Before the show started, I saw a show with potential to be a great dystopian future anime we don't see to often. Instead I got the most confusing story with one-dimensional characters and lots of flashy action and inhuman amounts of blood to cover it up. Going to be a simple review.
Story: 3
The story gave us a simple rundown of the characters and the seemingly "good" and "bad" and gave us an interesting setting that honestly makes no sense at times. The main goal we somewhat see is get the kids to safety. Simple enough. The Akudama have necklace bombs I guess from Kanto to
force them to help which the kids somehow acquired and carried and put on them. I mean I can't explain it. The kids were made in Kanto... Courier's bike was made in Kanto, there were buildings and places in the flashbacks with the kids and physical settings to be seen. We arrive at Kanto and it's a computer and a bunch of trash flying around. Alright then... why is everything floating, it's cool I guess but why, where are the buildings the kids were in, where are those facilities and where are the collars and bikes and everything else from Kanto made from. Did the computer crap out material out of nothing. Did it somehow make data physical. Who knows, nothing is explain and we are just supposed to sit in awe. It makes no sense, there is alot more I could bring up but it would be too long but this story throughout has so many plot holes and unexplained events that just go by with flashy scenes and sad attempts at moving me. It's a shoddily put together mess of a story and I can't fully enjoy a show when it seems to lack any sense or care of having a remotely sensible story/setting and events.
Art: 7
The animation was really good and had a really nice style. It seems like they attempted to make the characters memorable visually. The main issue I had was the censorship which doesn't make sense half the time. The censorship takes up half the screen and if it's an original, then just make it less gory and don't have the censorship. It's like they wanted the gore shock value but couldn't agree on showing it or not. So why not have inhuman amounts of blood and gore that doesn't make any sense with the anatomy of a human, but we censor all of it, make up your mind.
Sound: 8
Not much to say, the music was good majority of the time and they sound effects and voice acting was all pretty good. Not incredible and didn't move me that much with the story but overall was pretty good.
Character: 3
The characters are visually memorable and that's about it. They all are edgy and have almost no motives other than fight/hack/do job. Doctor had an ok edgy motive but still is basically control whether they die or not. Swindler was alright, she saw so much bullcrap though in the beginning and is perfectly fine and deals with Cutthroat half the show and seems fine. Must've already had a few screws loose beforehand. Courier be like, do job and say shithead and has no backstory honestly I had no attachment to him. He was very boring and ended up being a plot device like multiple other characters. Hacker was a huge plot device, all he cares about is hacking and all he exists for is hacking. The show would've ended episode 1 without him. He has no purpose but to open a few doors and save the kids for some reason because he likes hacking. Also him hacking Kanto made no sense because he hasn't dabbled in any tech anywhere near that level in Kansai to make anysense for him to do anything against it. Hacker is forgettable and he only exists to make the story move on. Brawler fight, and he do fight and he provides some comedy with Hoodlum and grows a very short bond but honestly he was the only character that made sense despite literally being the most basic of them all. Hoodlum just followed people to live and ended finishing things with Doctor because his short relationship with Brawler made him want to change, he was ok I guess. I don't care that Doctor has big tits, she is there for awe and shock value and convenience through and through. She somehow can live through the most ridiculous injuries and fix herself and it literally isn't anywhere close to anatomically possible but it's cool I guess so we have to let it pass right? She exists in the first half to heal injuries and repeat the I'm actually not dead gimmick. She also had a deal with the Executioners at some point, not sure when that happened, I might have missed it but cool. The Executioners just kill and have no qualms about killing innocent people. They all also have a few screws loose. The kids backstory is alright I guess but makes no sense later with the story because that place doesn't exist. The girl changes from knowing nothing to being Swindler 2.0 in a matter of days. The boy doesn't show any change in his lame character till the last few minutes where he actually believes in getting away. Honestly I'll probably forget all of these characters in a few weeks, they are all incredibly boring and have the lamest motives and unexplained actions
Enjoyment: 5
I mean it was interesting and somewhat unique. Despite the many issues I had with it, it was fairly entertaining to watch to the end. It just didn't make much sense at all and it's really just eyecandy and shock value. So if that's your cup of tea, go ahead.
Overall: 5
Story makes no sense and many bits of exposition end up being irrelevant. It's a mess. The art is good but is inconsistent at times. Sound is good. It was alright. A bit disappointing. That's all.
Dec 24, 2020
Akudama Drive
Before the show started, I saw a show with potential to be a great dystopian future anime we don't see to often. Instead I got the most confusing story with one-dimensional characters and lots of flashy action and inhuman amounts of blood to cover it up. Going to be a simple review.
Story: 3 The story gave us a simple rundown of the characters and the seemingly "good" and "bad" and gave us an interesting setting that honestly makes no sense at times. The main goal we somewhat see is get the kids to safety. Simple enough. The Akudama have necklace bombs I guess from Kanto to ... Oct 15, 2017
A professional hitman having to live as a normal person for 1 year, already original. My first impression was quite good, interesting story and introduction of the main character Fable, who is quite the badass. This is going to be a simple review as not much is currently out for The Fable in English.
Story: 9 The story struck me before I had even read because of its originality and it's a seinen which makes it semi-serious and appealing to the older demographic but still has its satire going with the story. Art: 7 The art varies to me as at some points it is very well drawn and ... |