Soul Eater is a shonen anime that aired in 2008. Don't let its demographic put you off, though; this anime has a little something for everyone.
There are two arcs in this anime: first, the Medusa arc, and second, the Arachnophobia arc. The first arc follows the main characters' fight against the witch Medusa. There is an equal balance of action and comedy, as well as a few shocking episodes. This arc flows pleasantly and was the more enjoyable of the two.
The second arc introduces a new enemy: Arachnophobia. This half of Soul Eater is more serious and less humorous. There are lots of things going
May 5, 2010
I started this manga expecting a book packed with stale, slow-paced humor and far too many references to count. The impression the anime gave me was nothing like this manga.
Story - 9 Lucky Star doesn't have a story, really. It follows the everyday life of four girls in high school. There are a lot of school-based comedy manga, but the way this one is executed is great. Each comic is four panels and they don't fail to deliver a relate-able slice of life. Art - 8 While the art in this manga is fitting for the simplicity of it, it isn't the best. The characters are supposed to ... |