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Jul 26, 2018
Okay, where do I start with this?
First of all, it's not really as bad as you would think seeing as the score is nothing more than a mediocre one - however, it's live-action sequel counterpart is better by lightyears.
The story itself is not very consistent and I personally couldn't find any meaning or red thread in it - hence, I couldn't find as much enjoyment as I otherwise probably would. If you've watched or are planning to watch the live-action "Train to Busan", this is by no means an important part of understanding and enjoying the story. In fact, this doesn't really explain anything
in regards to the events in the live-action sequel. What I expected was a story leading up to exactly what caused the outbreak, but I never got that. In short, it's no use watching this film if you're expecting a solution or explanation as to why the events in "Train to Busan" occured.
The art is a very subjective matter so it's not fair of me to say that the movie became "less good" because of the artstyle. However, I personally found that my enjoyment was quickly reduced when I was introduced to the artstyle as it is not my personal prefference. If you can pull of 3DCG then please do make a series or movie depicting the actions and real life-like suspense 3D animation can bring forth. This film however, did not succeed in that as the art fell flat along with the suspense and storyline. When utilizing 3D animation, I expect them to do it to it's fullest - and by that I mean not just using it as an easier mean of animating characters but also utilizing it's ability to beef up the perspectives and movements of the so-called "camera". If that's not used, I don't see the point of using 3DCG even if it does make animation alot easier if you know what you're doing. In fact, I personally find it even more useless if the project is even made when you don't have the guts to animate it properly.
The sound was nothing more than mediocre. I can't even remember the music at the top of my head as I usually do. I know that plot-heavy movies and series doesn't put as much effort into creating the musical atmosphere as other projects but it still does lift the suspense and deepens the action. So I can't really understand why they didn't use that element. It would've certainly made my experience better.
The characters were fairly built with some surprises hidden in them - thanks to that my attention deepened towards the ending. But I would've appreciated if some of the characters (I'm looking at you, main character) weren't so annoying, irrational and just plain boring. In an emergency situation, like a zombie apocalypse for example, you wouldn't think rationally, would you? I know that, but the main character seriously took that irrationallity way to far. She did not make any effort to find the ones looking for her but did cry and scream at them to find her as she just escaped farther and farther away. She did have to escape if she didn't want to be killed, but the fact that she blamed the others for her misfortune in running away was the icing on the cake for her annoyance.
So did I enjoy it? At some points. Do I recommend it? Not really, at least not if you're looking for an explanation to the live-action film. So overall, with all my points in mind, I'd give this a 7 since it did peak my interest at some points.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 28, 2017
I don't really have any words to perfectly describe this abomination of a series. I guess this could just be seen as a heads up for anyone who consideres watching this dreadful piece of crap.
I personally grew curious of the series because I came across some of it's soundtracks on Youtube. It wasn't half bad so I thought that I might as well check it out. And do I regret it? Yes I do.
Story - 1 It follows the typical kind of highschool girl who realizes she was sacrificed to a bunch of vampires. That's like, the whole plot. It kind of
angers me how this series is labeled as drama since literally nothing happened that puts the plot in a mysterious and exciting perspective. In fact, this really is the perfect series for you if you're a sadistic, twisted human being who likes seeing a girl being abused mentally and physically while also being utterly, disgustingly submissive to the vampires. Oh, and did I tell you? She has the intelligence of an orange.
How? First of all, as soon as one of the vampires DOESN'T crave her blood she immediatly takes it as a romantic gesture. As soon as as she gets the opportunity to actually escape she won't since it involves killing her kidnappers. Yes, you read that right. She can't stand the thought of escaping if it means killing them off.
And to add to the story itself, it depicts the perfect toxic relationship in the end, where the vampire voices all his conditions on her (where we get to hear that all of her belongs to him entirely) and she doesn't object once. If that doesn't paint the picture of an abusive relationship to you I don't know what will.
Art - 4 It's not a problem with the art style itself. It's more because of how it is used and how little they have taken advantage of the budget they were given. You can see potential but you can also see that the creators didn't give a shit. In the end of the series the art gets very sloppy as well which doesn't really help.
Sound - 3 I would've given this a 1 if it wasn't for the proper piano scores in the background. Most of the voice actors did a horrible job at voicing these characters and I don't know if it's because they're overall shitty or if they just didn't give a shit about the ones they were voicing this time. I would guess on the latter but they really could've put more passion and feeling into it. It wasn't even average at some points.
Character - 2 They were indeed dreadful. No development whatsoever, if you don't count the very toxic relationship happening in the end. The characters are just as dull throughout the whole series and I personally just can't stand the way the main female character were written. She's such a poorly written character that I don't even feel sorry for her which I usually have the tendency to do. She's written as the stereotypical disgustingly submissive girl, possibly suffering from Stockholm syndrom as she develops a rather unsettling relation to the vampires, which I'd also like to refer to as kidnappers.
Enjoyment - 1 There is nothing to enjoy with this series. Literally nothing. I don't even know what to say here.
As a little TL;DR - Don't watch this series. For heaven's sake don't waste your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jun 24, 2017
If you could go out with the most popular boy in school, even if only for a week, would you do it?
Yuzuru Shino doesn't hesitate the least, asking on impulse once the week starts, as a gag. But what if it turns out you can't keep it as a gag in your mind? What if you actually fall for the person?
I was expecting a typical shounen ai, slice of life manga. But I got so much more. I got to see an actual love story with so realistic perspectives I could dive into the story myself and feel what the characters were
supposed to feel. I really can't put it into words how much I loved this manga, from beginning to end. First of all, let me just praise the setting and ESPECIALLY the characters. The realistic idea behind the keypoints of the series was what really caught my eye and the realistic, although a little rushed at some points, view on how the characters' feelings change over the course of the story, however short it may be. It doesn't paint the story of the typical flawless romance you're used to see. We go through infatuation, admiration, anger, jealousy and of course unconditional love side by side with the characters and I think that's beautiful.
In short, we get to see each and every aspect of a real romance and how it builds up during a specified amount of time. We see how Yuzuru asks Seryou if he could be his date for the week as a gag, and at that point of the story, most of us would expect the so called "predictable" ending that these two doesn't just go out for the week, but actually fall for each other. Okay, sure. We get that. But what if I told you that your prediction will waver and falter through the course of your reading?
It most certainly will. At first, you will probably see right through it and think, "well, it's the same unoriginal story". I know I did, but stay with me here. A couple of chapters in and you will start to re-think your previous statement. At some point, you will surely start to doubt the course of the story, start to think "but wait, this isn't how it's supposed to be!"
In the beginning, you will go through the same old typical start of the main protagonist already being fascinated by the other main character. We see Yuzuru admire Seryou from afar as his junior but it's not that hard to read through his facade of it being more than just plain admiration. But at the same time, it's hard for us as readers to pinpoint exactly what more Yuzuru is thinking when he looks at Seryou. Is it plainly because of the fact that he knows how Seryou has a different partner every week? It is because of that disappointment? Or is it because he can't read his own feelings over this person and the whole situation?
Well that's one thing that's left up for interpretation, I guess. But still, the start isn't as cliché as one might think at first. In some way, the story makes the cliché trope of pre-fascination into something that actually catches your eye and makes you want to read more.
And the realistic depiction of jealousy and anger was what really interested me. We see how even though Yuzuru tries to hold it back, his blood is obviously boiling with anger when he hears about the other girl that still has contact with Seryou. "Shino this, Shino that". We see the so familiar miscommunication between Yuzuru and Seryou whenever the other girl comes into the conversation, whichever way it may be. The "It's like that, right? It must be that way" which brings me back to my point of your "prediction" of the ending faltering. The drama in this series isn't your ordinary romance drama where you will see right through it and stop minding it. This will literally make you anxious over whether you will actually get your happy ending or not. It made me feel like it wasn't worth reading if I didn't get the ending the characters deserved, because the drama prolounged to the very last minute. It went on for so long and with such an intensity, I was 90% sure that this would be another one of those endings were it would be a conclusional ending, but certainly not an acceptable one from a readers perspective. In short, I was sure that "Seven Days" would pull and [Spoiler] No.6 kind of ending.
But if I was so sceptical of this series, why did my final rating of this series become a 10? No, not just because of the ending, but because of the emotional rollercoaster it took me on and how well it solved all it's issues that came up and how well though out it was. As my final word about it, it will certainly not let you down. I recommend this manga to each and everyone who wants to go through a romance side by side with the characters and in the end, feel the heartwarming blessings the characters are supposed to feel.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 15, 2017
Sketchbook: Full Color's, an anime worth your time when you're just looking for something calm, slightly humouristic and a lighthearted anime. An anime about nothing specific, just your normal slice of life anime with every episode telling you a new story. It focuses a lot on the natural aesthetics of nature, and also something that I found fairly interesting, and that is the slight hints of austism found in the main character, Sora Kajiwara.
Let's start with the basics. As mentioned before, every episode provides you with a brand new story to tell you about a new day. With that being said, as a slice of
life anime it comes with little to no progression in the story as the episodes rarely depends on each other for new storytelling. You don't expect the characters to develop too much and you don't expect any unpredicted things to happen.
Here's the thing with this series: It's not predictable at all. And here's the other thing: There IS some character development.
This review is going to be spoiler free, so I won't talk about exactly HOW the characters develop in such a short slice of life anime, but it isn't really noticable until the last few episodes. Especially the last one. The first few episodes were relatively slow for me and I really had to strain myself to find relevant keypoints in the series and note them down. Then, around episode 4, this series really started to really catch my full attention. For what purpose? It's something that I mentioned before that I could probably dedicate an entire essay to, but I will keep it fairly short. That is the hints and play och autism found in Sora. How?
The name of the anime makes is relatively obvious that it is mainly centered around the element of art and drawing. Sora Kajiwara carries a sketchbook around with her in every episode, making it a very meaningful keypoint worth noting in the series as it appears more than twice. In episode 4, a firework festival (Hanabi) is taking place and while the main character and her friends stop to watch the fireworks, you'll notice that she takes out her sketchbook to draw. She plans to draw the fireworks. But fireworks are temporary and only lasts for a few seconds at most. We see the building distress in the main character as she isn't able to memorize any of the fireworks to sketch.
This is a very common trait among those with light to severe autism. They have an interest that is like a burning passion, and become distressed and anxious when it doesn't work out. We see a similar situation, although not as strong, in episode 1 where the main character is drawing a portrait of a cat laying in front of her. She doesn't show the same amount of distress when it's not working out as with the fireworks, but it's still present.
Another thing I found very interesting on a positive note was the very realistic portrayal of social anxiety. The animation of the expressions may fool the concept of it being realisticly portrayed, but this is coming from someone who actually suffers from social anxiety and the expressions in the series is actually a very good visual of how one may feel in certain situations. The main character is intended to show traits of being extremly shy, but I personally feel that she express so much more than just plain shyness. She shows clear signs of not being able to talk to a stranger at all. She shows how one may feel in certain situations (for example, how many of you wants to dive down in a hole when a store clerk decides to make your shopping a little more uncomfortable?).
Let's go over the art. The art is average in my personal opinion, but still so very fitting to the story, not to talk about the whole genre itself. It's nothing too special, but it doesn't have to be. The freshness of the colours give the perfect vibe that describes the series itself. The design of the characters are so very fitting for the story and sometimes can even be seen as very cute.
The opening is by far one of the best keypoints in the anime. The song is nothing special by itself, but combine it with the elements of the series and you'll get a combined masterpiece. It gives out the perfect vibe for what to expect. But for the soundtrack by itself that is played out through the series? Nothing special. Many of the scores were replayed too many times in one episode and it was something that bored me. If you're a fan of simplified piano octaves being replayed then you might think of the music differently, though.
So overall:
Story - 6
Art - 6
Sound - 5
Character - 7
Enjoyment - 7
In conclusion, it was definitely not a waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 6, 2017
At the time of writing this review there has only been one episode that have aired. I find the idea that the first episode gives rather interesting and I'm curious of how this will turn out with it only being a 4 part series. The art and animation of the first episode were surprisingly good and I hadn't expected that from only such a short ONA, but then again White Fox isn't really known for bad animation either.
I have yet to see how the characters development will be, hence why I rated the character with a 5. I do not exepct much from such
a short series but I will leave that open for now. The enjoyment pf the first episode was fairly positive though I will still be open with that statement until I have watched the rest of the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 17, 2017
First of all, I understand why I dropped it in the first place. HUGE dissapointment for someone who grew both reading and watching the original Sailor Moon.
I started to watch the Crystal series when it came out in 2014 and I remembered being super hyped about it. I watched 14 episodes before I dropped it out of boredom. Years later I decided to pick it up again and watch the rest since I was fairly surprised to find out it had two more seasons.
I tried my very best to overlook my nostalgia and compare it the original 90's series since it's bound to
be different. I knew the art was different, the music was new and the plot had been slightly altered from the earlier series. I accepted that. But the art in the manga is so extremly detailed and carefully done it's practically impossible to copy it to a weekly series with a fairly low budget.
The art is different in a bad way. It's poorly done and I can't tell if it's because of lack of money, tight schedule or just because they couldn't care less about the final product. Nonetheless, it was really bad.
And what happened to the old clumsy, food loving Usagi? What happened to the hot tempered Rei and the stupidly love struck Makoto? I hate to say it but most of the characters were so OOC it didn't even make sense anymore. The only change in character I liked was Chibi-Usa's change of attitude. I couldn't help but really hate her original bratty attitude and found her really annoying in the original series. Even though I found the Crystal series overall very rushed and especially the established relationships I did find relief in that Chibi-Usa behaved decent.
The music was fairly good though. I've been a fan of Yasuharu Takahashi for a long time and he never cease to surprise me with his music.
So my ratings overall:
Story - 3 (It was too rushed and everything happened without any foundation to it. You need to have seen the 90's version or read the the manga to understand the basics)
Art - 4 (It was a nice try to try and copy such carefully layed out art but in the end it failed miserably)
Sound - 6 (The music scores replayed a fair amount of times throughout the series which leads me to think that not many scores were written for this series)
Character - 5 (No basics whatsoever and very OOC most of the time)
Enjoyment - 4 (I am a sucker for Sailor Moon but it was a huge dissapointment)
Overall - 5
But as I do love Sailor Moon, I will probably try and watch the second season as well even though I really disliked this season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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