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Oct 17, 2024
A few months ago, I put this manga on hold, and today, I finally picked it up again to finish the last few chapters, only to be met with something completely unexpected: the total destruction of the entire story.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so disgusted by the ending of a romance manga, and the mere fact that it made me feel this way is a huge problem. These kinds of mangas, no matter how bad or shallow they may be, can easily wrap things up by presenting a nice, straightforward relationship. Even if it’s just the typical final page of the two lovers moving
forward together into the future, it’s usually enough to give the narrative closure. But in this case, the author made sure to annihilate any remaining faith I had in him and his characters.
Getting into spoiler territory, the final arc of the manga revolves around the main girl and her boyfriend encountering her ex. And what does her brilliant boyfriend do? He decides to offer the guy to become her private tutor…
This wouldn’t be such an issue if we didn’t know that this "tutor" was the one who took Meguro’s virginity and literally treated her like a toy from start to finish. Simply ridiculous.
Everything about this final part of the story completely ruins the experience of the manga. Meguro stops being a quiet and fragile character and becomes someone utterly blinded by selfishness and a lack of empathy, wanting to break up with her boyfriend for the sake of her studies, only to resume their relationship in the future, manipulating her simp of a boyfriend entirely.
Speaking of said boyfriend, Koga does show some real growth, depending on and finding love in others, but he still maintains his biggest flaw: his blind faith and love for Meguro. This wouldn’t sound so bad until you witness countless internal thoughts from the protagonist showing that he has absolutely no love for himself.
My biggest problem with the series, ironically, isn’t any of these. It’s the fact that the author tries to sell you utterly repulsive moments, like the reunion of the couple, as if they were pure expressions of love. They might look good on paper, but they definitely aren’t if you have even a bit of common sense.
Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai went from being an extremely cliché teenage romance story with forgettable characters but a genuine sense of love and care between its leads, to a twisted relationship of codependence where Meguro only thinks of herself, and Koga only thinks of her.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 7, 2024
Ya habiendo pasado un día de finalizar la lectura de este manga, me veo en la necesidad de escribir una reseña que muestra por lo menos una pequeña fracción de la grandeza de este manga. Lo lamento por los que no hablan español, pero esta review amerita que escriba en la lengua que mejor me permite desenvolverme, sin tapujos.
Sin dar más vueltas, Asper Kanojo es la historia de un joven mangaka el cual ve en su puerta a una fanática, la cual le pide quedarse con él, y esta es la historia de sus vivencias.
La peculiaridad del mismo radica en el turbio pasado de esta
chica, y como sufrió una gran cantidad de violencias en su vida debido a su trastorno del espectro autista.
La grandeza de esta serie radica en los pocos pelos en la lengua que tiene el autor al momento de contarte la realidad de sus personajes, y como ninguno es realmente bueno o malo, sino que es una persona más.
Lo que suele tirarme para atrás en la mayoría de historias creadas por japoneses es la existencia de esos típicos personajes que son buenos porque sí, y que harían cualquier cosa por otros de manera desinteresada. En esta historia no existe esto, cada acción y suceso tiene una razón de ser vinculada al psique de cada personaje, lo cual es un soplo de aire fresco para la industria.
Lamentablemente no todo son halagos, porque debido al poco éxito de la serie, no duró lo que debería, y se siente. Hay demasiadas subtramas que se fueron planteando brillantemente a lo largo del manga, las cuales no pudieron ser desarrolladas debido a su abrupto final. Abrupto, pero no errado, ya que al fin y al cabo, en el contexto de esta historia, la realidad es cruda y las cosas no suelen ir como uno espera.
Me habría encantado darle un merecido diez a Asper Kanojo, pero los cabos sueltos que dejan la historia eran demasiado intrigantes y buenos como para dejarlos pasar. De todos modos, denle una oportunidad a este manga, que por crudo y cínico que sea en la mayoría del tiempo, es una carta de amor a la vida, la autosuperación y al no dejarse vencer por los otros.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 26, 2022
I just started this manga expecting nothing but to have an entertaining moment and a break from long series, but what I got is something I cannot put into words; and here I am writing my first review because I couldn't hold this feeling to myself.
This story is about a girl and all the suffer she has to deal with during her days as a high school girl because of the fast grown on her body.
A story that doesn´t try to show the way to overcome her problems or bring the reader a pleasant and rewarding development; this is a story that just tries to
put you in her shoes and let you understand that not everything that you see and think is the way things are being truly lived by the others.
I really want to talk about the ending that this manga has, but ruining this experience to someone new to Hibari no Asa is not worth it at all.
This is not a manga for everyone, but I think is a story that everyone should read in order to understand a little fragment of how breathtaking and heart-rending can be the suffering of someone just for their looking and gender.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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