Aug 1, 2023
Hunter x Hunter (2011) is an engaging anime for its captivating plot, well-developed characters and a unique power system called Nen. Following the adventures of Gon Freecss, a young boy seeking to become a Hunter like his long-lost father, the storyline introduces thrilling arcs and unexpected twists. Each one is filled with suspense and action, and showcases the characters' growth and development. Specially with the main characters, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, which form a dynamic group with unique skills and motivations that create a strong connection between the audience and the other characters, which definitely makes the anime more enjoyable.
Episodes 126 and 131 were
my favorites and are highly praised because they showcase intense and emotionally charged battles during the Chimera Ant arc (I won't get too much into details. See it yourself!). Nevertheless, the anime occasionally suffers from pacing issues. Personally, I felt that certain arcs or episodes were slow and extended. While character development and world-building are important, some parts could have been streamlined to create a more consistent and engaging flow.
Despite that, Hunter x Hunter is a must-watch for all the things I previously said. If you can overlook occasional pacing issues, you'll be rewarded with an anime that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on you and solidify its place as a classic not just in the shonen genre, but in anime as a whole.
Final score: 8/10
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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