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Dec 25, 2024
Greatest Shounen Sunday manga of all time. Absolute zenith of the manga medium. Peak fiction. Hand-crafted by the very own hands of god himself. Everything about this is right. Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction. One above all.
Quite probably, one of the most inspiring stories I've ever read in my entire life.
Gekkou Jourei is simply, peak fiction. Everything about this manga is right. The art, the characters, the storytelling, the ideas, the
worldbuilding, and the "Arabian Nights" and the "Princess Kaguya" arc... it all fits right into each other. Everything is right about this mangs. It is quite literally, a manga about understanding how fiction matters to people. How stories shape people in what they are. If you've consumed a lot of media like me, this'll resonate with you. If you've consumed a good amount of media, this message will resonate with you. Everything about this manga is right. I genuinely cannot explain how good this manga is.
I'll say this, though. The start is kinda slow. While it IS good battle shonen, I can understand why scanlators didn't bother picking up the series further. At the start, it's basically a glorified monster of the week series with chapters that last one or two volumes at max. After the Dog of Flanders arc, that's where the manga truly shines. I assure you, nothing will hit like the Arabian Nights arc. It's absolute peak shonen.
I might sound like a glazer, but I genuinely cannot phrase how good this manga is. It's an experience that I cannot put in words, but I assure you. In the case that the current scanlators finish the series (I read it in French, before you ask), you'll experience what I consider to be not only the best Kazuhiro Fujita manga, but the best story in all of Shonen Sunday.
10/!0. Top of the century, and top of my life.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 6, 2024
If you dislike this show, you dislike having fun. Plain simple.
Now, I do not agree that Ninja Kamui fell off. The show was always the same. It was always so badass, no matter which episode I was in. Saying that is stupid, because if you actually sit down and consider what you're seeing, the thing that apparently was better than "Solo Levelling" or whatever action-schlock was airing at the time, if you ACTUALLY have some media literacy, you'll come to realize something.
Ninja Kamui is fucking stupid, and that's fine.
I'm gonna be honest here. When I got to the final episode, I stood up and clapped.
Because I knew from the start, from the single day that I binged this show, I realized that Ninja Kamui is a stupid fucking anime about ninjas beating the shit out of each other. if you think that the "action scenes are peak" or that "it was animated so well," well. Congratulations. You're part of the problem in it of itself. You are not meant to think that this is a "interesting" series with plots or anything like that. Ninja Kamui is meant to be stupid, because that's the point. This is meant to be a generic action schlock anime that you're meant to laugh at ironically. You're meant to thin
This comes from someone who out-grew seasonals. I don't think that watching seasonals is worth it that much. The constant hype over things that just end up being something boring and uninteresting (Frieren), everything being hyped up and claimed to be peak fiction when it's really just a "fine" series... That's why I don't watch them anymore. Stuff like Ninja Kamui should be appreciated more, because people are too cynical these days. They don't want a fun show full of stupidity, they want "objectively good" things, and that is a flawed mindset.
The animation? Do you really think that sakuga can carry a show alone? That's a bad mindset. To me, I would rather have a good show with HORRIBLE animation rather than a bad and boring series with amazing sakuga. That's why I openly dislike 75% of KyoAni's anime catalogue, you can tell me all that you want about how good their shows are drawn and how their employees are treated like actual human beings (which is appreciated, because working at the anime industry fucking sucks.)
Albeit; I think that this doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I think that Dragon Maid S2 is a stupidly large letdown from the series, I think that K-On is overrated, and I think that Koe no Katachi/Violet Evergarden are some of the most overrated cheesy pieces of media to ever exist. Ninja Kamui can have good animation, yes. But if it's not fun to look at, then what's the point? You shouldn't come in and watch a show purely because it looks good, the stupidity was always there since the beginning. The B-tier movie vibes, it's been always there. If a show looks good, but you find it boring, would you be forced to like it because it has great animation? No.
I'm genuinely tired of people saying that this show fell off, because it didn't. It always has been Ninja Kamui, regardless if your precious "sakuga" is gone. You're still getting that cheesy, dramatic and over-the-top ninja show, and to me that is what matters the most. It never let go off it's identity, because it never had one. I've repeated this through this review a lot, and I will keep saying it myself. Ninja Kamui is a stupid show, and that's completely fine. It's a "bad serie"s objectively speaking, but sometimes, you just need to let go and have fun.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a "bad series," and there is nothing wrong with disliking a "good series" either. You can bring me up the fact that Higan's inner pep talk was cheesy as hell, Emma being killed off in the most stupid way possible, Higan using Zai's secret arts for fun, but I wouldn't care. Ninja Kamui is stupid fun, and that's what I want more in the medium. I want more stupid shows like this. I want more shows that are made out of passion and fun instead of whatever big manga is getting an adaption next.
I don't want more Frieren-tier adaptions, I don't want more popular series like Oshi no Ko, I don't want more cheesy romcoms or goonerbait series that are simply just there to sell anime figures to rich horny people. I want more shows like Ninja Kamui, shows that are clearly made with passion, but are actual action slop. I want more of that. I want more stupid series that are ironically ganked at, made fun off that are just fun. Ninja Kamui never fell off, because what you see is what you get. You get a predictable show that feels like a western piece of media.
To finish this review off, my entire thoughts of the show summarized in one sentece.
"I loved it when he put up his suit and transformed, and Ninja Kamui'd all over the place."
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 15, 2024
What the fuck.
This is a good sports manga. From Shonen Jump. Unironically my favorite sports series from Jump.
And it somehow still hasn't been fully translated, despite turning 23 years old this very year!? It also got Nendoroids and plushies this July, and no translations have been attempted since five years ago!? That sucks.
Mr. Fullswing is unironically one of Shonen Jump's weirdest series. Not so much in it's premise or it's gags, more so having a overall weird history in the magazine itself. Despite running for 24 volumes, having appeared in Jump Super Stars (just jump super stars. not ultimate stars for some reason) and being
their last succesful baseball-related series, Mr. Fullswing... hasn't really been prominent in Shonen Jump as a whole. While talking about what I'd consider to be Shonen Jump's dark age (2000-2009), Mr. Fullswing isn't really mentioned. Heck, when discussing 2001, you don't even mention Mr. Fullswing! Bo-bobo and Bleach come to mind, but Mr. Fullswing isn't talked about much, for whatever reason.
And that isn't really fair. Mr. Fullswing is a good series. Not just a good sports series, a REALLY good series overall. This might be a bit biased since I work with gag manga a lot (and they're my favorite gender of manga in general), but I do NOT like sports manga most of the time. Despite this series having all of the odds against itself and me thinking about giving this series a 5/10 and moving on with my day after looking at the cover, Mr. Fullswing has a surprisingly good amount of Cerebus Syndrome after the last translated volume as of this review, that being the 7th one. Gags are still prominent, but man. The series is unironically REALLY good when not trying to be funny.
On one-hand, this series is really funny. Like, really fucking funny. If your type of humor is something more akin to Grand Blue, Mr. Fullswing will be at home for you. Absurd gags and cheesy one-liners are pretty prominent through the series, and the first few volumes that are read are pretty funny. Above average gag manga affair, and a good one at that. I'm not sure if this is due to me being used to just really stupid humor in general, or me just being more amused by "lol random!!! xd" type humor. Wouldn't say it like that, there's a lot of good visual gags here and there, which are pretty chucklesome to look at.
Now, the visuals are absurdly good. They have no reason to be this good. I wouldn't say they're on the level of someone like, Inoue or Miura, but holy fuck. Almost every chapter has a double spread page. These pages look gorgeous. Suzuki genuinely made a lot of use of the amount of double-pages he got, and made unironically one of the best looking manga in the magazine from this time period. Definitely in the top four atleast. Like I said, don't expect Inoue or Miura. While I doubt that Suzuki's art would impress people, he's honestly a really good artist either way. While this is a comedy series, the detail to the double spread pages, the passion of the various beautifully drawn baseball scenes, and just the covers in general... They're all quite pleasant to look at. This is also Suzuki's debut work, so you gotta give some credit in how he got THIS good at drawing in essentially five years.
Personally, I'd say that the story is really good. It's more interesting than your usual baseball "we'll go to the regional tournament and win!" sorta deal. While I don't wanna reveal the twist since this manga isn't translated (and I doubt it'll be for a while), I'll just have you know that Saruno really, really, REALLY cares for his mom. His dad is a dickhead, though.
And to wrap things up, Saruno is quite a wonderfully written character. Heck, there's a lot of good characters in here. While I am a bit mad that most of the Koushien gang didn't end up doing much at the finale, Inukai and Mikado got plenty of characterization in the last few volumes. Heck, they probably got even more development than the actual main character himself. This is not a bad thing, since Saruno¿s growth as a character is quite fun! He does in fact get with Nagii at the end, but really now. Don't expect a kiss. You can clearly notice how Saruno genuinely becomes passionate about baseball, and actually lets go off this passion to pursue new things. Sure, he's stiill passionate about baseball as a whole, but remember. Saruno joined purely because of Nagii, letting go off the baseball club is honestly the best finale and the one I was expecting anyways.
Honestly? This is my favorite sports series in Jump. Heck, it might be my new personal favorite sports series. You can clearly see how Suzuki cared about Mr. Fullswing, this being his only-hit and his swan song at the same time. Bari-haken, his other series didn't really get far before being axed, which is a shame. While I am no means fan of Bari-Haken (spoiler alert... it's a 5.5/10), Mr. Fullswing is honestly the most underrated Jump series out there.
This is THE underrated Shonen Jump series. I will die on this hill. I think that Mr. Fullswing deserves the same amount of love as Eyeshield 21, Death Note, Bleach, Psyren, and Gintama. If you can speak Japanese, please give Mr. Fullswing a try. You WILL hate how the seventh volume ends, and you'll end up desperate like me. And it's fair, the series never stops being good. It never slows down.
I will die on the same grave as Saruno, by the way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 12, 2024
Heads up: I have not seen the anime nor do I have intentions to do so. This review was made exclusively within my opinion of the manga.
"You're hating on [ ] because it's popular! You shouldn't even do this review because it's good, you're just--"
No. I think that this manga just sucks. Dunking on things that I don't like is my personal favorite hobby. Look, I considered to stop reading at chapter six because I was absolutely BORED out of my mind with this manga. I stayed up all night reading it, reading ten volumes that I could've used in a much more better way.
Now, I think that I'm in the right position to judge this manga as it is. Why do I feel like I have the proper right to review this manga, you may ask? Mostly because:
- I ADORE Kamen Rider and Mahou Shoujo series (none of that deconstruction of the magical girl genre bullshit!! magical girls made for 8-9 girls who love pink and PUNCHING monsters!!!)
- My parents have a BDSM kink (found about this the hard way.)
- I love raunchy and erotic comedies. Just stupid humor in general works for me.
This manga practically fails in everything related to these categories. Which sucks, since I DO think that the idea of a BDSM dominatrix villain being the MC could lead to some chucklesome results (like doronjo from yatterman but porno version), yet somehow ends up being EVERYTHING that I didn't want it to be.
First things first, it's not even that raunchy. This is just a hella generic ecchi series, and one that tries to pass off as a deeper work than it wants to be! People tried to sell me on this because it was a "BDSM Mahou Shoujo" manga, yet the only proper kinks I've seen represented are:
- Tickling (deviantart typa shit)
- Spanking (boob slapping is inside this one btw)
- Tentacles
And. I believe these things are common in Mahou Shoujo shows? It doesn't try to think outside of the box, reading the raunchiest and most horniest chapter of this manga feels like a fetishized version of Precure (which it shouldn't, since this is meant to be a "highly sexual action/comedy" according to most people that like this series), but that's enough talk about how this one isn't erotic enough. I'm gonna talk about that later, but now, onto the actual aspects I can criticize of the series. This is a Mahou Shoujo series, right? How are the action sequences?
Ahem. The few action sequences that are in the manga are... quite bland, really. Sure, the punchline is to get into the whole punishment time, but there are whole chapters dedicated to fighting (like four or five I believe) that are honestly really, really, really, REALLY boring. While I'm not expecting something that's engaging, I atleast expect something that looks cool or just something that makes me interested. The biggest sin is when something actually interesting happens, only to reach the 24th page or so and you'll just get cucked out of a cool set piece and have the Tres Magia go "uhm we let them escape! shucks!"
Oh. Did I tell you that this is also a deconstruction of the genre? Y'know, the smut series where it shows, at length, that most of the power and mental development of the Tres Magia gang could only happen because Utena kept pushing for them to grow, is the one instigating most of their conflicts and is also the main villain that has to be defeated AND is also one hell of a Mary Sue? Yeah. It's practically a bunch of nonsense, because that's how I view it with my two own eyes. Most of this development is kinda retconned, specially when you're limited to 23-25 pages per chapte.r
The thing is, besides Utena, almost all characters are quite boring. If this is a "deconstruction of the genre," then why are the Tres Magia such nothing of characters? You could come up to me and use the "this is a ecchi manga" argument, but then explain all the development subtext in this manga? If the Tres Magia characters have actual development as y'know. Characters, then why don't they even have personality traits in the first place? Seems redundact, specially when you're mindbreaking them and putting them in diapers, how am I supposed to care for the actual "protagonists" when they're downplayed as vehicles for more smut?
Utena is a Mary Sue at heart, by the way. Everything she does is "correct" and has no actual flaws, besides being a "villain" in parenthesis. In reality, Utena doesn't really do a lot. Sure, she sets up the raunchy punchline but that's it... Utena only really has two character traits, the "introverted girl that also smells like rotten cheese" trait and the "quiet girl who is actually a dominatrix" trait. Besides being the "dark villain" of the series, Utena has no actual flaws or actual villany whenever she's not doing the whole magical girl slack. I'd expect her to actually become somewhat more of a snobby douchebag, specially since she accomplished her dream of becoming a magical girl? Y'know, get into the role and such? Behave like a villain and actually see that the world could be hers? Practically, she's just another "Bocchi-esque" character who middle-aged fat white men use to self insert themselves. Yeah.
Biggest offense is definitely Chapter 10. This is the one that people have been gassing up, and ironically enough, Utena doesn't really grow as a character from this one, Nor does it affect her in future chapters. This is what I meant earlier. Utena doesn't really have much going on as a individual, not even changing her personality a little to reflect how she's evil and the like, and unlike the Tres Magia girls she has like... two character traits. Which should be enough to atleast make her do something different, but nothing is done with this.
The rest of the plot after the first few chapters isn't interesting. As always, you get pretty simple and forgettable chars that set up the plot only to have Utena or the arc villain do some nasty things to a magical girl, except that the manga is suddenly a battle shonen now for some reason? Even though the action is still bland and ends up getting cut for ecchi gags like Chapter 8 but on steroids?
"You're not in the position to ask this much from series like this!"
Then why does it try to pass off as a deconstruction of the genre, and not a gag ecchi manga about magical girls?
Oh yeah. The little girl being the most sexualized character doesn't really help either. Doesn't matter if they make her taller and older, that's still a kid. Yuck.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 15, 2022
This is... strange, to say the least.
First of all, the concept is nice. A manga about a Dog's POV? You don't see that, neither mangas about dogs, even more less POV mangas. I didn't expect a masterpiece, but I expected something atleast amusing... aaand it's just porn.
The problem here is that this is a dog smut manga. Not a "Dog's Life" sort of thing. Yet that is the issue. It's not a dog manga, it's a borderline-H with a dog as our self insert. People see "Zoophilia", and "Pedophilia" as morally wrong things, yet I don't care about that. It's stupid to simply call it
bad because the moral standard thinks that this is bad. This is bad simply, and JUST simply becauase it's just another no-brainer boner-inducing manga. With a dog. And horny AF high schoolers.
I mean, there are hentai doujins where wolf and horses do the sexual thing with girls, that there is a TRUE zoophilia fetish manga. On here, they just get horny with the dog. They don't fuck, they're just stupid and want a dog to say "I want mommy, I want milk, I want to be held, I want to be comforted." And there is the joke. This manga is stupid, because everyone is horny for no reason And that is why this earned a 2. It's not even self aware, It's basically a dad joke that goes on and on and on and ON.
Sure, this manga might bring some debate in the future, but this is no Koi Kaze. This manga is nothing more than just your average "wowzie, i got a new fetish that i am SOOO totally jerk off to!" thing.
Atleast the art is nice.
Update - 12/2/2024: it was in fact zoophilia smut porn wtf i was somehow right
yeah. pov concept is nice but unless u want to see a bunch of white women get horny over a dog pls go read smmth else thnx
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 29, 2021
Alright, I didn't want my first review to be something relatively complex, so I decided to choose this thing that I watched back when it first aired.
Bonobono is well... A manga for salarymans. For those who don't know theses terms, Salarymans in Japan are hard workers who don't have a lot of time to spare. Adapted from a 4-Koma series, Bonobono isn't a complex thriller or anything that'll make you question humanity, but hey, atleast it's a relaxing ride.
Our main character here is Bonobono, a blue otter who isn't a smart guy in any terms. Along with his friends, Araiguma the Raccon, known for being
lazy and a tsukkomi, and Shimarisu the Chipmunk, a chipmunk with an absurd amount of sisters, live their daily lives and the woods. Nothing outta this world.
Episodes last for 5 minutes, they're mini SOL stories, and most of theses don't have a story line, but I think what makes theses worth it is the silly interactions with all the characters. They're not complex, but the main trio actually feels like a bunch of children just doing dumb stuff, which on a SOL series is actually a nice breath of fresh air from the usual "anime girls doing cute stuff".
The series doesn't have a complex humor, as I'm pretty sure the jokes are child-friendly. Talking about child-friendly, there's a lot of poop jokes over here, and all of theses fall flat, like a turd in a toilet. Humor provided by Araiguma's is either screaming or kicking, Bonobono is a airhead, and Shimarisu just says "Are you gonna bully me" a lot. I mean, A LOT. A few jokes are wholesome, others make you smile, and all the poop humor is... poop humor.
OST is relaxing, as all of theses soundtracks give serious Math Rock vibes. The series doesn't have a OP, ED isn't really memorable, and the animation on ED feels like a children's story book.
There isn't much to say about this series. Bonobono is a cult-hit in Japan, but western viewers aren't much familiar to this series. The series isn't made for average anime-fans, as this is something that Nick Jr. or Discovery Kids could easily air. I'd say give it a watch if you're stressed, or just want a relaxing SOL series with no anime girls, no ecchi, no romance, just Bonobono.
Final rating: 6.5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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