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Mar 25, 2021
( Horimiya Review )
maybe has SPOILERS proceed with caution
If you look up wholesome in the dictionary you'll find Horimiya right next to it yes this series is the definition of wholesome it is one of the best recent romance series out right now, I love this series from its colorful and vibrant art style to its amazing cast of warm happy characters to Horis little brother who is probably the best little brother ever, I want a little brother like him (says this while I cry as I'm typing this down) anyway moving on this is a pretty good romance series the main
female character is a fresh of clean sweet air she's Hori the girl who knows what she wants, she has a really nice personality like in one scene she was able to give a reply straight away when she was confronted about whom she liked yknow most other female main characters would probably beat around the bush or some drama like that well Hori is about that no drama life I could be wrong, but that's how I Youbamii saw her as lol....also she has one troupe that you see in almost every anime tho the overall perfect lady that everyone loves and adores now lets look at my homeboy Miyamura he is the gloomy guy everyone avoids but deep down he is a pretty sweet and caring dude with a twist he knows how to dress my guy got the DRIP if his class only knew how much DRIP he has he'd be the most popular dude in the entire school lol anyway I am getting carried away he has a few issues when it comes to socializing with others, and he couldn't fit in well mostly due to his past etc but the holy angel Hori helped bring this shy boy out of his shell its always nice seeing an anti-social guy break out of his shell also ofc Hori wasn't the only one to help him it was a group effort kinda thing watch the anime, and you too will see that this anime is as sweet as maple syrup very sweet. The anime's story isn't complex where you need 200 IQ to understand it, it's not it's actually a pretty simple set up with the main setting is at school and Horis home that's where you see them most of the time so yeah I reckon about anybody could sit back and chill with cheesecake and watch Hori and Miyamura do their thing, and I love it I probably said that twice now, and I'll say it again I love it lol that was me talking about the two main characters lets talk about other things down below if you made it this far.
Voice acting is brilliant also I might be bias when it comes to Japanese voice acting because I generally love all Japanese accents, the Japanese language is a blessing to this planet I usually use headphones when listening to the episodes and I find each and every voice unique and the actors really know how to bring out the characters charm yes I love em.
Clover works is one of those studios that loves colors and vibrant things, they did a good no they did a brilliant no they did a superb job on this anime, honestly this is what an adaptation with care and dedication looks like and to be fair this series was well overdue for an anime I remember reading the manga back in 2014 maybe way back because back then I was still attending college, and I was fangirling at how Miyamura looked so hot yes I had dreams not so PG-13 kinda dreams lol anyway the art is pretty solid ofc it is 13 episodes if it wasn't I'd be ranting right now but like I said Clover works is a good studio and the lead character designer is awesome I love it the way they handle the hair on these characters and their eyes as well its AAA+ brilliant also animation and basic movements are A-OK.
I love this anime adaptation it was enjoyable and pretty sweet we need more series like this animated Komi San Can't Communicate I am looking at you. I had a blast with this series it wasn't boring it was fun, sweet, funny and most importantly it wasn't cringy, and it wasn't a drama fest like some other series.
10/10 I live by the motto no series is perfect because perfection is a hard thing to achieve but hey if you enjoy something very much then giving them a 10/10 is fine as long as you enjoy it, this is why I won't call any series perfect, but I don't mind saying its brilliant etc hopefully you get what I mean anyway what are you waiting for go watch this anime already you'll enjoy it I know you will I have the all seeing eye I see everything.
P.S there is one Id like to say the story kinda feels a bit out of order is that the right way to say it, basically each episode feels like some things have been skipped like it makes you wonder did you miss a episode or something mostly the director fault he/she is in charge of these kind of things
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 17, 2021
Might contain a few spoilers
This anime is a mobile game adaptation yes but here's the thing its boring and feels kinda bland with no taste that's the conclusion I arrived at while I binged it all' i decided to let episodes build because at first I don't know it was a mobile game adaption i never played kings raid before so i don't have much knowledge about this series so i thought episode 1 was interesting you know it gave off a fantasy vibe but after watching all current episodes I felt kind of meh I really cant explain it too well but my
interest slowly started to fade after episode 1, the main plot is like this demon lord has to return Main Character has to go on a journey to unseal a sword that can defeat the Demon king except Main Character isn't exactly mentally stable he looses himself few times to rage for things i thought wasn't that deep like example he met chibi a small tree thingy they only spent what looked like a few minutes together but when this chibi thing died he went crazy like id understand if he knew chibi longer but you cant meet a stranger now and feel this type of rage or sadness if they pass away maybe its just me but i didn't think it was logical.
The Characters felt soo bland we have Main Character Kun who is destined to be great yes but he has no personality aside from wanting to be strong to protect whats dare to him and he lets us know this a lot he repeats this like a broken record also mentally he isn't strong don't get why they didn't make him strengthen his mentally or train him before he went on his journey to wield the sword that is powerful enough to send Demon king kun back to sleepy land and we have his side chick sorry his female companion who is just there for the sake of being there she as well is probably worse than him a empty body with no soul that's how I see her now the pink haired girl has some personality but i kept finding her a bit annoying at times like she wants to try to hard to stand out etc and we have the other guy with the cut on his eye I guess he is somewhat decent he seems to have a past or some thing to him but I cant put my finger on it but yeah most of the characters in this show is bland and empty ohh the elves seemed interesting tho the leader in particular has some meat to his character well that's just what i believe others might think differently.
The Animation is well not exactly Sakuga or brilliant but its not bad either but some frames do seem a bit weird to me also Character design is pretty cool I love all the designs props to the Character designer for making it look nice to be honest it was the character design that really pulled into this series to begin with.
OK about the Voice actors. they are OK i guess pink haired girl still kind annoying tho.
anyway my enjoyment was like this episode 1 had me interested but as the series progressed my enjoyment stated going out the window and then that time I had already watched 15 episodes in already and it would be a waste of time to drop a series at episode 15 so i decided to solider on like a warrior
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 16, 2020
Sword Art Online
SO I went and rewatched this series because I was bored and I came to realize how bad the writing is in this show maybe I enjoyed it when it first aired I was younger back then but now as i watched it again I can clearly say it's not as brilliant as I thought it was Kirito is by far one of the worst main characters I've ever seen he low-key just thinks swinging his sword with no plan is the answer and if that fails swing that sword faster boii are you dumb now for the pace its bad real bad
I believe they should have taken 25 episodes in season 1 to explain and find out why did the game creator make a death game etc... explore things more ignore the romance or put it as a sub-plot and focused more into clearing the floors, and I am not saying making Kirito solo the boss by himself like he is Jesus especially when he beat the game creator how tho defy logic made me raise my eyebrows when Kirito beaten the game creator in such a way lazy writing should go back to school, and I am no expert in stories but I've seen a lot so I can tell when asspulls are being done and that bad romance with Asuna because they way she somehow fell in love with him was too quick Japanese writers always think girls are dumb so easy to fall in love the moment the main character shows them 1 tiny kind thing they get wet and ready to fall in love that's not how love works bro if you save someone how does that make you qualify to fall in love huh also that incest thing was it needed no it wasn't, SAO has loads of problems but aye it also has some good points the setting is good the designs are cool, but they should have gone into detail like Log Horizon anyway just wanted to say that it's not as great as I thought it was, hence the moral of the story never rewatch animes you'll come to realize how bad it really is, anyway I am going to rewatch Gun Gale Online lets hope I don't come to hate it because I hate coming back to an anime I used to boast was so great and be like oh boiii this is actually bad makes me feel embarrassed because I used to defend this series lol
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 3, 2020
Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo,
"Might Contain Spoilers"
While I did enjoy this movie it wasn't overly dramatic nor was it complicated well maybe just a bit with the spirit thing I thought it was just a tad bit weird but got over it anyway the plot wasn't anything complicated younger sister has a crush on her older sister boyfriend younger self well at that point in time the older sister was attending highschool together with her boyfriend younger self while the younger sister looked to be in elementary school if that, to me it looked as if the younger sister didn't realize
what she felt was feelings towards her older sisters boyfriend anyway the younger sister has trouble expressing what she really wants to say instead she lashes out with rude remarks typical tsundere for you, So and So happened and she understands why her sister sacrificed her happiness for his younger sister, this series was ok for me the character designer is a legend well to me he is I love his style and the animation looked very fluid low-key made me want to figure out who pitched in on this project as for the voice actors I hardly ever complain about Japanese V/A's so I might be a lil biased in that regard also the background pictures the scenery everything was really well done the visuals was really good I almost wish this movie was like a the starting point for this series and then follow up with a 12 episodes series to tie or clear up some loose ends especially with the main female characters Aoi because at the end we still didn't see if she ended up with someone as she got over her crush for her sisters boyfriend younger self plus some characters for me personally needed to have closure the elementary kid who claimed he liked Aoi did he get with her or did he get with the friend of Aoi who was boy hungry I guess we will never know I'd give this movie 9/10 or even 10/10 but it failed to clear up some loose ends and such but nevertheless it still ended up enjoying
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 29, 2020
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna
First this was a boring film yes it should her past but that still doesn't change the fact that this film was boring, while I do love the visuals I hate how they try to make the character Emilia look like saint Maria like bro she doesn't have to be the nicest purest freaking shit outta the box japan always does this they make characters act over beyond nice less human tbh not everybody would act like lets save this person or that person most of the time you'd worry about your ass before others I know
its fictional but it still annoys me when they make characters act like they are Jesus all loving and forgiving its just NO, while I did like that they showcased her past it was just done in a way that left me feeling bored rather than being intrigued imagine sitting in the cinema watching this bro I would fall asleep and get up after the film is done feeling great disappointment due to wasting money, this film ain't 10/10 if it is in your books then surely you are a die hard fan or some blind fanboy which ain't bad but sometimes when you are like this you tend to think everything they deliver is gold heck I've been there as well all in all the film could have been better what I will say is that the voice actors did their job well and the studio sure did not go slack except for the last scene between Puck, Emilia vs the Flame spirit dude that was not really a fight that they animated they cut the scene where Puck and Emilia won which probably is what was exterminating most during this film, Also I'm not being harsh if I was then this would have gotten 1-star rating or the good ol drop it in the trash with a 1-star rating it's either you like it or you don't and while some do find it enjoyable I sure didn't find it too entertaining
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 24, 2020
Princess Connect! Re:Dive might contain spoilers maybe,
This for at the very start gave me konosuba vibes but then it started to head down the likes of being a Moe show and for those that might not know what Moe means it basically means cute yes this show just has cute girls being cute doing cute things and doing cute things dumbly. The art is something they put lots of effort it, I don't understand why they worked so hard to make this show such eye candy but oh well the animation is defiantly fluid the characters move very nice and the background/ scenery of each
place in this anime is very good highly detailed again why did they put so much effort into the art/animation and design not that I'm hating on it, I am just curious because other animes sure don't get this kind of treatment. Well moving on I did get some good laughs here and there I found this very entertaining and I actually enjoyed this more than what was airing around this time sure the plot wasn't the best actually was there any plot at all it was just a 1 guy and 2 girls and a pet cat girl who suffered from all the bullying lol but yeah the plot only kicks in around episode 11 yup low-key from episode 1 to 10 is just them having fun living that slice of life vibes but aye it was cute, so we will allow it now lets talk about the characters all the characters except Yuki, GOOD LORD Yuki is the most brain-dead cockroach I've ever seen like come on did they even need him in this maybe in the game he was relevant but heck no not in the anime my guy hardly even speaks, and he acts as I said brain-dead at first sure it was funny but not for 12 episodes of seeing him act retarded while Kokoro being so adorable I wanted her to see more and hear more of her because her V/A definitely did a good job same with Peco Neesan, Peco Neesan V/A saved us really she did also not sure if anyone noticed but Kazuma V/A form Konosuba was present in this anime remember the slim guy who stole Pecos Sword yup that's him alright also Cat Girls facial expressions was so good as I said all the characters was good except brain-dead Yuki kun. So yeah Voice acting is good, Visuals are also good, Music/Ost is brilliant, Opening/Ending theme was wonderful and the unique quirky characters and heck comedy was pretty good sure not Konosuba level of comedy but still enjoyable. Heck all in all did I freaking enjoy this pile of kawai female characters yes I did and one day I will fly to japan and meet Peco Neesans V/A and have her step on me with her foot while she's saying Yabai desu ne ☆★ ahhhh one could only dream therefore because of how much I loved the cast and epically Peco my rating is going to be bias asf 10/10 fight me bish, die Yuki die, so I can take your place as the male protagonist you unless potato
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 18, 2020
Plunderer, what a badly written show maybe the manga is better but the anime definitely doesn't indulge me to give it a high score I'm baffled at how badly written the characters are the female cast in this show are dumb straight up dumb they have no personality they only exist to jump on the main characters dick not even joking, I also hate how Japanese writers think female characters just straight up fall in love with the first guy who showed them a tiny bit of good deed like wtf man so if I helped you once you are ready to make me some
babies no it doesn't work like that I get that it's fictional but it's dumb at least write her growth towards that conclusion in the early stages of this anime the fmc was annoying she was like litch litch litch every god damn second I can see why one of the reviewers said this feels like a kid wrote it, if you've had experience watching more than 100+ animes I'm pretty sure you have the sense of knowledge to differentiate bad and good animes and this one is a bad anime we aren't here for art I don't care if the art is bad wonky inconsistent or whatnot we are here for plot if the plot is good and the characters are decent shit I'd say I could enjoy this more bit when you have characters act the way they did in this show id say whoever directed this should not make anime until his skill is better you can't expect people to buy/ be invested in something if you don't put in the effort needed to make it stand out among the masses I feel like people are too soft on some series of you feel like it's bad say it be honest don't try to please people thus ends my review/rant on this show this season was a let down Corona is partly to blame but definitely half of it is due to what they released this season pure garbage with the exception of a few series that are mainly comedy/romance focus/slice of life
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 7, 2020
Kaguya-sama Love Is War Beware Of Spoilers, anyway this is a very fun series i laughed a lot I definitely prefer more series like this rather than some edgy serious series that tries hard to be serious but end up with stupid writing that has people baffled me especially moving on this series has art and visuals to keep your eyes stuck to the screen the voice acting are so cute for the female cast I'm always forever rewinding it back just to hear them again the interaction between the characters are so fun to watch this was definitely entertaining to see every week I'm
hoping season 3 will come we need to see Kaguya and Shirogame hook up, I honestly have no complaints for this series it's an ok series definitely something you can watch it you are indeed bored and want laughs and quirky stuff also the opening and ending theme are beautiful asf, this series is definitely worth collect if you are thinking of buying the manga after the anime you should definitely do it you'll love it heck I'm already 10 volumes in with the manga I'm taking it slow because I don't wanna spoil myself to early 😅
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 7, 2020
High School DxD Hero beware of spoilers, lol what a dumb series this is I actually believe this was made by a mentality retarted person sorry but come on boobs, boobs, boobs even someone who likes ecchi every now and then can tell you this is nonsense and bro the females in this anime act like thots with no brains every second they get they flash their boobs for the main character which is so dumb I'm like bruv what am I watching is this for real is that how the author sees females in his head damn, but nah come on this was ridiculously
dumb of a series it does not need a continuation I was watching the main character contemplating whether or not rias the main female character loved him or not and in like here boy are you fu*king retarded if she didn't love you after how many times you've seen and touched her tits then she's clearly got no brains, I've never liked the main character I always thought he was too retarded for these girls to be jumping on top of his flashing their boobs at every given moment I love beta guys but this main character himself is in a whole new level of his own as well as the world his in low-key no one says boy this boobs shit is nonsense they even got kids going on about boobs dragon and I'm like huh what is this, the author should never make another series again they suck man, Trinity seven mc is perverted but the guy ain't retarded as this dude, Saji is probably the only character I somewhat like in this series the rest are dumb 😂 I'm sorry this ain't a series you'll love if your a serious person this is a series you need to switch off your brain to watch it's so dumb I'm not even lying the only saving grace is the fan service but even that wasn't much of a turn on cuz the females just flash at any given time like thots like to love ru the formula is different and it packs a lot more feeling compared to this but hey if you can ignore all the stupidity that is in this series then heck you'll enjoy it because the art and animation seems nice this new studio seems like they were made for ecchi based content
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 7, 2020
Gleipnir be ware of spoilers , I don't hate this series I actually collect the manga but my complaint about this series stems from the main female character I find her not that likable as well as the main character himself being such a bore I don't get why Japanese writers seem to love making bad main characters while they introduce side characters who are 100 times more entertaining than the main guy, OK so don't be fooled the main character himself is a SIMP I was so annoyed at the beginning where he just decided to be the main female characters dog when
I say dog I mean he low-key just obeys whatever she says or does bruv you can think and act for yourself why don't you, the art and animation is good so good in wondering why they decided to put this amount of effort into the fights and animation I'm a bit baffled tbh nevertheless I love the opening and ending theme visuals it's eye-catching but yeah I just wish Japanese writers would put a but more effort in their writing ability rather than useless fan service if I want fan service if hits read or watch a series that mainly focuses on fan service yknow like To Love Ru etc I get you wanna put a bit of fan service that's understandable but I'm seeing the camera angle mainly focusing on the main female backside for a good while there on episode 10 lol.
The plot seems interesting the mystery is good but as I said the characters and writing needs work the manga is decent it's not as bad as the anime hence why I collect it but I'm getting tired of series like these that want to be serious but have dumb stuff happening within them that leads me to question the mentality of the author, Claire the main female character is the worse forced character I've seen she tires so hard to be the emo, crazy chick that she is I get it you wanna be that bad ass chick who can kill without feeling a thing but that only comes into play when you yourself have gone through something so bad that it warps you, your parents was murdered by your sister but you aren't questioning why she left you alive their is obviously a reason if she wanted to then she would have killed you with your parents dumb nuts instead she goes off the rails and tried killing herself forcing dog boy kun to come to save her then she realizes it's dog boy kun is the one who saves her and proceed to blackmail him but my point in this is dog boy kun you could easily force her to keep her mouth shut you are the one with the power why are you obeying her like she's gold I'm dumbstruck he could easily threaten her but no that ain't his character this is why I'm getting annoyed with how Japanese people write their main character stop coming up with trash characters like these and then proceed to make side characters with more integrity and backbone than the MC himself
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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