Jan 15, 2022
Is there a god? Are we alone in the universe? What awaits us after death? These questions have plagued mankind for centuries. Ever since we developed the both blessing and curse of sentience we have been curious, itching for an answer to atleast one of these. If only it could come so easily. Now as a rather controversial author put it:
"The Industrial Revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race"
And after centuries of development, the fateful date of January 15th 2009 really shows the truth of this statement. Abunai Sisters clocks in at about half an hour with all the episodes
being exactly three minutes and two seconds. The line between "so bad it's good" and "i question mortality because of this media" is blurred the most it has ever been. Several times i found myself wishing death upon the two protagonist. They are essentially the same character with some minor conflicting opinions (whether or not they should go skinny-dipping or what overpriced chinese restaurant they should order from)
Really, there is not much to say about this. It was made to be bad, yes. And it is certainly an achievement in that front although it pales in comparascent to other media (believe me, i watched Sausage Party) The show just comes off as a copy of Panty & Stocking except with two extremely unlikeable protagonists.
You might think it is good to watch with the mates and so did i. And i would say it is entertaining in it's own way... For the first two episodes. Throughout most of the first episode my sister and i laughed because the anime really hit that 21st century humour archetype. Albeit 100% unintentionally. If i ever get near-black-out drunk, i know what i will be putting on the TV first, that's for sure.
To anyone planning to watch this i'd say, go ahead. If you really want to open this pandora's box, why not. Because there always is that small bit of hope at the bottom and in this case it is that all other pains in your life will seem meaningless. I can't say for certain you will become a transcendant being of pure enlightenment but who knows?
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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