ash vs. Trip is a 1v1 battle instead of a full 6v6 battle.
New characters are introduced just before the league.
One of these characters ends up winning the league. What about all of the characters that worked so hard from the beginning of the series? None of the league battles are memorable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 17, 2021
These episodes are fillers with some lore.
Only Reshiram is discussed. No Kyurem. No Zekrom.
N is a boring character. His game version has more to say.
The exact story from games is not adapted here.
They should've used the time and money from next season and used it here. The whole Zekrom vs. Reshiram thing can be explored more.
Very few episodes are focussed on N and Reshiram, and most of the episodes are fillers.
Nothing of interest happens here. Fillers are better than the N related episodes.
Dialogues and acting in the Japanese version is better than the English version
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 17, 2021
This part of the series is the worst because it's just fillers. In the previous series, the fillers were balanced between the main episodes. They feel stale here because they are all lumped together.
There are few fun episodes like the Oshawott scalchop competition and the episode where Emolga joins the Team Rocket. But many episodes are unnecessary.
Charizard is here for no reason.
There is nothing to talk about in this arc and mal wants me to write a longer review.
why do I need to write a long review for a show where there is nothing to talk about?
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 7, 2021
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl is my favourite pokemon series.
Its story is directly taken from the games. Lore from the games is present. Each town is given a personality just like the game. But routes still don't have a personality and feels like generic jungles.
Concept of pokemon ability is introduced, late but still appreciated. Team rocket interrupted many important battles. Happiny's egg hatch was way too dramatic. All of the elite four and champion were part of the story. Only the Sinnoh League victor can challenge them, but they made Ash lose in the League. It would've been great if Ash fought Cynthia in a
full battle and then lost. Pokedex is used too much that it started to annoy. There were many fun fillers in "Galactic Battles" and "Sinnoh League Victors". Except for the Shaymin episode, they included it because it happens in the game, but they also made a movie on similar ideas, so another episode where they are finding the flower garden for Shaymin felt redundant to me.
Art and sound are always great in every pokemon media. The intro songs from this series are excellent. They are on par with the first one.
They improved a lot on characters from the previous series. Paul is the best character introduced because he plays a significant role in motivating ash. Also his relationship with chimchar and how ash handled chimchar shows us a lot about abusive relationships. Chimchar gets PTSD, but he overcame it because of the love and support he got from Ash and his crew. I found May's rivals annoying in the Advanced Generation whereas Dawn's rivals are fun to watch and none of them is annoying.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 30, 2021
This is the first pokemon movie to consider the events that happened in the previous release. Which makes it sort of a sequel to Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai.
Lore from the games is used to make this movie but the story is still generic. Evil guy trying to capture strong pokemon and Ash stops him. A little bit of backstory is given to the evil guy and there is only one side character, who is also related to the evil guy, which is excellent and makes the story better than most of the generic evil guy pokemon movies. And also evil guys were missing
for a long time in pokemon movies so coming back to old strategies is not that bad.
Art and sound have always been great in pokemon movies.
A major problem is Shaymin's character. It is too bratty and annoying. I guess they made Shaymin like this because Manaphy wasn't that different from Mew, Jirachi, and Celebi. So, at least Shaymin is unique.
Action scenes were not as strong as Deoxys vs Rayquaza but the choreography is good enough to make them memorable. And the scene where Regigigas enters with Mamoswines was cool.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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