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Sep 28, 2020
I guess to I'll do the good part first, this show looks nice and the fights have great choreography. The fights are a spectacle and worth seeing, but you should really watch them off of YouTube since whatever you imagine the context to those fights be will be much grander than what you'll get by actually watching the show.
As for the story. Now I was not expecting any grand story from an anime that is basically a shounen tournament arc but I at least assumed it would be cohesive. The story is all over the place and rushed as it could possibly be, it honestly
feels like 25+ episode show but I'm honestly not sure if even that amount of episodes would cut it. This show's story is about as much fleshed out as one of those 3 minute recaps that come after the opening in One Piece. To put into perspective how rushed this was I'm gonna give an example from the final episode so just skip rest of this chapter if you don't want to be spoiled. So in the last episode the big bad guy gets beat in 8 minutes, he transforms, beats the main characters around for a minute or two, and then the MC just beats him in like another minute. This show had probably the most anti climatic final fight I've ever seen, even though I guess it looked good while doing it.
The characters in the show have no time to get fleshed out much, even in the last few episodes I couldn't really feel like these people were much more than acquaintances. I really can't tell more than some really basic information about each character, I actually feel like I know more about the green haired guy with glasses who is one of the people in the tournament staff. Now that I think about it, I don't even remember two of the main characters names, and I'm writing this 5 minutes after I finished the last episode.
In conclusion, the show is rushed, incohesive and forgettable but the fights look really nice. As such I recommend to whoever is reading this that you skip the show but watch the fights from YouTube or something.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 24, 2020
I will preface this by saying that I'm not a fan of dramas but I do find one occasionally that is written so well that I actually enjoy it, so take that how you will.
Having watched the entire show I can say that this season is more of the same as the second season, so if you didn't like that like I didn't then don't put yourself through this like I did.
Story 1
Story is rather nonexistent, as is expected of a slice of life. This show is all about the characters.
Art 3
The art is bland and still worse than first season which at least had
some flair to it.
sound 5
Sound design is mostly mediocre, that's about all I can say for that.
character 2
The characters are at best stupid, and at worst boring. Most of the show is characters talking, which I find ironic, when you take into account that any forced drama in the show could be fixed in a span of one conversation, but that never happens. The conversations the characters have are not interesting, and for the most part how the characters have the conversations is not interesting either, which I feel is a genuine problem in a show about people talking. The show shows you that not everything is alright between the characters, but never actually gives any reason for why that is.
The author really seemed to want to write smart characters that are good at reading people. At this point I really have to ask, why did it seem like a good idea to make the most antisocial characters in the show be these gods at reading people and talking? This makes no sense at all since you really can't be good at talking and reading people if you never talk to any of them, this is not however the biggest problem in the writing. Second terrible thing about the writing of the characters is that they are not good at reading people, or good at talking, they are omniscient, and everybody else just believes what the main characters say no matter if it makes sense or not. These characters just walk up to any situation and immediately know everything that is going on, and then state something and everything the characters say is just taken as a fact.
Hachiman has few genuinely well written bits in conversations, but I feel that those are more few and far between the further into the show I get.
Yukinoshita has the personality of wet tissue paper, I really don't get why people like her.
Komachi brings the only point to raise the character score above 1.
Enjoyment 1
This show has a few enjoyable bits, but when I can count those bits from all twelve episodes on one hand I really have to wonder why I even bothered with this show.
Closing thoughts
This show tries to be realistic but it ends up boring, it tries to be a romance but I've seen better chemistry in hentai, it says that its a comedy but the funny bits stopped at season 1, and it tries to be a human drama but there is no conflict even though the characters act like there is.
The main character has any chemistry with maybe 2-3 side characters we barely see, and the side characters we do see are frustratingly badly written.
You might like this show, and more power to you if you do, but I could not recommend this to anyone with a clear conscience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 24, 2020
This show has a story that, while interesting, I feel was never really the focus of the show. Now this is a buddy cop show, so the main focus of the show is the dynamics between the conflicting personalities of it's main characters, which I feel is done well. Kanbe and Katou are fun to watch, and that really is the most important thing in a show like this for me.
This show has a nice style to it, which partly drew me in initially as it looked interesting. The sound design is good and the little theme song that plays whenever Kanbe unexpectedly pulls some
James Bondsy gadget out of thin air always gets a chuckle out of me.
This show is fun. It has some darker episodes, but the art, sound and especially the characters ultimately give it a more lighthearted and fun feel once you're done.
In conclusion
This show is good, but not great. The story might not be the greatest but it's interesting which is more than a lot of shows have, the art style is pleasant, the sound nice, and the character dynamics are fun to watch. You probably at least find this enjoyable but don't go in expecting a masterpiece.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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