Alien Nine is a stunning and evocative little series with tons to offer in each of its attempted facets. It commands the reader's attention with a starkly idiosyncratic approach to visuals, appeals to the emotions, makes you care for its characters and gives you plenty to think/cheer about.
One of the first things I noticed when I began reading was the nuances in visuals, namely, the juxtaposition of intentionally crude, cutsey character designs with frighteningly detailed, angular, gross images of alien's and their appendages. The effect this dichotomy creates remains consistent throughout the series, as the violence is never suppressed; Tomizawa pulls no punches in his
Nov 21, 2011
This book's main draw is the non-stop action and the sheer spectacle of it when taken as a whole. The scenes of complete destruction are fucking raw; you can almost FEEL the painstaking lengths Otomo went to so that his book's art was out of this world. Those, along with the detailed and frenetic action scenes, should be considered for induction into the Louvre; not even kidding.
Oh and the story and characters are great too. Despite his dickish sneer and uh... biological idiosyncrasies, Tetsuo is a very organic character. Nov 21, 2011
Gunslinger Girl
A bit of a nice tactical bait and switch there with the themes and content; you think you're getting some ridiculous action filler with tough, gun-toting little children but it's actually a pretty serious drama that focuses on the relationships and thought processes of people in a pretty shitty situation.
The characters are all quite different and this makes character interaction the show's main draw. The girls are cute, the animation is great, the music is wonderful, VA's a bit iffy and the art is great. Solid show. Nov 21, 2011
Cowboy Bebop
In order to truly appreciate Bebop, you need to be able to do two things:
Recognize just how absurd it is. It's the story of a kung-fu bounty hunter, his ex-cop friend, a shrewd woman with a hazy past and a crazy little girl who happens to be a hacker. Don't even think it stops there; these guys fly through the galaxy rounding up criminals for a quick buck and smoking cigarettes and complaining while looking cool, all set to an unmistakable and eclectic soundtrack featuring many great American styles of music. The second thing you need to do embrace the absurdity, as well as the sheer ... |