Currently we sit on episode 4 and damn, the phrase: 'Wasted potential' rarely fits as well as it does here. I know it's a bold statement for only 4 ep out of 12. Quick rundown:
You have the name giving robot kinda living beings called Mecha Ude with their own mind which can "fuse"(more like attache) with a humans body. This will increase the humans physical strengh and the Mecha Ude can activate it's true form like an extra robot arm, a tail, variety of guns, whatever and makes both of them dependant on each other. The Mecha Ude needs something called Albitrium which every human
has inside his body. If they get seperated by force the human will die after a few days since the Albitrium in his body will leak(imagine it in a form of gas) and the anime states that Albitrium is like the soul(don't quote me on that).
Now to my points:
The anime jumps from event to event. I don't mean it's fast paced(which it sometimes is but not hasty) but I miss the connections between the scenes from time to time. Sometimes you watch a scene with almost no connection to the last scene, no transitions or explanation why character XY is at place XY.
Another thing is the bad/weird storytelling and how the creators connect things, make character decisions, how to write them to give them personality traits and make events happen. There are so many examples in only 4 episodes I don't know which ones I should take.
For example(Minimal Spoilers now, jump too *** to skip):
1. You're one of the good guys. Imagine your job is to retrieve an really important Mecha Ude(their unactivated form is like a rubic cube). You then find out it has fused with a random civilian teenager(MC, who ditched school that day since he had to follow a voice in his head which led him into a cordoned off area by the police he simply ignored because the voice in his head asked for help- how to become the MC clichee).
Now you have two options how you can convince him that you don't want to kill him and that you need him to follow:
Option 1: Gain his trust by like introducing yourself and explaining him the situation.
Option 2: Tell him that if he moves he's dead, which would make him scared and increases the chance he would try to escape.
Guess which option the character(main side character girl) in this series chose.
2. In this example you're the boss of the good guys. You now have the MC which actually isn't suited to have this Mecha Ude since his amount of Albitrium is far under average(means he's weak) and for his safety, since he(more his Mecha Ude) is very important, you decide he should have a bodyguard. Again you have two options:
Option 1: Choose someone you trust and can handle this task.
Option 2: Choose someone you trust, is the main side character, but due to her past and recent events could maybe slightly be bit impulsive and do some actions which could endanger the person she should protect.
Again, guess what the decision here was.
3. It had to happen as described above. Side girl decides to immediatly run somewhere(Port storage depot or something like that) to investigate something and drags the MC with her. They notice enemies being in that area. If you would take your task as a bodyguard serios you would probably avoid facing them. But guess what our big brain girl did. Because of her emotions she approaches them directly and since it's obvious a fight will break out she tells the MC to stay close and not leave her side. Seems logic, except the first move she does is an aoe attack around herself which pushes the MC away and then she says this: "I told you to stay close!". You might think it was supposed to be funny for the viewer but I see no details and hints that it was meant to be a joke. It could end here but na.
In her brawl with the other guys stones, baseball bats and even a shipping container flies around and almost crushes the MC so he takes cover and finds a child sitting between other shipping containers.
He wants to protect the child from the ongoing fight(which side girl can't see since she's some meters away), gets kidnapped, gets saved by main side girl and then one of her Mecha Ude claims the MC tried to use the chaos to escape and main side girl has the audacity to say that because of the MC's recklessness the bad guys almost got his Mecha Ude. Just imagine this stupid writting.
Thankfully the MC then points out that only because of her they ended up in this situation and that she was the one which created their seperation in the first place and that he wants to leave without her. And now imagine this. She ignores her task of bodyguarding, let's him go and argues this with the reason that the MC should cool down, but may have forgotten that she dragged him into the danger- like no reflection at all. Even the MC's Mecha Ude asks him to apologize since she's their bodygaurd and I'm just sitting in front of my screen and ask myself what I'm watching right now. In his shoes I would ask myself too who's the bigger danger here. But hey, they had to create a situation where they are seperated for another event to happen...
*** I ofc want character development and know more about the cast, but pls figure out more reasonable and logic reasons which make such events happen and god pls, don't make this kind of stupid characters with the dumbest decision making just to make the story go on. This is just bad storytelling since I can't imagine who would act that way. Yes, it's anime and yes, it's fiction but cmon.
The action is rly good (8/10), but for me it feels like there are sometimes 1-2 frames missing since some connections in the animation feel bit off but maybe that's just me. I also like how they try to do some cool camera angles but sometimes it's bit too much and I lost focus. Voice acting is top but for now nothing extraordinary yet.
Characterwise there's not much to say. Designs are cool- mostly the bad guys stand out and at all I saw more personality of them compared to the good guys which is also bit questionable but nothing which the next eps can't fix.
I know I bashed a lot here. Itself the anime isn't bad and at least rly entertaining, but lacks so much in my eyes so I can't rly say it's good either. That's why I'm currently sitting on a 5/10. Opening is nice too.
Update: I watched ep6 right now and in some points it got even worse, story still doesn't rly exist, the characters of both sides have no screentime and personality(except MC and side girl) and that makes me so sad. You have cool character designs, a cool setting and somewhere there is a kinda origin story to be told, but the way everything gets portayed and shown is so BASIC, boring, in some ways beyond any logic and not fleshed out in the slightest which makes everything you see just slide by in your brain and the only entertaining aspect are the fight scenes(still 8/10, maybe even 9/10).
At all I don't see in which point except the fight animation this anime wants to shine. You can see the anime wants to be more, but isn't succesful since it seems they(director/studio) don't know how.
I honestly hope the fans get what they want/expect. Usually an anime should inspire the viewer to get his hands on the manga to deep dive even more in it's world, but here I would get the manga only for the reason to see if it's actually good, which it must be since in 2016 they crowdfunded the 2018 OVA ep. Yet again, knowing this fact, it makes it even more sad for me.
This anime could have been a small shining star...
Oct 25, 2024
Mecha-ude (TV)
Currently we sit on episode 4 and damn, the phrase: 'Wasted potential' rarely fits as well as it does here. I know it's a bold statement for only 4 ep out of 12. Quick rundown:
You have the name giving robot kinda living beings called Mecha Ude with their own mind which can "fuse"(more like attache) with a humans body. This will increase the humans physical strengh and the Mecha Ude can activate it's true form like an extra robot arm, a tail, variety of guns, whatever and makes both of them dependant on each other. The Mecha Ude needs something called Albitrium which every human ... Oct 23, 2024
Just ask yourself this: Would you like someone who says rape shouldn't be allowed but does it himself anyway, because he drugs the women(which don't want to) with aphrodosiac and whatever else so they want him "theirselfes" and it can't be considered rape anymore?
If you do, then hey, you and the author have something in common. If you despise such actions, don't watch this. Besides that the anime is trash either way. You jump from day to day with one of the most annoying sounds that exist and the MC gets like 10 new abilities every minute so you get no feeling for his power ... Aug 16, 2024
Bye Bye, Earth
For now I think you can compare it with a FromSoftware game. When it comes to world- and character design you get a 9/10 or 10/10.
But when it comes to lore and explanations what's going on and how everything in this rly believable fantasy world works, you need a 1 hour YT guide to understand what you actually see or read the item description. Except there is obviously no item description in an anime and sadly the characters barely and rarely explain anything. So you sit there, have an entertaining experience and want to get to know much more about everything, but the anime just ... Aug 11, 2024
Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi
I'm rly disappointed how this anime is progressing so far. Biggest problem the anime has is that it can't balance being funny and serious. Quick rundown why:
In the first ep it starts with a calm half, shows the MC and his personality, some other characters(one is an already over the top goofy adult priest side character) and you first think it will be a relaxing anime to watch. Then the shift comes in; betrayal happans, followed by many killed people, much bloodshed, cut of bodyparts, beheading(also of a child in ep2), looting, raiding, Seppuku- everything showed on screen, not just told by a narrator or ... |