Not just a Romcom anime
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie is a Romcom anime that does its job well, but falls short of being great. Many of the episodes are episodic and while there is SOME development for the couple of the show, largely things stay the same throughout the anime's 12 episodes. The anime had 2 delays with it's episodes due to the staff getting sick with Covid, so this also meant a recap episode (not reviewing here) was made titled episode 6.5 and a special program for the 2nd delay where the JP VA for Shikimori-san and Izumi-san talked about the anime (I only
saw the first few minutes so cannot say what all it entails but atm this likely isn't even anime as its not got a page on MAL so think of it more as a BD special feature you rarely see and get these days where those who worked on the anime talk about it in interviews or features) Despite the staff getting sick, the anime never lost any of its style or charm for any part of it (Music, art, VA etc. etc.).
The anime doesn't just focus on the featured couple, but on their friends and class mates too. Each episode is something new, I'd however also argue with MAL that this isn't JUST a Romcom anime, as it's also very much a Slice of Life anime too which at the time of this review, the anime lacks this genre on its page. For what Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie has and does it does it very well, and sure the anime's art style (the eyes as you've likely heard and seen does take getting used too, it's by no means bad, it actually makes the anime feel more alive and beautiful and this anime has some very pretty scenes throughout it. Looking back however, the anime does have its share of problems but most of these are not really the anime's fault or anyone's fault as its just doing it's job. The MAIN issue the anime has is, not much happens in the show that is note worthy, most of it is just fluff and that's ok, like i said it does its job VERY well. You might be surprised how much you might come to like some or all of the anime's characters. If however you don't like character interactions, seeing slice of life stuff, Romcom and want more in a story than all that i've said this anime has to offer then, you'll likely find this anime boring or hate it as it's not suited to your tastes which is fine, like i said, this anime tells its story and it does so very well but its not for everyone.
The music is largely for me, forgettable, while i liked parts of the OP (Mostly the last part of the song), I found myself skipping the OP song every time. I can't really recall the music that well in the anime itself but that might be a me thing) but it's the ED song that is TRULY note worthy. Its catchy as heck and I want that to be an actual mini game in a game! Seriously if nothing else, you should give the ED song a watch and listen, it's GREAT! Speaking of GREAT, some moments in the anime I adored and were GREAT imo. Also, shout out to Izumi's Mom whom, only got hotter as she aged. :) The one character in this anime that you LIKELY have seen already though is... Blue/Gary from Pokemon! No he's not ACTUALLY here, but the resemblance is basically they're the same character, appearance wise anyway cept Inuzuka here has a fang sticking out of his mouth. This took me time to get used to seeing him as I at first was just seeing Blue/Gary lol however their personality is not the same and he's a really great guy and friend.
I never found anyone in the name to be annoying or awful or even bad. I don't dislike anyone in the anime, every character is someone whom I like even if just a little for some. I also like the roles and personality that each character played and has, including and especially Shikimori-san and Izumi-san, the two really do compliment each other and it was great watching them. If you've heard anything negative about the anime or it's characters then it's likely been blown out of proportion and is untrue, and likely filled with bias to boot as for some reason people who watched this anime were comparing it to My Dress up Darling? Like, WHY!? The two are not even the same AT ALL! My Dress Up Darling doesn't even HAVE much romance and the MC aren't in a relationship either and it's about Hinatsu Dolls, Cosplay and slice of life stuff and it's a great anime and should be watched for sure (And ironically, it TOO got shitted on for NO reason and got bias... HMMM, am wondering if this is where those fans went too...) When you watch an anime you should not let another SINGLE anime (or a handful of anime) affect how you feel about another anime. Doing so leads to disappointment and bias (Like what happened here). The ONLY TIME you should EVER let other anime influence your feelings is by the amount of type of an anime genre/theme you've seen as that is what helps you to better make proper, fair, unbiased judgements and is a fair way to let your enjoyment also reach it's max as this way you'll only be comparing other genres and themes to what you saw already, case in point I've seen a TON of ecchi anime, seen the same old tiring tropes and jokes and it's great when i find one that isn't the same ol same old.
But enough about that, I apologize but it needed to be said seeing as the community is hating on the anime Shikimori-san for no real reason. I promise you it's not THAT bad, it's just average to slightly above average at best. I also find it note worthy that the anime is rated at the time of this review a 6.96 with 91,382 users having rated it yet the manga which started 3 years before the anime is rated a 7.76 with 15,750 users having rated it. I mention this to further point out the bias I spoke of moments ago. (Full disclosure, i have not read the manga so dunno what else is to come and that might be why its higher but I honestly don't believe so)
Ultimately Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie is a average to slightly above average anime, it might be worth your time if you like seeing the stuff I mentioned in the anime, but might not if you don't. I rate the anime a 7.5 out of 10 and give it a Love score of 7.0. The reason for the slightly lower love score there is due to episode 12 and full disclosure, this is where you need to stop reading if you wish to remain unspoiled, the anime since I like it and mostly enjoyed it, should not be spoiled so last chance to back out.
Sadly episode 12 had the NEAR PERFECT set up, it was GREAT! The romance was off the charts, it was great seeing the couple hanging out on their date, everything was leading up to the BIGGEST MOMENT in the entire series where SIGNIFICANT progress for the couple would be achieved, a step forward (Which they'd had 1 step forward prior to this point so yes there WAS some romance development but it wasn't that much and imo, not that great and kinda just borin for the step they did take...) and at the end, Izumi-san... kisses Shikimori-san...
ON THE FREAKING CHEEK! ... Like, that was THE biggest let down AND the BIGGEST mistake the anime has period, end of story. It was made worse by the fact the boat rocked and Shikimori-san fell down into Izumi-san's lap, typically this is when either two things would happen, one, they accidentally kiss or two, they stare into each other's eyes and kiss. NONE OF THAT happened here and instead we get the third route being a "let me stay like this" moment. The date ends there and we fast forward to the next day where Shikimori-san's friends are questioning her at school, doing a police interrogation skit because they know some new development (BWAHAHA... ;-;) happened between her and Izumi-san as it was clearly written on her face something had and her lies were obvious. Finally Shikimori-san tells the two they kissed and the girls freak out, then she reveals it was on the cheek and their reaction MIRRORED my own. Their interest drained, their investment gone, their mood gone and their eyes soulless. This whole skit, while ironic and trying to be humorous and despite mirroring how invested I was and showing how DISAPPOINTED I WAS that it was JUST on the freaking CHEEK, does NOT justify the betrayal and TROLL MOVE the anime did at the end here and this is WHY I rated it lower than the anime's score, because some of my enjoyment got lost there and that's not cool what they did, it's also the CLASSIC cop out move you see TIME AND AGAIN in 99% of any anime with romance. Just as that waiter who RUDELY interrupted their date in the restaurant is another classic cop out. Its wrong, its annoying and this trend NEEDS to DIE, NOW! "Izumi-san chickened out." -Nekozaki
If Shikimori-san ever gets another season i sincerely hope it has ACTUAL romantic development, because while the slice of life stuff and fluff was great as was the romantic moments we saw, none of it makes the anime stand out and it sucks when there isn't any romantic progress, especially significant (Which stings even more given this is a COUPLE) so i hope we get it and it does away with the romance tropes S1 pulled. I'd love a S2, but this anime for me if I had to pick other anime to get a S2 or another season of, would not be anywhere near my first pick. That doesn't mean its bad, far from it but there's other anime I've been waiting for future seasons that are better. Still, hopefully Shikimori-san gets another season and hopefully it improves on what S1 got wrong.
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Jul 10, 2022
Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san
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Not just a Romcom anime
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie is a Romcom anime that does its job well, but falls short of being great. Many of the episodes are episodic and while there is SOME development for the couple of the show, largely things stay the same throughout the anime's 12 episodes. The anime had 2 delays with it's episodes due to the staff getting sick with Covid, so this also meant a recap episode (not reviewing here) was made titled episode 6.5 and a special program for the 2nd delay where the JP VA for Shikimori-san and Izumi-san talked about the anime (I only ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Jun 20, 2022
Black★★Rock Shooter: Dawn Fall
Hello and good day to you BRS fans and readers and anime lovers and video game fans. I am writing this review to give you a FAIR review for the anime, which a LOT of BRS fans are claiming this version of BRS is crap and saying lines like "what have they done to BRS?" Its trash and bad etc. Clearly those BRS fans never saw more than 1 of the BRS anime and certainly didn't bother to play BRS: The Game when it came to the US many years ago on the PSP. Let me just say this, BRS is like many series like
Megaman and Sonic the Hedgehog for example. What do I mean by that? I mean, it doesn't stick to 1 setting, nor 1 timeline/universe. Perhaps it'd be better to say its like all them DC and Marvel etc. Super Hero series in the US. See, BRS: The Game was a story set in a post apocalyptic world where Aliens invaded Earth and the Humans are fighting back against the Aliens.
BRS having just been awakened helps fight alongside the humans to fight off the Alien invasion and try to save the human race which is almost extinct...If some of this sounds very familiar thats because this anime is closer to the game's story in terms of setting than it is the previous 2 anime series however, despite this, some of the same themes from past anime series are still here. (Hope and despair and not giving up) Make no mistake though, the anime is NOT telling the game's story, the two stories are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Just as one example for this anime that's not a spoiler, instead of Aliens from the game its an AI that humans created thats trying to kill humanity. BRS' origins are also completely different between the two and, as said before, each BRS series, whether anime, game or otherwise has different characters who yes, may share the same name as another character in another universe, but are not the same character at all. BRS is one of a handful of those individuals who shares the BRS name. Now that you know this, I want you to go into this with an OPEN MIND should you decide to watch any BRS anime, especially this one. This one has some cliches yes but those don't ruin the anime or hinder it and it is my hope that BRS fans will be more open minded in the future. This anime doesn't deserve the low ratings which are, imo, over reactions and thus unfair and unjust ratings just because its nothing like the 1st two anime series and I DOUBT the mobile game thats set to release this year (barring a delay or cancellation...) will be like what BRS fans might be expecting from a character and story perspective too. Fyi, I HIGHLY recommend playing BRS: The Game if you are able too, its a great game and has 2 endings, maybe more I forget but 2 for sure endings as there may've been a 3rd ending being a bad ending, I forget (Look up a spoiler free guide for how to get the endings, I forget how to get the endings) If nothing else I believe the game has playthroughs on Youtube though its more fun to actually play if you can vs. watching the game being played Back to this anime, despite a few cliches (emphasis on a few, not many), its been interesting and good and I love the mystery the anime had but I have to say the anime needed 1 more episode but that aside, I rate it a 7.0 out of 10. Its a GOOD anime and a GOOD adaptation of BRS and again, they've done a similar story for BRS with BRS: The Game on PSP but as stated before, both the game and Dawn Fall anime have very different stories and characters and endings too. So many fans calling this not BRS when it is very much so BRS. BRS' CORE theme is hope in the depths of darkness and despair and BRS is typically that hope. How this plays out in Dawn Fall is interesting and BRS isn't alone in trying to save humanity. There are some twists you may not see coming, for example in my case I did not see why Lunatic, aka Artimis, aka the AI trying to wipe out humanity, is trying to wipe out humanity. She chose the perfect name for herself alright, Lunatic suits her both in her craziness and in the reference to the moon with the luna in her name. I won't spoil why she's doing this, that's for you to find out as it was one of many mysteries. I enjoyed BRS: Dawn Fall, just wish it got 1 more episode to tie up some loose ends... and I really enjoyed the mystery aspect BRS: Dawn Fall had, it, alongside the characters are what helped to bring this story, the characters and world and their reality to life and considering what kind of story this is, that's a MUST and they nailed it. It is my hope, you will look past the negative reviews and misguided beliefs on who and what BRS is as this review has tried to point out who and what both the character and the series BRS is/are. Many don't like the slight changes in her design for example, thats nothing new, she always gets changes to her design and so on with every adaptation yet some people make it sound like they butchered both her design and story of BRS when they did not and her design is close enough to all the other BRS characters. Dead Master's design changed a lot here, that is true, but again she is not the same Dead Master as in previous BRS series and I actually liked this Dead Master. What I'm trying to say is, its better if you go into this with an open mind instead of a closed off one and if you like mysteries you might just enjoy BRS: Dawn Fall, long as you have an open mind. This review was brought to you by a BRS fan whose seen all the anime pretty much and played BRS: The Game, for whatever that's worth to you. Its my hope this info and my review will help you have a more open mind to this anime and thus a more enjoyable experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Jun 14, 2022 Mixed Feelings
This review will have a spoiler free section with the ratings and a spoiler section after the ratings which you can avoid reading if you prefer to remain spoiler free but it is necessary for me to include the spoiler section in order to properly review Popotan. Rest assured I'll warn you when we come to the spoiler section and the spoiler section won't be before the ratings.
If you didn't see the genres/themes and didn't read the Synopsis for what this anime is about, then it won't be until episode 6 or around there that it's confirmed what genre this is, this in and of ... itself adds a nice little mystery of what's going on in the story and i suspect this was done intentionally back in the day. This review assumes you already know what the genre/theme is however there is one that is not on the list at this time of review which i feel SHOULD be on there as, Popotan is one of the better Slice of Life anime. How so? Its story and the characters you'll meet along the way is how. Despite not having all the answers we were hoping would be answered in the show itself, its story and the emotions you feel for certain moments and plenty of characters are what makes Popotan so delightful to watch. It can be heart warming and heart breaking at times. Popotan seemed to have first been a Hentai VN based on what other reviews here have said and it's my guess based on the description of the Manga that only has 2 Volumes that it too is it's own adaptation, something that wasn't uncommon back when Popotan was made. So know that there isn't (To my knowledge) anything else for Popotan from where the anime ends, which is both fitting and yet a shame too as i would've LOVED to see more and get confirmation about some things but I do believe I know some unanswered questions you will WANT to know so when you finish the anime if you watch it that is, please be sure to come back and read my spoiler section. With all that said there isn't much else to say except stuff in the spoiler section but I really am touched by how moving Popotan's characters and story is. I would also say that this anime has aged well and the art is still beautiful and cute as it most likely was back in the day. However, Popotan is NOT without some faults but nothing that would ruin your enjoyment of the story and it's characters and this is why much as I wish I could rate the anime higher, I cannot, yet my love for it, the enjoyment I had with it's characters and so on are why I'm giving it a separate rating from the first rating that I call a Love rating. I rate Popotan a 6.5 out of 10 and I give Popotan a Love rating of 7.5 out of 10. I know there are plenty of reviews harping on it but don't let that stop you from giving Popotan a chance. The rest of this review will be the spoiler section, it's my hope when you finish the anime that you will come back and read it as it may provide some answers to some of the unanswered questions the anime has... So let me get the bad stuff I have to nit pick out of the way before we get to the unanswered questions as those unanswered questions are the main reason why I was forced to rate the anime lower than my love score but these nit picks were also a small part of it. To start off, at some point in the anime the girls get to choose what point in time to go back to. Ai weirdly enough decides to go back to the child version of Daichi, when you'd think she'd have gone back to the grown up version of Daichi since they more or less made a promise when Ai and her sis' journey was over, she'd go back and tell him about it, but this version she cannot do this. Its also very ODD that she KISSED the child version of him... despite clearly being interested in adults. It just felt out of place but this was the LEAST of my nit picks and believe it or not, this had NO affect on the rating at all. Nope, the next 2 sisters do though, Mai is next and I found it believable she went to see Konami about a year give or take after she said her good bye, but this could affect the future? (This isn't explained, more later on this...) But I guess given other factors, going to a few years before when Konami's daughter Mai would've caused issues if its all 1 timeline and not multiple timelines/dimensions like other fans suspect. Sadly thats not confirmed far as I know so yeah, just odd... but even then going back at all would've had an affect on the future... so *shrugs* goes the anime. Now, Mai wasn't THAT bad since its possible multiple timelines exist, even if not confirmed or explained in the show itself but Mii on the other hand? She chooses to go abck to the time period that had Nono... why is THIS a problem? Weeeell... in a previous episode Mi made a friend in a hospital, you know it, the girl from that Magical Girl mii episode where Mii made her debut as a Magical Girl. This girl is not shown in the characters page (sadly) so i can't recall her name but we never see her again besides standing next to the characters on the mid point intro cut in where everyone from the series shows up and says Popotan. She is seen there though this cut in isn't canon sooo... but the point is I can't even say the writers forgot about this girl cus they bothered to include her here... and to refresh your memory the reason WHY this girl whose illness Mi and her sisters and Unagi cured is a big deal is because Mii PROMISED to come back and play with that girl again, but instead LEFT said girl behind. This REALLY didn't sit well with me when Mai and the story itsef was making SUUUUUCH a big deal about how the oens they leave behind is causing them to suffer. It just felt in poor taste to make Nono the girl who mii goes back to when it SHOULD HAVE BEEN the girl in the hospital who Mii went back to see. Both girls and the ones taking care of them KNEW about either the house and or the powers they had so you can't even excuse that as a reason for why one and not the other... and its Nono and her Grandpa who kenw about the house so further reason you'd THINK it'd be the girl and her father from the hospital that Mii would go see... And ofc, Mea, while she doesn't get to choose a time, this Android was stopped in a time period and LEFT THERE seemingly frozen... This REALLY bothered me in more ways than one because the girls just forgot about her and none of them chose to go back for her. There was SOME concern at first but that was gone as quickly as it went in one ear and out the other. THAT'S WHY this soured me and also ruined some believablility which affected the rating. Thankfully Mea was fine, and we know she cares about the girls, but this wasn't even the first time the girls showed they didn't care about Mea in return, it was the second time which ticks me off. Am sure they DO care about her, its just the writers messed that up twice... Lastly, there were a few moments in the anime where I felt they either needed more time or should've done things a bit differently, especially with Keith whom the story couldn't make up it's mind on what it wanted Keith to be... This brings me to the unanswered questions and the MAIN reason the rating took a hit. In episode 6 I think it was, or around there I think, we finally come to know what the girls have been searching for... its a girl... eventually we come to know this girl's name is Shizuku but who or what she is, isn't properly explained, the most we know is, she is someone who helps travelers to either start a new journey or to end it. But hold on... that's odd, VERY ODD... early when we first see her, based on everything that'd happened b4 they met her, it sounded like she was THE REASON they were on that journey in the first place and yet, you're telling me, they dunno WHY they're on this journey and trying to find her in the first place? And wait, there were OTHER travelers who not only could speak to the Popotan like Ai can but also traveled through time like the sisters do and also had VERY SIMILAR experiences these girls have been having? Whom ALSO are searching for this girl and also wanted answers for why they're on this journey? Yet the divergence ended where those 2 boys gave up when Shizuku had no answers for them... I suspect Keith is one of those two boys, likely the older one and remember, they burnt their house down and that house, if its like the one the sisters use is what kept the boys immortal, assuming it had that function which it likely did so this checks out, though, assuming Keith wasn't lying when he said others would come for the girls if the truth got out no matter what point they were in and how he's been through that (Or that's what it sounded like), makes ya wonder even more about Keith, assuming that was the truth and assuming he was also telling the truth that he was once a traveler too... Anyway, back to Shizuku and what the girls were searching for. Let's assume for a moment this was always the case, that the girls were on this journey and searching for this girl who they dunno even her name or what she looks like and dunno WHY they're doing this to begin with. Let's assume THIS as i said, was ALWAYS what Popotan's anime had in mind. If we assume this, doesn't that seem odd, out of place and leaves unanswered questions? Well, you're in luck as I may have an answer for what is going on here. Though and let me just say, since the anime is sadly over and this is where the story ends, this is just speculation on my part but I have 2 theories that may both go hand in hand or you could just pick one over the other. Its also worth reminding you that we never did see or get answers to how the girls came across the house that time travels. So, here is my two theories. The characters that can time travel are a life form of Popotan, or what they're also known as, Dandelions. I know I know sounds far out, what's this girl talking about but hear me out and keep an open mind here. Think back on the show itself, every single time the characters time traveled and even the house, two things always happened, maybe 3, the 3rd am unsure of is Popotan were either almost always or always right by the house or not far from the house. The 1st thing is the characters and house always faded into light which looked exactly like the form Dandelions takes when they're seeds and in a fuzzy white state. Upon reaching their destination they fade back from light form to themselves. And the 2nd thing that always happened was when it was almost time to time travel or time to do so, a weird shape in the sky appeared above the house, when you see this in one episode, it's shape and appearance no longer seems odd and unfamiliar, for its the exact shape of a Dandelion that has had its seeds blown off it. Which is equally fitting for this time travel stuff and further leads into two other points am about to make here. Some travelers can talk TO Popotan (Dandelions) while some cannot but the fact some can is further evidence but its the ending itself that finalizes this theory and also leads into the other theory too. At the end, the girls find their OWN answer for why they're on this journey, it's so they can bring hope to those they meet. I think if am recalling correcting the anime's English Dub even said seeds of hope. My other theory is that Shizuku hasn't been truthful with the girls and other travelers. She seemed to be testing them, as if she herself wanted them to find their OWN answer to why they were on this journey. In the end many may feel Popotan has no conclusive answer to why the girls are on this journey but perhaps, the answer is just so they can bring hope to those they meet and the anime sure enough basically tries to end on this as the reason why, however, I am not satisfied with this ending as that'd mean forever traveling through time and always parting with those they care about. It also feels like there is no care for how time travel would affect the timeline(s) and in fact, even Keith tried to kill someone from the past... not to mention Shizuku sending travelers to any point in time they wish to go to. Not to mention the random time jumps b4 meeting her... Which may've and seemed to be planed by Shizuku herself which is why I believe Shizuku wasn't honest with the girls and that the journey isn't truly over yet and likely won't go on forever but alas, sadly this may never get a proper ending, as like i said, the anime seemed to want to end on the girls bringing hope to those they meet... Ultimately, Popotan's story is finished, in a way that you wish there was more, but also doesn't truly answer questions and other plot points and that's why i was forced to rate it lower but i truly enjoyed it and my theories do bring some light on some unanswered questions, whether you can get behind the theories or not is up to you, but imho, I think the 2nd theory for sure is the case and its a shame that we never got a S2 to finish the anime with but if it was always intended to be this way then some stuff makes more sense if the girls were basically born on that house and it's Shizuku's role to look after her off spring which, is another theory of mine as we did see her basically sprouting out of a flowerbed of Popotan when they first saw her and she also seems to be the one who decides when and where the girls jump to amongst other things. So if this is the case, one has to then wonder WHY Shizuku is putting travelers, her potential off spring through all this? Perhaps its so they can find their own path in life? Their own destiny, home etc.? Or perhaps, its so Shizuku herself can find some answer to something that only the travelers can find the answer to that she is looking for? All theories are valid and great and may shed light on stuff, while the 3rd sheds some light but also adds more questions... Ultimately whatever the take away is here, I personally believe that Popotan is trying to tell a heart warming and heart wrenching story with lovable characters that are full of life and that the slice of life elements are there to help you in some ways. Perhaps Popotan (the anime) wants you to take something positive away from it? Perhaps it wants to bring a seed of hope to you no matter if its small or big. Popotan did have plenty of life lessons after all so hopefully you enjoyed the anime and took something positive away from it and with that, I end my review of Popotan. It isn't perfect and I wish there was more, but it was a great watch and i hope you found it to be enjoyable too. Popotan~
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Jun 12, 2022 Recommended
The amount of ecchi anime I've seen is over 9000! Meme aside am serious when I say that I've seen a TON of ecchi anime. I can usually tell exactly how a skit in an ecchi anime will go because most ecchi anime have the same old tropes and do not innovate much if at all... But does that apply to this anime?
Recently, my sister is unusual. is not like most ecchi anime so the short answer to the above question is no, it does not. While there are a few skits you'll see and be familiar with, Recently, my sister is unusual. focuses on ... new and innovative ecchi skits. (Innovative in terms of how few anime use these skits if at all) Some skits are what you expect, some are what you expect but then adds its own twist to the tropey skit. Then there are skits you just rarely if ever see. Its hard to find a GOOD ecchi anime, especially one that is its own thing. So here I am, dumbfounded at how most of the 73k+ anime fans could rate this anime so POORLY! I am shocked to see all kinds of low ratings, ranging from 1's, to 3's to 5's and 6's with some 7's and 8's with the over all rating currently at the time of this review sitting at a mean and undeserved 6.22 while the ova sits at about 6.40 with 13k+ anime fans having rated that OVA which isn't as good as the OG series imo, though the 2nd half of the ova was nice, but I digress, the fact is, Recently, my sister is unusual. is an 8.0 rating with the ova being a 7.5 rating. While not every joke is a hit, I found myself laughing and sometimes laughing hard to a few of the jokes but the anime shines at its best in both the romance portion of the story, as well as the ecchi genre it has for it does things differently from most ecchi anime. Some stuff you'll be able to see a mile away coming, others you can predict, including parts of the story, but, other stuff you rarely if ever see in an ecchi anime. I was delighted to find an anime made 8 years back that did things differently from 99% of ecchi anime, it was refreshing finding something NEW for once, when it could've easily have been anime generic ecchi anime. Don't get me wrong, it does have plenty of tropy ecchi moments you see in that 99% ecchi anime, but a decent bit is not found in that 99% of ecchi anime. As for the romance, its sweet, as are the characters, thats the best way to describe them imo as, they will grow on you and that will make the investment all the more worth it in the end. I say the end but sadly, the anime is unfinished... (I'd still say its worth a watch!) Mean while the manga and LN both ended 6+ years ago... and we sadly may never get the rest in anime form which is a real shame as the other side to this anime that helps it stand out is the characters, all of them (Almost all anyway) but especially the relationship that comes from Mitsuki and Hiyori and speaking of Hiyori, you'll know more about her if you pay attention to what she says for how she died and if you watch the ED song in full. That said, we dunno who she is even now and I imagine a 2nd or 3rd season would've given us this insight. So that is the other part of the charm this anime has is its story and the mystery portions it has. I'm really trying to think of why so many call this anime bad, trash and other untrue things. Did you just stop at episode 1? I admit, that was unexpected and a bit much if you weren't prepared for it but still, episode 1 is the most ecchiest episode, not that the other episodes won't have plenty of ecchi moments but still, I could see this turning some away but not most... So was it then the romance focusing on step siblings? (Me thinks people forgot its focusing on more than just them such as on Hiyori too) Nah, that can't be it because that's IN the description for what this anime is partly about so if you watched this and you knew you didn't like that kind of thing then thats on you, not the anime... fyi, step siblings in the US AND in Japan can get married (No that doesn't happen in S1 or the OVA) and I mean in real life, not just in this anime as they aren't blood related so hopefully that helps some who might not like the synopsis just because of that... Ok so what is the REAL reason why so many dislike this anime? I honestly cannot even guess... I have seen so many anime, ecchi and not ecchi, romance and not romance etc. that DESERVE that low rating but THIS ANIME? No, it deserves a much higher rating... I'd also like to point out the story is on the more unique side that you don't see too much in anime. Since I already rated the anime, I will just say that I called the ending of S1, but, I did NOT see the how it would happen coming and I just laughed hard to that haha. Good stuff right there haha. On that note, before I end this review I have one more thing to say that you need to know. The anime has an uncensored version and a censored version. I would seriously recommend seeing the anime uncensored if you can. This review is based on the uncensored anime. Lastly, there was something else I wanted to say here but sadly, I forgot what it was...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jun 7, 2022
Hataraku Saibou Black
If you are new to the Cells at Work! series I'd recommend checking out the OG TV series as that should be your entry point, though, you could also just watch Code Black, but the two are very different beasts. The OG TV series focuses on the inside of a HEALTHY human body but Code Black is true to its name. Check out my review below for Code Black and my review for the OG TV series for the other one. Thankfully both anime explain stuff so you will most of the time, not be confused even if the same thing was covered in one
it'll be covered in the other if its shown in both, though sadly Code Black doesn't explain every detail involving the human body that it depicts and or talks about but it covered most of it that it shows. With that, onto the review.
Welcome to the inside of an UNHEALTHY human body. Home to many cells that work tirelessly to keep the body going. If you watched the OG TV series of Cells at Work! then one thing you'll IMMEDIATELY notice is the TONE of the show is VASTLY darker in its art direction, story and content it shows and tells but it tells a VERY important message in the story it tells. Where as the OG show took place in a healthy human body and showed what the job of many Cells and body parts were, it didn't cover everything and certainly couldn't cover an environment thats bad. Code Black takes place in an unhealthy body. A body that smokes, drinks too much alcohol, doesn't get enough sleep. Doesn't exercise, has poor nutrition (Unhealthy eating) and is stressed and a body which has other health problems, a lot of which attributed due to the other stuff I just mentioned. While the OG TV series never felt like it was trying to educate you and was also easy to watch even for those like myself that have a hard time learning about the body and seeing blood and body parts and worry easily about the body, Code Black ALSO doesn't feel like it's trying to educate you about the body however, it DOES feel often times like it's trying to warn you about whats going to happen to your body if you do not take care of it and this did make it hard to watch but a WORTH WHILE WATCH if you can watch it I'd highly recommend doing so to the end of Code Black. How does it try to warn you? It tries to relate in ways you likely know already. Over time at work, a bad environment. and other ways to try to relate, and it does so in brilliant ways but in my opinion, never to try to be mean about it. Sometimes it can feel like its a "Don't do this message" but that is part of the warning its leading up to at the end of Code Black, which I will not spoil. The art style is more mature too, darker in color and tone and less kiddie looking. Even the cheerful announcer from the OG TV series is not here, instead we get a differnet announcer whose tone in voice is mroe serious which is very fitting and pairs well with Code Black as a whole. A GREAT example of this is the germs, while we don't see many of the same germs that we saw in the OG TV series, the two we DO see, look much more evil, vicious, monster like and darker/scarier looking, despite having the same design but less chibi, less bright in color and NOT cute looking at all. Its amazing how you can make the same character look so different with just a different style in the art direction and darker shade of colors and backgrounds. Speaking of thats the other way, the environment is horrible looking, unlike in the OG TV series, in Code Black we see first hand just how bad this is and the sad truth is, this is exactly what happens when you do the things the person is doing to their body in Code Black. We also see this reflected in the Cells themselves. Each Cell working overly hard, pushing themselves to the breaking point at times, due to the state of the body. This is another way it was hard for me to watch, not just in seeing and knowing what could go wrong, but seeing how the Cells themselves were being killed, suffering and working so hard. The OG TV series wasn't hard at all to watch, didn't cause me to worry. Despite this I watched to the end and am GLAD I did. It inspired me to write this review for Code Black and to try and help those reading to give Code Black a chance as it's your life sure, but YOU don't live solely for yourself, you have trillions of Cells inside you, doing their best for you, the body they call home and of course, themselves too and each of those Cells just like you, can feel things and has a life of their own too. If not for yourself, then watch if you can for the Cells inside you. Just remember to take care fo yourself as that helps the trillions inside you too. Another way Code Black is different is it lacks comedy. Where as the OG TV series had plenty of light hearted and comedy based moments, this one is very different and you won't find much if any of that here. Each episode is a DIRE episode, they spare no time wasting with fluff. Even the episodes where a change in direction happens, still have serious matters to show and tell. But what's a story without the cast am I right? Like the OG TV series, we get to meet a lot of familiar Cells, albeit not the same Cells from the OG TV series as Code Black takes place in a different human body. So Macrophages , T-Cells, White and Red Blood Cells, and more here but different and even the Platelets are here too and where as you can still find some cuteness in these new platelets, they are more mature than the ones we see presented in the OG TV series, to ya know, match the setting with Code Black. Its worth pointing out we do NOT get to see every Cell that we saw in the OG TV series and likewise we get to see Cells that weren't shown in the OG TV series. (Least at the time of this review) Cells like ones involving the stomach (Which thankfully they made it look like a soup and or a Volcano so I wasn't grossed out) and the Liver and other organs that the OG TV series didn't cover. We also get to see something else and this is something I have to warn any Teachers/Parents about... if it wasn't already apparent by now let me make this VERY crystal clear... Code Balck is NOT for kids. Do NOT show Code Black to a child who hasn't started puberty and had the "talk" that comes with that as Code Black is NOT for all ages, unlike the OG TV series which I'd say was for all ages, Code Black has plenty of material that you shouldn't show to kids who're too young and this includes showing and talking about the male reproductive organs which the OG TV series didn't even cover, much less show which this show does cover, talk about and show. Not to mention the stuff Code Balck covers can scar someone for life in an unhealthy way if you don't walk them through it if they're too young. Going back to familiar Cells, it's really great that they kept the same (albeit still different because they're not the same Cells) dynamic of having a red and a white blood Cell meeting up with each other most episodes and I really like Miss white blood Cell and the red blood Cell boy and his friend from Enucleation. (I may've misspelled that...) This helped to propel the story immensely and even in subtle ways more than the OG TV series did and as for the other Cells, like the OG TV series, it was great seeing the Cells doing their best to work together to keep the body functioning, even if it was hard at times to see them be overworked, and going through so much throughout the show. Each Cell is working hard for you! Lastly before we come to the rating and the end of this review, I want to point out that both the OG TV series and Code Black take place inside a MALE human body. I'd REALLY LIKE to see the inside of a female human body and see it go through pregnancy and all other matters that's different from a male human body so hopefully the creator(s) make that happen someday in anime form as that's the only way I'd get into it is via anime as I don't read books, just not my thing. On that note, it's time to review Code Black... I have to say this, as a work of art and for the story it told, which I can appreciate, it deserves an 8.0 out of 10 and that's the official rating i give it however, after the credits rolled, they showed a new scene which made me have to give it a love rating (A rating of mine that is only present when my feelings for the anime conflict with the rating for said anime thus making two different ratings, see my profile for more info on it) as I was not happy with the way they ended Code Black, but I get WHY they may've ended it that way... even so, this is why I give it a love rating of 7.5 out of 10. Will Code Black have a happy ending or will it not? Watch and find out for yourself! The answer may take you by surprise! That's all I can say... With all this said, this review was written in hopes it helps you to watch Code Black and with hope that watching that will help you and the Cells inside of you to have a better life. Ultimately it's up to you to make any of that happen, but, only watch Cell at Work! Code Black if you're mentally able to do so, no shame in not being able to, its not an easy thing to watch after all. Hopefully whether you watch or not you'll make choices in life that will help you, your body and the Cells inside of you out instead of going down the path told in Code Black...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jun 7, 2022
Hataraku Saibou
Educational and fun? Check. Characters based on real life cells in your body whom you will grow to love? Check. Easy to watch and understand and not hard to watch at all? Check, check, check a roonie! Ok but seriously, one of the reasons I didn't intend to watch this was because I find it hard to look at blood and body parts. Thankfully Cells at Work! TV S1 AND S2 made this SUPER easy. I also didn't find myself worrying as this is another thing that is why i avoided it because I was worried I'd learn something that would cause me to worry.
Thankfully that was not the case with either season and the anime was SUPER easy to watch and fun to boot. I, however, CANNOT say the same thing for the spin off, Cells at Work! Code Black! I would STRONGLY encourage everyone to watch S1 and 2 of the OG Cells at Work! TV series and then decide if you wanna watch Code Black as its a VERY different beast entirely and how so will be explained in my review for Code Black so please consider reading my review for it, but, in my opinion, if you're able to, I'd STRONGLY encourage you to watch Code Black, especially if you smoke, drink too much alcohol, eat poorly and don't get enough exercise and sleep and are stressed as thats what Code Black is about, the body of someone going through all that and the body the cells live in and what they go through daily but it also serves as a message and warning about what WILL happen if you continue neglecting your body. Watching Code Black may help you to improve your life, even if just a little so if you need any motivation, that should hopefully help even if just a little and is why i seriously recommend checking it out.
With that said, this review is for the TV series of Cells at Work! And thats exactly what we're getting back to here. Inside every human body there lives 3.7 trillion Cells where each cell works hard to keep you running and they all take their job very seriously. Welcome to the inside of a HEALTHY human body~ I said this was fun and you'd grow to love the cells in the anime (and hopefully your own body) and i meant it. And despite being educational (Which for me, is a drag as I don't like having to learn things i don't care to learn), its fun and does this in ways that don't feel like it's trying to educate you. What i am saying is, each episode is telling a truthful story of what goes on inside our bodies. Both S1 and S2 have stories that cover different things that go on inside our bodies as well as sometimes, outside the body too but it only ever shows this from the perspective of the Red and White Blood Cells and the various other Cells in the body. Its important to note though that even though its being educational, it does take some liberties in terms of what the inside of the body looks like, what the Cells look like and maybe some other stuff but am not qualified to comment on anything else other than what i mentioned here as no there aren't building, traffic ways and such inside our bodies, but that was a nice touch to substitute for veins and other body parts and likewise real life Cells don't look like humans, but ironically, the germs and parasites they showed DO look close enough to their actual real life counterparts. (Close enough, but of course, not an exact match) I seriously had fun following our fav Red Blood Cell girl and our fav White Blood Cell boy, meeting the other Cells and gosh dang it the Platelets are cute! Each Cell was awesome to meet and see and seeing how each Cell works to keep all of us running, including themselves, is truly a sight to see. The body is a true work of art and master piece... if only, no one in real life died, if only whoever or whatever created this reality and all life forms in real life, that that creator actually cared about us so we didn't have to suffer and die, I speak not just for humans but ALL life forms, Cells included! Sadly that's not the case but what I said doesn't really have much to do with the anime series other than for me, it was something i was feeling as I watched both S1 and S2 of this TV series as well as Code Black of the Cells at Work! series and I needed to mention this in one of my two reviews for the series as while the body is a work of art and a master piece, no one, Cell or otherwise should have to suffer and while the OG TV series itself was VERY lighthearted and filled with comedy and even kids can see it, it still showed some hardships the Cells go through and that's especially true for Code Black which was not kid friendly at all and only further made me realize just how unfair reality is to all life forms but I'm starting to get off track so back to the review. There isn't much more to say other than, do yourself a favor and go watch Cells at Work! TV and then if you can Code Black. Hope to see you in my review of Code Black! And on that note, I rate S1 of Cells at Work TV an 8.0 out of 10 and S2 a 7.5 out of 10. The reason for the lower rating of S2 is, in my opinion, it lacked the emotional impact S1 had at the end of the season which of course affected the rating a bit. Shout out to the OP song in S1 as it had two different versions that were both great to listen to, by that I mean the lyrics were close-ish but also different between the Japanese Sub and the English Dub (I watched the anime Dubbed btw but listened to the JP ver of the song) of S1's OP song and both were catchy and thats saying something as I mostly prefer Japanese music these days but the English song of the OP was catchy too
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all May 4, 2022 Not Recommended Spoiler
A few things to get out of the way first before we can start the review.
1. This review assumes you have already seen Puella Magi Madoka Magica if you have NOT yet seen it then please go watch the TV version as that's what you'll want to see if it's your first time seeing the anime. The 1st two movies were made for fans of the Madoka series and should not be your entry into the series as it leaves out two very important scenes and cuts out all slice of life moments. I have done a review for Puella Magi Madoka Magica and other ... entries in the series, please consider reading them if you are looking for a review to read for any in the series that I have done. 2. Despite being called a Side Story in the title, Magia Record is not a side story nor a spin off at all and while you can watch this without having seen Puella Magi Madoka Magica... it is HIGHLY HIGHLY recommended that you don't see Magia Record (The anime or the game) as your entry into the Puella Magi series. Both for MAJOR spoilers that would lessen the impact of some series (Namely the Madoka series) and because, frankly speaking, whether you enjoy the Magia Record anime or game's story, is going to depend on who you are but we'll come back to that later in the actual review... just know you're more likely to not like the Magia Record anime given the ending of the anime version... the game version has some faults too and yes this review will touch upon some stuff from the game and anime when need be. Major spoilers for the Madoka anime WILL be dropped though. 3. The anime version of Magia Record changes things from the game's story... some changes work, many do not and contradict the lore of Magia Record (the game's story) and the Madoka series itself and as a result of the last 4 episodes (season 3 but its really just season 2, has the same OP/ED songs from season 2 even), this makes it IMPOSSIBLE for the Magia Record anime to sync up in any way, shape or form with the game's story or the Madoka anime's story itself. It's worth pointing out that the game came first and does not contradict the Madoka series' lore and story and links up perfectly with it thus far. I say thus far because the EN server sadly closed down and much of the 2nd Arc hasn't been translated yet and is of course, still going on JP server. The Magia Record anime's story however retells (including making many changes) to the games 1st Arc which the EN server translated and released in English in full right before shutting down. 4. Yes Magia Record is a mobile game but its story is as awesome as the Madoka series imo, even if it is slow and takes a while to get there and by now you likely know the Magia Record anime is criticized heavily and that the game is praised with much love if you've seen the reviews and fandom talking about it so why should you watch something like this? Honestly that's up to you, but this review will explain what the true identity of the Magia record anime is, as it's the ONLY THING that makes it even possible, but make no mistake, the Magia Record anime is NOT canon at all and I would STRONGLY recommend you to either watch on YouTube or wherever the story is and or play the game (If its still up in the future when you're reading this review) over watching the anime's story. You'll have to play on JP server or another server since EN server closed down sadly but there are ways to play on other servers and you can search online for any question you have about the game including if it's still in English or not as am not answering those questions as that's not the focus of this review. With that outta the way, onto the actual review~ So, let me start off by saying that this review will be covering the Magia Record anime as a whole, not S1, 2 or 3 but the whole anime's story. Before you nope out let me tell you what the identity of the anime is that'll hopefully make you feel better if you dislike (or hate) the anime or you can come back to here and continue reading if you rather not know till you've seen the anime, just don't forget to do so. It is a "What if the Magia Record timeline failed?" story. Given certain things that were said in the game's story (aka the Original story, so it gets priority and since it has thus far no contradictions, it is the canon story, unlike the anime version), it is not possible for it to connect to the Magia Record game nor the Madoka series, despite what it tried to do to convince you otherwise, those who've played the game know otherwise. Before we go any further, I have to get this outta the way. This review will try to avoid mentioning spoilers but, some are inevitable and will spoil the Madoka anime and for the Magia Record game and anime's story will spoil parts of it including parts towards the end and at the end. At this point in the review you've already been given the basic info I wanted you to know but I hope you'll see the game's story regardless of how you feel about the anime and it's story. So, my ratings for season 1, 2, and 3 were 6, 7.5 and 5 respectively. For this review I will not be rating it any of these but will be doing a new review score which will cover all of the Magia Record anime's story as a whole and thus a new rating will be given. Make no mistake my rating won't be any of those numbers and despite the new rating, the rating for each season is still how i feel, but, as a whole for the story? Yeah no, it deserves a PROPER rating that is for the whole story. So, let's talk about what i DID like, the 1st episode of S1. Seeing the nods to the many Magical Girls in the anime (You WILL miss these and not know who they are unless you played the game) and I liked some changes to an extent that S2 covered. Namely to the Dopple system as in the game using Dopples doesn't have much of a consequence in the story and is mostly just implied it may have some. However S3 ruined it royally to say the least so I cannot even like the change anymore... I also liked seeing certain moments both new and from the game in animated form. I LOVED the music, both the game music and the new OP/ED songs music. (Minus the final ED song in S3... don't recall caring for it) I also liked the art, but did not like the changes made to BG characters nor the world itself as it clashed heavily with the game's art style and also with the Madoka anime I feel. There were a few other moments that I enjoyed but that's pretty much it. I did not like S1 that much tbh, it changed way too much from the game's story, S2 I liked a LOT and IRONICALLY, it did BEST when it wasn't trying to use the game's story but then, S3 royally botched it all and I do mean it all. That brings us to S3 itself, S3 lost its way, it not only contradicted the Madoka series' and Magia Record game's stories and lore but SPAT ON THEM! It spat on the fans and the characters of these stories. While the 1st two Madoka movies were made FOR the Madoka fans and done near perfectly and right, the last 4 episodes of S3 of Magia Record's anime I personally feel were made SOLELY FOR those who complained that the game's story being too light hearted, certain characters should've been punished and some should've died etc. some fans said. Some fans really wanted BLOOD and all those complaining, finally at last, GOT... EXACTLY what they wanted... ironically, be careful what you wish for, because Kyubey just might grant it. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ And that's a darn shame, because it's made even more ironic by the fact of what the Madoka anime told with wishes... but that isn't their fault, its just how humans are. Sometimes we THINK something we want and will make something better, only to get it and find out how WRONG we were... Full disclosure, with the exception of the dopples, I was happy with how the game's story went and had no complaints but let me also say I don't blame anyone for what the anime did. I have accepted it and the reason why I have is because I realized, it's not even canon. If it WERE canon, you better believe I'd be livid. It's truly a shame that the message of what the Madoka series tried to tell is sometimes missed so let me say what that is, trying to over come despair with hope. Sadly, the Magia Record anime ends with nothing but death and despair, no hope at all and while Ultimate Madoka is seen at the end with likely Iroha (We only see Iroha's hands) closing a Book which symbolizes the Magia Record timeline, this is another of the many contradictions that simply isn't possible. In the game Ultimate Madoka can't interact with the Magia Record timeline, because even the tiny bit of intervention she did once, started to warp and bend the record (Magia Record timeline), and Homura does not time travel like she does in the anime and also does not know who these people are, what Dopples are and hasn't heard of any of this that's happening in both the anime and game's story. (Forgot to mention I LOVED the Magica Quartet was in S2, they weren't in S1 and only seen like once or twice in S3, also, Kanagi from Magia record game had almost NO screen time despite being a MC in the story, a true shame and crime tbh). And that book in the anime that was the Magia Record timeline? That TOO isn't canon as in the game it is described as a record, a round disc that you play using a record player. Also, Ultimate Madoka says in every timeline Iroha and 3 other Magical Girls all DIE except in this 1 single timeline that is the Magia Record timeline. Mean while in the anime we only see Ultimate Madoka at the very end of S3 and its JUST to close the timeline in the form of a book with Iroha. No mention of anything like in the game. She also doesn't intervene like she did in the game and no, that is NOT the reason why the Magia Record anime's timeline failed and again its a what IF the Magia record timeline failed and is just not canon. There is simply no way to connect them. Heck, the anime doesn't even bother to explain HOW and why the timeline even exists! Thankfully the game does explain this and no I won't spoil it, as it was one mystery I enjoyed finding out for myself when the time finally came. The last change that I recall (There was prolly more, however I waited a month after seeing the anime to do this review and likely forgot some stuff) that makes it impossible for the anime to connect to the game's story/Madoka timeline is because certain characters acted COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to how they act in the game and no matter how many time loops you do, it simply is not possible for at least ONE of these characters (Nemu) to act the way they do as in the game Nemu like the others does not remember Iroha. In the anime however... she not only remembers Iroha, but remembers everything and from the very start no less. (And fyi, we aren't talking about time travel here) Yet despite that, still contradicts herself in the anime's story by choosing to do the exact OPPOSITE of what she does in the game's story... Again, even IF you could explain away every other contradiction and plot hole, which isn't possible to do btw, this contradiction right here cannot be explained even WITH time travel involved. This doesn't even go into how Momoko, Rena and Kaede who were MC in the game's story were relegated to side characters or the countless other changes including to some Uwasa's designs or how the Eternal Sakura Uwasa was never seen, only spoken of despite being a PIVOTAL moment in the game's story! Hey hey, did you see, did you hear? About the rumor of the Magia Record anime? They say some weren't happy with how the 1st arc of Magia Record's game went so the creators decided to change the story to make them happy! :D But oh my, so sad, be careful what you wish for you maaay find the game's story was actually better due to how bad the changes were in the last 4 episodes! Oh my! How scary!~ :) ^ To those who played the game, you will recognize that and I felt it fitting to include it in my review but to those who don't get it, basically in the anime and game's story Uwasa are physical manifestations of Rumors (Fun fact, in Japan the way to say Rumor is Uwasa) which act out the very rumor they are based on. They're like Witches, bringing misfortune to others but drop no Grief Seeds. There's a bit more to em including some BIG story related stuff including spoilers but I'll not say anymore, you get the gist. Anyway, one of those Uwasa goes around repeating the Uwasa's rumors. Why is up to you to find out but that's where that "hey hey, did you see, did you hear? About the rumor of" came from. Its also something fans of the game (myself included) LOVE to do, but, remember that most Uwasa's rumors have misfortune in em, hence the misfortune here because it truly is unfortunate that the anime of Magia record went the way it did and left many reeling and in grief. Thankfully knowing this isn't canon and is just a what if story, as I said earlier in this review, has helped me to not HATE the Magia Record anime but to somewhat accept it, although, I don't ever plan to watch it again, its bad. Even the new OG character (Who thankfully came to the game and by the sounds of it was treated MUCH better) Kuroe was treated poorly in the anime of Magia Record. So, here we come, at long long last... with so many problems, so many changes, and the censorship... yup, there was censorship, in some parts the anime told from the game's story they censored some stuff to not be as graphic by simply not showing it at all. (Which is IRONIC considering how GRAPHIC the last episode of season 1 got... perhaps they listened back then and gave that solely to try and make up for it but too little too late am afraid) So that Leg Breaker Yachiyo (Nickname gotten from a lone scene in the games story) scene never happens at all, nor does something involving Homura and a certain dine and dasher, heck, the Holy Quintet were barely here, unlike the game's arc 1 where they were a large part of the story at points in the story. Also, almost forgot to mention this but, if you watch the anime of Magia Record you're GOING to have a hard time following the plot and remembering who everyone is as it sadly doesn't give you enough time to memorize and digest the IMMENSE amount of information, names and so on that's being thrown at you, mean while the game you will not have many if any problems memorizes it all because you have time to digest and memorize it all, unlike the anime... Anyway, after ALL THIS, we FINALLY, come to the end. Been HOURS of typing this up and am ready to end it and my apologies its all over the place (Or I feel it is) but am not going to devote more time and only hope this inspires you to give the game a chance, I don't recommend the anime version but watch if you want too. With that said, here it is the end... I rate the Magia Record GAME'S story a SOLID 10.0 out of 10.0! It is a TRUE MASTER PIECE that is WORTHY of the Madoka series name and connects to that series too! Mean while it pains me to say this but I rate the Magia Record ANIME'S story a solid 3.0 out of 10.0. Those last 4 episodes truly screwed everyone over. I worry about Movie 4 now and only HOPE that the creators haven't forgotten what the Madoka series is about, overcoming despair with Hope and making wishes come true. "We're Magical Girls after all, we make miracles possible." (I am sure I didn't get that line word for word right, hopefully you caught who I was quoting. ;) ) ... ... ... Coming at you live it's that time again! That's right readers it's FM Kamihama Holy Radio Station time!~ I'm your host Iroha-chan and today we'll be asking our viewe- Madoka-senpai: Iroha-chan! You're needed back stage, Felicia-chan is up to her usual mischief. Iroha-chan: Oh my! Wasn't Yachiyo-san and Sana-chan with her? Madoka-senpai: They were but Yachiyo-san's agency called her in to do some last minute modeling as one of the girls called out and then Sana-chan went out to buy some candy for Felicia-chan since she asked her too but she's taking a bit longer than expected and asked if you could take over for her in the mean time. Iroha-chan: Alright, can you take over for me Madoka-senpai? Madoka-senpai: Sure, leave it to me. Iroha-chan: Thanks!~ Well, you heard it here folks, I'll catch you next time~ :) Madoka-senpai: HEY YO! It's me, everyone's favorite Magical Girl, Madoka-senpai! Coming at you from the spin off universe of Magia Report~ Here at FM Kamihama Holy Radio Station we do a variety of things but most importantly we have a good time. I hear Magia Record got an anime but let me tell you the game's story is SOOO much better but hey, don't dismiss my spin off universe, it's a GREAT collection of simple and short manga like comics. Nothing here is canon to the Madoka series but we do take some inspiration from Magia Record's story. Hope you'll check it out! Shout out that every year we also get our very own event story too in the Magia Record game ;) Also, if you're new to our station then know that I am Madoka-senpai, emphasis on the -senpai, as I'm not the Maqdoka you may know from the Madoka anime and Madoka in Magia Record's story. Hope to see you in MY universe, I gave a star after all ;) but I'm still the MC. ;) Ok, that's all the time we have, seriously, check out my spin off universe ;)
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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![]() Show all May 4, 2022 Recommended
This review assumes you haven't read the LN or manga. Having read either or both may or may not impact your enjoyment of the anime though disclaimer that I have not read either and do not know how much content was skipped or what was changed if anything so I also cannot say if it would affect your enjoyment or not
Here it is, the series that EVERYONE and their Mothers HATE ON for NO valid reason other than to simply hate on. Let me tell you its all lies! (Disclaimer: I haven't heard anyone say anything in regards to the LN/Manga just an fyi so ... far as I can tell its simply hated on for NO reason) I'll be reviewing season 1 here and not mentioning spoilers except one slight spoiler in the Harem, Character Development and Is the MC OP and can't be beat? parts of the review however this spoiler is the same spoiler so only one spoiler and not three and even then I'm not spoiling the whole thing and is needed to better review the anime and to help you form an opinion on if to watch or not. With that said let's get onto the review and hopefully my review will convince you to give this anime a try So, in order to review this I have to (sadly) address the hate (that shouldn't even be here...) so let's start by addressing YOUR fears and concerns in order CGI With the exception of the Orcs or Giants I think it was, the CGI looks GOOD here, in some cases I'd argue PERFECT even. It doesn't look bad in the slightest and works great for the battles and anime. The CGI for the Orcs or Giants (whatever it was) for SURE looks bad and as a result, out of place compared to every other species' CGI but thankfully these aren't seen that often. Just remember I said the CGI looks good, not great and perfect doesn't mean great in this sense either as am talking about for the scenario and BG and such when i say perfect in some cases Harem/Isekai/Commonly Used Tropes? In reverse, the tropes have twists and turns you don't normally see, yes some of these tropes ARE still here and without the twists and turns but they never wear out their welcome. Now let's look at the themes of Isekai and Harem, both do things very differently from what MOST anime with those themes do. In the case of Isekai, we don't get many like this one, the anime is a mix of comedy and somewhat dark story and the MC himself being the way he is, most would go down a VERY different route having been through what Hajime has been through The anime doesn't focus much on the Isekai aspect besides 1 aspect because that is what Hajime's goal is and what the anime focuses on but in a great way and not boring in the least. That's not to say it disregards the theme because it doesn't, but its not the focus and only comes up now and again since the focus is on Hajime's goal and while that relates to the theme of Isekai, how the story does this doesn't beat you over the head to remind you this is why they're doing it every second or anything like that. What am saying here is it tells it in a natural way whenever it comes up The Harem aspect is also equally different as I want you to ask yourself these questions. "How many Harem anime have the MC lead confess their love and also straight up no room for doubt telling the other girls he only loves the girl he confessed too?" Now ask yourself how MANY of those harem anime also have the ecchi genre and rely on old tropes to tell a story? For the first question your answer is likely either not many or none that you have seen. For the second question your answer is likely countless or most that you've seen. Notice how Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest doesn't even have the ecchi genre? (At the time of this review anyway, just in case MAL adds it later) Yes it has some perverted stuff but that's not the focus Character Development Since I cannot go into spoilers, I'll only talk about Hajime at the start/a bit into the anime but again no spoilers will be mentioned and for the rest of the characters I'll just say their development is fair considering the story as a whole. For Hajime, from episode 1 he was betrayed, a class mate tried to kill him and ALMOST succeeded. However, even though he survived he's now on a dangerous floor and powerful monsters that can easily kill him. It's at this point most in his shoes would experience the same thing of their fight or flight survival instinct kicking in. Basically when you're facing a dangerous situation or death and have the option to fight or run, you will typically pick one or the other, often times reactionary without even thinking. (The other options are frozen typically out of fear or giving up) and when you're in the sitch Hajime finds himself in, it's easy to turn a blind eye to what he goes through and not sympathize but you shouldn't ignore what he is going through. In some cases a sitch is SO BAD for someone it can literally CHANGE who they are! We hear and see this change in him quickly from our perspective but keep in mind that for Hajime this is happening over who knows how many hours and days. Eventually, someone might even snap which could also change someone and that's exactly what happens to Hajime here. The characters he meets are what will help him to grow as a character but how and in what ways might surprise you and I'll let you see for yourself. The point here is, even though it was short for us and easy to shrug off, you shouldn't do so. And if you think this doesn't serve a purpose then I want you to look to who he calls his lover, this is another point to why he goes from Common Place to World's Strongest (The title of the anime makes more sense if you watch the prequel to season 1) Is the MC OP and can't be beat? No, despite the title of the anime and him being VERY strong, he can die and he still has room to grow both physically and as a character. Same deal for his allies and ofc, his lover too Time Skips/Skipped Content? Season 1 and 2 both have this, where the less important points are shown briefly so you get the idea of what is happening and then it skips it to not draw out the anime and KILL the pacing. Never ONCE did this confuse me at ANY point nor was this bad as it actually helped to make the anime much better. I do not know if this is shown or told in the Manga/LN though but let me say this, its at its worst in the first few episodes of season 1 and who wants to see someone go through a long period of time (to say the least cus spoilers) doing the same thing with the same dark colors and background (They're in a Dungeon of sorts called a Great Labyrinth to give you an idea). But by showing JUST ENOUGH of the content that matters that isn't important, they can get to the parts and fights that matter where character development might happen, a better fight may happen or both and more This also helps to further the plot along. There will still be some time skips after the first few episodes but not nearly as bad or as many minus one or two instances but and again, this doesn't ruin the anime and only makes it better and believe me, I DON'T say that lightly as I am not fond of time skips either but given the story and what parts the anime showed briefly before skipping to the next part, it works perfectly and I CANNOT stress how impressive that is and how much it really helped to make the anime better. So don't go into it thinking it'll hurt it because it actually makes it better and again, it gets better after the first few episodes As for skipped content from the LN/Manga, I don't know if the anime skipped any, though whatever stuff it does skip in the anime it does show and you know what's happening and are able to follow along with ease and I can say that if there is any skipped content from the LN/Manga, it didn't hurt the story or enjoyment, least with everything that's currently out at the time of this review for this anime series Story concerns and I heard the anime is trash, worst anime ever etc. and just LOOK at that LOW rating D: I heard the same and saw that low rating for season 1 too and then some. I also saw season 2 has a higher rating. Currently Season 1 is rated a 6 and season 2 a rating of 7 as the over all rating for both seasons there. Let me remind you that a rating by and of itself does NOT mean something is bad or average, or great or a master piece etc. There are MANY factors for why someone rates something the rating they rate it, and sadly "going with the crowd' and "hating on something just to hate on it" and just being a troll and being insincere and so on are all reasons that some, or a lot, also rate something, whether high or low I said it at the start and I MEANT IT. This anime is hated on SOLELY for the sake of it. I have seen 327.6 Days worth of anime at the time of this review, if we were going by my mean score (currently 6.96) that'd mean the anime I've seen wasn't worth my time and is under average but that's FAR from the case. Likewise just because I've seen so much anime does not make me an expert on it, but from what I have seen, out of ALL the countless anime I have seen and stories in Japanese video games and the occasional manga and LN, I can say with CERTAINTY that, Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest is FAR from trash, FAR from worst anime etc. that you have heard Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest tells a story with a some twists and turns, some predictable, some not, some moments small, big and minor (Think Slice of Life moments for the minor stuff) will likely catch you off guard, happened to me at least 2 times with the minor stuff and some of the story portions of the anime I did not see coming. Sure its no master piece (How many stories actually are?) and sure its not going to be BEST ANIME EVER SO GOOD, but it IS a very good anime. I do not rate an anime an 8.0 lightly, most get a 7 or below with some getting a 7.5 at the next highest. For me to rate an anime an 8.0 or above means its really good. It may take some time to get really good, but that doesn't change the fact that for me, Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest is an 8.0 for both season 1 and season 2. No bias here or anything either, you can see what I rated the specials and OVAs and such and even the prequel to the first season which I watched after finishing season 1 fyi (Hint I rated those lower and you can watch the prequel to season 1 before season 1, though its not needed but if you enjoyed season 1 do give it a watch if you haven't already) and one of those specials has a diary which tells us a side of a certain character for what she experienced in season 1 that I really enjoyed getting to know as it wasn't told in season 1 and you'd never know that about her unless you watched that episode so that episode is worth checking out too So, here we are, we're at the end of the review and you're now at a cross roads, you can choose to watch this anime, or not. It's up to you, but I really encourage you that if you want to watch this anime, don't hesitate, give it a try. I almost didn't, partly because I've seen so many anime already and I just wanted a good anime to watch and the other part because I listened to the majority that loved to hate on this series for NO reason other than to hate on it and also because I saw the low score for season 1. If I'd not listened to my own heart, to my very soul and being that called out to me saying "Hey, I might actually like this, looks good" and instead listened to those saying untrue and negative things about it and that oh so important (Sarcasm there btw) over all score for season 1, I'd have missed out on a pretty good anime that I'd really enjoy. I am glad I listened to myself and I hope this review helps YOU to listen to yourself too, whether that's you don't wanna watch it or you do want to watch it, hope it helped! And likewise I hope you enjoy this anime should you choose to watch it :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Apr 18, 2022
Sabikui Bisco
Sabikui Bisco is a unique series and for the better. Its plot and unique powers and world setting and characters are what sets it apart from most anime. However, it is not without its faults... the 1st half was awesome, but like the anime for Midori Days where you enjoy the 1st half and then the plot shifts and changes and the writing and tone are very different that you swear another writer took over, you're then left not liking the plot and changes. In fact, this is where most have an issue with the anime for Sabikui Bisco. The writing becomes cliche and predictable
and even at times bad writing too. In fact, if it hadn't been for the very last episode which explained why and how it was possible for what was happening to be happening, I'd not have been able to even enjoy this anime further and would've been left with a sour taste in my mouth... (Hint: What's explained applies to the other too if you think about it)
Now that said, I still say even with the explanation that it was bad writing but if you can accept that and overlook its short comings, you might just like Sabikui Bisco and if nothing else you'll likely love the 1st half. In fact, at its BEST I would've rated this an 8.0, at its worst a 6.0 but thanks to that last episode which was awesome (Not just due to the explanation but most of the episode itself), Sabikui Bisco gets a 7.0 rating from me. Typically that means its average, but honestly no, this series is far from average (Minus most of the 2nd half which is largely cliche and predictable) and seeing as the LN is continuing and the manga got a sequel, hopefully in a few years time we'll get a 2nd season which covers the rest of the series. Special shout out to the art which is awesome and the colors used which further improves the art and ofc, the English Dub and the VA too as they did a PERFECT JOB making this anime come to life. While I haven't heard the Japanese version of the anime, I can't see how the Japanese VA can do it better than the English Dub VA did and that's not something I typically say. (Most are equal I feel in their acting and voices for the cast of characters) It just goes to show how GREAT the English Dub VA are, how perfect they are for these characters in terms of the characters' voice and how well they nailed it. With all that said, give Sabikui Bisco a chance, you might just be glad you did. Oh and one more thing, Pawoo and the nameless blonde prostitute are best girls :) (A shame at the time of this writing, none of the Prostitutes have their own character page on MAL despite showing up often enough to be supporting characters)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Apr 15, 2022
Not Recommended
This could've been a 6, maybe even a 7 depending how the ending went but, sadly, that was not the case. This review will contain spoilers, particularly about the ending however, what you at LEAST need to know that isn't a spoiler is, if you watch this anime, expect to have to play the games to get all the answers and possibly also watch the other anime in the franchise for any remaining ones and even then I cannot assure you you'll have all the mysteries solved as i have not played any game or seen any anime besides this one. I have however taken
a look at stuff which tells me this is likely the only way you're going to get the answers you seek at the end of this season and episode 27 and 28 of this series... (Though someone claimed some of the answers but not all are answered in .hack//Legend Of The Twilight, cannot say if true or not...)
Now, onto the review but as i said spoilers will be mentioned. .hack//Sign is an anime that has not aged well, I'd argue however it wasn't even good back in the day either and yet, somehow it draws you in. The mystery is nothing special and the writing is honestly bad. Lots of times the anime will simply skip parts so a character or a group of characters will be in one place both during and at the end of the episode, and the next thing they're suddenly in another place, not having shown or continued from where it left off both during and at the start of the episode. The acting in both the sub and Dub is good (I didn't watch the sub much, but what little I saw was as good as the dub) but thanks to the writing, the characters often enough speak in a slow or unrealistic manner, same with their actions. Speaking of action... do not expect to see much of that at all, despite being an MMORPG VR game, the battles are laughable, I swear so many compare this to SAO but none ever ONCE compare it to Spice and Wolf, which it shares FAR MORE in common with in the sense of its mostly just characters talking but unlike Spice and Wolf, .hack//Sign is not even CLOSE to being on the same lv of how GREAT that anime is. SAO it shares a few themes with but honestly, a LOT of anime shares similar themes (Especially these days with so many VR game anime popping up left and right) and in case you're wondering, there is NO comparison for how GOOD SAO is compared to this one. Sure I like SAO and will admit it has its own faults (many i fact) but if you're comparing the two as many have prolly done, SAO is the superior anime/series/franchise here hands down. Bonus points that you DON'T need to play a SINGLE SAO game to understand whats going on and have the mysteries solved for you :P I normally never make comparisons to other anime when i review an anime unless its one in the series of the anime am reviewing, however, since a lot have made comparisons to SAO and seeing as this is likely the 1st trapped in a VR game world or one of the 1sts odds are, I felt it was needed to make those 2 comparisons. (Fyi, Spice and Wolf is FAR superior to this, even though its mostly talking its night and day difference between it and .hack//Sign) Anyway, that's enough of the comparison. I'll just say this, as I said at the start of this review, this could've been a 6 or even a 7 depending on the ending, and by now you might've guessed WHY it's rated a 4.0. That is because at the end, the anime just ends... abruptly... The enemy would NOT log them out, yet that's what the anime seems to indicate happened... I suspect its a fake world and they're still in The World but alas, I'll not know unless I talk to a friend who knows, go read up on a wiki or go play the game(s) and if your viewer base has to do ANY of that, you have sadly, succeeded at something that NO writer should EVER make a reality as it turns the viewer off, it ruins it for anime only watchers and I say this not lightly because .hack//Sign left MANY MANY questions UNANSWERED on TOP of that abrupt ending! Again, this is what we call bad writing. The worst part of this is knowing they had EVERY opportunity to answer every question but they seemingly don't and that's made worse when they made more and more anime series in this franchise but didn't bother to properly continue this in the anime. (.hack//Legend Of The Twilight "might" answer some of this but since its focus is on two characters not in the Sign anime and has them playing as avatars based on the look a like Tsukasa and Mimiru called Kite and Black Rose respectively, it is unlikely this would continue the story with the Sign characters and even then you'd need knowledge of Kite and Black Rose possibly from the game(s) to fully enjoy that anime...) It goes without saying but, even if the games are available to play (Which i doubt) I wouldn't be interested in playing them, especially when the anime's writing and animation were so laughably bad and unrealistic and as an anime only fan of this anime, i guess that means my friend and or a wiki is my only option for knowing what the anime SHOULD have told us. Like I said before, .hack//Sign somehow draws its viewers in, despite how bad it is but, it really did get lucky to release when it did, as bac then it was better as not many if any did what it did, however, that still doesn't make it a good anime/series and somehow it gained many games, anime and more. That just shows you how important timing is for when you release something as you know this wouldn't have gotten a sequel much less a game (and if it did not more than 1) if this had released in this day with modern art but the same style of animation and lastly, while the mysteries are what will likely keep you hooked, the stuff they DID answer was honestly, meh to bad. Totally not worth watching is my take on this but who knows, maybe you'll like it? Hopefully this review helped you to decide if you wanna watch it or not. Oh, bonus round! You thought we were done? Nah lol Sora says: Oh, looook, later series and games made look a likes who look like Tsukasa, Mimiru, Bear etc. but are not them. THAT'S not confusing especially for kids~ P.s. This reviewer as said hasn't played the games nor seen any other anime, if anything I've said here is wrong my apologies but this SHOWS at the very least how jumbled up, confused the anime only viewers will be thanks to how they told the series' story and that as said is bad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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