Oct 13, 2024
B: The Beginning
It starts off as murder mystery-esque, however develops into something much more unique with brief commentary on faith and rationale. In all honesty though, come into this with the perspective that it's the type of story to gradually unravel until the eventual climax. The characters have a decent amount of complexity, some having more than those who play minor roles but there's a sense of context. Fights are pretty good in terms of animation as well as purpose, a little humor included also. Depending on how much anime you've seen, this might be a surprise hit or fall within the average detective show with a
Apr 28, 2024
As it follows the textbook rule of other animanga I've seen which involve revenge, there's a clear establishment of Yuliy's purpose to why he acts the way he does, but his ideals genuinely develop into something pretty interesting with each episode. A few other characters have notable personalities as well. I mean you can only do so much with 12 episodes, but it's still possible to create watchable content within this constraint. I won't sit here and lie and say this is absolutely the greatest thing I've seen in my life, but it accomplishes making do with its runtime telling a story. A special and