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Nov 14, 2021
Isekai Breaking Bad
Is it cute? Yes.
Is it deep? No.
Does it have actual story? No.
But it is relaxing.
No spoilers, as there is no story.
Don't expect anything serious to happen here, scraps of story given are just a pretext for characters to play with each other. If you like fluffy tails and overly sweet voices this is anime for you. If you look for actual story or character development, look elsewhere.
This series has isekai in title, but apart from first 30s and a part of last episode there is nothing that would make it one. And it doesn't need or even try to be one. Story follows
protagonist who can make any potion/elixir/medicine he can think of and a bunch of characters that come to him with (often imaginary) problems. Typical episode consists of one or two potions making someone's life easier and then everyone has good time, everything topped with some typical gags and tail wagging. MC makes a lot of friends, collecting standard harem zoo: cute pet-girl, cute maid-girl, cute tsundere, cute loli. There's even discount Aqua hidden in the lake.
Everything is overly sweet and cute, Reiji (played by Fukushima Jun, VA of Kazuma) must have made some insulin there to survive this, we have to endure all the Noela's noises and tail wags without his OP medicine.But under this cutesy artstyle hides the monster of lacking. Characters may look good and attractive, but their animation is a bit stiff, there are a lot of recycled scenes/backgrounds and "story" repetitiveness is not helping. Lack of any real character development and story means that cast is one-dimensional, most of clients/friends have just one trait that distinguishes them apart and drives their actions: demon king, that falls for Noela, does everything he can to make her like him, local mercenary leader tries to look strong and capable etc. Only drugstore residents are given any backgrounds, even if shallow.
All this does not mean the series is not enjoyable, just don't expect any sophisticated plot and deep meaning. This series never aspired to be the best isekai, or even isekai to be honest. But even with low budget and inadequate story it manages to be nice, easy and relaxing experience, good for watching after work or during mealtime to calm yourself at the end of day.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 26, 2021
Interesting idea - lovers that could never touch. Constant struggle between urge for physical contact and fear of killing someone. And on top of that all the expectations from MC's mother.
Too bad that such a nice idea with good story so far, nice voice acting and fairly good artstyle is let down by bad animation because of CG.
Story: 8
Basic idea of romance between an aristocrat and his maid complicated by the fact that everything MC touches dies instantly because of the curse. Story unfolds slowly, this season is more centered on giving some backstory to main cast and showing how they interact. Actual story progress
starts late in the season. World is not as vast and detailed as in some isekais, but it doesn't have to - we are given enough information without muddying main plot with too much side characters and events. What is slowly unfolding during those 12 episodes is interesting and well written with good balance between obviously dark circumstances of The Duke and comedic relief in form of Alice's flirting or Viola's instant change of character when Rob enters the room. The curse and it's origins remain a mystery not only to MC but to us with not much information given but teasing with possibilities. Even at the end of season nothing is revealed, leaving viewers with multiple theories on who really put the curse on this poor boy and why.
Art: 6
Character designs look good and resemble originals from manga very good. Bonus points for making all the backgrounds look like paintings giving this anime some unique atmosphere, almost like the story is told by commissioned painters who documented life of Duke's family. This would be very good if not for the animation. Because of usage of CG characters movement may be smooth, but looks unnatural, often slowed down and lacks that characteristic anime style that defines japanese animation. CG animation can be done good (Dorohedoro) but in this case it reminds me of game cutscenes from over10 years ago - characters moving on preplanned route almost like there is a track laid for them, hands moving in smooth but too "round" and perfect, almost robotic way. When paused at anytime everything looks good, but as soon as something starts moving the magic disappears and this weird animation distracts from otherwise good looking drawings and good story.
Sound: 8
Voice acting is nice, voices are nicely paired with characters and well executed. Sometimes there are a bit too long pauses in dialogues but this could be due to too slow animation. Music is complimenting the story, especially since MC is sometimes playing on the piano. Group singing Disney-style was unexpected, but still fits well into the feel of what was happening in that episode.
Character: 7
As far as cast goes there is not a lot of characters, but this is to be expected when MC is excluded from society. The Duke and Alice are well written and their interactions are always fun to see. They have their quirks, small details and are given interesting backstory that works well with their current circumstances. There is little character development in this season if you disregard what is shown in retrospections, it feels more like we are slowly shown what their interactions and inner feelings were already and only their memories tell us it wasn't always exactly like that. The constant banter, flirting bordering on sexual harassment and almost-touching made by Alice lightens up the mood of otherwise sad story. Side characters are a bit one-dimensional and serve more of a background role, but event then sometimes there are nice surprises (like the scene with Zain on the roof). Some characters remain a mystery after this season, their real motives hidden for now and only a little background information given.
Enjoyment: 6
Story is interesting enough to overcome disappointment caused by the animation. But that weird movement of characters still distracts you from what is happening on the screen and I feel sometimes even slows down action or dialogues causing overall feeingl of scenes to suffer. Luckily most of comedic content relies on static visuals and/or rapid change of perspective and story is more dialogue oriented. Still, every episode felt more like a chore needed to complete than a reward.
Overall: 7
If not for the animation this would have been a very good anime. Interesting story, nice interaction between main characters, maybe little too one-dimensional side ones. Even the backgrounds were good looking. But as it is it suffers because of the CG. I'm interested enough to give second season a chance, but will probably switch to manga version if it will retain this animation style.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 22, 2021
Normally seasonal ecchi garbage shows are enjoyable despite their drawbacks. Be it because they are so bad that they are actually funny, or because ecchi elements are only to bait you to watch an otherwise bland but good comedy.
This season there were two contestants for the role of "degenerate but fun" shows: Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory and Girlfriend, Girlfriend.
And I'm surprised that out of those two MotGD was better, by a long way.
Girlfriend, Girlfriend was supposed to be light-hearted romance comedy with ecchi elements and that it is. But Nothing more.
Story. 3/10
Every new situation or gag is given over-the-top emphasis that most of
the time just slows down the action due to long sequences of reactions/screaming. This waters down the pacing, making story progress seem slower than it actually is - if one would cut half of those shots this anime would end in 7-8 episodes. Mostly because there is almost no story, just repeated gags and situations to wich characters always react the same over-exaggerated way, being suprised every time by almost the same thing. After first 4 episodes nothing really happens story-wise, characters follow set course doing the same shocked/embarassed/apologising/hitting sequence over and over again, just in a little different setting. Most of the time their actions are lacking any sense even by anime standards and storytelling lacks any coherence.
Art. 6/10
Still shots look good most of the time, making me think that manga it was based upon wasn't as bad as the show suggests. Character designs are cute, even if they are a little bland and not standing out in any way. Even considering hyper-energetic and exaggerated expressions most of the time, facial features were nicely drawn making it clear what emotion/state of the mind is displayed.
Sadly animation was lacking. Most of the time animation consisted of shaking the screen and/or adding some moving lines. People sometimes walk in funny/stiff way. At least backgrounds look good.
Sound. 8/10
Voice actors gave their best considering lacking story and setting. Most of the time jokes or dialogues suffer from bad timing but it seems the cause is not acting itself but unnecessary pauses and too long reaction shots. Cast is experienced and sound very good most of the time, voices fit their characters. Sound effects are typical for this type of comedy - every time something happens there is some weird sound to boost weirdness of what's happening on the screen. This gets tiresome rather fast. Overall sound engineering is on the good side, but could not rescue this show.
Character. 5/10
This series has almost no character development and most of the characters are oversimplified. There is simple-minded and there is lack-of-any-mind. Most of the time MC acts like typical harem protagonist and is unaware of his situation, to the point of parodying that trope. Even the girls are acting as if they used all their brainpower to get to this high school and are now to tired to think about anything. Nothing changes in the dynamic between the main trio after two first episodes, most of backstory shown changes nothing and feels more like a filler, just explaining again what was said before. Character's motivation is very simple, almost the same for most of them and lacks any flavour.
Enjoyment. 5/10
As a comedy this is lacking, mostly because jokes are repetitive and half of the time their timing sucks. As a parody of harem trope it still is bad, even though the idea of not having to choose only one girl seems new. What this show could have done good because of this idea of breaking harem trope was hampered by poor execution. Because half of the show consists only of reactions there is not enough story and character presentation to feel attached the cast.
Overall. 5/10
This show is dumpsterfire not because of constant fanservice and lewd scenes, but because it lacks any resemblance of coherent storytelling and good character design. Basic idea of choosing more than one girl out of your harem would get you only so far. Lack of good jokes and constant over-exaggeration of everything that happens (not that there is a lot happening there) makes Girlfriend, Girlfriend boring and not worth watching. If you want a good rom-com show there are many to choose, if you want borderline hentai there was Mother of the Godess Dormitory the same season as G,G, which not only has a little better artstyle, but also better story (albeit even more silly) and some character development.
Watch this only if you just have to watch every ecchi anime a season has to offer.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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