Mar 29, 2018
Death Note
Death note is one of my favorite animes. it has many aspects of an amazing anime and the twist at the end was awesome! though one of my favorite characters did die, i love the anime. the story is about a boy, Light, who finds a notebook of death. if he writes a name they die. simple. but the story has so much development and plot and its just so good. the art is really symbollic and very beautiful for what, 2004? the characters were so amazing and diverse. i really enjoyed this anime and plan on rewatching it soon! : 3
Mar 29, 2018
Elfen Lied
Oh my god. This anime is my all time favorite anime! for 2005, this anime is pretty gosh dang good. it has every aspect of a great anime in my opinion. maybe im over rating it, but i honestly love Elfen Lied. first of all, the story is amazing. second of all the art is very beautiful and symbolic. the music is very beautiful and i listen to the sound track some times. all the characters have amazing design and theyre adorable. the overall enjoyment was a 10/10. I love horror and comedy anime, and it has hints of ecchi and gore. over all i
Mar 29, 2018
Papa to Kiss in the Dark
Honestly, the story isnt that bad! i wish it was longer. its pretty much just something you should know what your getting into. a boy loves his dad in that way. if you dont like that stuff then dont watch it but i enjoyed it :3 the art was amazing and the characters were cute. the sound was good for a 2005 anime and the overall experience was pretty good. i am a fujoshi so maybe thats why i enjoyed it,, but still. it was adorable. and at this point i really dont know what else to put the anime was good simple as that.