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Jul 30, 2018
Asobi Asobase is like nichijou but this made me laugh super hard, and this is why i love both of this anime so much.
I find that the main characters are funny as hell with the way their face reactions and how their tune changes drastically especially Hanako and Kasumi, this two girls made my day. Olivia on the other hand is a cute wannabe foreigner that i want her to be my waifu.
Nevertheless hats off to the voice actress on delivering a splendid work to mimic the character's personalities, i see most of them are quite new to industry, hopefully with them debuting to this
anime, i wish them luck in getting more major roles.
Studio lerche has also done a good job in delivering the anime adaptation of this series with the character designs, the face reactions (which are not the typical anime face react characters), the color background which i find it colorful and also the 1 to 1 adaptation from the manga. Literally made me enjoy my weekends alot which i will miss once this has been completed.
Their way of BGM is also fantastic where they also change tunes from serious to funny moments. I love the OP and ED song too
Recommend to watch? Definitely if you are in a mood to watch CGDCT!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 28, 2018
Tada never falls in Love has one of the satisfying endings that reminds me of when i was watching Toradora. A new original anime done by Dogakobo, a studio well known for making comedic anime such as Yuru Yuri and Umaru chan.
The anime has it's typical rom-com elements that of-course to give entertainment to the viewers, however it also explore the main character's background on his mundane/chill/suppressed feelings attitude as the same of the main heroine's story albeit was only exposed in the remaining few episodes.
I also love the character developments among his circle and the heroine itself, leading to goal on what
the series is achieving for, and the tense whether it will be a happy ending or not. However i was not satisfied on them not focusing the other characters background but i understand the reason for it since this was an original anime groundwork. Nevertheless with the poor and rushed plot line due to episode limitation, i still somehow enjoy the series thanks to its character development and comedic elements.
I would watch the last 4 minutes of the final episode part lot because it's just satisfying to see how they character shifted from "Never falls in love" to become "Falls in love"
Enjoyed the OST and love the tempo they had, also liken the OP and ED song which perfectly distinguish happy and sad feelings. I love the character designs as it reminds me of Gekkan Shoujo anime and their detailing works on buildings and the night starry sky, suitable for taking pictures.
With that, an overall of 7/10 is the score i will gave to this decent rom-com anime. Recommended to watch? Yes if you are on the feel on watching something new or just want to fill up your free time. However if you want a more decent rom-com with well executed and unrushed plot lines, there are other great show that you can watch than this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 4, 2017
I just love the synonym name of the anime: Suka-Suka
In my country, Suka-suka means like. It is a Bahasa Melayu language and a mother tongue for our citiziens. Google search it to know more.
At First, I don’t plan to watch it, however the curiosity and the interest to watch this sparks in. Hence I decided to binge watch it for the first 4 episodes.
And For that reason, I “suka suka” it, even though their title is quite long.
The pace of the plot is slow but is understandable, because to me it doesn’t look like they rush the story, this is just based on my
opinion since I didn’t read their light novels. I love the plot of this anime where the setting takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has long gone extinct with only one sole human survivor remaining and has gone to slumber icy sleep for 500 years, and woke up to a world where furry creatures, fairies, goblins and lizards and etc. exists. He adopts the post-apocalyptic life very well, though not the first few days when he woke up.
In addition, the first moments of the first episode show the foreshadowing of what is going to happen in the final few episodes that will be aired soon, pretty early indication there. Another addition, is the comedy skits and moe moments added in the anime so that it doesn’t make it look dark and gloomy series, just like 3 gatsu, the good thing is they don’t put too much moe otherwise.
There is also romance setting in it, as Chtholly has romantic interest on Willem, I ship those two so bad till it sink. There were those moments when they show Chtholly and Willem scene, they’re really cute together, even in the first episode. I second this.
Animation is amazing, artwork, character designs, background set up. I fancy this design, kudos to the drawing staffs who made the output of the anime pretty amazing. Studio Satelight is the studio in charge of this anime, and it already made few anime that I previously watched, one of it is Haruhi Suzumiya’s spin off which is based more on Nagato Yuki. Very decent studio, hopefully they wont fuck this anime up.
The OP song and ED song are music to my ears, while the VA Selection are quite decent too, Willem voice actor is one of the highlights, with him still in debut year, he is doing quite well in his main role, hope he would get more main voice role in the upcoming future. Chtolly VA is one of the few VA I heard in the past anime, her roles are quite active and has decent and satisfying performance, overall most of the VA in it are very decent.
I would recommend you guys to watch this anime, even though is more of drama, tragedy, romance genre type of setting, it has the slice of life feel to it too, and of course the fantasy since this takes place in the post-apocalyptic life, I’m sure you guys would love it.
What do you do at the end of the world?
Are you busy?
Will you save us?
Do you play Nintendo Switch?
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 24, 2017
We have quite a few Slice of life anime aired this season and one of them is Urara Meirochou. A 12 episode series about a girl named Chiya arriving at the Labyrinth City in which her main objective is to find her mom who is living in the city and rising through the ranks of Urara.
The episode started off well with the introduction of the four main characters and their main purpose of why they are in Labyrinth City. With the all the episodes being aired, it’s great that the girls has been adapting to the city quite well and are aiming to get
to the first district through challenges they're facing throughout the series, even passing one of the promotional test. As far as i could see, the series plot line is not too complex to understand as the story would continue where it left from the last episode. Sadly, as most anime has an episode limit cap (usually 12 to 13), the viewers didn’t have the chance to see the girls background though they did talk about it briefly, even finding Chiya’s mom is rather ended as cliffhanging, but at least there is hints given of how Chiya’s mom look like and her name of course. There would always be manga to continue where the episode left off so it’s a plus. The addition of comedy scenes is a plus sign to encourage the viewers to see more.
The studio that handles Urara Meirochou is JC Staff, the studio famous for producing ToraDora and Little Busters series. It's been a while since they produced a series with 4 girls since 2011 which is Joshiraku. Nevertheless, still quite impressed with the animation and character design of Urara Meirochou, very cute indeed. Background designs aren't that too saturated and there aren't any animation loopholes.
P.S Koume kinda look like Nico from Love Live. +1
The OP Song is very catchy and cute at the same time, love to listen it again. The ED song is also good to listen, match with the series genre. The seiyuus that are voice acting the four main characters are decent and has professionalism feel in it though they are not really well known and maybe new to the seiyuu industry, however they still did their job well and could have potential in getting more roles in the future, not much of a horrible or awkward voices heard throughout the series. Kon’s VA is pretty good at changing behaviours from being a playful vampire girl to obedient fox girl. JC Staff is decent in choosing their seiyuus.
The characters in this series are really proactive and very eager to take challenges on what they are facing ahead of them, Chiya is considerably known for her playfulness and cuteness and mysterious (?), she tend to try to cheer up people who are in deepshit or really having a hard time. And is also cute that she tend to show her belly as a way to apologize people. Kon, one of my favorite girl for the series, not only because of how stunning she is when Koume tease fully wear sexy clothes which really match her doe, is due to her maturity and the leadership she had which she is potential for leading the team and getting the first rank urara. I love how shy she is when she being appraised on. Koume, due to the fact she look like Nico, couldn’t think but to call her Nico because of her hair style. She also has the ‘never give up’ motto which motivate the girls to work hard. Nono, well she’s quite cute, I couldn’t resist seeing her cute pity face. Overall, what I like the most about this girls are teamworking and also the ‘no man left behind’ first is what made me like this show, there are characters development in it and the background stories of them but with only brief brief explaination.
I've enjoyed watching this show though not many people are anticipating on it as I've would like to know how the four girls would achieve in getting the first district and of course Chiya's main objective of finding her mom. Even tho, the series ended up short on the current manga, I still enjoy watching Urara Meichorou as in addition with that is the slice of life and comedy genre and how funny and cute the girls are.
It’s sad that the series wouldn’t get a second season however, the staff and the studio of the anime has done well to deliver a decent anime that is focusing more onto the girls everyday lives and challanges they're facing. Hence, I would recommend to viewers who are typically more into SOLs and the less intense type of genre, this would suit you and would fill up your spare time.
Hence to conclude, it’s a pretty decent anime with good deliverance for the viewers to watch, least JC managed to take a rest from doing ecchi intense genre for a while.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 31, 2017
Starting of the year 2017, we have Gabriel DropOut! A slice of life and comedy series about the everyday lives of 4 cute girls [Heaven and Hell] living in human world after graduating from their respective 'schools'. There's a lot more SOL, CGDCT anime aired this season.
Gabriel DropOut to me is quite interesting to watch. The core is much formulated, it can play off anime cliché as they use many frills moments to as the comedy theme, not by throwing it unnecessarily. Of course, it has a pretty standard set up of Slice Of Life genre such as the school setting and bunch of girls
doing CGDCT. In addition, most of the plot points are prevailed every each next episode otherwise, continue where it left off. Making the anime series, to be linear or in par with the manga I've started reading before this series is even aired. A plus of it, would be the comedic scenes by the characters in the series.
Animation wise, handled by Doga Kobo which their animations are nicely done and the use of manga iconography is there to express the characters emotions. Most of their background areas and the city scenes are the Doga Kobo standards, which I've seen already a lot in which Doga Kobo produced such as Himouto Umaru Chan. Nevertheless, I still enjoy the series from Doga Kobo.
The OP song by far is the best song for Winter 2017 in my perspective, due to it's vocals mixing both the angelic voice and heavy rock voice together which makes a fantastic OP song to hear, I've would even repeat this song every time. Most of the OST songs are very decent and has a very quite familiar tone to that Umaru Chan, in which most of the staffs who produced this Anime is from Umaru chan. Most of the seiyuus are pretty new, well we do have Hanazawa Kana who voiced Raphi. However, all the seiyuus are doing fantastically well in their debuts.
I'll talk more about the characters once I've released the full review. However, SATANIA-CHAN IS THE BEST GIRL FTW!
After the first four episodes were aired, I really enjoyed watching Gabriel DropOut not only due to having the same staff from Umaru Chan, but the comedies and the gags that this series had produced that made everyone laugh and making the series more enjoyable then ever.
Nevertheless, enjoy watching Gabriel DropOut! I definitely would recommend this anime to those who are slice of life/CGDCT lovers out there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 24, 2016
TL;DR – A series with different character in the same setting, a spin off actually.
I enjoyed the previous series of working which ended perfectly with 3 seasons and a special episode. A-1 decides to adapt its spin off series which is WWW.Working!! I’m glad to see they retain some of the staff of the original working series and the studio in charge. There’s a lot of similarities between the origin and the spin off series, with the exception of the restaurants of course, nevertheless character wise and chemistry among them are almost similar to that original series.
I have a good feeling that this
series would be on par with the original series, but only for the first few episodes. It started off really well, with the introduction of most of the characters from main to supporting, and they all really have funny characteristics, I mean the gag to make people laugh out loud while watching. However starting with the episode that has love contents on all that, I don’t like how the characters were being dense and confused on what the others were talking about. Not saying I hate romance, I love romcom in fact. I just hate how characters become so confused only to realize it later. Well, this is just my opinion. Everyone has its own subjective opinion’s. Nevertheless, I still enjoy the spin off providing the love confusion but managed to resolve it at the end.
Arts and animations, are on par with the original series, so I have no comment on that. Albeit, with slight alternations in eye designs.
What interest me is the selection of the seiyuus for each of the characters. There’s nothing wrong with the seiyuus but I like how the seiyuu’s voice fits to the character behavior in that series, for example Higashida who is voiced by Nakamura Yuuichi who also voice acted on Oreki Houtarou, both of which characters have dull and self-focus minded expressions. Pretty much all the VA’S were performing well, at least there aint any hiccups around. Sound tracks like the Opening and Ending songs are catchy to listen, and the OST aren’t bad either.
With that, it leaves me with the scoring of the series, I wanted to give a 6 due to its lack of vibe and its characters being so confused especially when it comes to relationships. However I decided to give a score of 7 being with the series has a similar plot to the original series and it’s animation works and of course the seiyuus. That pretty much didn’t bore me to death when watching it, glad I didn’t drop this series. So with that my final score is 7 for the series. Not too shabby, not too bad, just an enjoyable series to laugh off and releasing stress.
I would recommend you guys to watch this, if you already completed the original series, however if you really miss the original series, I suggest re-watch the original series. Those who wants to look for a funny series after watching a sad anime series, this is a right recipe for you to watch to whack out those Post-Anime depressions, providing that you can withstand the problems especially when the characters are dealing with relationships.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 27, 2016
It’s been quite a while since Gochiusa, Kiniro Mosaic and Yuru Yuri had aired. We’re quite grateful for Anne Happy, an unhappy anime but very silly, comedic and CGDCT to be adapted. This is one of the 8 SOL to be aired on Spring 2016. There is quite a lot of SOL airing this season.
Anne Happy to me is quite interesting to watch though there’s not much of people watching it. The core is much formulated, it can play off anime cliché as they use many frills moments to as the comedy theme, not by throwing it unnecessarily. Of course, it has a
pretty standard set up of Slice Of Life genre such as the school setting and bunch of girls doing CGDCT. In addition, most of the plot points are prevailed every each next episode otherwise, continue where it left off.
In addition, Anne Happy adds comedic and gag scenes to keep the show entertaining and interesting as it helps to spies up the viewer’s perception. Anne Happy’s comedic contents are quick and snappy to understand, such as the use of manga panels to deliver the comedy at a quicker pace however the excessive use of it can be a bit hassle.
By far, the story plotline is not complicated or complex to watch.
Animation wise, is handled and produced by Silver Link, a great studio which made Non Non Biyori. The animation was pretty decent and manga iconography is used to express the characters feelings. The character design was what made me impressed the most, this is by far from my perspective the best character design I ever seen, not to argue I just seem to like the character design as well as their eye design. The use of color is not too saturated as colors are used lighter to suit the theme, heck even 1080p I can see the difference. I still wonder how they can handle two anime production at the same time, I've been noticing that since fall season. In short, though a lot of loading screens are used, the character designs and animation is done pretty well by Silver link.
I enjoyed the OP and the ED songs, as well as the OST. The voice actors for all the characters were pretty decent, I start to notice the VA who voiced Hibari, as she was voiced Kirie in Umaru chan, I was pretty stunned how amusing her voice be, even her singing skills are pretty damn good. An’s VA wasn't bad, some of her lines were pretty cute especially the “right” line. Botan’s VA on other hand, I get confused who voiced her, she kinda sound like Hayori. Hibiki’s VA is almost too similar to Sharo’s VA from Gochiusa. In short, silver link VA selection is pretty decent though, there aren't any big VA names.
Talking about the characters, Hibari-chan stand out to me the most, I love the fact that she is very oblivious to not having any misfortune, despite she has one which is love misfortune nonetheless, she is one of the ordinary type of student without having any mishaps or bad luck occurring on her. Hibari has the mature type of attitude, whom she can concern anyone if they were in trouble especially An. An on the other hand, is a cute character who unfortunately suffer a lot of bad luck, feel pity on her. Botan on other hand, she is most likely used as character gag which make everyone laugh, she is quite prone to getting injuries even the smallest hit. Really not much to talk about the characters from Anne Happy.
TL;DR In conclusion, Anne Happy is a great anime to watch, even though the excessive moe content is used to much, the content of the story is still there unlike some other which only focuses on fan service and deviating out of the plot which why some people wonder what the story is all about, Anne happy is different. Animations is pretty decent and sounds aren't pretty bad. There is little structural view as Anne Happy only offer comedies to the viewers.
To sum it up, Anne Happy can be watched by anyone, but it would be recommended if you have a taste on SOLs, comedy and CGDCT.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 16, 2016
“How to get to MMO/RPG afterlife? Be a shut-in and go outside, find something that will shock you to death.”
I enjoy watching Konosuba though it only has 10 episode, which is rather short than the normal 12 episode sequence.
I first knew Konosuba from one of the PVs that I’ve encountered while searching some anime news. It was really interesting and I put it as my plan to watch list. Few months passed by and I’ve already completed watching Konosuba. To make long story short, I enjoy Konosuba a lot. Here’s why. And just a little warning, there a minor spoilers so read at your own
Before watching the first episode, I was expecting more like RPG kind of show where they fight monsters, or shouting like Kirito. But turns out, it’s a show about a shut-in guy who died in a funny way and reincarnated to the world of RPG where it is the gamers dream to be in it, dealing with a goddess whom he label her as ‘worthless’, a masochist crusader [which I gotta say she is the best girl] and the chunni girl who loves explosions. There are quests but their quests tend to be the simple one but kinda dangerous one too. Studio Deen sure knows how to confuse me between this and other RPG or MMO anime.
It seems that I couldn’t find the plot of the story because after every episode [except for some] have different storyline, but well I don’t care anyway, because I only came here to enjoy the characters COMEDIC act especially Kazuma. Cliché or not, it’s still fun to rewatch! No matter how bad the cliff-hanger is. [Though I don’t read light novels a lot] The best thing I can say is, the contents of the story is very adventurous and most importantly the COMEDY aspect, [ahh enjoying the steal mode and some fan services HAHAHA]
The character designs weren’t that bad though it look pretty simple but it look perfect to me. 10/10
A lot of manga iconography were used, some of it where Studio Deen use it to the next level. And that big hands though, very interesting. Nevertheless, it wasn’t too saturated. The animations weren’t that bad either, no flaws or loopholes.
I don’t know how to describe the characters but from what I can judge, they are pretty COMEDIC AND HILARIOUS. Their acts and behaviour were so damn funny, I almost get a stomach cramp. Darkness especially, I can’t say a lot about her but she made my day because of her masochist remarks with Dullahan typically. Hence, they all have good sense of humour to its audience, that’s how I gave them high marks.
In conclusion, I honestly enjoy watching this anime though I kept missing the episodes few days because needing to focus on my A-levels subjects but I still manage to catch up the episodes till the end. Overall, I enjoy much, it’s great to see them adapting this and I do hope they can greenlit a possible second season. Whom to recommend? Anyone, who feels bored, or need to feel up their free time, comedy lovers and more. I gotta say, you will definitely enjoy watching Konosuba and chances that you might rewatch the show.
With that, I conclude my review. Thanks for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 19, 2016
Himouto! Umaru-chan, is your typical everyday life diligent turned otaku girl who spent her days with her brother, whining around and throwing tantrums at him. Poor Taihei. I gotta say, it kinda relates to my everyday situations as i have a younger sibling who loves to throw tantrums at me. And this is well, my first review on a manga series.
Well, since the manga is still on going, i managed to catch up the latest chapters excluding the chapters that had been adapted into the anime version. I started reading the manga from where the anime left off, seriously i don't really read manga
before that much but due to eagerness to know the continuation of Umaru-chan, i decided to read the manga. The contents are pretty similar enough to the anime version except it has more content than that anime, well i honestly had to agree that the manga has no explicit or excessive fanservice*ahem boob scenes not like what other manga did. Seriously, i had enough looking at fanservices that is taking too much.
Romance content was not that much but Ebina X Taihei still continue with Kirie supporting both of them! Well, overall i gotta say, i enjoy reading the manga as much as how satisfied i am. Glad it is still ongoing.
Sankakuhead, the creator and the character designer of HMC, i really like the art style he did, it's really cute and decent. Though simple, i really like the way of his drawing. I respect thy drawing, Sankaku! Manga iconography is used which is to appeal the audience's view, though the concept of moe is used but it is not being overly used which is a good thing otherwise.. But overall, his character designs attracts me the most. Wonder if he published another manga?
Not much to say on characters, but they're comparatively similar to that the anime version, hence i'll move on to enjoyment.
Honestly, i find it enjoyable and fun to read the manga since it's kinda similar to that anime version. I do always make some imagination on how the scenes of the latest chapters would be if it were to adapt the second season. And waiting for a new chapter is painstaking especially for the translated part since i'm no expert in reading japanese [level 1 though]
Overall i still enjoy reading it.
Well who to recommend? Those people who loves comedy and slice of life, and those people who want to fill up their free times.
Keep it up Sankakuhead! Keep producing more chapters to impress the audiences!
With that, have a Happy Umaru Day~
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 21, 2015
Akarinnn~! Haii~ Yuru Yuri, haji mare yo!! [mind the spelling]
Well, with Fall/Autumn season coming to an end and moving on to winter season, of course most of the Fall/Autumn Anime series will conclude with 12 episode or continue till Winter season is over. Unfortunately, Yuru Yuri is not one of them as they only had 12 episodes. But I’m grateful that Yuru Yuri were given a green light to be animated for a 3rd season despite different studios being handled. Without further a due, let me give my thoughts and impressions as well as trying to keep the spoilers to its minimum level.
watching Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi and its specials which is the Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi PLUS. I put a lot of trust for this studio to handle well for the third season, well after watching twelve whole episodes every week, they did a good job despite having some lack of comedic moments or those legendary nose bleeds from its previous studio. Story likewise, it maintains from what they had from the manga, well some may be cut out due to time slot issue, I may also assume that this continues from where the events of Nachyachumi and Nachuyachumi plus took place, And what made me think is that, Akari the supposedly main character for YRYR has a lot of screen time compared to the previous seasons. Other minor characters were also given more screen time, which is a welcome change for me (my opinions). Since this is a slice of life genre, no specific plotlines or whatsoever are needed, its main focus of the story is the everyday life of four girls doing their everyday lives such as club activities, weekend activities and more. Character development in this series, well I don’t really talk that much but most of the friendship bonding between all the girls are deepen and they tend to adapt with them, such Yui trying to use puns with Ayano. I’m glad that Akari wasn’t really treated badly by the new staffs compare to other since I’m pitiful for Akari to be left out, eventhough I miss some of the Akari jokes made by Dogakobo studio. Also, I’m glad that the story is rather kept simple and understandable rather than complex or a filler, complete cliché episode or rather being deus ex machina.
Moving on to the art or animation, as it is handled by different studio, in this case handled by TYO Animations, I say it made a significant impact on Yuru Yuri’s fans perspective as they had previously accustomed to Yuru Yuri’s dogakobo art style [since they look more matured in TYO's animation], but nevertheless, it still retain some of the character designs of Yuru Yuri. I typically like Akari’s character design which she has retain most but not all of the design from previous season. The character eyes are also different and the facial reaction are good in some part and mediocre in some part for example Akari’s raped face. The typical non-stop nose bleed by Chitose is not there but TYO really did make Chitose nose bleed more splendid compare to Dogakobo. Anyhow, the animations is rather smooth and up to par with other anime, background images are vivid and splendid but some are too dark, which I don’t really mind as long I can see the character’s face. Overall I loved the animations and glad there aren’t many weird animation, or loop animation or a “power-point” style animation. Boy, do I love the Chinatsu x Yui art style, they sure do put a lot of effort to make it happen.
Seiyuus are the key elements to make anime happen, without them, we will be back in the 1900s. I’m glad that they retain all the seiyuus from previous season, I imagine if they changed the seiyuu, it wouldn’t be the same Yuru Yuri anymore, but I’m glad that the seiyuu members did not changed since I enjoy listening their comedic voice acting from the previous seasons. The OP song is pretty catchy, I don’t know why some people hate it or find it ‘sh*t’ [that maybe their own perspective] as for me I find it nice, well one thing that was missing is the Akari calls which I find it understandable why don’t include it. The ED song is nice but I don’t really like it. The OST for this series is rather different than the previous seasons, but in the end, it’s nice to hear. Overall, I’m happy they retain the seiyuus from the previous seasons and overall the OP,ED and the OST aren’t that horrible.
For the characters, all of the girls were given more screen time especially Akari, Akari used to had little screen time because of her lackness in amusement or specialty compared to Kyoko which she had more screen time, TYO decided to give Akari more screen time. With Akari having more screen time [despite having few episodes she didn’t appear], we see her interacting more with the other girls, and other than that, I enjoy seeing her cooking, helping each other and socializing with others. Ahh, adorable Akari. Kyoko on other hand, rather do dexterous things just to impress the girls and the viewers, I typically enjoy it. Overall, I don’t really talk much about the characters because it might take up a lot time to write so I sum it up that most of the characters have the same trait back in YRYR previous seasons, while Akari on the other hand has bigger impact due to having more screen time.
Last but not least, I enjoyed watching this anime from where it started to aired, since then I commented on how enjoyable the episode it was in the forums up to the final episode. It also cleared me all the worries I had in my school and also help me reduce stress after having a load of school works in the weekend. Even if the comedic scenes are wrong timed, I still burst my laughter because Yuru Yuri is very funny and fun series even if the studio changed. Now with the season over, I’m kinda sad and disappointed since it only has 12 episodes but I’m rather grateful that it received a 3rd season [it ended up nicely, very warm and cute ending], and frankly I enjoyed it to the max! Hence, if you already watch the first and the second season, do watch the third season! Don’t forget the OVAs too, it’s good too. Even if it has Yuri genre, most of the scenes are basically slice of life type, don’t worry there are Yuri scenes too, haha. [Ayano x Kyoko]
With that I conclude this review with Story (7), Art (8), Sound (8), Characters (8), and Enjoyment (8) and with the overall 8 out of 10. I do apologize if the review is too long or too crap because I’m still a newbie of writing review, I do hopefully it is helpful as it can encourage more people to watch Yuru Yuri. With that, thank you for taking your time in reading it.
And have a nice peaceful day!~
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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