Jan 11, 2023
I don't think the movie was bad but there's a big BUT here I have seen people trying to justify the movie when really they shouldn't have done the manga ending if they were going to cut out a lot of crucial interactions which lead to the MCs decision (I can't remember how to spell his name) but Yotsuba because of the lack of development was the least interesting character of the three minus (ichika but I really don't like her so I'm slightly biased) because of the lack of content they cut out of the anime Itsuki,Miku and Nino would have all made better
or more rational choices because they actually interacted with the MC Yotsuba had three major interactions (the swings, the bell and the past meeting) and this leads to him choosing her it doesn't make sense but the manga puts in what's required.
I'm not a radical fanboy of TQQ because I personally thought it was eh but I have watched other Romance and Harem animes which have been done better (the manga explains it and does it well, I'm digging on the anime rn FYI) My favourite Romance anime of all time is Rascal does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai and it's not for Mai like it because the MC is relatable but also him and Mai actually talk to each other and have some sort of development their relationship works but because of the cut content from the Manga the TQQ MC and Yotsubas relationship feels rather undeserved and badly thought out if they had the cut content in I would have nothing to complain about. I don't do what everyone else does and pick favourites but I feel like Itsuki would have been better for the anime ichika is a bitch, Yotsuba is bland (in the anime cus fuck all happens with her over the two seasons), Miku and Nino are just two sides of the same coin and Itsuki probably because she was separate from the others and also had some development (not too much but more than Yotsuba) my only reason I say this really is cus Nino and Miku are the best options in the anime but they are too similar overall with their relationship with the MC that's the only reason I said what I did.
So this movie in my opinion is okay I did have to go back and finish it after being so pissed off that I stopped watching it. But the anime was good while it lasted all was good apart from the final decision that is really the only major problem I have with it the rest of it was pretty good but not really anything special or groundbreaking just done well ( minus the cutting of vital content) also I hate all the Manga readers who spoiled it so I was already majorly annoyed before I even actually got round to actually watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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