Kanon (2006)
It’s really hard for me to put words down to this show. It’s more difficult than it should be, but that’s an issue of mine.
I guess we can start with the aesthetics of Konan. I love the art-style. I love how the eyes look like they’re painted on the faces, I love the way the art is rendered/drawn, I love the minor details that are shown. The girls are all cute, the setting is pretty. The colors used are in a more realistic sense, nothing ever seemed to be vibrant in anime only ways,
which I feel suits Kanon really well.
We can start with the opening used for Kanon. It’s one of the best songs I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s the perfect song for Kanon. The animation that goes along with the song perfectly captures Kanon and its story. If the only thing I liked about Kanon was its opening, I’d honestly be okay, it’s that good.
So….a lot happens in Kanon and I’ll try to write down the parts that stood out most to me. Since the opening used sounds very sad I was expecting the anime to start off on a low key moment, building tension over time, but it starts out quite happily. We meet Yuuichi and Nayuki. Yuuichi is a funny character, who can be quite sarcastic and is good at being blunt with his words, an unexpected quality from a main character. The most important “thing” to arise from the episode is how Yuuichi can’t remember any events from his last visit in the city. Shortly after, we’re introduced to Ayu, an old friend of Yuuichi’s. She’s without a doubt a favorite of mine. Her “ uguu~” is just so cute and she’s an adorable character. Right after Ayu, we’re introduced to Makoto and it’s around here that Kanon shows its true colors.
From Episode 5-10 the story turns to Makoto and her arc. It’s during these 6 episodes that the story goes from a happy and blissful-like tone to one that’s somber and sad. Having met Mai, the demon hunter, we learn more and more about Makoto, through her interactions and how both Yuuichi and Makoto open up to each other. From Mai we meet Amano who helps Yuuichi out during Makoto’s final moments. Learning about how Makoto is a Youko and what a path like that entails is heart breaking. Throughout the arc we see Makoto slowly regress mentally and physically until the only thing Makoto can say is “Auu~”. This absolutely hurt to watch, I cried so much. Writing this up is bringing those emotions back up like a torrent of raging water. When Yuuichi decides to marry Makoto and they spend the last day together on-top of Monomi Hill is beautiful; as he plays with Makoto to the very last second, Makoto gets tired and sleepy, then she disappears in his arms leaving behind only her bells, this absolutely hurt me. I wouldn’t be able to handle such a situation. Just watching broke me down. The story about Youko is incredibly sad. To be put through all those emotions and then to lose it all so quickly, insane.
Episodes 11-15 then focus on Mai (Shiori too) and her demons, but it’s so much more than that. The relationship between Mai and Sayuri is envious. They share a beautiful love between friends and learning more about Mai and Yuuichi is devastating. Mai’s backstory is unfortunately sad, but at least it had a good outcome. Learning that Mai actually had supernatural powers to repair/fix issues is amazing. It’s just so unfortunate that people had to make fun of her and ostracized her forcing her to be alone. Seeing how Mai reacted to Sayuri get hurt was both intimidating and heartbreaking. The fierce determination to destroy the demons during the ball was scary, but at the same time, entirely understandable. The realization that the demons are actually Mai’s supernatural power was an unexpected twist. The fact that Mai believed so hard that demons were actually going to appear was really out there. It’s as if the demons were an excuse to keep Yuuichi from leaving the city back when he visited the first time. Seeing Mai understand this revelation and attempt to take her own life was daunting. Everything about Mai and Sayuri played perfectly.
Shiori’s plot takes place in many of the later episodes, with 16-18 having the most story to them. Shiori and her health issues are an incredibly sad topic to switch to, but the way Yuuichi handles it all is amazing. I think it’s the perfect way to handle a situation like that. Instead of always thinking about it and having it loom over everyone’s head, don’t think about it and try to have the best time of your life. Learning about Kaori either from Shiori or Kaori herself was some messed up stuff. I know that I would never be able to ignore someone like that in my life and the way Kaori does it is scary cold. Yuuichi does a fantastic job of making Shiori’s last week as best as it can be, but with Kanon, I already had a feeling things wouldn’t be so happy and fun for long. I’m glad that in the end, Kaori opened her heart up to Shiori and tries to mend the problems she inadvertently caused. It’s unfortunate that Shiori had to change the mood at the end of her birthday. Spending time alone with Yuuichi and talking about how she wishes she never became close friends with anyone hurt so much to hear. The way she disappears absolutely ruined me, as it did for Yuuichi.
Ayu and Nayuki’s plot sort of intertwine. Though Ayu is a focus for the entire show, Nayuki is left off to the side for most of Kanon. I always knew that Ayu’s plot would be really sad and seeing how she was a part of so many episodes, she’s probably the most important character to the show and Yuuichi. Although Nayuki and Yuuichi are cousins, I always felt sad for her; because it’s pretty clear she had/has feelings for Yuuichi. Unfortunately, Ayu was the girl that Yuuichi fell for. The way Shiori’s plot ends leaves Yuuichi feeling real down, thinking that she has passed away. During the 19th episode we see just how much Yuuichi and Ayu care for each other. Speaking with one another, Ayu brings up her mother and how she left her; while speaking about the moment she asks Yuuichi if he’s ever felt something similar to that (A sense of total abandonment). The rush of memories for Makoto, Mai and Shiori hit Yuuichi hard, as if he hasn’t taken the time to reflect on everything that’s happened, this all forces Yuuichi to almost cry in front of Ayu. During this bittersweet moment, the two share a kiss and it feels magical to witness this turn of events. Ayu’s plot though, is complicated and it’s not easy for Yuuichi to sift out what she’s missing or who she really is. The way we get flashbacks to Ayu really start to open up her story. I personally knew that Ayu was missing the doll, I had a feeling she fell of the tree, that moment was obvious, but even though it’s obvious, I could never prepare myself to watch it happen.
The last 3 episodes are when Kanon gets into maximum drama mode. Nayuki’s mother Akiko being hit by a car was straight up torture. Seeing how Nayuki breaks apart as a person and forcing blame on herself really hurt to watch. When Yuuichi realizes who Ayu is and what happened so long ago was nigh on depressing. The revelations that occurred during the end were intense.
The 24th episode was absolutely adoring. After being slayed to watch essentially 20 episodes of sad and heartfelt moments, one good episode was necessary. When we learn that Ayu didn’t die, but was in a coma for seven years, made my heart skip a beat or two. Seeing how everyone was getting better, Mai and Sayuri, Kaori and Shiori (This was truly touching, I honestly thought that Shiori died, seeing her alive and well made me so damn happy), Akiko and Nayuki and lastly Ayu and Yuuichi. I couldn’t have wished for a better ending. The last frame with the tree bud on top of the cut down tree and fox walking in the background, everything really did end on a good note.
In the end, I think there are a lot of ways to describe Kanon, but I think the Opening and Ending act as a great allegory for the entire show.
Throughout the entire show, I had an emotion/feeling occur within me that I’ve never felt before. I don’t know the word to describe it, but I can summarize how it felt. “As if my chest is being squeezed against, my heart being punctured over and over and over again”. I cried so much during Kanon; I’m really glad to have watched it.
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Sep 9, 2015
Kanon (2006)
Kanon (2006) It’s really hard for me to put words down to this show. It’s more difficult than it should be, but that’s an issue of mine. I guess we can start with the aesthetics of Konan. I love the art-style. I love how the eyes look like they’re painted on the faces, I love the way the art is rendered/drawn, I love the minor details that are shown. The girls are all cute, the setting is pretty. The colors used are in a more realistic sense, nothing ever seemed to be vibrant in anime only ways, ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015 Recommended Spoiler
This review contains spoilers on the last episode!
Toradora! So.... this was amazing. Finished up 13-25 in terms of episodes so I can write the review now. To put it bluntly, I still have tears on my face. Taiga... and Ryuuji... just incredible. The story about high school kids in love with one another. It's more than just a love triangle and the feelings given and received throughout is nothing short of incredible. Putting the story aside for a bit, I can begin with everything else. The OP and ED's used are amazing and really capture Toradora!. The art style is neat and the proportions for ... many scenes are extended outward and give this huge length appeal to it. Simple gestures such as hands reaching outwards feels different in Toradora! than in other anime. The way the characters were drawn is great and the eyes, man the eyes in Toradora! is so wildly different! The colors aren't pastel and brightly colored, but more subdued and "real". On-top of that, I love how Ryuuji was made to look like, it really was great seeing such a different look for a gentle and kind MC. The characters are all brilliant, even if Ami was a bit too cryptic with what she tried to say. Taiga is, quite honestly, fantastic; selfish, but rather amazing none-the-less. Kushieda Minori, I'm glad I was able to experience her hidden emotions better; like Ami, she too, was very cryptic using other subjects to inject her feelings in. Ryuuji, for having to go through what he did, I feel like he handled the situations in a good manner, even if they did get incredibly complex and loopy. I can't forget Aisaka either, a mother to Ryuuji, but her development during the last episodes was really needed, although the situation placed upon her was hard to handle, she's pretty great. I wish Ami would have been more upfront with her feelings, I feel so sad for her, she really was the odd one out. I didn't know what I was going to watch when I was recommended this anime, I expected it to be something truly depressing and sad, but it's not that at all. For the most part, it's up-beat, happy and wildly funny. Though there were many scenes, especially towards the end, when my eyes would fill with water or I would have tears fall down my face. The last episode..... So being naïve and gullible, I honestly expected Taiga to stay with Ryuuji and get married. I believe they make an amazing couple. The scenes before things went down made it really seem like she wanted to stay and be with Ryuuji. When we see Ryuuji read the note, I was so sad, it hurt to watch and the damn waterworks, my goodness. It's sad to think about it as I write this down! . I believe, that even though the ending is left in a slightly open fashion, Taiga and Ryuuji do get together. I can't help but feel like that's what the characters themselves would do. Taiga, as brave and ridiculous as she can be, I don't believe she is a shining star all alone, heck no, she's not alone and Ryuuji will always be there for her. The way they do the fake marriage and the kissing that transpires, so incredible. In the end, Toradora! is fantastic, I truly think this. I think the cast of characters we follow are incredible and the story between them is well done. The art style used is easy to watch, even with scenes that include weird proportions. The music is on point and the comedy is really funny, when there is comedy to be had. I won't forget about this one at all, because Taiga and Ryuuji, they really are fantastic.... just so damn fantastic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015
Anime of ∞. Ha -na Na -ru Ya -ya Ma -chi Ta -mi ... These are the 5 girls that make up Hanayamata and this anime is simply amazing. When I was acting a little silly a week ago, Cajun and I were talking when he linked me the OP for this song in it's full glory and I fell in love so hard; I listened to it nonstop for at least 5 hours. I was captivated by the song and going into the anime, I had no idea what I was in store for. The main girls of Hanayamata are Hana and Naru, though the other three are also mains without a doubt, it's because of Hana and Naru that Hanayamata is what it is. It's a great story about fitting in, about doing something that you want to do because you just want to have fun, not doing things that you're forced into or that you're burdened with. The way it's told really reminds me of myself. Like Naru, I always had/have difficulties fitting in, I'm shy and quiet and it's hard for me to just break out (it's why I say silly things sometimes). I didn't expect a story like this at all and it really touched me; made me very emotional, even though Hanayamata is probably an anime most wouldn't shed a tear for. It's very uplifting, very happy and the struggles that the girls are presented with feel so real. Naru isn't the only one with these fitting in issues. Hana, our exceptionally pretty and beautiful blonde girl of the show; the one who really sets in motion of getting the yosakoi group together, has had the unfortunate trouble of trying her absolute best to even find people interested in yosakoi, always putting on a brave face and just going for it. Tami, the refined and very wealthy girl has always been faced with trying to please her father, to be the princess she thinks he wants her to be. Yaya also has trouble dealing with the problems of being accepted, she's like "a lone wolf, but is really just lonely" (Not my words, the great Naru said that, the whole scene was absolutely brilliant). Machi has issues dealing with her older sister and the "troubled" past that she was involved with. The issues feel real and sure, most of them could honestly be anime clichés that everyone has seen a hundred times over, but the way it was presented to me, just really touched me. Now the issues aren't even important to the story, not really. The entire plot of Hanayamata is to get enough girls interested in yosakoi to then form a club and finally enter a festival that's three months away and perform a dance. We start with Hana and Naru, then Yaya joins, followed by Tami and lastly Machi. I haven't spoken about her yet, but the last important person to Hanayamata is Sari-sensei (Machi's older sister, also sounds like her name is Sally). Without Sari-sensei, Hanayamata would have stopped at a stand still. She's a very pretty young lady who really puts faith into the 5 girls and when everything comes together, it all just works so well. The story is simple, the issues the girls face aren't important, but the combination of it all works so well, I mean, it really just works. It's also incredible how during the first "festival" the girls entered, it didn't go to plan at all, it shows this realistic view that just because you practice and try your best, you may not nail down the performance for when it comes time to show your stuff; heck this can be an anime cliché too, but again, it just works and makes sense. The art style used in Hanayamata is gorgeous, incredibly pretty; the type of art that makes people happy and even squeeful by the sight of it. The animation is good too, but I can't say that it's without flaws. I normally don't have much to say about animation quality because I don't know if what I'm looking at is bad or good, due to how I view the anime, but there were a few flaws in how characters were drawn in certain scenes and some of the environment detail too; I won't say it's a detriment to Hanayamata though, it looks so good and with the art style used, it's not a big enough deal for me to knock it down, just an observation. I will say though, the first episode is one of the prettiest in all of anime that I have ever seen, the Sakura petals flying all over the place, the quick dance with Hana and Naru, the way it's all shown is just fantastic. The show itself is also incredibly pretty and once again, red blemishes on the girls to exude this innocent and "pure" feeling, I love that so much. I also don't normally comment on cinematography, but in Hanayamata, it was really well done; I know in anime you can draw whatever you want to showcase feelings and it's easy to drive a point home, but all the cuts to showcase the emotions the girls were feeling, so well done. The shots of legs/feet showing reserve at times or the withered flowers followed by cuts to the girls themselves, there was a clear cut reason for just about every scene shown in Hanayamata, not a single frame wasted and for that, huge props to the guys that did that, it was amazing. Sound/Music..... Well as you know, I fell in love with the OP and really that's how I felt about the music in Hanayamata. Throughout the episodes there was great BGM, but what made it so good was the use of the OP in an instrumental variation. Certain scenes would play out like they should and bam, you can hear that amazing OP in the background, really giving weight to what's happening on the screen. I'm purposefully linking the full version of the OP, give it a listen to. It's quite honestly OP of ∞ for me (I'm most definitely hyping this song to hell and back, but I love it). I've been focusing on the OP on purpose too, it's not like the ED is bad, because it's not, it's actually quite good, but nothing like the brilliance of the OP. The rest of the soundtrack is good, but "ahhhhhh"...... that's how I felt everytime I heard the OP come on during an episode. The yosakoi dance. It takes all 12 episodes before we're shown the dance in it's all glory and my goodness is it worth it. We literally watch a group of girls who know next to nothing about yosakoi start with just the naruko (Clappers), then the recruitment of other girls, followed by creating costumes and training; constant practice to get the choreography down perfectly. When Tami works on the music for their dance, and when we realize that it's the OP that they're performing, tears shed. When we see the girls get recruited and see how the girls all face their issues, tears shed. When we see the dance in it's entirety, especially with how it happened, tears shed. This show is not sad, it's not dramatic, it's not even something to have tears fall for, but my goodness did I love it. I'm overhyping this show to the moon, but I can't help it. We need more seasons, we need more dancing, we need more music and costumes. I absolutely love it and it could be considered average by everyone in the world, I won't let that stop me from enjoying this at all, ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ~~~~~~~~~ Honestly. (We also need more seasons of a lot of things I've watched lately......)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015
Last Exile
Recommended Spoiler
This review contains spoilers at the end.
Last Exile This was something else; a really really good anime, but with some flaws that make it a little hard to comprehend. Beautifully animated and drawn anime with a cast that is both adorable and squeeful and serious and crazy too. The story is a little hard to think about, but the end goal, the reason Last Exile is called what it is and things; it’s about a piece of technology that was from a civilization long long ago, this technology is said to contain the power of gods and all sorts of things. (Thinking about it, the ... ambiguous ending and the phrases said….. sort of imply some things, I’ll leave that in a spoiler at the end). The story unfolds in several manners; we have the slice of life aspect between Claus, Lavie and Alvis (Al for short), they’re at the center of it all, due to some rather unforeseen and unfortunate events during a vanship race. There is also the war and despair aspect of the anime between two countries on the planet (which might be Earth, but I don’t remember them calling it that); Disith and Anatoray are the two countries at war with one another and as they fight, there is a spectator, or more like a supposed referee called the Guild, but they’re not just referees, they “own” the skies; their main ship has technology that quite literally will make other ships lose power and crash to the ground. There are other things that happen in the background during the war stuff which take place on the Silvana, the strongest and most powerful airship known to people, never destroyed and known as being merciless, much of the anime takes place on or with the Silvana. All aspects of the story mix in action and adventure; there is also the steam punk element which is pretty huge. The world in Last Exile is that of Steam Punk, it’s a crude modern world, but not exactly modern at all or in some cases, crazy futuristic. The Guild and all their technological advancements raise more than one question mark, more like a hundred or so. They’re capable of using small gems to communicate with one another (where as everyone else relies on couriers), their weapons seem to be laser based, their armor for their ships repel bullets and are typically unscathed in fights; although they sound unstoppable, using certain weaponry can get through to them, but still, they’re absolutely crazy in terms of tech. What’s even weirder is their society, the members of The Guild live in the sky, they control everything and they’re especially wasteful. From the anime, we’re told (shown) that resources, water is especially scarce, down to having ratings such as First Water to Third Water. None of this is ever explained or at least, I never saw an explanation. The Guild and their mighty power is never explained either, we just have to accept their way of living as absolutely normal. The leader of The Guild, Maestro Delphine, holy crap… she’s wicked, she’s crazy and she’s lost her mind. She’s also incredibly hot/attractive and has a thing for her younger brother Dio. She reminds me of Anemone from Eureka Seven in personality and wickedness. Dio is also really out there, at first he reminded me of Anemone, buuuut not like Delphine. Dio is wild, but he’s actually a nice guy, though he has a thing for Claus and expresses it weirdly. In-fact, the entire Guild organization and community is just out there and if you pay attention, the only female is Delphine, not one girl exists in this Guild place and that’s also never explained………. Plot holes, I’m pretty sure is what I would call these things and a lot of them rest with The Guild because they’re super unique and there is never enough exposition for it all. Aside from the Guild, let’s focus on the stars of the show, Claus, Lavie and Al. Claus and Lavie are childhood friends, they’ve been together for just about ever. Their parents were best of friends and they played a huge role into the reasons why Claus and Lavie wanted to fly in a vanship. One day their parents received a mission (Vanship pilots act as couriers for many a things), a 10 star delivery mission that required them to cross the grand stream. (I’ll get to that in a moment). They unfortunately died (Not a spoiler), but not without leaving Claus and Lavie massive inspiration and motivation, as such, Claus is one of, if not, the best pilot in the world and Lavie is a top notch navigator and without her Claus wouldn’t be able to fly so well. They’re both absolutely amazing together and have a dynamic that blends and mixes perfectly, it’s also really nice that by the end of the anime, it looks like… oh spoiler, hehehe, well they’re good friends is all. Al though…… I love her. She’s by far my favorite character in Last Exile and she’s so adorable and amazing that everyone would enjoy seeing her on the screen. The best thing about her (aside from being the best ever) is the way she’s incorporated into the anime. She’s young, naïve, innocent and totally inquisitive; for most of the episodes that she’s involved with, the scenes take up on her features and mimic them and expose them. The BGM involved with her, her questions and her goodwill, honestly, I squeed and smiled and was so happy when she was on screen, by far my favorite and she’s totally mega ultra-cute too ♥ She’s also incredibly mysterious and I feel like one of the larger plot holes in Last Exile. She’s supposed to be the key to the exile and in-fact she is, but it’s never explained as to why/how she became so important and things, really unfortunate because I’d love to get proper exposition on her. The main cast is superb and just amazing, but so are the supports. From Alex to Alister and everyone in-between, they’re simply amazing. Alex is mysterious, he’s broken, hell-bent on revenge; the way his eyes are rendered/drawn, they’re that of a broken and lifeless man, a dead soul and it’s scary. Sophia is special and super totally amazing; her scene with Claus, that was a surprise… I gasped and then went, NO WAY…. Episode 15 =). Alister and Tatiana are pretty great and Tatiana’s growth with Claus was unexpected, the way she’s shown throughout is incredible and as a team, Alister and Tatiana are perfect. The others that I won’t mention are pretty great too, the mechanics on Silvana are full of laughs and lighten the mood, the Musketeer who has been in 19 different battles is great, just a whole ton of good characters all around in Last Exile. One of the weirder things that Last Exile did, which I was not expecting, was how they tried to show a rivalry (or jealous hatred) between Tatiana and Lavia. I didn’t expect a tease of romance to linger through some episodes that caused drama on the Silvana, but I think that episode and the consequent episodes were totally needed, they helped expand the relationships of Claus and Lavia, and it helped bring a more human element to Tatiana’s personality, a huge welcome. The Grand Stream…. You’re probably curious so I’ll try and explain it…….. It’s this huge zone in the sky, above the clouds where the Exile exists. The winds reach over 100 knots and it’s a crazy archaic area, the clouds are all black and dark, very scary. It’s also where the Guild live in I believe, which is just wild. The Exile…. Now this is just weird; when we’re first shown the Exile, it’s a small cube with the center missing, so really, more like 4 corners or something; it appears in the middle of the anime during a special event. By the end of the anime it takes shape as a cocoon and then at the end of the anime, it becomes… oh wait, spoilers… below. The Exile is beyond interesting and I wish it had more exposition too. The art in Last Exile is phenomenal, it’s sooo unbelievably good. The character designs are done by Ranga Murata and as of now, his designs are just incredible. The way they’re all drawn and the style, it’s so unique and different from what I’m used to seeing; I really really like it. It’s not just the characters that look good, the detail in Last Exile is astounding and really well drawn, there is detail in just about everything, from clothing to the background to the instruments on the vanships and air ship; it’s soooo good. The animation is also superb and really good. A good portion of Last Exile is also done in CG; I feel like all the vanships and maybe even all the airships are done in CG, same with the smoke and some other things, but what makes the CG so good is how well it blends into the hand drawn art, sometimes it’s almost discernable, from the drawn art, which is beyond huge in terms of compliments. Watching the Last Exile reminded me of Haibene Renmei in the art style, it’s surreal and otherworldly (which I guess it actually it is), so getting those emotions translated from art is really well done. Now, unfortunately for Last Exile, despite all the praise in the world for its’ art, I did notice that around the last few episodes the quality took a hit, faces seems to be drawn wrong or the perspective didn’t make sense, the way faces and hands were drawn looked off at times, things like that were a little obvious during the last few episodes, fortunately the animation was perfect throughout all 26 episodes. Music is pretty much perfect. The OP is a little hard to get into, but only the first ~5 seconds when the bagpipes (or something that sounds like them) is playing; once the vocals begin and the type of music changes, it becomes amazing and worth at least several listen throughs. The Ending on the other hand, never skipped this one at all; it’s perfect and during the last episode we get to listen to the whole song in all its glory, one of the best ED’s of all time, it’s slow, it’s beautiful and the vocals, oh my gao they sound amazing, like simply amazing. The BGM is really good too; the steam punk aspects of the anime are well realized through sound. I mentioned Al and the BGM with her above, but seriously…. Honestly… the BGM that goes along with Al will make you giggle, smile, and probably squee; it’s so cute how the sounds and music mimic Al perfectly and if anything, it makes Al so much more lovable. Music is a super important variable to anime, and I feel like most anime pull it off really well, but Last Exile went above and beyond, it was just perfect. I just realized I hit close to too many words for this write up…….. and things. Last Exile is a must watch; it’s a must if you like Steam Punk, it’s a must if you want to watch a good adventure, it’s a must if you want to be enthralled in an amazing world, it’s a must if you want to be lost in a story that might actually make you lost. I enjoyed Last Exile so much, it’s so good. Now of course I had some issues with it, the plot holes are real and I honestly had to read up on it to understand what happened, though if I were to think about it, I may have figured out what happened eventually. The combination of it all though, art, music, story, cast (Al ♥), I think everyone should give this anime a try. Last Exile on a whole reminded me of several anime too; the Eureka Seven aspect, Xam’d Lost Memories and even Castle in the Sky, if you’ve seen all of these, you might even be able to make the connections I had =). Spoilers: Only intended if you watched or don’t mind being spoiled about Last Exile. So the Exile is secretly a portal (or a ship? Something capable to send people to a whole different planet) that will transport people back to Earth? Oh wait…. Getting ahead of myself. The planet that this old civilization came from was Earth and the planet they left the Exile on was a different place, ruined by many things I imagine, which might explain the poor living qualities and things. The last episode shows the Exile taking shape and when Al is responding to the Mysterion, the world around her changed to represent Earth, golden wheat fields, oceans and the last image ends up showing Earth. The Exile also has these two huge light purple blades (more like wings) that are transparent and if you look closely, shows Earth. I imagine, because of the wording used by the mechanics on Silvana, that Claus, Lavia, Al and many others left to this new world. It’s also obvious they’re in a different place because I honestly don’t ever remember seeing an ocean in the planet they came from. The ambiguity isn’t something I like, but now that I think about it, they did give hints to explain the lore behind what happened. Unfortunately, I didn’t read anything up on the Guild, but I feel like they’re best left ambiguous.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015 Recommended
This anime is truly something on an entirely different level. No silly, it’s not Princess Mononoke from Studio Ghibli, it’s on a different spectrum of anime! Mononoke is harrowing, scary, intense and one of the best visual experiences I’ve ever seen. I’m going to have trouble explaining it, because honestly, even after a week has passed since I’ve seen it, I still can’t make out what the heck I just watched. Before I even begin, Mononoke follows the tales of someone called the Medicine Seller and yes, that’s the only name we’re ever given throughout the 12 episodes, he sells medicine, buuuut not at all. The ... format of Mononoke mimics that of Mushishi and even the Medicine Seller reminds me of Ginko. It’s not episodic, it’s more like…. Arc-based, some arcs last two episodes, others last three, so I can’t call this format of anime episodic at all. Medicine Seller travels to places where he believes Mononoke reside in, similar to how Ginko travels the world and helps out people with Mushishi problems; though the stark difference is that with Ginko, we sort of have an idea about the resounding world, in Mononoke however, Medicine Seller just appears at these places (As in, the episode already starts with events in motion). So Medicine Seller is a Ginko type of person and the world isn’t really explained. On top of all this the Medicine Seller himself is rather strange, he chooses his words extremely carefully, to the point of only saying a few phrases, at most a couple paragraphs an episode, honestly, the guy just doesn’t talk much. He’s also unfazed by the events that occur around him and it’s… so bad ass. The way he reacts to things is just astounding. So he’s not really a Medicine Seller, in-fact he seems hell-bent on destroying Mononoke (I’ll get to it in a moment, I promise!!), but for good reason. Mononoke, from what I was able to comprehend, are Ayakashi that have latched onto a human emotion…. or rather, a specific emotion that is incredibly strong, like deep hatred, regret and things like that (all dark emotions). Now the Ayakashi, from what I was able to understand, are like demons, they’re powerful, similar to gods, but not quite. Mononoke on the other hand are like Ayakashi, since they emerge from them, but they are considered god-like and could be considered above gods in power. Now not all Ayakashi are evil creatures, in-fact we meet one in the 2nd arc that starts on Episode 3, but…. Well I’ll let you experience that harrowing event. What’s even more interesting about this Medicine Seller is what he carries around with him, it’s like a huge Medicine cabinet, but one of its’ contents is a sword; more specifically the Sword of Exorcism; now this sword is super crazy, it requires three things about the Mononoke, its’ true form, its’ regret and its’ truth, once all these things are known, the sword will unleash itself from its’ own sheath and honestly…. what happens when all those things are known, the way the sword looks, I’ll just leave that for all you to witness and experience because it’s craaaaazy. I was going to screen cap what happens to the Medicine Seller when these events occur, but that’s a spoiler and should totally be experienced naturally without spoilers. It’s not even explained what happens, the sword and the Medicine Seller; don’t expect to know what the heck is going on, which is quite a shame because it would probably be mind shattering material. Now the stories within Mononoke are……uhm…… I can’t even describe them. At first I thought they were Japanese legends or Japanese mythology or something, but doing some quick Google-fu, not much comes up. Like… I mean I was blown away at the contents that I witnessed. The first arc throws you into the world fast, the 2nd arc does some more exposition, but not enough at all and the consequent arcs just go crazier and crazier, I would honestly expect no one to really know what’s going on. It looks like there are manga for this anime too, but I’m unsure if things are better explained there too. It’s not just the crazy stories, it’s how they’re solved/handled, now of course the Medicine Seller kills the Mononoke and he is 100% unfazed by the events; but he’s not that important, it’s the supports. These people have no idea what’s going on and the way they’re shown to us, eyes moving sporadically, shivering, gasping for air because of shock, sweat pouring down their faces, shivering in place, crying uncontrollably, it’s harrowing, it’s so ridiculous and I had full-body goose bumps throughout the entire anime, it gets even crazier and then my eyes tear up, like…. What did I just watch? I had my brother watch the first arc……… he came back with the biggest what the heck face in the world and that seems to be the norm. Now one of the best things about Mononoke is the absolutely insane art style it uses; it’s drawn on what appears to be Rice Paper (not my words, my brother thinks this is the case). It’s super unique because you can actually see the grains on the paper, like it looks hand-made and things. The colors are wild and the animation to go along with it is just as insane. Things like the snow and wind and rain are animated differently than you would expect. They’re not realistically depicted in Mononoke, instead they’re visualized in a way that you wouldn’t ever expect; rain doesn’t fall down straight, it goes down, wind blows a droplet so it takes a 90 degree turn to a new position and then continues to fall towards the ground, snow looks bizarre, the wind is visualized as air streaks accompanied by flowers; it’s beautiful, but it has this Mononoke darkness looming over it. I normally don’t do this, but I feel like I should when I talk about art styles, I’ll have a few samples from Episode 3 below, to show off what I mean about this insane style for art, it’s jaw dropping-ly good and 100% the most unique type of art I have ever seen, like… ever. The music in Mononoke is…. well it’s what you’d expect from an anime that has an arc about …. Ahhh I wish I could tell you. It’s spine tingly good, it’s somber and dark, but somewhat soothing and smooth. The instruments, the overall choreography of the music and the animation/scenes that we witness, it aligns so freaking well. I have no words, expect the sound design in Mononoke to send chills up your spine, I’m almost positive it will happen. The OP is good, but it’s the ED I really like; I’ll just leave a link of the ED here for you all to listen =). I was told about Mononoke a long while ago about an anime that was different from anything else, so off base from what you’d ever watch and honestly, it is just crazy. From what I can tell, (thank you Wikipedia), Mononoke is a spin off series from a horror series titled Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales, and after watching Mononoke, I’m pretty sure I need to watch this one too. I will tell you right now, your head will spin trying to understand what’s going on with the story, but watching some of the earlier episodes again, Mononoke has so much detail in the words and backgrounds and actions of the characters that if you really pay attention, you might be able to figure out the plots really early on, but honestly, you’ll be caught off-guard and stay off-guard. It’s beautiful, it’s ridiculous and it is by far a most definite must watch for people looking for something not moe, not cute, no lolis and something rather serious. (Just watch something happy and cute after this) NOTE: Holy crap, I didn’t research the word Ayakashi until just now….. it is based on Japanese Mythology and…. yeah supernatural monsters and things, so holy crap at that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015
OH my gao, this is so unbelievably cute, so ridiculous lovable, so fantastically amazing and full of so much greatness. I typically try to avoid using this word, because of how people react to it, but…. It’s the only way to even explain what Ro-Kyu-Bu is…. …… Welcome to Loli’s playing basketball!!! That’s right, that’s what Ro-Kyu-Bu is, but fret not, aside from a few bathing scenes, it’s not all that bad, I promise (I’m totally lying, don’t listen to me, beware, ecchi)! The story of Ro-Kyu-Bu is about a high school student who is forced to be a sensei to 5 school girls in a ... basketball club. The student, Hasegawa Subaru is forced by his aunt who is a teacher at the elementary school, who is an “L” as well to train 5 girls for three days; it’s a sort of plot to get Subaru back into basketball and it works incredibly well too, because once he witnesses the girls playing, he devotes all of his free time into helping train them. So the story is pretty simple and the only issue I have from it is there seemed to have been some problem when Subaru played basketball, I know MAL gives the synopsis for it, but without reading it, you’d never really “know” that, it’s never expanded on or even talked about, though I guess there are vague hints… maybe? (I really don’t think so). If you haven’t figured it out yet, Ro-Kyu-Bu is without a doubt, slice of life with some comedy involved, there are ecchi scenes as well, so take that into consideration before watching something like this. The main reason to watch this though, aside from the amazing cast of characters is the way all the girls get better and grow. The stars of the anime, the absolutely adorable and ridiculously cute girls; we have Tomoka, the ace of the team, the most experienced basketball player and she has an excellent jump shot, which is what draws Subaru to want to coach the girls. There is also Hinata; she is the epitome of what moe could ever hope to be, innocent, adorable, super cute and a seiyuu performance that will knock you out from squeeing and being so darn gleeful, Hinata is an unbelievable girl and her growth is tremendous. Maho, our rambunctious, loud and hot headed member of the group, her ability to learn is astounding, surpassing everyone and anyone in the same age group (though being new to basketball, she still has a lot to learn). Can’t forget about Airi, she’s the super tall girl who doesn’t really look like she belongs in elementary school, she’s been through some tough things growing up and as such, is afraid of a lot, her being tall is also difficult for her too, since she believes being tall is bad; her developments throughout the anime are quite amazing. Lastly we have Saki, the intelligent girl who can stay cool even under pressure, the game changer as I would call her; she’s capable of a lot and her skills are used often to stay competitive in games. The girls are cute; the story is just as cute. The spirit to play basketball, the yearning to win and go on to do something more with basketball; it’s really just incredible. I can’t even believe it, but this amazing anime had me tear up for just being so darn cute, I had all these emotions and feels when the girls wouldn’t back down and wanted to continue playing, to continue learning and growing, things like that always get me to tear up and in Ro-Kyu-Bu, it’s no different. The actual growth of the girls is well shown too, aside from Tomoka, everyone else essentially starts off as newbies, they have no idea what to do and how to do it, so Subaru starts with the absolute basics, learning to pass, how to shoot, learning coordination and being aware of your surroundings. Now because it’s a 1-cour anime, the girls pick up on the lessons incredibly quick and get “good” quickly too. I have no problem with the escalated pace of storytelling, since the last two episodes are amazing because of it. I will say though, don’t expect a lot of actual basketball matches or anything even close to that, the entire bulk of Ro-Kyu-Bu is quite literally about the girls learning basketball and getting close with their coach. Art. !!! Wooooohoooooo; I think it’s unbelievably superb. It’s cute on top of cute on top of more cute. The girls are all adorably drawn, they have huge eyes (HUGE!!), large heads compared to the rest of their bodies and all (The basketball is as big as their heads, it’s soooo cute). There are some examples of gorgeous and great background art, though I will say that most of the other scenes, especially repeated ones, aren’t as detailed or astounding. The focus, I feel like, was the girls, the basketball and things related to them. The animation is pretty good, I have no issues with it, hair sways beautifully, clothes move in ways you’d expect. The lines are really well drawn, everything is rather smooth and free of hard edges and dark lines, it’s a light show, with light colors and light everything. Though seeing as how this is an ecchi based show…. ahem… well the lines, yeah. I personally loved the art, especially the eyes and the way their rendered/shown to us, it’s unique. Music. Ahhh, it’s actually incredible. What an amazing sound track. The OP and ED are 100 % perfect, “Party Love! Party Love! Party Love!”. The BGM is phenomenal and well executed; capable of bringing hype to scenes that need it and cuteness when everything else requires it. It’s cheerful, it’s poppy, it makes you want to cheer for the on screen dilemma and then giggle and laugh and squee at how adorable everything in this anime is, it’s just amazing. Aside from all that, the supports in Ro-Kyu-Bu are really good, especially the aunt Mihoshi, but there is also Subaru’s childhood friend Aoi. The two of them alone bring in many laughs and Aoi is so darn cute with her own crush for Subaru, though her dilemma is pretty funny. Personally, Ro-Kyu-Bu is exactly what I’ve been looking for ever since I’ve seen Softenni (Think Ro-Kyu-Bu, but about Soft Tennis, more fan service and a ton of comedy). Something extra cute with cute girls playing a sport. I have actually found a few other girl sport animes to watch and I look forward to them, but Ro-Kyu-Bu is a huge hit for me, I loved every second of it and am so happy there is a 2nd season available to watch. 10/10, the cuteness overload is amazing and the girls are soooo cuuuute!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015
Motto To LOVE-Ru
Motto To LOVE-Ru
WOOOOW, okay. If you’re interested in watching the To LOVE-Ru series, skip the first season and start with Motto To LOVE-Ru instead. I know I know, why in the world would I say this when I thought that To LOVE-Ru was a pretty good first season? Well the answer is mega simple; To LOVE-Ru ends in a way that lets Motto start off in a very much “let’s start all over” again sort of way. It’s ecchier/lewder, the art style is changed/upgraded to match the To LOVE-Ru ecchi aspects and it’s a huge over haul. Sure, it may take a while to ... get used to the characters, since there is a ton of girls to remember, but honestly, starting with Motto is far far far better. It’s not just art that changed too; the way the episodes are shown has changed as well. Instead of being forced to watch a 23 minute episode of sometimes archaic and rather ridiculous scenarios, Motto To LOVE-Ru employs a new tactic, each episode (except for the last one) is cut into 5-9 minute chunks; what this means is that in a 23 minute episode, we the viewers, are able to watch 3 different plots/stories/scenes/thing…. It works so unbelievably well; since the biggest issue I had with To LOVE-Ru (even if I didn’t mention it) was how dragged out some episodes were, especially since To LOVE-Ru was 2-cour. Motto To LOVE-Ru takes what To LOVE-Ru did really well in and makes it a whole ton better, it also fixes all the issues I had with the first season. If you really like the older art style (I know I liked it a ton), you can give To LOVE-Ru a watch, but aside from knowing who’s who, you’re not missing much by skipping the first season, that’s my honest opinion. Motto starts off a little later in time after To LOVE-Ru ended and the first episode, the first 10 seconds, really sets off with a “Hey you, yeah…you, you’re watching this for lewd ecchi goodness, don’t forget that”. Momo, Lala’s younger sister is in Yuuki’s bed and her head is near his crotch, so uhm, yeah it’s the perfect way to introduce everyone back into the To LOVE-Ru universe. Because of the episodic changes, Motto actually has 36 “episodes” and each episode is executed perfectly. To LOVE-Ru did a poor job giving meaning to the girls, Motto fixes this big time. Each girl gets at least one “episode” of exposition, I’d honestly say most get around 2 and then some. This makes it a lot easier to understand why they like Yuuki to begin with and that’s huge, giving characters a reason is something all anime should strive for, even if it’s a shameless ecchi anime. Yami, Mikan, Saki, Kotegawa, Oshizu, Lala, Haruna, Momo, Nana, Run, Celine, they all have episodes dedicated to them and their feelings, their likes and it’s incredible. Of that entire list, Celine, Momo and Nana are new to To LOVE-Ru; Celine is a super cute sunflower child that Lala gave to Yuuki on his birthday (from the OVA if you paid attention), every time she’s involved in an episode, hilarity ensues and she’s just too adorable!, Nana and Momo are Lala’s imouto, running away from the planet Deviluke, they live with Lala, Mikan and Yuuki. Momo has some of the best episodes in this entire anime and Nana eventually grows to like Yuuki, as additions to the cast, they’re fantastic and entirely lovable
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015
OVA Impressions At The End. This review contains minor spoilers.
To LOVE-Ru This… this….. had soooo much goooood. SOO MUCH. Byong Boing! That’s the sound breasts make if you didn’t know! Do you like 2D Girls (Who doesn’t?), do you like the ecchi/lewd nature of anime (.. I DO!)…… do you want to watch something that is both funny and infuriating at the same time? (Probably not) To Love-Ru is all that and more! =) So To LOVE-Ru is about Rito Yuuki, a boy who is, like your typical Harem shows, afraid of all things related to girls. He gets incredibly flustered at the slightest thought ... of anything slightly naughty… for instance, imagining his crush in a bikini will cause him to overheat and flip out and just “die”; if you hate hate hate seeing MC’s who act like that, skip To Love-RU, almost every single episode, say for maybe 2 of the 26, involve him getting into situations like that. If you can handle this type of personality, To LOVE-Ru rewards you with many many many many ecchi scenes. The story starts out with Yuuki taking a bath when all of a sudden Lala appears naked in his bath and he just happens to be holding her breasts. Unfortunately for him, the way to propose a marriage to an alien of the Deviluke planet is to…. You guessed it!..... grab the breasts of the woman you want to marry. This is the beginning of To Love-Ru and for the most part, it stays comedic and fun throughout. As I mentioned above, Lala is our alien from Deviluke, she’s super gorgeous, incredibly pretty, has a beautiful and radiant personality, full of bubbly lovey goodness. She has a super cute tail and she has a helper named Peke who can change her outfits on a whim. Some of the best scenes involve Peke changing her outfits, because Peke will wrap himself around her causing Lala to moan in rather sensual matters. Now, a harem can’t consist of just one girl now, can it? So the others are, Haruna, Yuuki’s crush. She has a very shy personality and even though she likes Yuuki, they both tend to act the same when alone, flustered, shy, no words to say. Don’t except “anything” to happen between the two of them. We also have Yami-chan, she’s an assassin who is sent to kill Yuuki, but discovers that Yuuki is actually a really kind guy and she sort of falls for him; I think she’s absolutely amazing and her ability is super incredible ; she’s also the gothic Lolita of the show; so…… yeah. There is also Run-chan, who is one of the best characters of the anime. Being an alien, he changes genders in both body and mind 100% whenever he sneezes. As a male, he’s totally in love with Lala and tries to prove how much of a man he is. As a female, she will try her best to get Yuuki to notice her. As a female, she’s one of the best looking girls in the anime and is just so pretty . Then come the cast of supports who just happen to be a part of the harem or somehow involved with Lala or Yuuki, I won’t list them all, but Mikado-sensei is definitely one to look out for, she’s pretty great. So a large cast of characters, a story that makes very little sense and a lot of episodes for something that should probably only be a 1-cour show; how does To LOVE-Ru keep people watching all the way through? Well easy; throughout most of the anime, To LOVE-Ru takes the direction of introducing other aliens who continually try to propose to Lala and fail. There are episodes where Lala tries to please Yuuki as much as possible, there are episodes that include some tentacle action, there are many episodes where the show is simply slice of life goodness. Around half way or so, we’re introduced to Lala’s father and for a second, a real plot starts up, but no… not at all. After that episode the anime goes back into its standard harem fairs and things. The best thing and probably the saving grace for To Love-RU are the ecchi related scenes. Pantsu shots? Yeah, expect to see at least 2-3 pairs of panties being shown per episode. Boobs? Yeah, expect to see the great breasts almost each episode (or honestly, every episode). Skin? Yesss, there is a lot of skin shown in To LOVE-Ru, backside shots, butts, thighs and all sorts of things. Ecchi/lewd is really where To LOVE-Ru shines and it’s the only reason anyone would really want to watch To LOVE-Ru. It’s a harem, with a rather lame MC, great and super cute girls and a lot of fun when Yuuki isn’t involved as much. I know the later seasons really spice things up and thank goodness, I don’t believe To LOVE-Ru could continue on with its direction for much longer before just becoming a chore to watch. Art: It’s 100% static and very plain. The wind moves, but only to reveal pantsu (not complaining) and blow the girls hair. Nothing looks “good” really, aside from the girls themselves. The school is plain, the background art is plain, and everything is really….really plain. Thank goodness the colors are visually rewarding and the girls are pretty and cute. Aside from that, there is detail elsewhere. Shading where it counts, lines drawn in ways to give the viewers a better “understanding” at what they’re looking at, in this regard, huuuge A+ to the art team peoples, you did your job and fulfilled the ecchi role incredibly well, bravo! Music/Sound: An aspect that To LOVE-Ru actually excels at. Great use of BGM, great understanding of when to begin and stop music, great music choices to begin with! The OP is amazing, as is the first ED, but the 2nd ED with Haruna as the key focus, that might be one of the best ED’s ever, it’s seriously so good to listen to and the art with Haruna is just incredible; for instance, there is heavy emphasis on her lips and man, it looks good; it’s simply amazing, really, they make Haruna not just look “good”, but incredibly attractive, more than normal. To LOVE-Ru, an anime filled with ecchi, filled with lewd, filled with super cute girls. That’s really all there is to say about it; I expected something similar to what I received. Lala, however was the highlight of the entire anime and when the story plot started to matter (last two episodes), she did what I never thought she would do, simply because Yuuki is a loser…. I really hope Haruna and Yuuki get together in Motto, because it’s getting tiring seeing them act so ridiculous around one another . If not, then the lewd needs to be a lot better to really keep interest, much more risqué and more of it too. NOTE: The below are my rather.... mind losing impressions of the OVA's, don't read, it contains a lot of "oh my gao/gau's" and me yelling names.... OVA: Episode 1: OH MY GAO, that’s incredible! I think To LOVE-Ru would be a ton better if it had Yuuki be like this instead, especially since he’s all “ooooh noooo, girls”, and stuff. I wish his personality was changed though, that would have made this so much better; but Lala is amazing. Saki, this episode made her absolutely amazing and incredible, goooo SAKI! Episode 2: Mikan (Yuuki’s imouto) is way too cute this episode, so unbelievably adorable! Yuuki-baka! Yami-san continues to just be an all-around amazing girl and Haruna actually did something this episode, in an OVA, but still, she did something! Yuuki Baka Baka Baka Baka!! Episode 3: An island resort consisting only of the girls? Yes please. Bikini’s everywhere, rubbing oil on each other, butts, thighs, boobs, and a little more of… oh this is heaven!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015
To LOVE-Ru Darkness
OVA Impressions at the end of this review.
To LOVE-Ru Darkness Wow…. I mean…. Wooooow….. or more like… YESSSSSSS!!!!!! And AHHHHHHHHHH HOLY CRAAAAAP WHHHHAAAAAA!!!! And then OH MY GAOOOOOO OH MY GAAUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! ………… That’s the best way to explain To LOVE-Ru Darkness; Season 3 of the To LOVE-Ru series, it once again changes the formula and oh man, is it good. After watching LOVE-Ru and Motto, I was rather curious on how Darkness would continue the series; not saying that Motto ends in a way where you can stop (Not at all), but rather, it’d get a little boring seeing Yuuki Rito continue to try and confess ... to Haruna. At the end of Motto, Rito is able to confess to Lala without much problem (About time, YAY!). He then tries to confess to Haruna, but he closes his eyes and stutters for far too long and she gets distracted by something else, when Rito say’s I like you, he actually says it to 4 other girls in his harem that happened to walk by!! A perfect way to end Motto and it’s the perfect way to start Darkness . Darkness starts off almost exactly the same that Motto did, Momo is in Rito’s bed, wearing nothing but a shirt and it’s oh so good. So what does Darkness try to do differently to continue holding the viewers’ attention? That’s really simple, if you looked at the art MAL uses to display To LOVE-Ru Darkness (or the Blu-ray for uncensored goodies), you’d have noticed that Yami and Momo are the prominent characters and that’s because they are! In Darkness, Momo has a plan to have Yuuki Rito create a harem, where all the girls become his concubine (or something similar to a hot polygamy) ; what an amazing plan! Momo is very much the Main in Darkness, as is Yami and a new girl named Mea. Yes, the other girls still show up, but don’t expect Lala or Haruna to appear as much, it’s the supporting cast of girls that get treatment this season and the way it’s all executed is perfect. Yami is unknown to us and Darkness does well to begin to explain who and what she is. Mea is just as interesting, even Makido-sensei gets some great exposition. I’m purposefully leaving out a secret person from the review because when she is introduced, you may get some feels! (I know I did). Even thinking about the other supports, Run-chan has an amazing episode, the way Mikan is shown throughout the season is fantastic [Redacted]! Having a large cast is seriously great for To LOVE-Ru Darkness, it gives us, the viewers, a lot to experience. Now the story in Darkness isn’t just a simple, let’s make all the girls lust for Yuuki Rito, oh no, it’s far more than that. Darkness, as the name of the season implies, has some pretty dark elements involved and if you’ve seen To LOVE-Ru and Motto, you may already have an idea as to whom it’s about, but stop right there! It’s 100% more interesting than you could ever imagine, I mean, ever ever ever imagine!!! I’ll just say, the way the plot unfolded itself was both quite natural and incredibly exciting; I was at the edge of my seat losing my mind (other reasons for that too) as I saw To LOVE-Ru Darkness. Ecchi……Oh gao… gao gau… Lewd…. Th-that’s really where Darkness goes full stop. The amount of oppai, pantsu, skin I’ve seen in Darkness is astounding, the immaculately drawn and superbly animated girls, it’s not just… it’s … more than…. Good or incredible…I can’t come up with words, I really can’t. Aside from the amount, it’s the way it’s shown to us, the stretching, the groping, the.. oh gau…. I’ve never seen lewd like this in anime before (strictly anime). It’s really insane, especially the last few episodes where everything gets propelled far beyond what our Solar System can handle, heck, the imaginations, the teasing, if you like lewds, please, do yourself a favor, watch this, just.. embrace it all. Don’t forget the popsicle scene either, that was….. well, it’s best not to speak of it,
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Sep 9, 2015
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya
Fate-kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S, IT’S SOOOOO GOOOOOOOD ~~~~ Not even yuri, not even mana sharing and it ended up being the best Fate related material in existence. Seriously, super seriously serious, mahou shoujo like this is amazing, so freaking wonderful, so absolutely fantastic, so incredibly awesome. I don’t care what you like, what you dislike, I don’t care what you think about mahou shoujo’s, watch this anime, do it for your anime filled heart, do it for your soul, do it to experience ultimate badass awesomeness that is escalated a thousand fold and doesn’t stop, you won’t regret it, it’s impossible to regret; JUST ... DO IT! Following 4 girls, Illya, Miyu, Rin and Luvia, we witness some of the most amazing things ever. Don’t worry about the lewd, aside from well-drawn lines nothing bad happens (I’m lying, there are fan-servicy aspects involved, it’s just not a lot….). Illya is the star of the show and holy crap does she deliver. The cutest girl, the most adorable eyes/eye color, insanely cute seiyuu, her personality, it’s freaking perfect, 100000% perfect, Illya is amazing,
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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