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Sep 29, 2024
I went into this completely blind. All I knew was that this was a fighting anime with big, buff dudes. I never expected the fights to be this entertaining with so many different, creative movesets. Things are very simple to understand even for a new fan as there is a lot of expositon and discussions about past events. The characters, although pretty flat, have a lot of charm to them. There is a distinct personality to all of them. The thing I feel like this series does the best is having extremely unique as well as imaginative character designs. You can see how a certain
character will act and fight as soon as you first lay your eyes on them.
Not to go into too much detail, I would just like to summarise "Kinnikuman: Perfect Origin Arc" as simple, yet entertaining.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 24, 2023
This is more of an analysis than a review so bear with me.
First of all, I don't even need to say that this series is complete chaos. Most of the time you don't know what's going on, you just watch to turn off your brain. Maybe that is its goal, at least on the surface.
But the strange atmosphere that pervades every scene is immediately visible to every viewer. Everything is stiff, artificial, like some kind of show. And when some supposedly sad/dramatic scene occurs, we don't feel anything because we don't experience anything we see as real.
Of course, this is all obvious, and that's why
after it turns out that Shobon is the only "playable character" who created the entire world of Otaku Hero in his script, there aren't really any major twists and turns.
Kyotaro, as a mascot, is suspicious from the beginning. His unlimited lives were treated only as grotesque and provoked laughter. Also, it's common knowledge that mascots in mahou shoujo series (ahem, Madoka Magica) are usually villains.
Kyotaro is actually Origin, a creature that, to kill boredom, started the entire game through Shobon. Not much is known about Origin except that it appears to be a prototype for other Destroyers and exists outside the realm of known space. It shows the most emotion precisely when Shobon's world falls apart.
Ever since they received the ampoules from a shady doctor who works for the SSC, the unraveling of the magical girls has been obvious. They turned against otaku and became SSC NPCs. However, like Slayer, they are their creation. Maybe the ampoules were just the part they needed to become whole.
Otaku Hero never really had to meet them, but since everything was planned from the beginning he was somehow aware of it and despite that he tried to change his fate and fight for what he believes in even though he is completely powerless. He eventually ended up as the show's exit credits had indicated, but he still managed to change at least some people's hearts and thus defeat the cruel world that Shobon created.
By changing the hearts of Shobon's soldiers, Otaku Hero secured his successors. As long as there are individuals who will fight for the things they love, Otaku Hero will live on, and with him a society that has not been brainwashed by forgetting loving the things they loved and blindly following institutions of power.
Still the mixed feelings I have come not from my own view of the story, but that of others who might not like the execution or the themes. People like different things and that's more than fine.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 8, 2022
I haven't been this satisfied with an anime in such a long while. Most of the things I saw I truly adore. Story was simple and engaging, characters were fun, music was on point and animation wasn't half bad either. I even got myself a new favourite for the MAL profile, that being the protagonist of "Bastard" Dark Schneider. This merciless, lecherous and goofy character is everything I wanted in a show bearing the words heavy metal and dark fantasy in its title. I can't praise this show enough. It was such a breath of fresh air in the sea of isekai and shallow romance
shows that take themselves too seriously which this day and age is full of.
As hardcore as this show is with elements of overly explicit sexual and gorey scenes, it really doesn't take itself seriously and that's what I like the most about it. It's a fun dark fantasy setting with lots of cool characters besides the mc. He is, of course, a lady's man, but a real one, unlike other anime characters who just try to be him. Women are at his feet and even other men acknowledge him and his talents. Though he is also hated because of the huge amount of magic power he wields and how he uses it to spread havoc around the world.
Many anime fans who prefer complex and a bit confusing plotlines won't like this show that much. The introduction already explains most of the story and the world it is set in. You definitely don't have to think about things too hard. Just relax and don't let certain scenes put you off the show. It is a true classic gem.
If I had to nitpick about anything regarding this show I'd say that the lack of actual metal music is a bit lackluster. Sure, a hard rock opening and cool intense soundtracks do make up for it so I won't bash it too hard for just that.
To end this, the first part of the show ended in a huge cliffhanger and I can't wait for the rest to come out. I hope it just gets better from here. If you liked anything I mentioned above, you will definitely enjoy this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 2, 2022
"The Belladonna of Sadness" is quite literally that - sadness. It's an estetically pleasing and abstract movie about a woman who lost everything dear to her due to her tragic fate and bad decisions in life.
If this kind of artistic movie were to be made today, most ordinary anime fans would absolutely hate it. Why? Because of the way it was made. It is almost completely made of moving drawings. In my opinion drawings are amazing though and really express the characters. Another thing that surprised me is the use of singing in telling the story. I don't usually like that kind of thing, but
here it was very welcome.
This film definitely isn't for everyone. It is very slow-paced and its main themes are depressing and heartbreaking. I was blown away by how emotionally heavy all the events were. There are also many sexually explicit scenes which weren't all that necessary. I didn't like those whatsoever, especially since they were animated in such a disturbing way.
To tell you the truth, I don't think you should watch this one before bed because you will be scarred for life. All in all, the movie was fine. I gave it this score only because of its art. Other components it was made of, however, definitely weren't my cup of tea.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 1, 2022
Even though this anime is actually a spin-off of "Grimoire of Zero" which I haven't seen yet, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Story was quite interesting, but a bit confusing at times as well. Sometimes the plot moved slowly and then picked up the pace signficantly so I lost track of what was going on. Well to tell you the truth, the plot was mostly driven by characters involved in it, in my opinion.
The three main characters Sayb, Hort and Kuddo are all very likeable. Of the three I liked Kuddo the most. He was very level-headed and had such humourous reactions to different situations they
found themselves in. On the surface, Sayb is a bit bland as a protagonist, but he does progress alongside the plot.
Art is mostly good, it is not anything special, but thankfully it is consistent. There are many still shots though so if you want a show with amazing animation this one isn't for you. Also, CGI is used repeatedly, but it was fine to me.
Soundtracks used in this show weren't innovative or epic, but they served their purpose. Its opening song, however, might be one of my favourites in all anime even though some people find it generic.
To end this short review, this was a satisfactory seasonal show. I definitely do not regret spending time watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 26, 2022
I am writing this after watching the absolute nonsense that was this series' final episode. Appaling doesn't even begin to describe something that was put together as sloppily as this. I don't understand what was the thought process behind this at all. To be honest, it is the best to start talking about each component of this show individually.
Firstly, the story was completely rushed. If I didn't have a prior knowledge about historical people some of these characters were based off, I wouldn't understand a damn thing. Characters kept coming and going, dying one after another and I didn't see the point of most of
them. Richard the Third, our intersex main character, as a whole fully revolved around his body being different. He just wanted to be accepted or something, I'm not even sure because that whole plot point stayed unresolved at the end. His main love interest Buckingham died, he couldn't overcome that loss and completely stopped thinking about his body's irregularity.
The art and animation are pretty much the worst thing about this adaptation. If they were any better I might have seen this show in a tad bit better regard. Art sometimes can look quite estetically pleasing, but other times characters' faces aren't drawn or they look completely off-model. Animation was non-existent. I think I didn't see a single animated sequence. The whole thing was a slideshow from beginning until the end.
OST was okay at best. Openings were decent, but the lack of animation (once again) in the visuals ruined the music following them. The soundtracks weren't used improperly, so I guess that is the only positive side I can think of about this show.
I would list more things I disliked/hated in "Wars of Roses", but I don't see the point. This is the single worst anime series I have ever watched, and if I could give it an even lower score I would.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 5, 2022
Ghost in the shell franchise couldn't be more milked than it already is, but that alone is fine. Let's see what we've got this time - in the second part of Stand Alone Complex 2045.
Before you continue reading I just want to let you know that I'm not that good at writing reviews or have I completely understood this series.
The main antagonist that poses a threat to Section 9 this is Shimamura Takashi the so-called "Big Brother" (reference to "1984." by George Orwell I presume). He is one of the post-humans who play a vital role in this season. Those individuals
have been fundamentally transformed on a mental level, giving them unprecedented intelligence, cognitive and hacking speed, and focus while altering their personalities. To summarise Takashi - he almost started a nuclear war before the reality was, let's say, replaced with another, better one.
Main characters' personalities thankfully remained mostly the same. Major is still the same cold, quiet and mysterious yet romantic persona. In duo with Batou they are still as fun as they were in the original GitS series. I never really found anything special about S9 chief Aramaki and he is still like that in this part. Section as we know from the last part got two new members - Clown and Purin. Clown was absent for the most part of this season, thankfully as I do not like his personality at all. I feel as he does not belong in a series such as this. Purin, on the other hand, started off being really annoying and obnoxious. She became a secondary antagonist later on and then I began liking her more (still don't like her that much though).
STORY - 6/10
Here comes the tricky part. The concept of the story itself was phenomenal, but the execution was lacking. I was quite bored at the beginning, but I became invested into it a few episodes before the end. To say the least, I think I didn't really understand it that much and that's why I can't give my view clearly. Also, the ending was really rushed so that contributed as well.
I normally completely dislike CGI in anime and am a fan of more traditional anime making, but I can't say it was done badly. It also fits a series such as this. Only thing is, I didn't expect it and I needed some time before I was used to it.
MUSIC - 2/10
The soundtracks were almost non-existent. I also didn't like its opening nor its ending that much.
All in all, it was a good pastime, but that's about it. I would never have watched it if it wasn't a part of GitS franchise. Still, it was nice to see the charcters we all know and love once again even in this sort of butchered story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 17, 2021
I loved everything about it. I believe its fate is to stay at the top of my favourite anime of all time. Nothing can surpass it. There is literally not a single character I disliked because they were badly written, not one. I also really liked Shinpachi's evolution from being a weakling to fighting evenly with Kagura and Gintoki. The whole storyline with Shouyo/Utsuro and Gintoki and Takasugi was very emotional and I was not disappointed. All of the characters were useful and showcased each of their powers. Art was amazing and had great animation to go with it. Comedy was top-notch like it always
is. I am also very happy Sadaharu and Tama returned. 10/10 :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 9, 2021
Kachou Oji is a pretty old anime, but its story is original. You may think rock music and a space battle have nothing in common. Well, you are quite right, but it somehow works in this anime. A middle-aged ex-musician never lost his passion for rock music even though he has wife and a kid now. He decide to save an entire universe with his song. He is a very likeable character even though he is an average joe. I like how his relationship with his wife was presented. Music is nice, but there is just one or two songs which is devastating. Art isn't
much to look at and characters look off model most of the time. Also this isn't an anime I normally enjoy so I gave it a 6. It is a definition of a fine anime. Nothing great nor bad.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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