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Jun 21, 2021
I honestly haven't expected last season to be this much of a garbage. But it did. This is first review I will do with spoilers included, becuase its impossible otherwise to explain things from my power of view.
First of all, like third season, this one starts with something completely unrelated to previous one, something that has never been mentioned before. So you kinda feel lost even if you watched carefully previous season. Four full episodes are just things happening before season one, and to be honest, stuff like this is reason what made me puke on Attack on Titan the most in previous seasons.
There are just so many episodes, FULL EPISODES, spent about past memories, or should I say, past things that happened prior to season 1. Sure, some things from the past should appear here and then to keep up with specific events, but having this many episodes (and again), FULL EPISODES where "plot twists" happen because of things you don't know happened, but they did, and then you have to watch those episodes which are basically "prequel" to the main story... Its so exhausting. And its not even a plot twist if it happened before.
Now back to season 4, even tho things mentioned above means for it as well. Gabi? KILL HER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Most annoying brat ever. Scouts have killed so many, even less dangerous enemies by far, but for the sake of the plot, lets keep Gabi alive who is obviously a psycho and doesn't deserve to live. Why? Just for the sake of plot and drama later on. And well, Sasha's death as well, because why not. Then you have all of those enemy titans who got destroyed, but not killed. Why? Because for the plot! Why would you kill someone who wants to kill you, when you can keep them alive and let them (eventually) kill you later. Its that simple. Such a BS!
Honestly, I even forgot who was Sasha, due to her being known only by eating tons of food (which you get to see in few "flashback" episodes once again). And then they go. It feels like even writter figured out that everyone forgot who Sasha is, so they added those 2 episodes, full of flashbacks and past memories where focus is fully and entirelly on no one else, but Sasha. I guess attempting to awoke some emotions inside us for us. For me, it didn't happened.
From story side, I think 4th season have more events than all 3 previous seasons combined. And its moving on so fast, you can't keep track with anything. And then again, flashbacks. One episode of current event going on is followed up with at least 2, maybe even 3 episodes of events prior to season 1. And whole season is like that.
In general, I love plot twists, but amount of "plot twists" here is insane, to the point that you can't even call it a plot twist, since you will already get used that someone will backstab someone else. Eren still managed to be my number 1 worst main character ever, even tho his character development is way too different than in any season before, but still - he suck.
Season in general wasn't terrible, but comparing to anything else seen from Attack on Titan, it definitely is the weakest part. Season 2 is kinda same, where I got a feeling that I am watching "filler" season, but for "final" season, I kinda had my hopes up. Well, had. Not anymore. At this point, I don't care if anyone dies, I lost sympathies for any single character. Except Levi. He is the only one whose personality I liked ever since the anime started.
Probably highlight of the final season is fight at that enemy territory, which name I already forgot since I didn't want to bother learning all the terms and stuff they used in this season to describe current, past and future events. After that, I hyped the season so much and couldn't wait to see what will happen next, but instead, AoT lose its pace and turns into complete boredom.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 14, 2021
After reading description from this anime, I got a picture in my head that all of the stuff would happen in episode or two and then story goes on, like how parasytes took over the world and Shinichi/Migi are fighting against them. Instead, it basically took more than half of the series to get to the point where parasytes are actually mentioned worldwide to exist.
Amazing thing about this being said is that story isn't boring to that point, bouncing in the place with random stuff going around. In fact, every single episode has something in it! Parasytes are silently taking over, and everything represented how
they managed to do so is outstanding. There is not a single episode where you are waiting something to build up and happen later, no! Everything will happen in instant. Not a single episode is boring! Every single episode tells its own story.
I don't know why, but I found out this anime to compare in a lot of aspects with Death Note. Its simply has great idea, and its realisation is fascinating! Like, you know from the very first episode what will happen in entire series, but instead, every single episode will fill the story with another amazing part on its own, yet sticking to the main concept.
I really did enjoyed watching Parasyte a lot. Its intense, its amazing, its disturbing, but yet acceptable to watch, its soundtrack is epic! I never could imagine dubstep genre to fit so much into any anime, but somehow, they pulled that out perfectly as well.
Characters are cool, but I kinda didn't liked that most of them are "super basic", nothing noticable to make them shine in front of others. At least not from outside looking. They are still great tho, just didn't liked that part about them.
Another thing I'd like to mention is that parasytes, even tho of their abilities and everything they are capable to do, are basically equal to the regular human being! Lets use "Chimera Ant" arc from HxH where ants are invincible to rifle bullets, are almost unkillable to regular fighters, where well trained nen users can't do a thing against 2 days old ants, which is complete BS if you ask me. In Parasyte, they are equals. Without trying to spoil a lot, they do know well to infiltrate into the regular people, but when it comes to fighting capabilities, they are nothing stronger than any other person in the anime. Which is amazing!
A little back to the "Death Note" part. There is one moment from which I felt a tiny little bit disconnected from the anime after [spoiler] died. I could instantly compare that to L's death. Both characters were brain of their operation and goal they wanted to achieve and since they were killed, both animes kinda went a little downfall, but gladly, writters kept the story on the high note as much as possible.
In general, I think that ending was a bit worse, from things mentioned above and in general, kinda feels that anime lost its "momentum", even tho the pace before that was slow, yet good enough to keep people who watch anime entertained all the time.
Its great that they managed to balance amount of (important) people deaths because until the very end, you simply can't know for sure who will survive and who will die. Basically anyone can survive or die. And that makes every single event even more intense because you can't know that outcome of it.
Overall score 9. Everything in anime is great, but weaker ending is the reason why I can't give Parasyte clear 10. Also, compared to other animes I gave maximum score, Parasyte is indeed weaker entry than any of them. However, I'm extremely recommending this everyone to watch!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 6, 2021
Holy damn! I haven't expected this series to went this much to a downfall. What a boredom! My brain was melting in it. My body is dying from inside attempting to stay focused watching second season.
I couldn't possibly imagine that this anime, one of better recent surprises, one of most creative about the main plot (reviving after death) would end up (or at least end up for now) this way. As first season was a bit disappointing, but I'd give it 6/10 because it had its solid moments, second season is a complete mess!
All this die and revive thing barely exists here, there is no
specific event worth mentioning, maybe near ending, but even that lasts little too short, it doesn't add up well to rest of the season and it simply isn't as exciting as ending of first season.
First part of second season was repeating same scene all over the time, its annoying, its boring, its killing my brain cells. And then came the second part, lets say 10 times worse. Entire second part of the season was things happening before first season and nothing besides the past memories even appear. I don't know for you, but for me, it destroyed me from inside, entirely.
Even worse is that all episodes are 30min long, barely any have opening/ending sequence (to skip it), so yea, was a hard mental battle to finish this season. Ending is typical hollywood movie. And its even funnier that entire second season is full of a mess stuff going around Subaru, but somehow, it had best possible and happiest ending. Sorry to disappoint, but I expect more dramatic stuff, not anime to turn into disney cartoon. And it had everything to end up in way more realistic way, but whatever, I'm glad I'm done with this anime. Also, its laughable to see how much Roswaal is wannabe Hisoka from HxH with joker looking, weird voice, sounding like a creep. They achieved none of this.
I usually rank few animes with all possible scores (from 5 to 10) and then use them as an orientation to score other animes, but Re: Zero second season simply can't have score higher than 4 from me. I do have watched very weak anime entries, but in the end, there was always something that would be good enough to be scored with at least 5/10. Re: Zero second season offers absolutely nothing. I think even 4 is high score, but at the same time, giving it anything below that would make me question myself why I even bothered watching that bad anime. I had to double-check any entries I watched and gave it score 5, and all of them are simply better than Re: Zero second season.
Summary of second season: 25 episodes of complete boredom!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 4, 2021
In my opinion, one of most overrated animes I've watched (alongside HxH).
Story: Whole thing about dying and reviving was insane concept, something really unique! But the problem is, they haven't got anything out of it. Story is simply nothing special, anime doesn't have any specific direction until the near end, and even then, it doesn't change the overall picture of the story. Imagine if Death Note had bad story like Netflix adaptation for example. Thats how badly they've handled the entire idea with reviving thing. Also reminds me a lot of Life is Strange game, but a lot worse.
Art: Idk if I can say anything
special bad/good about it, nothing special, yet nothing terrible.
Sound: One thing that I like about anime is soundtrack. In my opinion, its more than 50% of entire score. And Re:Zero lacks in this part. I can't tell that soundtrack is bad, but it isn't good either. It doesn't have a single memorable track.
Character: As Re:Zero is overrated anime for me, then Subaru Natsuki is overrated MC for me. His character development is kinda dumb, unstable and it doesn't feel real. When you can't explain some characters personality, then it can't be any special. Same goes for other characters, except few in the near end. I loved Subaru's tracksuit tho lol.
Enjoyment: It switches from boredom to excitement all the time. Beginning was really good, intense, until you get used to his deaths, but after that, even episodes which end with "cliffhangers" where something bad will happen, you can kinda realise that he will fix it by dying again and going all over.
Overall: 6, great concept, bad realisation, was interesting at the moments, average characters, and I hope that second season will be any better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 3, 2021
I will go through every single aspect of rating part.
Story: is great! BUT! One big but is way they have represented it in anime. Every single event is over-extended. I'm pretty sure the main story would fit in 64 episodes. Its terrible when you have something interesting going on, but it gets boring super-fast because it takes like 20 episodes to get to the point and then, after 5 minutes, main event ends.
Art: I will take it as animation. Disgusting. Same as story, every single fight last for 45min, while real fight lasts for maybe 15-20 seconds. Its frustrating to have every single fighting move
followed up by 10 minutes of backstory, thinking and whatever.
Sound: While OST in general was decent, listening to 2-3 same songs over 148 episodes gets annoying so fast.
Characters: Maybe best part of the anime are characters. I can't recall a single character being "out of the character", having unreal develpoment or being annoying in general. Every major character have its own flaws and positive sides, and by the end of the anime, I still had sympathy for most of them.
Enjoyment: Narrator is most annoying thing I've ever heard in my life. He is explaining every single detail that is on screen. Like, hello, I have eyes too! Other things, as said in Story and animation part, it is EXTREMELY OVER-EXTENDED! If they've cut-off all unimportant things, flashbacks, delaying events, it would be probably best anime ever. But like this, its extremely boring. One example: Probably best event in the anime was about to happen. End of that episode, everyone is prepared to go on, clash is about to happen! THIRTY-FIVE EPISODES LATER: IT STILL HASN'T EVEN STARTED. Enough...
Overall: 5. Praise for characters, story was meant to be good, but marketing did the thing with delaying everything. In my opinion, this is most OVERRATED anime of all times, and if you, dear reader come across this review, for the love of God, skip watching Hunter x Hunter!
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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