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Oct 25, 2024
As one of the most anticipated shows of the year "Oshi no Ko" had a lot of pressure to deliver a great show and with the fact that this summer season was very weak with its sequels (the only other good one was the Monogatari series one), the show had spotlight on it do deliver. Did it manage to live up to expectations? Absolutely.
The 2nd season of "Oshi no Ko" makes it clear that this season is all about Aqua. Ruby takes a REALLY secondary role in this season, barely even appearing until the last few episodes. Aqua's character arc is done extremely well. The
great part about the show is that while we see the story from the MC's point of view, we also usually have more information than him because of how the show is structured. This leads to a lot of purely amazing scenes involving not only Aqua's trauma and how he chooses to use it in his acting, but also his coping mechanism related to answers he has been looking for all his life. A lot of people like to focus on the theatre play part of this season or the huge reveal afterwards, but I think the best part was after everything, when Aqua now thinks that the thing he has been working towards all his life resolved by itself, and now he is only looking for a new reason to exist. An attempt to fill the husk that he becomes after all the hatred left him. And the reveal at the end that the pain isn't fully gone, actually being transferred to his sister. I think I should also mention the side-characters of the show who are amazing, as usual. The only problem I would have is that the beginning arc is kinda slow and has a pretty unfulfilling ending.
The shows animation is once again fantastic, and I really love seeing smaller studios like Doga Kobo creating something that looks this good, even if the show had its fair share of production issues. The entire play, the artstyle, the impact animation has on some scenes, really fantastic stuff. Music is also really good. I don't think the opening is as good as the first season but I still enjoyed it very much. The ending song is pretty good as well and the music during the show fits very well when it appears.
That's why my final rating for "Oshi no Ko" is 9/10.
I highly recommend giving this entire show a try if you haven't yet for some reason and also watch it if you watched the first one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 18, 2024
When it comes to anime, I truly think "That time I got reincarnated as a slime" truly has a special place among shows that changed the genre of isekai. I truly believe that the idea of this show was amazing from the very beginning, but it was also what killed it for a lot of anime fans.
To understand the 3rd season of a show we have to look at the first two: Season 1 came out at what felt like the perfect time for a new idea in the isekai genre. A more slow-paced and realistic view into what a person might do if they
were transported into another world. Manipulate the people who cant read or write into creating you a whole ass city to run, and then just play politics. Its something we all imagined we could do if actually transported to another world, and this show puts that idea into practice perfectly, and people loved it. Already you might have seen some problems with the reviews season 3 gets. "Where is the action, the cool fights?!". I think you have to be very ignorant of this show and what the first season did to act like this is your run-of-the-mill op MC action isekai. The show has always been about trying to peacefully lead a country, only acting in violence when absolutely needed. I believe that both season 2 of the show, which focused a lot on a very actioned-packed arc of the series, and the power-scaling side of the internet who kept repeating that Rimuru is one of the strongest characters in fiction, brought in a lot of people who just wanted to see fights and action when the show has never been about that. When it comes to story, season 3 of "That time I got reincarnated as a slime" is very similar to season 1.
Moving on to the music and animation. The animation is pretty decent, something we have come to expect from this show and as always the sound design is amazing. The opening and ending are kinda forgettable and the recycling of some songs is very obvious (that damn song that plays every time they show off the city". I believe that this show carries its weight and does great here once again, with some small hiccups.
When it comes to how fun the show is the very slow story and time-consuming scenes still hurt the show somewhat. I have to appreciate the determination to keep this scenes in the show, as to keep its identity, but Jesus, full episodes of just talking about the economic hardships of hosting a festival get boring pretty easily. I can see why a lot of people who loved season 2 didn't really care for this one. It is pretty slow and sometimes even boring. I still found it overall enjoyable because of its originality and interesting commentary.
That's why my final rating for this show is an 8/10.
I recommend you give this show a shot and I personally cant wait for season 4.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 25, 2024
Let's be real, both you and I saw the title of this show and thought this was some trashy sibling rom-com like many others before. When I put it on my list I thought I was about to watch a trashy show that I could turn my brain off and laugh at. I was shocked when the show presented itself as a very serious commentary about falling in love with your new step-sister. No, really.
At the very beginning the show sells this idea that it's not a love story, but it absolutely is, it just trying to fuck with you. Honestly I won't even entertain
the idea the show is trying to promote. It basically says that liking your step-sister is a really though situation that requires a lot of thought and some bullshit that is honestly so dumb I cant eve believe they tried to pass of as a very serious topic. Basically, the show takes itself waaay to seriously, not only when it comes to the story but the animation as well. "Days with my stepsister" loves doing these "March comes in like a lion" shots that are awkward and linger for too long. You see, in that show it works because they do those shots to showcase the degrading mental state of the main character. Here, they do it because....It's artsy? They don't fit the theme of the show at all and the whole message they are trying to send in such a serious manner, through both animation, pacing and story-telling, tumbles in on itself because at the end of the day we are talking about a sibling romance story. The worst part about the show is that it doesn't even manage to be so bad it's enjoyable.
Some points in the story that aren't so bad are the characters which feel pretty realistic and well put together. They do act similarly to how sad teenagers who feel that they are doing a bad thing by depending on their parents, even at their young age. Its a point the show does pretty well in.
Its not all doom and gloom though, some of the music in the show is actually pretty good and the opening and ending are inoffensive enough that they don't bother with anything. A problem I do have with the sound design is how sometimes the show just mutes the music in these normal scenes and then lingers shot for to long which result in "Serial Experiments: Lain"-esque kinda spooky atmosphere which is in some ways so bad its laughable. The art-style is probably the best part about the show with good looking character designs and back-grounds. The animation manages to be ok, not counting the art-direction, being fluid enough and not having any glaring issues. It doesn't impress either tbh.
That's why my final rating for this show is a 5.5/10. It is a slow-paced, boring sibling romance. Do I even have to tell you if I recommend it?
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 25, 2024
Welcome to the review of a much awaited adaptation manga adaptation. Maybe too "awaited". It honestly felt like a small studio saw that for some reason no one decided to adapt this semi-popular romance manga and decided to give it a go. The results are what you would expect.
The story is pretty cute, with a very positive and feel-good vibe. Its not a story with a lot of hard-hitting and thought-provoking elements because, honestly, it doesn't need to be. It's what a weekly rom-com should be while trying to be as inoffensive as possible and it achieves of making the viewer watch the show
with a smile. The story is definitely the best part about the show (mainly because the source material already did a good job). Of course, because its a romance anime, it sometimes accepts some plot-holes in order to advance the story, especially at the ending (even though I thought the last episode was the best).
Now we are done with the good things because I want to move on to the very bad stuff, the animation and music. Honestly, the only positive I can find in the technical side of the show is Rin's voice actor being very good. Other than that the show fails miserably, making us wonder why they even bothered animating the panels. The animation is very bad, its very rigid and slow, shots linger for too long and its clear when you pay attention that the backgrounds had no thought put into them. The music is even worse, the opening is actually one of the worst songs I have ever heard and the ending song is very forgettable. The music during the show is also so bad its distracting from the scenes and sometimes the show just says "fuck it" and just doesn't do music for a scene at all. It feels like a lot more love could have gone in this show and its kinda sad to see such a nice manga receive such lackluster treatment.
That's why my final rating for this show is a 6.5/10. It can be enjoyable and fun but I just can't really recommend an anime that is so clearly worse than a manga that isn't even that impressive artistically.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 19, 2024
Time to talk about a random rom-com. Surely there isn't any arguing going out on social media about it... Oh...
Anyway, I believe that people have been blessed recently with good romance after good romance. It only seems that yesterday people were still talking about "The dangers of my heart". And "Alya-san conveys her feelings in Russian" seems to be the big rom-com of the summer 2024 season. But is it worth to watch? I believe so.
The story starts with a black haired, unmotivated high-school boy (where have I seen that before) sitting next to a Russian girl by the
name of Alya-san. Now, let me get this out of the way. The people who are mad that there isn't enough Russian in this show are very stupid. I cannot understand being mad that the gimmicky romance you are watching isn't actually that gimmicky. I swear the people who hate the show for that are just Russian bots who got lost after their "X" account got deleted. I was surprised by the story and how dramatic it actually seems. There is a reason I think people have gravitated toward the Masahikas sister rather than Alya herself (other than the fact she is genuinely a more fun character). It's because she is part of this dysfunctional family dynamic that is very interesting. The show quickly show-cases that it has a way more bigger story to tell that it seems, and that the MC i laughed at before may actually have a very complicated and sad background. The idea the there is a bigger story behind the high-school romance we are seeing is really interesting and fun. I was genuinely stuck to the screen every time a serious moment happened. And I still believe the show has yet to show its full hand.
Still there are some issues with the story. One big one being that the character the show is named after is actually the 2nd most interesting girl in the show (closer to 3rd than 2nd tbh). It's very important in a romance that when you give the viewer the character who will eventually win the heart of the MC without fail, you make the the most interesting character, without a doubt. But so far, Alya-san has fallen short. Also there is a bit of incosistency in how some characters act. Especially Maschika who cannot decide if he is an charismatic, sarcastic genius or an idiot who cant even speak to a girl and get played with again and again.
The animation is decent enough, nothing too crazy but good enough for a romance anime. Another problem I have though is the music. The opening sound like the fucking song that plays when you open Blue Archive and the ending is straight up just bad. And the music through-out the show is pretty basic and bad. I swear this season has been very bad with background noise (Giji Harem and Days with my step-sister) but that is for other reviews. While not impressing on a technical level the show does just good enough.
That's why my final rating for "Alya-san conveys her feelings in Russian" is a 8/10.
I highly recommend watching this show if you want something good to scratch that romance itch left by all the good shows in the genre recently. It is an interesting story that is bound to pull you in, along with some cute romance scenes that are classic to the genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 19, 2024
In the world of anime comedy there really aren't too many types of shows. You have the satirical (Grand Blue, Eminence of Shadow), parody (Gintama, Konosuba) or gag humor (Nichijou, GTO). What you might have noticed is that most people have drawn a lot of comparison between "My deer friend Nokotan" and the king of gag humor itself Nichijou. But does it achieve the same level of humor mixed with artistic prowess? Meh.
Reviewing such a random show that clearly throws all artistic and story-telling elements out of the window for the sake of comedy is hard because you can't really judge something which was made
purely ironically, to make people laugh. But what I can do is point out the many short-comings of the show. The most important part of a comedy is, logically, to be funny consistently. "My deer friend Nokotan" fails miserably in this pursuit. Not to say the show is never funny (like some of its biggest critics) but the whole show has an average of about 2 good jokes per episode, which is way to low for a show that is just joke after joke. A big reason for this is the fact that the show makes the same joke again and again and again until you get sick of it. I swear to god if the punchline of every single joke is "ArEn'T tHe PeOpLe So StUpId In ThIs WoRlD?!??!" it gets old very quickly. The show is like that old guy at work who once told a joke that everyone laughed at and now keeps telling it at every opportunity. Isn't it funny that everyone is dumb? Isn't it funny that Koshitan is laughed at? Isn't it funny that Nokotan... is a deer? (You would not believe how many times that last one is a joke". The whole comedy and plot of this show would honestly fit better in webmanga 1 page per day series. To mention some good facts about the comedy it does the gag humor pretty well when it tries. Despite what a lot of people think it is still very funny when something totally random happens. The show made me laugh a few times.
When talking about the characters it gets very bad because to be honest, they suck very bad. I'm gonna skip everyone that is not in the "deer club" because their entire characters are not even worth a mention". Besides the 2 main characters we have Bashame, who is the embodiment of what I said above about repeating the same joke 2 million times after it was funny the 1st time, and then we have Koshitan's sister, who I don't remember the joke for, whose whole character and comedic relief is that she is a yandere for her sister. This really confused me since the show tried to play it off as comedic but I don't see the funny? Is it "haha, she loves her sister", which when we are talking about anime is a pretty stupid joke to make, and not really all that funny in general, or is it "haha, she is a yandere", which makes even less sense as to why it would be funny. The 2 main characters are Koshitan, who plays the logical and realistic character of the comedy that kinda just reacts to the jokes. She is fine and does a good job keeping the viewer engaged to the show and reality in general. In comedy contrast is important because it can raise the ridiculousness of a joke to make it even more funny, and Koshitan achieves this. Nokotan is just an annoying fucking character. She just seems like a pain. The show were clearly going for something like Dwight from the office with a very weird character that you laugh AT instead of WITH. But what the show does very badly is make Nokotan someone to laugh at. A lot of the times the joke is just tormenting Koshitan or someone else, which makes me more sad than anything. The way Nokotan is treated is kinda infuriating and disconnect the viewer from the show.
When it comes to the technical stand-point "My deer friend Nokotan" does very well. WIT Studio did amazing work with crisp, fluiid animation that enhances the comedy and a banger opening which is without a doubt the best part about the show. The real-life photos and videos honestly feel very good in the show in its generally very pleasing to the eyes and ears.
In conclusion I believe that "My deer friend Nokotan" is a show that suffered under the pressure of the hype it received. I believe no person who worked on the show wanted to make the next Nichijou or the next big comedy. They were trying to make something new and funny and the somewhat succeeded. The pressure that was put on it was purely of the fanbase which was maybe expecting too much of such a dumb show. Thats why my final rating for "My deer friend Nokotan" is a 7/10. Even though the rating is high I would only recommend watching this show if you have already watched all the other better comedies out there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 15, 2021
Having recently watched Gurren Lagan for the 1st time I was really interested in show that appeared recently with very similar concepts. Also, i always like a "father/daughter" story because i feel like we don't get a lot of those (the only good one i can remember being Usagi Drop). But sadly, i was highly disappointed in this anime.
STORY: 3/10
It had everything going for it in the 1st episode, but then it kinda fizzled out. The good part is that the show tries to focus way more on this Father/daughter relationship, than on the mecha aspect (because honestly we have more than enough of that.).
The bad part is that it doesn't do it well. The studio asked the question "How do we make this father character and this daughter character, who are polar opposites, interact with each other? Well, just make them argue and bicker with each other every time they speak.". This is literally the whole show. There is one scene where the dad shows some heroism and the daughter is finally grateful for something but after it, the characters just go back to arguing with each other, like nothing happened. If you enjoy a grown ass man and a genius child screaming at each other about none-sense for 20 minutes, you might find some enjoyment in Sakugan.
ART: 9/10
I am surprised that the way this anime looks has gone so under the radar. The animation is about what you would expect off an good mecha anime but the it's the backdrops and how the settings are presented that really sell this show. You can tell so much about specific places just by looking at them. The complicated cave system, the underground rendition of Paris and Venice, The bits of life spurting out in this otherwise baron world, it is truly beautiful.
SOUND: 5/10
I mean, its nothing to really write home about, but it isn't really bad. I didn't like the OP although it does fit in with the themes of this show. And the EP was so amazing that a genuinely cant remember it. If you told me it didnt have one, i would believe you.
This is the first time ever when i watch an anime and literally every single one of the characters is completely unlikable. Even with the shows i hate the most i can usually find 1 character i kinda like. With this one, no. Lets start wit the MCs: Firstly, the daughter is annoying as all fuck. She just throws a fit every time things don't go her way, she doesn't listen to anyone, she keeps saying extremely mean things to her father but we are supposed to like her because she is "smart and adventures". Her father is an asshole. I THINK that he isn't even supposed to be likable because of how much the show berates him even when its clear that he says what he says and does what he does because he is worried about his daughter. Either way, he is a dick who acts like a man-child and is clearly not fit to be a father. The side characters range from "so cliche it hurts" to "contradict themselves in 2 episodes".
Sakugan does an extremely shit job here.
If you are entertained by 2 people having a family argument every 5 minutes they spend in each others presence then you might find some enjoyment in Sakugan. The most infuriating part is that somewhere in there, behind all the plot-holes and annoying characters, there is some enjoyment to be found, but its usually taken away from you fairly quickly. Every time a character is about/in the middle of doing something cool they get interupted by, guess what?? more arguing.
ENDING STATEMENT: I didn't have high expectations for Sakugan so i cant really say it's disappointing, but i can say its underwhelming. I cant see myself remembering this anime's existence in 2 weeks. I'm sorry but i don't recommend wasting your time with Sakugan.
OVERALL RATING: 5 (closer to a 4)
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 4, 2021
When i saw that MAPPA was making an adaptation of a manga by the artist of Kobayashi's Maid dragon and the author of Interspieces reviewers, needless to say i was pretty hyped.
STORY: 6/10
As you have probably read in the other reviews, the story really isn't the best par about this show. Don't go into this expecting an amazing story and a roller-coaster of emotions. The whole story could be described in a sentence or two. Its not a basic story though. It's basically gods vs demons but no-one is the good guy. I really liked the fact that the demons and gods really differed from
each-other. The show could have taken the easy route and make everybody extremely strong but some of the gods are more smart than strong, i really liked that. Whats more is that as expected when you see "made by the author of Intespieces reviewers" you should expect the show to be morally bankrupt. I mean that was probably the most unnecessary 1st episode rape scene of all time. It gets a generous 6.
ART: 9/10
This is why you watch this anime. The fighting scenes and the art. And it delivers. The fights scenes are awesome and all the backgrounds look great. The only problem i have is the animation in some of the scenes without any action going on. If MAPPA's other upcoming anime looks like this i will be happy.
SOUND 9/10
The OP is the best one of the year so far for me. It perfectly describes the show and i have been listening to it since the 1st episode. The sound design is amazing and ED ain't too bad either.
The character designs are pretty good and some of them are pretty original but the main 3 is disappointingly unoriginal but it gets very carried by the side-characters: Miku, Rin and Protean are some of the best but the others are also awesome in their own way.
It is fun. It is some of the most fun i have ever had watching an anime. I do love the actions scenes and even the story keeps me interested. If you just want to sit back and just enjoy some kick-ass action this is the perfect anime.
ENDING STATEMENT: If i could only use one word to describe this anime it would be FUN. A lot of reviewers don't realise that sometimes an anime doesnt have to have an interesting story to be good. I really love the show and i hope you will all check it out and enjoy is as i did (cant wait for the 2nd season).
OVERALL: 8/10 (closer to a 9)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 4, 2021
After MAPPA's C team last original sports anime (Taisou samurai) i cant say i was hyped for this show. But i'm always up for a sports anime, especially if it is a sport i dont know much about.
STORY: 6/10
It seems that MAPPA is trying to do this "really emotional sports anime" thing. Kinda like Hoshiai no Sora did but with better animation. What you risk while doing this is losing the "sports" part of your sports anime which you could say happens here. There are 2 and a half games of water polo in this water polo anime. And the games we do get feel
rushed, like we are just speeding trough the minutes of the game. However the show does feel emotional and shows how painful memory loss can be. Its kinda fucked up how belittled it is by the characters in the show. Also i like the change in the main character, its rare that we get both a nice and antagonistic main character.
ART: 7/10
I mean, its about what you would expect from MAPPA's C team. Not good but not bad. You would expect better of a sports anime tbh. There are some scenes that look really good but they are fan and between.
SOUND: 6/10
Sports anime is the kind of thing where sound design is more important than music. RE-Main does the 1st thing decently and the latter badly. The sound design is good and the sound of the ball hitting the net is satisfying but i expected more, especially from an sport that takes place in water(one of the most beautiful things in anime). The music is forgettable.
The characters are pretty good. It has some originality here but not a lot. It has the reliable captain, and the guy that is sad he sucks but the main character is grade and i liked the transfer student from Africa. As i said, it doesn't really make sense that people belittle the MC's amnesia but the characters are fun and not too basic. I also like the side plot-line of the brother rivalry.
I just wanted more games, it honestly is better towards the end when we get to see the water polo. Watching the main character face his amnesia and the results of his own actions is interesting and somehow makes you want to know of his background. But it really isn't that interesting to see them train try to figure out a team jersey.
ENDING STATEMENT: The biggest problem with RE-Main is its consistency. Its either good or bad, never somewhere in-between, but i do feel that MAPPA is heading into the right direction with these sports anime but i think it will take some time before they create a classic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 22, 2021
The duke of death and his maid. One of many "liked by anime-only's disliked by manga readers" type of anime. As an anime only, you can probably guess my opinion on this show.
STORY: 8/10
You might have been like me, read the synopsis and thought that this is a drama filled love story of a man who kills everything he touches. It is not that. Its more of a rom/com with drama elements added to it to make it a liitle bit more interesting. Either way, the story is pretty good, its nothing that we haven't seen before, "the teasing girl and the flustered boy", but
this anime makes it way more interesting by the curse the MC has. Half of the time while watching this show you are looking for the director or animators to make a mistake and have the duke touch something with-out it dying (doesnt happen), for the other half you will just be sad about the fact that he CANT touch anything. Really, the show manages to make you feel bad for the duke and realise how hard it is to not be able to touch anything and always pay attention.
ART: 6/10
Lets address the elephant in the room and the reason manga readers don't like this very much. Its full CGI, and it doesn't look too great. It certainly isn't a beastars or dorehodoro but i dont think it awful. Yeah the characters look stiff and robotic sometimes, but people tend to forget that it really looks good sometimes. I think its that it looks good while characters are moving, but starts to feel weird when its just 2 characters talking. The show knows this and tries to fix it with a quicker pacing but its a band-aid on an open wound. Its sub-par but you have to respect them for trying.
SOUND: 6/10
Disappointing. In a full CGI anime, music is important. You have to take the attention off the animation for a second sometimes so having great music is a must. The duke of death and his maid kinda fail. The OP sucks and the ED isn't much better. The music during the show isn't much better. It boils down to basic rom/com music but sometimes when we get the duke playing the piano it can get pretty good but those moments are far and between.
Nothing too special here. The duke and the maid are good characters and their relationship is really well written and the side-characters are OK, nothing too special but they are tolerable, except the brother who is annoying and unfunny but the rest are ok.
I was really curious about how the duke will cure his curse so thee show always kept me interested its a fun experience and i didn't find myself waiting for an episode to end. I cant say its an emotional roller-coaster or that i wish it never ended but it was fun.
ENDING STATEMENT: Well, this is best full CGI rom/com there is, because its the only one. Jokes aside this a good show, a show that proves something, even rom/coms can be full CGI. I will be waiting for season 2 patiently.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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