Zawsze in love ❤
Contrary to what other reviews say, I give this manga a 10/10 rating. Yes, I may be biased because this one has paved its way to my list of favorites. 😂
Anyway, this is a harem/cliché manga yet unpredictable in some way. Your guess about whom Raku would end up with becomes doubtable every moment (well, for me). Clues pointing toward Onodera being the promised girl would then shift towards Chitoge making it slightly confusing so you can just hope for the best heroine. As an "unrequited love supporter" it makes you want to cheer for Chitoge until the end.
I learned that if
Dec 19, 2016
Just when I thought I have prepared my heart for some tearjerker scenes because someone's gonna die - based on the first pages of the manga, I thought wrong. 💔 I haven't prepared enough. You will still cry anyway!😣😢😭
What I love about this oneshot is how it teaches every reader to "Live life to the fullest!" To live without regrets. That every second is worth living for! Questions like, "Am I happy with how I live my life right now?" will cross your mind as you finish reading the manga. You will have some sort of realization about your life - that's what happened ... |