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Jun 20, 2022
I hated everything about this show, from the first minute of this show I already hated it. There will be spoilers for a few things so bare that in mind and everything I write about will be extremely personal and subjective as to why I hate it. If I wanted to go into extreme detail, outlining everything I disliked about it would be to long and take to much time but I will go over a few things.
Firstly I hate the interactions of every character. Every interaction between them feel superficial and bland. An example, in the last episode when the red hair girl goes
to America her friends get worried because she is not messaging them and then they go to America to visit with a dumb music montage and low and behold her phone is dead and other is out of range and she has this wow omg what a surprise and then explains why afterword and her blond hair friend is like wow this is dumb. The reason I hate this and every single interaction in this show is pretty simple. Firstly its generic, you can see how everything is going to play out from start to end which isn't always a bad thing but it's so stale and adds nothing new for me. Secondly how they act, in that example their so fucking loud and hyper, talking at mach 10 speed. Something about that really annoys me and irritates me plus added bonus with the dumb sound affects added to the surprise and realization annoy me as well. Last part of it is their voices, I hate their vocal characteristics. Their tone, pitch, volume, pronunciation, rhythm, and the pace at which they speak annoy me to no end. This is just one example of a long list of many but it's time to move on.
Another thing I heavily dislike is the music. I do enjoy musicals, Sound of Music is a great movie and most Disney movies are okay but every time they break out into song in this series it makes me wanna die. I know it's their job to sing and be a "Healer Girl" but I hate it. When they were singing not once but twice during 2 separate surgeries I just died of cringe and not even a funny type of cringe just pure and utter cringe. I know some people enjoy their songs and voices but I hated it, didn't enjoy the songs, they are good singers but I didn't like their voices and having to hear it multiple times an episode in the most cringy ways made me actually wanna shove pencils into my ears.
I obviously don't like the characters either. They feel so fake like their made of plastic. Nothing original about their decisions, personalities, behaviors, or their dialogue. To me everything about them was annoying and bland. Let me explain this with my least favorite episode of the entire series, episode 11. Their angry because they are failing at their singing and throughout the entire episode their depressed and get mad at each other. Red hair girl thinks she's the issue and says they are better then her and should do it without her which annoys me. Blond hair girl doesn't understand and disagrees and lashes back which causes a riff in their relationship for the rest of the episode until they have just the worst back and forth I had to listen to. They all talk about how the other is better then the other, how wow your so much more impressive then me and then no you are more impressive until they all come together in harmony saying "because you're both so good! I really love your singing! And I'm so jealous" Then have the hehehe we all like each other and now we are friends again cliche which I hate every time I see it.
In conclusion if you dislike generic and bland mediocre looking girls trying to do cute things then don't watch this. I would still give the first episode a try to see if you might enjoy this and it might be right up your alley but for me it wasn't and I never wanna see anything about this show again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 28, 2021
I told some of my friends at the start of this season that if the series tries to redeem Akito or make her seem like a victim due to some BS tragic backstory ima rate this a 1 and well….
Fruits Basket is a series I really do love, both S1 and 2 were amazing and I was hyped for this season. However throughout the amazing wholesome moments of this final season there were also as many comically bad moments as well.
This series does many irritating things. Writing such badly written “villains” aka the parents. They are all written with no
substance and all feel like a surface level evil needed to give every character some tragic backstory which makes them vulnerable and emotionally unstable. How every character blames themselves for everything that happens to not just themselves but others is annoying. How akito seems to get away with all the years of abuse and torment she causes everyone and everyone doesn’t seem to want retribution at all at the end is also annoying, and every character just takes the abuse and says nothing even when akito literally almost killed 3 people, Rin (who she tries to kill twice), Kureno, and Tohru tho that one can be debated as just a scared child throwing a tantrum.
During the episode where Kyou talks to his dad about wanting to live and wanting to love Tohru I couldn’t help but laugh. His dad was just so pathetically written and his sole purpose was to be the catalyst to all of Kyou’s core emotional issues. Yelling and screaming at Kyou saying every bad thing he can say like his life depends on it, and when Kyou grabs his arm and his dad starts yelling for his life I couldn’t help but pause the episode and die inside of both cringe and laughter. Throughout this conversation it also seems like the real reason Kyous mom died was cause of his dad, what he said to Kyou seems to be what he said to his wife and which maybe lead her commit suicide. Even then, Kyou finds out the real reason why his mom was arguing with his dad and ending up dying (he question his dad about it which his dad pathetically try and shift blame to Kyou), meaning Kyou’s mom died not because of him but his dad, his dad blaming him for her death when it was really his fault and in finding this out years later he doesn’t seem to say or do anything. Which brings me to my next point.
Acceptance and blame. Every character seems to accept everything bad and the bad things people do and the characters don’t blame them but blame themselves. No one calls out anyone for their bullshit and lets them get away with it as they continue to suffer. When Akito pushes Rin out the balcony and then locks her up, starves her and abuses her to the point where she almost dies the only then who did anything toward Akito was Haru who almost punched her but stopped and walked away but he almost came back to her before Kureno stopped him and he went to Rin. Beside him no one else seemed to even be angry, Tohru was never told but even if she was she would still forgive Akito and not be the slightest bit angry towards Akito and find some way to blame herself for it. Another time when Kisa was hit by Akito and was in the hospital Hiro blamed himself for just interacting with her and not Akito which stems from the deep rooted trauma and bond they share with Akito. However you can say all of their reactions are due to the curse they all share and so they don’t want to go against akito, but two characters were able to act out against her in some way, those characters being Haru and Shigure. While still having the curse they were able to lash out against Akito with Haru almost hitting and speaking out against her and Shigure who just emotionally manipulates her. So there is a way but the others are too scared to lash out. Which all wouldn’t be as bad if Akito suffered some punishment at the end of it all.
Main issue I have with this ending is how Akito doesn’t face any form of punishment and instead actually has a happy ending(getting together with Shigure and everyone seeming to not care anymore or feel bad for Akito.) All it took was Akito to have a mental breakdown for the 100th time and reflect on her actions and everythings forgiven? All those years of torment and abuse just gone? Because she was told she was special since she was born and is the head of the family all of her actions are okay? Arisa hugs her even after Akito admitted her crimes? Tohru wants to be her friend even after all she's done? Tohru says she’s just as bad as Akito because she tried to take away her happiness? What happiness, Kyous love? Kyou, someone Akito always hated and was gonna lock up? None of this makes sense. When Akito stabbed Kureno and was being a brat about it and just ran towards Tohru and Tohru tried to hug her and help her when Akito was holding and swinging a knife in her hand, that was laughable. When Tohru stood by the edge of the cliff cause Akito kinda pushed her in that direction and it broke and then Akito ran to get help flailing her arms around was comical.
A few other small annoyances I have is how Tohru’s mom when looking at Kyou at her final moments the only words she uttered out of her mouth out of anything else was the only thing Kyou could take as a bad misunderstanding, “I will never forgive you”, and because of that Kyou now has more trauma to add to his never ending list. It all feels so forced. Another issue I had was how to break the curse. It just will eventually break? How, what was the reason the bonds broke and some bonds broke before others. Was it because of love? That doesn’t fully make sense with how Kureno broke out first. We never know and are never told. It just goes away, because of maybe the original promise that no one remembers and just happens to be brought up because it’s the end of the story. Who remembered the original promise? Was it the narrator of the scene Tohru, or maybe the ghost of god that just came in a memory to everyone. We don’t know, we can only speculate.
With many of the amazing scenes that I love in this series and how wholesome it was at points, how everyone got together with their ships and everything ended happily; there were just as many bad points that I couldn’t overlook in this series. Still love the franchise but hated how things turned out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 28, 2020
GeGeGe isn't a show for most people. It's long and unless you're really into Japanese yokai and folktales you most likely won't like this series that much. However it still is really good and fun to watch.
This series is a mixture of a sort of overall main plot of trying to get humans and yokai to get along, while also having many sub stories that take a few episodes to just being episodic of one episode stories. In all, each of the stories were interesting with few exceptions, and have some relevance to the main plot. I both laughed, felt extremely sad, and really
happy while watching the series and while it's not one of my favorite shows of all time it has a close place in my heart.
The characters are all pretty interesting and our main cast get some good character development while the other side characters don't really get all that screen time they do get like an episode or two which gives them the spotlight and after awhile, especially after watching the show for 2 years, the characters really grow on you.
It's one of those shows where after awhile you feel like a part of their group, you feel like you're apart of Gegege forest and close to the characters, as long as you like or at least semi like the characters and story.
Overall, was a fun show to watch weekly for 2 years, sad it ended after all this time but I had a blast. Definitely not a series for everyone but give it a few episodes and see if you enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 27, 2020
After just finishing Babylon I am honestly at a lost for words, this show is actually amazing and still love it after it's ending. It leaves you with many questions which are open to different interpretations depending on how you look at things. That is generally what a good mystery does, granted the first half was more intense and the second half went into a different approach focusing on another character but It was still as good.
After thinking about the series for a bit I can't really find and complaints I had, it was interesting, raised themes which left me thinking and hearing the
other character talking about it left me wondering to myself what I think about it. Talking about themes with other people is fun hearing their thoughts on these questions, the show just left me intrigued and thinking throughout it's entire run time, I do also think the answer to the final question was actually amazing and I didn't even think about that answer, nor people I talked to, usually when I watch mystery type series like this the answer or conclusion is usually not to my satisfaction or I don't care for it, but I generally love the answer they gave.
---Will have spoilers for the ending past this---
Now with the ending I was very confused and wondering, "WTF IS THIS", and I still do but there is only a few things that can happen to Zen after he killed the president on live Television. One: He goes to jail, Two: He dies (Either from Magase finally getting to him so he commits suicide or someone else shoots him), Three: This is not very realistic but the presidents agents who he was with during talking to the girl on TV helped Zen knowing some of the situation and he was able to go free under certain circumstances.
Obviously after the credits we see that nothing happened to Magase maybe Zen didn't shoot her because he didn't want to fall to evil and stick with his ideas of good, but either way she is still free in this world to end more people. I really like this ending cause usually it's the good guys winning but this time we have the villain win and in a very insane way. The ending leaves you in awe, with many questions, dumbfounded, and also disappointed if you didn't like the ending.
---End of spoilers---
Now overall I love this series, I think it has amazing themes, interesting and a wide range of characters, and for me an amazing ending I will be thinking about for awhile.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 23, 2019
May contain spoilers
I despise this series, it has everything that I hate in a comedy series, and even being the iseaki trash I am I can't justify this. The jokes are repetitive and not funny, there were close to no moments that I generally liked, and I hate myself for watching this.
Firstly I wanna say what I did like, that one episode where they were around the campfire sharing stories it was wholesome and I did enjoy that, I love the OP even though I wish I didn't, and a few of the anime references the put in. That's about it.
Firstly the comedy is dreadful.
It's mainly about Adele being like, "I just wanna be average", and she gets her wish just not the way she wanted. She "tries" not to show her power to anyone, but whenever someone says flat, she turns into a rage like, "YOU CALLED ME FLAT, NA-NANI, BAKANA" and then proceeds to use her OP abilities and crush her opponent and at the end be like, "OH, I did that? Teehe", like bitch that shit annoys me so much. It wasn't funny the first time and wasn't funny after the 50th time either. Also when Adele tries to use her power but not in an OP way but still does without knowing that also irritates me, I have seen that so many times in so many different ways and that joke being like the main source of comedy really just grinds my gears. it also tries to play at being to meta and it fails a lot of the time and is generally not funny (and I love me some meta humor).
The characters are bad as well. None of them stick out in anyway, never enjoyed watching them interact. They had their good moments obviously, for example, I liked Pauline just being a sadist, Mavis being a dumbass, but I didn't like anything about Adele or Reina. Even with Reina tragic backstory and understanding were her motivation comes from still didn't make me like her at all. Now because there is not much to say about the animation other than it's complete garbage and hurt my eyes to look at, I'm not gonna make it it's own paragraph.
Overall, complete garbage show, I can see why people like it and if you like parody, reference filled loli shows than I would recommend this show to you. If you don't however skip this show completely you will not find enjoyment in it whatsoever.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 13, 2019
Slight spoilers
Dr.Stone is alright. When reading the synopsis of Dr.Stone I was pretty hyped. As post-apocalyptic stories are my favorite kind of story. However when watching it I was let down. Even though the premise was amazing the execution was silly and poor with many plot deceives. However it was still enjoyable to watch and watching Senku rise up his city of science was satisfying.
One of the things I don't like with this show are the characters. I mean I like Senku a little but none of the characters honestly stick out or make any real impression. There all the extremes of their tropes
and for most of the show everyone is just screaming. They are all kinda fun to watch but after the show ends there all just forgettable and hard to remember who they are. I will say watching the villages growth from not believing in science to loving it and that transformation was really nice. There were some good heartwarming moments which were sweet and that was one of the things I liked about the show. With the show having this silly vibe to it never had any moments were I was scared or worried about what was going to happen to the characters. You know nothing bad will happen so even the dangerous situations make you feel like nothing serious will happen and Senku will just save the day like he always does. With no real danger you can't get excited or feel anything during the dangerous parts. Like when Senku and that Magma feel into that whole during the cave expedition, we all know nothing serious was ever gonna happen. So it just makes the show less interesting overall.
However, I can't find myself loving the show. It really is just the dumb stuff that happens that as a kid I wouldn't even notice or mind but when thinking of them just bothers me. For example during the tournament, when Chrome had to keep completely still to have the water not move to burn blond muscle man and put his clothes on fire bugged me because in Senku's words that is 10,000,000% impossible and especially in that scenario. I would list a few more but then it'll just sound like me just being a petty bitch so I will refrain.
There was also no character development throughout the series, sure the villagers turned to like science but that's not character growth, same with Chrome the only thing that changed with him was him calling himself a sorcerer user to a science user, because of this I couldn't become immersed or generally love the characters. Sure they were kinda fun to watch at the start but as the story goes and they become less interesting and just bland.
The music is honestly good and I love to listen to the OP and ED on youtube. There just perfect songs to jam to, the inset songs though are alright, there were a few I liked but the rest I completely forget after it ended. The animation was alright, a lot of moving panels during the action scenes with very little fluid movement but it was awful and it got the job done, and the character designs were okay, the only good one was Senku.
Overall a pretty fun show to watch but nothing to fantastic that leaves an impression on me. It had it's good moments and it's not so good moments, it's silly moments and heartwarming moments, and I will say I'm a little excited for Season 2 where we will be getting a war arc, because who doesn't like a war arc. However I doubt anything serious will happen.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 28, 2019
"Even if that's true" -Hibiki
That phrase, every time I hear that damn phrase in hibiki's annoying voice I just wanna take a gun load it with explosive bullets and shoot myself. After torturing myself through 65 episodes it finally comes to an end. It should be obvious I am not a fan of this series. With that said I do think this is the best season yet.
However it's still by no means a good series. Throughout all the bs plot devices and cringy twists that they throw at you that seem to come out of nowhere it's hard to find anything good in this
series. I will say the music is good, and the transformation scenes are amazing to watch and fun as hell. One of the main reasons I did not like this series or any of the series in general is because I knew nothing was gonna happen of importance. The only time I was actually hyped was when hibiki's arm was gonna be bitten off, but then she just regrows another one. Even in this series, Carol's minions make a cameo to help her out, they were just used to stir up hype and be used as fodder for Carol to make it to were she had to be. Many things like this happen throughout the series of convenient bs that just appears outa nowhere.
I will say the main reason I liked this season better was because of the villains. This time they weren't overpowered at the start and then through the power of the series ending the main character end up beating them at the end because they need to. They were weak. They were getting whooped by the main characters. When they did lose or win it made sense, and seeing them grow in the series was really fun to watch. Beside that though everything else was still really bad. The plot twists were not exciting everything just felt dull and bland.
When it comes to the characters I can't say I like them at all. Especially Hibiki, though I did like Maria and Kirika at the very least. They were all one dimensional, stereotypical, and boring. I don't wanna shit on them to much mainly because I care to little for them anyways to want to do that.
In conclusion, there was really nothing of value I found while watching the 65 episodes this series has. There are a few good merits this series has but it was not worth the watch. If you can make it past season one and enjoy it I think you will honestly love this series, so give it a try if you haven't already, you'll either hate it or love it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 27, 2019
[Spoiler Warning]
Granbelm shouldn't be a bad anime at all. The premise even though it seems overused actually felt original and with the different twists every now and then it shouldn't have had this low of a score. However while watching it I just felt cringe and disappointment.
As I stated the premise for this show is quite good even though there is a bunch of shows already with a similar vibe to it, cute girls doing really messed up shit, but I still was semi excited to watch it. However, after watching the first episode I was quickly turned off with how bad it was
and stopped watching it. Later after a few more weeks when more episodes were out I picked it back up again only to be disappointed once again.
This show had some good qualities to it though. The OST was amazing and one of the best this season, the uniqueness of some scenes were honestly fun to watch, one which stands out to me was in episode 13 when Suishou was talking with Shingetsu and her shadow was on the pillars and the angle of the scenes actually made me feel terrified and was amazing. Suishou as a character was awesome from her creepy body movements when her body turns into a black figure and distorts as well and her voice at times, genuinely gave me chills. Her backstory was dark and her charisma was a joy to watch. She was what made the show for me and kept me being able to continue watching it.
However, even with the twist about Mangetsu and even what happened to her at the end it didn't honestly shocked me or get me to say, "WTF", I just felt nothing. Maybe it's because the rest of the show was such a turn off for me with Anna's constant screaming and bickering that even when knowing why she acts the way she acts you still feel nothing for her and just wishes she jumps off a bridge, as well as the rest of the characters just being a bore and an annoyance. Most of the characters were just one dimensional beside Suishou, I would of said Shingetsu as well but towards the end she just became bland.
Now, with all this said do I think that this show is not worth watching at all? No, I think it has some amazing qualities which were a joy to watch at times, but the rest of it was such a boring cringe fest that I couldn't honestly feel any excitement when the time came. In all I would say watch the first 2-3 episodes and if you don't like it stop because the amazing things you will see afterward are not worth the torture of getting to that point.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 20, 2019
At the start of this series after finishing the first episode I will admit I found it dumb and cringy, but as I kept on watching it the series grew on me in a way I never thought it would. What to me seemed to be the start of a melodramatic series became something wholesome, relatable, hilarious, and down right awesome.
While watching this series each episode felt like a roller coaster. During one moment im laughing my ass off or cringing from how I felt like this before to then being in awe of what would happen next. I was felt with great
joy while watching these girls try their best to understand their emotions and how to properly express them, which is something most people of all ages find difficult to do.
Now I feel like I have seen many different series and a great number of them at that, not just with anime but all medium in general, and there has been very few times were I can say I really did not know which direction the series or Movie will take and how it will end. I can say that this is one of the few series series were I had no idea how things would turn out. Almost everything that happen was a shock to me and in a great way. Especially with the last 2 episodes. Can I just say wow, those last two episodes had me glued to the screen not knowing what was gonna happen and it was such a refreshing experience. They were filled with emotion and warmth, it was a feeling I haven't felt in a long time, and even more for the ending which is one of the most satisfying ending I have ever seen.
I absolutely love this series and is something I can see myself coming back to over and over again and each time while watching having the same feelings I am having right now. As someone who did not like this series at the start I would like for people to give this a chance and maybe you will like it to. I hope for the people who have already watched it and the people who will watch this in the future will be able to enjoy it as much as I have.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 28, 2019
What do you feel as you look at this anime. Do you feel a warm feeling of love? Do you feel nothing? Or do you feel what I feel. Hatred. Out of the many shows of this season which I can say are are about as good at Mars of destruction I can say one show takes my place as number 1 least favorite show this season. And dare I might say of all time. The Quintessential Quintuplets is by far my least favorite show I have ever watched and let me explain why. Will have minor spoiler I guess
A good harem show needs good
characters. When i say good characters I don't just mean the girls which form the harem but the main dude as well. All of my favorite harem shows such as DxD, Trinity Seven, A world only God knows, and Ouran host club have both of those. Quintessential Quintuplets does not have both. I can say I do like 1 character from Quintessential Quintuplets (Miku) but I can't say I love them all. Even with utter trash shows I can still say I like at least 1 character. However in this show I can say none of these characters are good in anyway.
A little about this show. We have our MC Fuutarou, a poor student who studies all the time to get out of poverty and finds himself in a situation were he teaches 5 rich big tittied women (cause of course he does). However before this we get a teaser of the future in which he marries one of these 5 girls which is unique I guess, maybe pushing it a little. The five girls he has to teach are all dumb, with minor spoilers they have at least 1 thing there good at. To make my point that this show is litter I will use examples.
Now the characters are the backbone of any story. Without good characters you can not have a good story. From the people who have watched and read the manga they praise the characters, for being a good example of how to do the trope correctly. I fail to see how.
Nino being the bratty tsundere who at any moment she can, wants and does do things to make the MC’s life miserable. “She does it cause she loves her sisters..”sh-shut the fuck up. Bluntly accusing someone of sexual harassment for the sake of “her sisters” is not only annoying but just bad. Even though I don’t like the MC I hate the way she treats him. In the end of episode 3 after the whole sexual harassment gag when she storms off and Fuutarou ends up leaving and then sits next to her and they talk, the episode end with her saying. “I will never accept you” or some shit. Idk if people find this cute or heart warming somehow but its just annoying and makes me hate her even more. If you wanna use the she cares about her sister shit that's why she acts like such a bitch then shut up u have bad taste. Just kidding but still. The overuse of trying every way to be a dick to the MC gag was annoying the first time I saw it and still hasn't gotten better the 10,000th time. People have also said that during her arc which are like the last two episodes she gets better but in honesty she just gets worse. Nothing like a bratty big biddie bitch being bashful by bad boys. In the anime at least she doesn’t develop at all.
Itsuki the seemling main girl of the series. Yet another tsundere who openly hates the MC and why does she hate the MC. Because when she asked him to tutor her first he declined, then after her dad hires Fuutarou without the girls knowing she gets upset and starts to pout and throw a tantrum like a fucking five year old. Again we have another character who trashes the MC over and over and the trope still hasn't gotten funnier or cuter from the first time I saw it. In the first episode when she drugs the MC because she doesn't want him to her and her sisters send him on the taxi home, and may I put some emphasize to the fact she legit drugs him, is this not a crime. Of course as they get to his house Fuutarou’s sister greets them and wants her to come in for dinner. After seeing how poor they are and Fuutarou sister cuteness she doesn't agree to want him to tutor but at least doesn't mind if he shows up. I would like to see if she has a good side to try and say something good about her but I can't .
Ichika being the onee-san type of the 5 doesn't have much else going for her. However she is not really a unique character in this trope. If you wanna say she has other qualities like having a goal of being an actor and she works hard for it then go for it I won't stop you, but it's like okay? She tries hard at something she likes. Good for her? How does this make her a good character in anyway? It’s not like she is a bad character she just isn’t an overly good one.
Yotsuba is the energetic girl of the group she is the always friendly one, the ditzy, always accepting and always sacrificing herself for people type. I guess she isn't really bad but she isn't good either. She has nothing new to this archetype as well she is just really bland. She doesn’t progress in the anime and seems to be more of a side character rather than a main one.
Miku being the only girl I actually like in this group due to her not being annoying bitch and actually being really cute and loveable however that is just compared to the other girls which is pretty much comparing a shit to somewhat better shit. Either way it’s still shit. Even if I do like her it's only within this series and can't say I can really like her outside of it.
Fuutarou himself is the typical harem MC. Being a loner who has one good trait about him, he can't say the words he needs to when he should and always putting the girls in his harem before himself no matter how bratty they are. He takes the fall for any situation and he doesn’t stand up for himself when he should. He is just your average bland protagonist.
All the girls beside miku for the most part are shit characters individually and even worse as a group. As nothing good happens when they all get together and for the most part when they get together only really bad slapstick humor follows. I can never put my full on hatred for really just Nino or Itsuka in this review. On top of bad characters the animation and art are also really shit beside that one scene in episode 11 when Ichika and Fuutarou are in the shed together and he grabs her as she falls and says something MAJESTIC to her which makes her start to fall for him. That was like the only good part of animation/art in the show. However again the art is far better in the manga.
In conclusion, this is a typical harem anime with nothing new to add to the genre and another show to add to the already large trash pile.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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