I fucking hate this series. Throughout the movie, my head was bombarded with questions that remain unanswered. Due to the lack of explanation in the story itself, I did try to help it by looking for the slightest subtlety hopefully dropped by the story so I could get rid of the possible plot holes I'd coincidentally come across. False hopes. There was no hidden subtlety whatsoever. Of course, they wouldn't do me a favor! And every once in a while, they contradict their previous explanation I began doubting everything the story told me. Were they all unreliable characters? Which one should I believe? Fuck, if
only the gods could give at least a hint of the worldbuilding instead of playing chase! (I'll provide some examples to show you what I mean by plot holes in worldbuilding, far later on)
I was fucking stuck for 2 hours with my own thoughts I could pass an exam for a plothole hunter if it was a thing. And to make matters worse, the pacing sucked big time.
The dialogues were unnatural as hell, as you'd expect from Japanese fiction media. It was like they'd never talked with real people. Oh right, I forgot they spent 24/7 in animation studios devoid of any interaction with real people. The story followed an obvious, repetitive formula and format with only a little change.
(Note: the paragraph that follows might contain slight spoilers, although I'm pretty sure you'll just get confused if you haven't watched it. I know, the story sounds like a fever dream when described)
And let's be real, anyone who has watched the movie knows what the supposed monster in this 2-hour movie looks like. Let me give you a hint: it surely doesn't look like a worm.
The animation looked fantastic. The water looked hyperreal and so was the sky. It had better graphics than reality itself, but of course, that would only be the case if they didn't show the same sky 10 times. Okay, I get it, it's beautiful, can we get over it? I know you're so tight on budget you need to start recycling materials but we need to move on, dude. I couldn't even bear the first few minutes of literally nothing but something that sounded like moaning. But of course, the movie has some memorable scenes, like when our main character switches to her old uniform (what a powerful metaphor indeed, it genuinely moves my heart!) and when I had to get to the bathroom. Best 5 minutes of the movie.
Oh also, the supporting cast is so bland it hurts. I know they're just supporting characters, but can't you add more flavor and make them not act like they have a collective consciousness?
Anyways, heavy spoilers ahead, I'm going to show you some examples of what went through my mind.
With that, I present to you:
[*] What the hell is a Closer? Is there only one Closer? What if they die, what if they decide to be child-free? My friend told me there's only one, so, why only one? Why don't they have more closers? Can't they duplicate those keys, can't they make another one? More people means more effectiveness, and what could be better than that??
[*] If there are doors in the middle of nowhere, then why has no one else discovered them? It's literally that conspicuous! Factually speaking, people would be dying to go to ruins, especially those horror-loving bastards (dumb kids)
[*] Where do the worms come from? I know they explained and hinted at it in the movie, "They come from the Ever-after and through the gates," but what the fuck is even the Ever-after? They said it's a place for dead souls, but there are no souls. We see ruins, we see flashbacks, so is it basically just an alternate world that fell victim to the worms? So... basically, the worms are NOT from the Ever-after? So... where the fuck are they from? We were first shown that Ever-after initially didn't have worms (from the first few scenes) but one day the worm just shows up. Huh, strange
[*] The paradox. Won't she have 2 chairs instead of 1? If say, her younger version goes back to that door with that chair, will she lose her chair by the time she enters the door? Like, just poof?? THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE, MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!!
[*] What even are the worms, how many of them are there? Why do you still need to seal doors if there weren't any more worms? I'm crying
[*] The reason our sweet main character is a "Chosen One" is because she can see what's beyond those doors. But why can she even see beyond the doors? My friend said it's because she's been through one, but don't you have to see what's beyond the door to actually be through one? If not, why hasn't anyone else entered through that door in her homeplace?
[*] I'm surprised no one else tried to destroy/move those doors
[*] I initially thought MC's mom is also a closer which explains her ability to see what's beyond doors, but it's not. Shame.
[*] My brain is tired. It hurts
[*] How the fuck does the other pillar become Sadaijin? Don't you need to first get freed? Alright, I understand maybe it's because it can't stand the earthquakes, but won't it be better to help minimize the damage? I mean, you aren't really helping in your cat form, and Daijin is already enough of a support
[*] Why does Shouta become a chair? A lot of comments have already pointed this out but the cat HAD the ability to turn back into a stone key, and it should've been aware Shouta can't hold the earthquakes
[*] I still want to add more but it's going to haunt me so I think I'm stopping here. Wounds better not be reopened.
Conclusion? Eh, it's okay, if you know how to turn off your brain. Just remember to take your meds and shut that yapping in your brain that points you to every possible plot hole in the story. Or just close your ears. It's not an abomination if you don't pay attention to everything that's happening and just feast your eyes on its graphics and constantly gaslight yourself that it's the best thing you've ever seen. 4/10
Mar 10, 2023
Suzume no Tojimari
I fucking hate this series. Throughout the movie, my head was bombarded with questions that remain unanswered. Due to the lack of explanation in the story itself, I did try to help it by looking for the slightest subtlety hopefully dropped by the story so I could get rid of the possible plot holes I'd coincidentally come across. False hopes. There was no hidden subtlety whatsoever. Of course, they wouldn't do me a favor! And every once in a while, they contradict their previous explanation I began doubting everything the story told me. Were they all unreliable characters? Which one should I believe? Fuck, if
Sep 23, 2018
Ao no Exorcist
Alright. First of all I want to say that I'm new at this and apologize if there's any mistake.
Story: 9/10 The first time I saw the synopsis of the manga Ao no Exorcist I was thought it is boring and stuffs, but I was wrong. When I decided to check this out, I found it more exciting than it is written in the synopsis, and decided to follow the anime. However, as this serial goes on I feel as if everything is able to be expected. I expect more than the characters and story plot, but I don't think there's a development. Everything is normal. You ... |