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May 15, 2021
This Anime is very generic and it's similar to Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer). An organization of teenagers/students that hunt Demons with various magical skills and weapons. If you like that sort of thing then you will enjoy this but don't expect much.
This anime pretends to be deep and mysterious. Some episodes kinda remind me if Scooby Doo was an Anime mixed with Kimetsu no Yaiba then you get this. The problem is that while it tries to be deep is nothing more than a fighting Anime. The story starts a little interesting but it basically boils down to, collect the mcguffins, kill the demons.
This is not enough motivation or urgency for any character, there's no substance here.
The main character is not the cool guy you see in every poster of this Anime, it's actually a very generic Naruto clone with his own Demon inside him. (This is not a spoiler it's in the first episode and this anime has nothing to spoil anyways.) The main character is your typical, hyperactive, do-good, stupid but really strong character. He even makes references to other Anime's main attacks such as Naruto, DBZ, Bleach etc. but it's Ironic he's even lamer than all of those guys.
The teacher with the head bandana (These guys are kinda forgetable so I apologyze for not remembering any of their names even after 24 episodes) hes the best character in the series. He's really cool, kinda reminds me of Vash the Stampede. If he was the main character this Anime could go somewhere but they made the mistake of making this guy all powerful. So he can't be around much or there wouldn't be anything for any of the main characters to do. This is bad writting 101, that's why Vash the Stampede has a limitation of trying not to kill anyone and it's also a Comedy anime. In this most enemies are monsters that can get hand waived into non existence.
The other characters are not even worth mentioning. An ugly and annoying female character that kinda reminds me of Sakura from Naruto but she actually has some fighting skills and another Emo secondary character kinda like Sasuke (I think I'm starting to see a theme here) that can control shadows and it's apparently amazing but literally loses every fight he's in.
All in all, this anime has nothing to offer. If you have been watching anime for more than a couple of years and watched the usual Shonen Jump then this is more of the same. I heard some guy talk about how this Anime is the future but I completely forgot I saw it after a couple of days. The forest training was a bit interesting and the fights where ok, the art is good too, so it deserves at least a 5 or 6 /10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 25, 2021
It's at times like this that I wonder how the MAL scoring system works. It seems that anything between 6-7 is complete dumpsterfire garbage and the true scoring system exists from 7 to 10.
Now I admit that I'm a bit picky when watching Anime but I usually watch at least 3-4 episodes before I drop anything. It's rare when something is SO BAD that I can't even watch it for 15 minutes, but Arifureta managed it.
My first impression is the bad Kirito copy/pasted main character and how bad the artstyle is. It looks like something from early 2000s not 2019. Next is the badly written
Starting a story Meadias Res is often not a good idea unless you 1. Know exactly what you're doing or 2. Want to start off with a bang and providing a good hook. This is neither, it just tries to be edgy but only shows the main character crawling on the ground like a coward and then so happens to randomly dig into his ultimate destiny.
Next the story goes back to the beginning (A whole 5 minutes ago?) just to show the other cast of generic characters. Once the bad CGI started showing up I think I had enough but just in case I quick watch some random later eps to see what the main character turns into. It's really cringe and disappointing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 20, 2021
Non Non Biyori is one of my favorite series. Season 1 was great and Season 2 was even better. So I had high hopes for S3 but unfortunately they decided to highlight some of the most boring characters this Season.
Renchon and co are still there, and this series prob has one of my favorite episodes ever (Ep 5) but focusing so much on the neighbour Konomi was a mistake IMO. She's a very boring older sister type and there's literally nothing special about her. Similar to Koma-chan, she's meant to be a voice of reason and a foil for all the other characters.
The difference
is that Koma is actually funny because she's often the butt of all jokes and it's really cute how she's always trying to be an adult and failing misserably. Konomi on the other hand, is just borderline annoying because she's a perfect older sister that always has the higher ground over everybody else and is basically untouchable.
In this season they also introduce another girl, Konomi's friend Akane. Now she's ok just nothing special. Typical shy girl that's always trying to get her Sempai's attention. The problem is this series already has a lot of great characters that people would rather see. I wish Hikage would get more screen time getting in trouble with Natsumi. Instead we got this new character that we don't really care about and miss perfect neighbour. The perfect recipe for boredom.
Don't get me wrong, the series is still great. It's just a shame that all the fan favorites are taking a back seat to characters we don't care about.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 19, 2021
This anime was never a master piece, just a fun watch with a couple of good/fun characters like Hestia. I enjoyed the first season quite a bit. The second season wasn't bad but nothing special. This third season, however goes beyond mediocrity and it's straight up bad.
This series has a lot of problems. The biggest problem is it's main character. He's your usual "goodie two shoes" witch I don't mind so much but unlike most anime characters that want to achieve something or become great, this guy just goes whetever the wind blows and basically gets stepped on by everybody.
Not only is he boring but
he seems to be there just for every other character to fall in love with, or just take care of like a lost puppy dog and it grows old quick. It makes this series unwatchable when the main character is such a door matt who's only personality traits are that he's a good boy and he wants to bang Ais.
At first I could ignore this but in this season several people die and get kidnapped because he simply doesn't have the BALLS to do what he wants or what needs to be done, only what other people tell him. So unlike other shounen main characters like Naruto, Luffy and Ichigo he would let his friends get killed just because he doesn't want to break the rules.
Another thing that ruins these series is his "Argonaut" attack that is basically an "I win whenever I need to" button. Seriously how could they allow this Deus Ex Machina to just be built into a character and just appear when you need it? it's riddiculous.
Then you got the literal Jesus Christ Ais Wallenstain. She doesn't talk or basically does anything. She's just there to show up and one punch every bad guy there is. If the Argonaut skill wasn't enough then you got this girl and her "always win" guild. If you don't like them then too bad because they will keep showing up, even tough I couldn't care less, only to wrap everything up because they're that awesome. They even wasted time and money making an Anime about them called "Sword Oratoria" only to find out that the girl who is perfect and never speaks makes a terrible main character. It's a bad joke and if you find anyone that likes that Anime then capture them because we need to study their brains for science.
The rest of the Anime is basically cute anime girls with a small pinch of story line and some drama. If you don't like cute characters then you won't like this either. I see a lot of people saying this sucks it's a "harem" but honestly that's probably one of the few good things about it.
Bad Story, Bad Characters, A few fun adventures a few waifus. 4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 22, 2020
I'll try to keep this short. This Anime is not terrible, just an incredibly mediocre Isekai when this Genre is so over saturated by MUCH better Anime.
The main character is a card board cut out Kirito look alike that gets transported to another world and becomes over powered, same as usual but besides that there's not much of note.
It's incredibly riddiculous how he keeps getting a new skill every 10 seconds. Seriously, if this guy farts he would get a farting skill, it's that stupid and It feels like a parody. There's also no suspense because you know this guy is over powered
and he knows it. In other, better isekais, there are over powered characters also, but at least the main characters are interesting and have cool allies, enemies and goals, there's literally nothing going on with this guy.
There's just no reason to watch this in a world where Shield Hero or Reincarnaited as a Slime exists. This Anime is like a rippoff Shield Hero with a garbage bargain bin Lizard girl and a copy pasted Shalltear slave girl that do nothing instead of the much better Raphtalia and Philo. Hell, he even has a cart like Shield hero.
I mean this is still watchable but don't waste your time unless you already watched everything else and got nothing better to do. 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 9, 2020
I usually don't like leaving reviews because they're overly long and too much drama but I feel compelled to leave one here due to all the negative reviews this Anime is getting.
First of all, if you don't like "Big breasted anime girls or anime lolis" then you're probably in the wrong genre of entertaintment. Show me an anime that doesn't have one of those, maybe the 0.001%?. So I don't see how this is even relevant at all, it's like saying you don't like Pizza because it has cheese or 2/10 too much water.
The Anime itself it's really good and very similar to one of
my fav animes of all time. The legend of the shield hero (Tate no Yuusha) it's basically the same thing, guy gets send to another world and he starts out as a worthless monster (In this case with a couple of really good abilities) and eventually grows up to become incredibly powerful and a saviour to those around him. If you liked shield hero then I reccomend you watch this.
Where this Anime is special is in it's positive attitude. One reason I got tired of Overlord is because of how arrogant and belligerent he becomes even though he was originally a human himself. The light novel is also a lot of murder and violence and altough that's cool depending on context (I love Berserk) I just don't see the point of an all powerful invincible creature toying with opponents that are weaker than himself. It just comes off as cowardly to me, (No offence to those who love Overlord) but it's really easy to be a bad ass when you live in a secure place and nobody can fight you back.
Reincarnated as a Slime is the complete opposite. He uses his powers to help others and it's always trying to do everything the best he can. It's just fun to watch and you want him to make the world around him a better place.
Is he a Mary Sue? No, I don't think so. A Mary Sue is a perfect being, anything she wants to do, she can do, perfectly. She doesn't earn anything she was just born that way and everyone else is inferior in comparison, she doesn't need anyone but everyone needs and loves her because she's the greatest ever.
Remuru, on the other hand, worked for his abilities. At first he couldn't even see or detect magic. The reason he's so powerful is because of Verudora. He relies on his allies all the time and it's not just out there looking out for himself (In this case Overlord is more of a contenter for Mary Sue than Remuru is). People also don't love Remuru for free, they love him because he earned it by helping them out and listening to their problems. Remuru grows and has a Hero's journey, not only that, but he also helps others grow with him when Mary Sue's don't. He respects other people's authorities, like the Dwarf king, and didn't try to fight back even when he got injustly thrown in jail. These are things a Mary Sue would never do.
In Conclusion:
This is a feel good, power fantasy slightly harem kind of Anime where everyone is just trying to get along and make something for themselves. It's like a coming of age type of story, a guy who is a worthless salary man, gets a second chance to be reborn and become someone powerful that can help those around him. Wishfullfillment? yes but who cares? Life sucks enough as it is, so light hearted stories like this are great once in a while.
This Anime is fun to watch and I like it almost as much as Shield hero. I will give it a 9/10 and reccomend everyone to at least give it a try and ignore all the dumb boob haters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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