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Jul 25, 2015
Apparently Anime was way better in the old days and there weren’t any bad titles… Well this one really helps to disprove this statement if you are willing to count Korean Animation as Anime. This “masterpiece” really belongs to those titles that are better left forgotten unless you enjoy laughing at bad shows.
I wonder how this could even be released. The MC looks like a copy of Char Aznable from Gundam. Same helmet with mask and the quite unique uniform design is practically identic. But looks are clearly not everything and to no surprise this copy can’t nearly live up to the original. Some
of the other members of the cast look pretty much like other characters on Gundam. Probably another coincidence…
The remaining characters aren’t any better… A useless women by the side of the hero, some civilians you are supposed to feel sorry for, some kind of wise space-Gandalf, some childish robot with issues that he isn’t human and the enemies: some green alien centaurs with and evil queen.
It’s a strange world this Anime is taking place. Somehow all humans have no problems breathing and surviving in the vacuum of space without proper equipment. I have no troubles accepting it for the aliens but it’s simply ridiculous to see a human break the window of a spaceship to shoot at the enemy outside…
I still wonder how they are even able to travel from one planet to the other when a spaceship can’t even outrun an arrow (!) shot by a centaur. The ships must probably travel at 20 miles an hour trough space to even be able to see the aliens “blocking” the path in the middle of space.
And as you can expect after watching a few minutes the story isn’t getting any better. At least the art and animation was acceptable for a title from 1979.
This title simply is ridiculously bad. So much that it’s even a bit funny to watch…
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 24, 2015
Since this is a sequel/spin-off to the Manga from the 80s a few minor spoilers from the prequel may be included to be able to correctly review this title.
As a big fan of the original title I had pretty high expectations for this but Cat’s Ai couldn’t live up to them…
It’s hard to believe but the drawings from the 80’s original are looking much better than this title from 2010. Sure it’s a different artist but he could have tried to imitate a bit the original art style or at least try to put the same amount of details in it. Of course due
to this the main characters look very different than their originals which can be quite bothersome. Some key aspects like the mole of Rui are conserved but Nagaishi is pretty much a completely different person. The only good thing about these changes is the updated design of the costumes. The new burglar outfits simply look much better!
While talking about the updates to the original it’s worth mentioning that the updates are much more than simple cosmetic updates. Even if the story takes place a short time after the original somehow everything takes place in the present including smartphones and similar. This kind of completely destroys the 80s feeling of the series I loved…
Okay I adapted pretty fast to this but what I really regret was that they completely ignored the ending of the original Manga and created some alternate universe where they ended their original career a bit differently. Ok you can live with it when you take this as a sequel to the Anime which never had an ending but worse: Toshio Utsumi is completely removed from this universe... Hard to imagine they removed this pillar of the original. Sure there would have been the risk that his relation with Hitomi would steal the spotlight and popularity of Ai who is now the main star of this series but it would have been better to include him at least as a side character. As a replacement we get an idealistic reporter as love interest for Ai who is obsessed with Cat’s Eye…
After achieving their objectives Cat’s Eye retires and tries to live normal lives but they constantly get pulled back for some new operations, mostly due to Ai who absolutely want’s to help everyone in her environment, especially the reporter to whom she has a really annoying tsundere attitude. I have to admit even if the stories are often a bit cliché they are quite heartwarming sometimes but they don’t satisfy the expectations I had. The overall plot with a counterfeiting ring of Heinz’s masterpieces is pretty much the only thing really deserving the Cat’s Eye title.
Yes you read it right… Aside from a small police chase in the beginning you barely see the police. Pretty much no one seems to have a real interest in catching the trio. Hard to believe since the game of cat and mouse with the police was pretty much the main focus of the original. Aside from Asatani no one of the police force even exists any more. Only a few of these games with the immediate environment will go in this direction. I really missed this main part of the story…
But maybe it’s better to leave the police out of the loop in this story since Ai is using the Cat’s Eye name for pretty much anything where it isn’t even needed and quite often in her direct environment putting everyone at risk. This attitude of AI really bothered me a lot.
Well for me it was pretty much a must-read since I loved the original but it can’t live up to the original but I still enjoyed reading it. I wouldn’t even qualify this as sequel since it pretty much completely ignores the ending (or pretty much half the original story). Even spin-off is hard to apply to it. Sure the focus falls on Ai as main character now but the author simply ignored too much from the original story to make his story work…
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 6, 2015
After watching the Anime I wanted to know how this story will end and decided to pick up the Manga and I was positively surprised.
18 volumes of phantom thief action: Three beautiful and daring sisters playing cat and mouse with the police while literally living with them. A combination of comedy, interesting love-triangles and some nice action simply never gets boring. As fan of Lupin III and Kaito Kid I simply couldn’t avoid this one.
In opposition to the Anime the story is a bit more complex featuring additional important regular characters and the overall plot is exploited much more forcing a lot of
character development especially in the later volumes.
It’s hard to imagine this series was drawn in the early 80s if you ignore the content. So much detail and it looks fantastic. I wish more Manga from today would have a similar quality.
I really had a great time reading this even having seen the Anime a short while before. I am not completely satisfied with the ending but beside that nothing bothered me or limited my enjoyment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 20, 2015
Can’t get tired of phantom thief stories à la Lupin III or Kaito Kid? Cat’s Eye has 3 good looking sisters pursuing this infamous profession to find their missing father.
73 mostly independent episodes – Sometimes a bit repetitive but always with some nice action, comedy and eye candy especially for the male audience. The overall plot, the reason why the three Kisugi sisters are stealing art and jewels gets somehow overshadowed most of the time by the frequent burglaries and the hide and seek with the police. But for me this wasn’t that much of a problem. I still enjoyed these easy going funny
The trio sure is daring running a café right in front of the police station with the name of the criminal group… Wearing masks or disguises is also not necessary if you are as good as them… And on top dating the detective in charge of the investigation… Hilarious. Shows like this one must be a nightmare for the Japanese police!
Knowing that this show is from 1983 it looks very good and the animation is all right.
Nice show!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 25, 2015
Really enjoying Parasyte -the maxim- I got the idea to check out the other works from the same author in the hope of finding something very good.
This one volume contains two independent quite short stories set in feudal Japan.
Yuki no Touge:
Pretty slow story. Kind of reads like a historical record but it is quite interesting to follow the clan building their new castle and an intrigue.
Tsurugi no Mai:
After a girl gets raped and her family is killed she takes up swordsmanship in order to get revenge. Since the story is very short there it feels rushed and stays a simple revenge story.
They were quite a few very interesting characters that are kind of wasted on a 1 volume Manga and would have fitted in longer stories. The drawings are kept quite simple but are all right. I was expecting a bit more from the stories to be honest but it was still enjoyable to read for 1.5 hours.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 18, 2015
Sweet magical girl show from the 80s. No evil to fight but nice stories from the magical daily life of Mai.
Clumsy elementary school girl aspiring to become a magician obtains a magical item which allows her to transform into a beautiful young woman and performing incredible magic. From there on she manages to live a double life. Not having the necessary skills to perform with her magic group as her true self she uses her magic powers to perform “magic” tricks on stage getting the whole group famous overnight. Together with an ambitious manager and his pushover assistant her alternate identity becomes pretty
fast an idol.
The show is very episodic most of the time. Most of the episodes consist of Mai trying to manage to get on time to the magic shows or some minor problems she solves with magic. This can become very repetitive and reduced my enjoyment of the show.
Good thing that the characters are very lovely and funny. There is the shared crush between both personalities, her family, friends from school and the magic group which is like another family. Just a little strange that professional magicians don’t realize that she is using real magic on stage or even ask for a way to join her other than letting Mai get her when needed… And no one seems to have the need to let the idol sign a contract…
Mai probably has the most useless magical pet a show of this genre could have. Aside from explaining a few things at the beginning it was pretty much useless…
Knowing this show is from the 80s it looks pretty good even today. Nice backgrounds and sweet looking characters. Proper and not too much reused animation.
At this moment there are only about 15 episodes available with English subtitles. I watched it with a French dub. The voice acting is all right. The only thing really bothersome is that the whole show they reused the same song at every occasion… If you want to watch it in French you can easily find the disks for less than 20€ on the French Amazon.
It’s a nice calm episodic show where nothing bad happens. All right show to relax.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 12, 2014
Another movie about time travel! Well like most other candidates of this genre this one is also full of plot holes and inconsistencies but it is still very entertaining if you are able to just enjoy the "ride" trough time.
A fugitive travelling to the past picks up a group of students and a teacher. On the run from a pursuer they visit some dangerous places of Japanese history and come in contact with the temptation to change something in the past. Since it's Japanese animation there is no surprise that most of the time it's about samurais and the famous Nobunaga... Some minor
romance plot.
For 1,5 hours there is quite some diversity in the story and an interesting plot and background to this adventure are keeping the story interesting.
Sound and Art:
This movie from 1986 don't has to hide from a lot of contemporary animated movies. Good and very detailed art are very pleasant to watch. Well placed sound effects and music. Nothing to complain about the voice acting.
The more or less known historic figures aside we have some interesting combination:
- A fugitive where we have to discover the reasons why he travels back trough time.
- A group of normal students with nothing very spectacular to say about.
- A teacher (not sure if history teacher) providing the necessary background knowledge about the current time period. (Even if you know nothing about Japanese history you will get from him everything you need to know to enjoy this movie)
- Some kind of police agents for time to clean up the mess.
All in all I liked most of the characters and even if some of the decisions are somewhat stupid they weren't annoying. I especially liked the historic characters acting like they should.
1,5 hours of a chaotic and sometimes funny adventure. It's entertaining if you are not a nitpicker getting angry over every plot-hole and inconsistency.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 9, 2014
When you finish an Anime and discover that there is a legit Hentai version with the same characters it is kind of hard to resist watching it too... Especially for a Mahou Shoujo Anime with the cute girls in cute dresses...
The story is pretty similar to the non-Hentai version "Magical Canan". Some "seeds" transforming people in evil beings must be collected by magical girls with their partner. Since this is a Hentai you can imagine what a lot of the time will happen...
The good thing is that the story is well split over the 4 episodes making the watching experience a lot better
than some Hentai where you clearly see that they simply add episodes without watching a decent overall finished plot.
They found a good balance in this Hentai between story and H-Scenes. The scenes aren't too long and they allow a lot of diversity.
To be honest I enjoyed the story more than in the non-Hentai version... Simpler, short, more entertaining and a lot funnier.
Pretty good for 2000.
Nothing to complain with the Japanese voice acting and effects. There is a English Dub but I wouldn't recommend using it. I tried watching it with a Dub but it's really awful.
Nearly every character type you want to have in a Hentai is there. Every relevant girl gets her H-Scene. I am not the biggest fan of the transformation form of the main girl but well the rest is more compensation than enough.
The green possessed monsters going around raping look a bit silly but it's acceptable.
Mahou Shoujo, rape, Futanari, tentacle, monster, orgy
Uncensored version available.
I recommend watching the non Hentai Anime first. This way I enjoyed the Hentai more. All in all this Hentai is an entertaining good watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 3, 2014
Avengers! Gotta catch 'em all!
Simply put: Marvel meets Pokemon.
Target group:
Don't expect too much from this Anime. He is really intended for a younger audience. A group of children controlling the mighty Marvel Heroes are included at any price in the Anime to pander to the target audience. Example: Base is raided by villains for some revolutionary technology and the scientist has Spider-Man and his hyperactive son in front of him. Of course he confide this technology to his son and not to the mighty trustworthy superhero because kids with no powers are the most effective against super-villains.
Well it is an Anime
where persons with super-powers get captured like Pokemon and can only fight when they are summoned by the momentary "owner" of the disk in which they are contained. Of course this is only possible under certain conditions and with some limitations making the heroes way inferior than they were before... Due to certain circumstances the group of kids along with the "caught" Avengers have to collect the lost disks containing heroes and villains before Loki can get his hands on them. Many fights between heroes and villains. This doesn't get boring since this show has access to a LOT of the Marvel franchises.
Good art and well animated fighting scenes don't leave much to complain. Only the intense colouring is somehow a little disturbing. I liked the designs of the main heroes. Only some villains looked stupid but their originals in American comics don't look any better.
Nice effect sounds and well placed music. Nearly all voices are pleasant to hear.
A wide choice of well known (or less) Marvel characters leaves nothing to desire on this side. Tony Stark gets of course the star position putting the rest of the avengers a bit in the background. No real problem since I love that character and never get fed up his humour.
Well beside the Marvel characters we have two Japanese brothers as main characters. One very lively and one more calm. To complete the team of kids controlling the "mighty heroes in a disk" we have the whiny anxious boy who needs to overcome his fears, the kid with no idea what to do with his life and the rich girl looking for entertainment. To be honest I don't care the least about them and the Anime would work fine without them by having some other hero collect the disks instead of some kids. At least the kids have some common sense, listen to their adult partners and are not annoying like typical characters in other series oriented to a younger audience.
If you keep in mind that it's an Anime oriented to a younger audience it's all right. Decent fights, Lokis evil plan, large cast of Marvel heroes and the jokes from Iron Man will keep you entertained every episode. It's worth watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 29, 2014
Pretty good and entertaining for a Hentai movie. Aliens trying to kill all males and rape all good looking women on earth but a magical girl will disturb this plan. Of course the girl get captured and is blackmailed/forced to perform certain "services" for her captor. Some good laughs here and there.
Unfortunately there is only one episode which leaves this story unfinished...
Cute. Fits the Mahou Shoujo theme well. I liked the design of the costumes.
Voice acting is good for the story and decent for the H-scenes. Music and effects well chosen.
Quite a good number of interesting characters. The producers certainly planned to produce others episodes to introduce as many characters. Good looking MC girl and guy. Funny side kick for the captor.
Tags: Mahou Shoujo, blackmail, DP, GB, castration, interracial, -NO tentacles-
Uncensored version available.
Entertaining Hentai despite leaving the story unfinished. Unfortunately only one of the Mahou Shoujo gets her H-scene. Also worth mentioning is that there are no tentacle-rape scenes like in the other Mahou Shoujo themed Hentai.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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