This movie is so funny, silly and quite dramatic. The first half is a comedy adventure. I loved the entire section of shinchan and friends getting lost in forest. Shinchan and kazama dynamic always makes me laugh.
The second half is really the best section of the movie. The antagonist is so cool. Definitely the best shinchan antagonist for me. Bro Just conquered a Island and made monkey's his slaves.
His goal is simple but interesting. He thinks strength can conquer anything, Even make him the hero that kid's love.
The action was so good. I love how they made action kamen so grounded. He's just a normal
Nov 26, 2021
Just give this a try...
People be judging everything quickly. They be like: well there is fan service then it must be a bad anime for horny teens. All i can say is If you can ignore the story because of the ecchi scenes, then why not ignore the fanservice for the story. This Anime is no masterpiece. But still it don't deserve this rating. There isn't many anime which caught me offguard and hit right in the feels like this. People these days getting into the hype bandwagon like komi-san and other shit. And sleeping on the good one's like this and ousama ranking. Nov 4, 2021
Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.
This is just another sol, this concept may work as a movie. but for a long ass series it will become boring. the first two episodes are good and the rest is boring. with boring and unlikable characters. The plot didn't freaking move. i can't see komi's effort to overcome her weakness. and i know this is fiction, but still.. even a socially awkward person will talk a little bit when the other people make first move and talk to them. not just sit silent and look at them menacingly (and first of all) a communication disorder person can't even look directly into people's eyes in the ... |