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Nov 28, 2012
This was a good H, but I thought it could've been better in the sense of its animation, though better than quite some few out there right now, still enjoyable. So let's get the low down on this H. The story revolves around this guy name Tooya, who works at a convenient store who finds this girl name Akane attractive. The story, however, throws in another factor to build this interaction between the two by using shoelaces or Shinpa (they look like shoelaces) of different colors which people wear to show mutual sexual preferences of people in their areas. So Tooya sees Akane holds
the blue shoelace which means that she's only aroused by cosplay sex, which Tooya is very interested in. They're both perverts essentially. They quickly throw in their interaction of them finding out about this cosplay plot and bam, gets to the sex scene. The characters are decent, Akane is lewd but funny pervert and Tooya, just a pervert. And then they throw in the milf named Natsumi who is I'd say, eccentric, but a nice touch into this mixture. She's also the apartment manager! She also has a shinpa and notices that Tooya has one also. Anyways, without spoiling anything, the series is more fun to watch than fap material. Arts nice, it's not bland. Characters are mixed in personalities. Sound is alright, voice acting is a tad whatever. Story, not bad, not great, I.E. Eroge! (Great Plot) Anyways, it's enjoyable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 25, 2012
*WARNING: Will Contain Spoilers*
This is my review for the final episode of Zero No Tsukaima.
So, the final episode of the entire series of Zero No Tsukaima, it made me sad that it was ending, I really loved the series from season 1. The relationship that was built between Louise and Saito, the troubleshot Louise has in showing her love for Saito. Saito's love for her and his friends which Louise takes both the right and wrong ways.
Continuing on to the final episode, The Dragon is on its way to the Magic Academy to eat the two Void Mages (Tiffa and Louise). Saito;
however, is trapped in the Human realm because Louise sent him back in order to save him! "Sacrifices For Love" which is a recurring theme throughout the whole series. Saito is down in the dumps and wants to go back and save Louise and his new "home". Luckily for Saito, there's a LUNAR ECLIPSE! Who would've guessed! Using the logic from the past series, if there's a Solar Eclipse he go back to the human world from the Magic world, if there's a Lunar eclipse he can go back to the magic world from the human world.
They never showed how Saito got that Fighter Jet besides him getting dropped off at the air base, so we can assume he got passed all the security peoples. So he flies towards the Lunar eclipse and VOILA he's back in the magic world, hooray! Louise is almost about to die, blah, blah, blah, Saito saves her, they kill the dragon, they get married, the end... Close cut ending nothing else happens. BUT WAIT! Louise takes them back to the human world and they explore and have fun, finally they go to where Saito used to live, Saito rings the gate bell, the end.
I think it ended abruptly, I wish they really showed the interaction between Saito, his wife (Louise), and his family. Hopefully they'll make a OVA showing this. I didn't really like the ending but one can hope that Saito gets lucky with all the girls, if you catch my drift ;) Forever Otaku...
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 24, 2012
I really enjoyed the first TL-R series, this one was better for a number of reasons. First was that, unlike the first series, Motto TL-R followed closely to the manga, without putting additional plot points. Each episode is split into 3 sub-episodes, with each of those covering a particular chapter from the manga; for the most part the sub-episodes are actually named after the chapters on which they're based with a few notable exceptions--more about this at a later time.
The major liberty taken from the
manga was the use of the entire cast from the start. This wasn't necessarily an issue; however; it took some 162 chapters of the manga to get Yuuki's entire harem assembled. Most character explanations and backgrounds are taken care of in the first sub-episode but done briefly (From the Beginning) through exposition. It is assumed that most viewers of the anime are already familiar with the basics of the TL-R universe, and the series serves to fill in gaps that have been left out by the first series. Also notable is that the chapter order bears no real relation with the order of the episodes; characters are sometimes added as needed, but seamlessly.
The reason this works is that the chapters used for the anime were more the side-stories and not in the major plot arc; for example, no appearance of King Deviluke and Zastin only shows up briefly once or twice of the manga. The only real arc in the series as a whole is the developing friendship/crush/romance between Mikan and Yami, dealt with in several episodes. Yui's feelings for Rito are given some multi-episode treatment as well; the Haruna/Lala/Rito triangle is taken as obvious (to the viewer) from the start.
I enjoyed the art style and the animation was good as well. It had great scenes of humor which I really enjoyed. I was a fan of the original series like I mentioned.
The final episode is the final four chapters of the manga, encompassing the "I Love You" story arc, and ends with the same hilarious nonsense as the manga. And this leaves space for more series in the future. Hopefully...
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 24, 2012
I wasn't all too sure what to expect from Cromartie High School, but following School Rumble I had high hopes for some academia-bound mayhem.
There is an anime stereotype of hard-cases going to a new school, in order to rule the roost through sheer toughness alone. The delinquent is a character that thrives in these school anime. But what happens when there is no one else in the school but delinquents? Cromartie High School is one such institution, which takes the dregs of society and
throws them together. The tone of the show becomes apparent when it becomes clear that such delinquents will accept the least delinquent as the strongest among them, as the rabbit daring to live among the lions. Yes, it's one of those shows that turns all convention on its head, and throws in all that is unexpected. Kamiyama is the new kid on the block, the rabbit among the lions, the sheep in wolf's clothing, and the star of the show, whose letters home to mother narrate the chaos that ensues. Among the friends he makes are Akira Maeda, a genuine hardcase who just can't get any respect, due to his lack of a tough nickname, Shinjiro Hayashida, whose Mohican haircut is the most animated thing on the show, indicating his mood, gestures, and thoughts, Yukata Takenouchi, the toughest kid in the year, leader of the school gang, and with a motion sickness Achilles Heel. Other Cromartie pupils include a giant gorilla, a robot named Mechazawa who has no idea he is a robot. And Freddie Mercury. Straight from the '80s, with red braces and mustache is the lead singer of Queen, or a close facsimile, and although he never says a word, his presence is certainly felt in these episodes. As you would expect, there are rival schools of delinquency, and among their students is Takeuchi Noboru, an afro wielding tough guy who has secret dreams of hitting it big on the comedy scene, and who analyses and criticises each comment for comic potential. It turns out that Kamiyama is his chief rival when it comes to donating gags to a radio show, but how can two delinquents reveal their inner japesters, without losing that tough veneer?
The episodes are short and sweet, focusing on whatever bizarre oddities that may occur. One episode revolves around a tune that Hayashida can't get out of his head, yet cannot put a name to. The whole school gets involved trying to figure it out. A school trip causes problems for Takenouchi's delicate stomach, and then a taxi ride into the wilderness when a rival school kidnaps Maeda only makes matters worse. A new student, Takeshi Hokuto transfers in to take control of the school, as convention dictates, but he winds up at the wrong school, and has to build a tower of lies to get out of it. Noboru has a hard time understanding why a TV show called Pootan is so funny, and then a doctor has to administer medical exams to the students. He can refer Mechazawa to an electronics store, and he can just about handle Freddie, but the gorilla is going too far.
Cromartie High School is daft and surreal, which can be the making of a hit show. It can also be the death knell if no one gets the jokes. Sometimes the story will make no sense where it's headed; With its bad animation comes comedy and is well worth looking up if you are in the mood for some animated insanity.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 24, 2012
One would think that this is your typical run of the mill love triangle anime, but it's not. The development of the characters and their true-to-life problems are one of the things that sets this anime apart. Between the comic relief of Mizuho fiddling with her personal computer and the bickering that occurs between her and Kei, you can really see how the two exhibit real life problems that couples often have. Although the two get together due to the unusual circumstances, they actually have a lot of chemistry and the relationship feels like it could be
real. This is what makes this anime so good! It feels real (besides the fact that Mizuho is an alien). It even feels real when Kei is hanging out with his buddies.
However, the plot suffers from relying on all-to-familiar circumstances and cliches which get old as the series drags on. The creators also had to make Kei’s female friends adequate love rivals, as if the marrying-a-space-alien thing didn't already top it off. The side characters, even though they are also given time to develop in the story, get super boring when they randomly pop in to interfere with whats going on between Kei and Mizuho. Its also annoying when the characters, which are given such development, have to jump through hoops and barrels to get to where they're going with the plot. This is unusual for TV anime, as usually it's the characters that ruin it and not the plot. At least there is some originality in the problems that occur as the plot progresses, which leaves the characters just as annoyed as you will be.
For the animation side of it, its very well done. It has nice cinematic scenes for its time, detailed backgrounds that are beautiful, and the character animation is up to standards with what you would expect for a TV anime. The music is nothing special and easily forgettable at times.
What makes "Onegai Teacher!" interesting and enjoyable to watch is the diversity and development of the characters, not the plot. Its worth checking out if your into this kind of anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 21, 2012
For the first episode!
Nisemonogatari is a sequel to an excellent anime called Bakemonogatari, now this is not a light series, you have to pay attention and most of the time you wont get everything at first ( in fact after watching this episode I still have some questions about what happened between series but that will be explained later i think).
The story is about Araragi a guy who is/ used to be a vampire, and his little harem of girls he helped overcome some curses ( not a harem in the definition but there’s only girls in there so yeah).
The first episode of Nisemonogatari
makes no sense if you didn’t watch Bakemonogatari ( and a lot is not even explained for those who watched ) making it a bit difficult for newcomers to endure it, there’s some pretty funny stuff in the episode but still a bland introduction.
All of the past season characteristics are intact the random color scenes, the static scenes with a lot of talking, the awesome animated scenes and a visual clarity rarely seen on anime (seriously even at 720p streamed it looked gorgeous) the lighting is awesome and knowing Shaft the Blu-rays are going to be much better since they always add stuff.
TL;DR: You should watch Bakemonogatari first if you want to watch and understand most of Nisemonogatari, but it looks like its going to be as great as the first season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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