Your usual weeb. I watch everything but recently fantasy/shonen..
Started watching anime when I was 6 years old (one piece) and to this day I still love it. I'll end up watching shows that I dont like till the end, and the shows I love I can watch in just a day. You got any recommendations for me?
All Comments (14) Comments
He just cant catch a break...
Re:Zero Season 1 15 episodes in and its scored a 2, 10 episodes later and its scored at 9.
God damn, I dont remember the whale arc being soo peak
Pffft you think ive watched anything this season? Lmao
Ill scroll down the list for you
You got re zero s3, an absolute classic of an isekai
You got Talker Runs the World's Greatest Clan, read the manga actually & i quite enjoyed it
These 2 are the ones that immediately caught my mind
There was this one show that i saw called "The Healer who was Banished from his Party is in fact the Strongest" but it turns out i was thinking of the wrong anime which was in my mind actually just Evasion Healer which was also good but not as good as Talker tho
& for the last season you got Oshi no Ko with Alya san, both are the absolute highlights last season
Anyway, judging for your blantant love of romance anime & anime that aired last season you got 2.5d seduction, makeine, pseudo harem (peak,)
Now me personally, aside from OnK you dont need to go in blind for any of these shows i just listed
Wsg man NP, how is life treating you YK how are the kids? I hear there is one on the way right?
Lets fucking go man someone initiate the convo first you absolutely love to see it. fun fact I think you're the first Its truly is a thankless "job"
Golden Time is in your favorites? I don't see that one very often, do you think I should pick it back up or what
Gushing over magical girls is a 4 whattt damn thats crazy
I mean thank you? What makes you say I have the best list when we only share 15 anime together? Are you glazzing me or what??
Man i really should catch up with Bunny Girl Senpai but i'm not ready boss, i'm not ready for the feels
btw do you have a disc ord? i rarely open this site i might miss your messages again. If you do add me, my user is; kiium
A silent voice I can totally get tho, that is literally a movie I watch yearly because it just feels like such a COMFORTING MOVIE!! It's a really good movie with a really good message and it also goes above and beyond the source material as well <33
Bunny girl senpai was also so good and it kept getting better with the movie (gotta see the newer ones!) totally gives me monogatari vibes which i love (just a lil less obscure with its theming but thats always nice :>)
I still have yet to see golden time and haganai tho I remember hearing a lot about them back in the day so I'm sure they are some enjoyable watches ^^
Hope you like them when you get around to them ANDD
its good to be really honest with reviews! I tend to also look at things from a critic standpoint I feel more than others but its nice to know what people do and don't like about things I may like/dislike, it is able to broaden my horizons :D
And sorry it took some time to get back! I have been working hard on a research paper these past weeks but I finally got some downtime so yay ^0^
My favourite anime.. That's a hard one! My Top 5 would be between Assassination Classroom, Fruba, Oregairu, Natsume's Book of Friends and Chihayafuru! It is honestly hard to choose just one, what about you? :D
And I definitely could recommend A LOT of good romance anime since I've seen a lot I really love but Ill keep it to 5!
1. Romantic Killer: I blindly watched it on Netflix one day and it was A REAL NICE SURPRISE! I would say the first episode or two isn't indicative of the series as a whole :]
2. Plastic Memories: This is, I would say this is between the line of known and niche like in the day I HEARD A LOT ABOUT IT and now just not so much sadly... PM is good for what it is and does the job of having an actual ending at the end of the anime! I know a lot of people that watched this anime and really loved it so I thought it was a good one to mention ^^
3. My Love Story with Yamada at LVL999: This one aired quite recently and I was so sad not to see many people talking about it! It was an all around feel good anime (that despite the premise seeming... WELL maybe you get what I mean without me typing it /0\) which ended up being one of my favourites of that season :] AND AGAIN it doesn't follow the shoujo formula of 'will-they-won't-they' for 10 seasons
4. The Dangers in my Heart: This is most likely not underrated (as the hype around the current second season suggests to mee BUT) I love this anime so much I couldn't help but include it, the development is just so damn wholesome, AAH, I just couldn't helping enjoying every minute and wishing for the best results!! Prolly my favourite out of all these recs ^^
5. Kono Oto Tomare: Romance with music! Now I'll be honest, this one is more music orientated than romance buut Chika and Satowa just have some really great development and (when I transferred to the manga afterwords... became one of my favourite!)
Ahaha sorry for writing so much! But I hope you like at least one of the recs I gave :>
I looked through my entire list to give only the best!
Im pretty sure the second season has been confirmed! I remember seeing the author and some of the voice actors retweeting about it iirc ^^ It was officially announced on the website
When I give an anime a 10 its my way of saying 'YOU HAVEN'T LIVED IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THEM!!' because they are all so near and dear to my heart :>
And if our tastes are so similar we have to be friends!! Its a sign ๐