Ok, so first a few warnings:
1.This is NOT a "so bad it's good" anime. It stops at the "so bad" part
2.If you absolutely HAVE to torture yourself, do watch it with people (or in cov times, stream it with people while calling on discord or something), so at least the collective complaining and schadenfreude of your fellow sufferers will offset your pain with a minuscule amount of positivity
I would also like to mention, that my french speaking friend and I resorted to calling this anime Bibitte (Bih-bit), which is a french slang for creature thing
You will understand the use of the term soon enough
Feel free
to use the term yourself
Now onto the reviews
Starting with the characters. Oh boy
I am convinced that this anime was the brainchild of a 8 year old boy. I am convinced, the producer (and also writer of his series) wanted to give his 6 year old son an anime for his birthday, and let his aforementioned 4 year old son draw the monsters and scream in glee that he wanted a story with time travel, and dinosaurs and samurai and ninja and mafia guys with top hats and and and ALIENS because thats so cool
And the producer did his best to make his 5 year old son happy
By writing the story of his dreams, all by himself!
This is the only logical explanation of why and how this clusterfk could have ever be brought into existence
So like, for certain reasons that will be explained later, that do still NOT make any sense overall, 3 people were brought from the past, to the present, to conveniently fight a bunch of oversized, very colourful, children's toy lizards, amongst other such ridicu-i mean trully frightening creatures.
the 3 characters from the past are
1. A ninja who gets a blue har makeover by the main character (hair dye, a true necessity in the apocalypse)
2.A samurai, who gets the makeover of a ...black clothed edgelord from a dark fantasy anime from the 90s. He has a katana and what looks like a magic western type sword on his back. No this was not a good design decision.
3. A monk ....from hell....he desn't get a makeover.
The modern characters are
1. a ... 14 y/o wearing completely uncamouflageable colorful clothing (is she trying to fit in with the bibite monsters?), and freaking MAKEUP, daily, as anyone would during an apocalypse
2. Her sometimes crazy sometimes not (not an intended effect), mother
3. Komui and Kanda's AU lovechild
4. A hobo and a bunch of other people, including military people that die and thus don't matter in the least
5. The non mentioned dumbass that killed them all by not considering a backup generator
Later joining: (SPOILERS)
Edgy policewoman with makeup and pink hair, her questionable OP yakuza father who thinks a kimono is a great idea to wear a kimono everywhere, and his italian mafia suited underling complete with a fedora. Oh and that one guy with explosions
And probably some other people that dont matter and die early
The creatures would have been better off hidden in the shadows, like in the Alien movies or Silent hill game series, ESPECIALLY since they come out EXCLUSIVELY at night (i dont think this was ever explained now that I think about it), because these creatures are not only less scary
But their design is OUTRIGHT RIDICULOUS. One of them, the most common one, is basically a giant gecko, with scorpion tail and spider like legs that end in a few big, flat round gecko feet. If youre imagining this and fell even the slightest ammount of intimidation, you're imagining it wrong.
Theres also dinosaurs... That one lady... evolved lady....and guy
They move really badly, they are not intimidating at all, they often dont have shadows
Oh and all the bibitte were once human. They transform into bibitte when scratched or bitten, and turn into different ones depending on age and gender....
....this series has 90% of one creature.... so bibitte's japan just has a surplus of one gender and age group.......ok moving on
The opening is just no, it doesnt fit, it sounds like some song they found and bought from online
And parts of it are so edgy
and it feels like it would fit a feudal japanese anime? Like where the past characters came from
Doesnt fit whatever this anime was aiming to be
Some sound effects dont make sense
Overall its mostly forgettable
The story is not only bad, but also boring
I will mention that every episode starts with a cam journal of random people. The effect is completely shattered by the fact that the angles change. it completely breaks imersion
An entire group of group of refugees and armed military men die because "what are backup generators"
The surviving guys leave in a pristine trailer van in order to research a cure, with the last military guy ...he dies soon
Mother is shown to have issues distinguishing between bibitte and human. She's perfectly sane otherwise. yeah
They meet monk guy, he gets a thing for mother, for no other reason but that he never touched a woman, being a monk and all....ok then
They encounter ex police punk woman, shes mostly useful, she joins their group
They meet mafia boss and his group, who try to kill them. They defeat the mafia group.
Ex police woman reveals that the mafia boss is her father...who tried to kill them.... theyre on good terms....OK THEN
They join the main group
All of these events were pretty boring, uneverntful and really nonsensical in terms of character interaction. People put themselves in danger unecessarily, get fked, then we are expected to feel something....
We get towards the end however and something actually interesting happens: mother gets attacked, and injured. Unlike the other people that transformed within literal minutes or seconds, this one just goes trough the night. Then left in the middle of it. MAine character has a sudden wardrobe change. Shes the only one
And I was hoping we would meet her again, and she would either become a bibitte or it would be shown that she's immune. Either way it was something I could get behind and enjoy. But episodes go past and nothing
And then it happens, episode 11, they had discovered a science lab between episode 10 and 11, and collected a crapton of samples, and there it is: a female bibitte.
And this is it. she coms to them and seems to be non aggresssive. This is it, mother is here!
They fight her nonetheless, because its a random bibitte in the middle of daylight, and they fight and both sides are taking damage, and Komui x Kanda's lovechild hears it from the lab and grabs what is possibly the cure and he runs. And she goes down, and we're on edge because fk we hope she's not dead and the cure will still work and omg why are you guys doing this, hurry up. Komui jr!
And he arrives! and administers the drug and then!
.........then he freaks out and turns against his group because they killed his alien girlfriend. Nope
I had a literal mental breakdown here.
They are apparently aliens from another world and he brought her here so he could find a cure to someting that NATURALLY happens on his planet, but SOMETIMES goes wrong.
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
I had 5 continous minutes of just saying no, i couldnt even process anyting around me
This complete and utter "bad"-ness shocked me so much my brain had to shut itself down and reboot.
You would think that a society where this happens naturally, where they have the science necessary to travel to earth from places we havent reached with our technology yet, would have a cure or treatment for an unwanted side effect of something that happens naturally and frequently
But no
Komui and Kanda's space child went out of his way, to come to a planet filled with people that will turn into bibitte, let the crap loose, and then what? he has normal human abilities, fight the bibitte on his own to get samples??? What about a lab?? For a "smart guy" he really didnt plan anything at all
He turns policewoman into a Overpowered Bibitte (TM), which looks like a powerup from his girlfriend, and himself into an ughly, balder version of himself, later evolbing into a power rangers villain costume #256
Everyone dies except ninja and main heroine, whose makeup is still as flawless as the minute she put it on, trully ready for shooting the final anime scene
Nobody is happy
I can't un-suggest this anime enough
Do not recomend this anime to anyone, except if you want them to suffer as you have
Nov 4, 2020
Ok, so first a few warnings:
1.This is NOT a "so bad it's good" anime. It stops at the "so bad" part 2.If you absolutely HAVE to torture yourself, do watch it with people (or in cov times, stream it with people while calling on discord or something), so at least the collective complaining and schadenfreude of your fellow sufferers will offset your pain with a minuscule amount of positivity I would also like to mention, that my french speaking friend and I resorted to calling this anime Bibitte (Bih-bit), which is a french slang for creature thing You will understand the use of the term soon enough Feel free ... |