I'm gonna say this once and for all:
Higehiro is like a piece of shit. It's garbage. An absolute bottom tier romcom with nothing but criminal undertones into it. It's so criminal just thinking how a person just kidnapped a girl literally without her consent! He actually asked her if she wanted to STAY with him and SHE agreed. And he that means that he forced her right? I can't even tell. She had no other option. He blackmailed her into staying with her just because he wanted to enjoy her himself and not let her sleep with any other man. I know about it.
I can PREDICT how the story is gonna go. BELIEVE ME.
It's way too suggestive and lustful and also Yoshida was always so turned on about how he wanted to have sex with her and all the women, right? In my honest opinion, it was all too suggestive. I literally can't believe how a girl like Sayu who is literally months shy of the age of 18, can have her own mind and make her own decisions. If the situations were reversed and a guy was living with a older woman then I'm sure that these sick pedophiles would still love to pleasure themselves through it. And only I would be there to prevent that from happening!
I can't even begin to imagine how many years this guy would be put in jail for because he's a pedophile. And all the people enjoying this are also sick perverts! It's so wrong to enjoy this! I literally can't trust that Yoshida guy because I have seen him for 2-3 episodes max and he just can't seem to see that poor minor girl as anything other than fap material. He's gonna assault her real soon. I know it! Forget about sending the other guys to jail who had sex with her 6 months ago when she would've been 16!! Who she was FORCED to have sex with and she literally did not consent to it. I literally can't trust the word and actions of an actual functional adult in the living society! He has to be a psychopath for sure. I know it. The moment I saw his face, He looked so shady like some hentai protagonist! Like not everyone in Japan has black hair, right? And hentai is actually widespread in Japan! Hentai is derived from REALITY! I see 50,000 of cases like this in japan monthly! Daily there are thousands of high school girls that run away! So many girls and boys have run away that there's literally no one left to attend schools. I know for sure! I have myself visited Tokyo in my dreams! And look at the amount of people this is gonna influence! They are already sick perverts who enjoy characters like megumin and other underage characters and now they will come out of their closets from every corner of the world and just take so many runaway highschool girls into their homes and do god knows what to them!
And it would totally be the fault of this single anime. The perpetrators would not be responsible, neither anyone else! Everything is the fault of this show! And I will bring justice to all these little teeny-tiny 17 year old boys and girls by holding the director and producer of this show accountable! Because they too are pedophiles!!!
Man I just can't see how sick in the mind these people can get!
Anyways, where's the next episode?
PS: Just shut up or actually try to help these victims in your own countries and in Japan as well through legitimate means. If you think I'm wrong in anyway, I'll gladly argue with you sensibly.
And just being clear this was all 'SaTiRe'.
A moment of silence for all those who thought that I don't like the show and thought that I was the same as them.
1...2...3... and fine. Back to reality. So, anyways I just want to tell you all that this series will get you jebaited just as I had you here. The first episode may seem to be unrealistic and provocative. But, believe me, it's not. Sit down and actually think about. What would YOU do in this situation. And don't say that it cannot happen. It can. If clowns can become presidents and prime ministers, redditors can shake the stock market and China can still prosper, then, this twisted situation just a small thing. Do you think the fanservice is exploitative? Well, It's only but a few scenes. I call it good aesthetics. And those scenes can actually happen irl. Can a person not be half-naked when contemplating their future? I think everyone has these moments. If you haven't then what has Hollywood ever taught you? Just try it out! It feels good.
As for the pedophilia. Yes it's true. The FMC is going to be a grave victim of pedophilia in the future. I believe in it and... SIKE!! Gotcha again!
Of course it doesn't promote pedophilia. Can ya'll even hear yourself? You guys think that 17 is not mature enough to give consent or take important life decisions. Maybe you're late bloomers but THAT many of you ?! The problem is in your POV. You're worried about how and when Sayu will try to give her consent to Yoshida. Bitch, where were you when she had to sleep with mysterious men 6 months prior to meeting Yoshida when she would've been 16? Where she was literally FORCED to have sex in exchange for food and shelter. And NOW you're worried about a man who actually has a stable job and friends, who is socially well adjusted and has people who know him for years and trust him. NOW you're worried about Sayu? DID YOU NOT SEE WHAT SHE WENT THROUGH? How can you even see a pedophile in Yoshida? How can you actually twist an ulterior motive out of that earnest a man, huh?
It's not even that high of a precedent. Just don't fuck a teen. How do you explain that to a emotionally unstable girl who is mentally scarred? SAY THAT IN THE SIMPLEST WAY POSSIBLE. "I won't have sex with you because I don't love you." HOW in the fuck is YOUR mind twisted so much that you can take the ulterior meaning out of THIS simple a statement ?! Are you blind? How can you not comprehend that simple a situation? Needless to say you definitely haven't read anything about ethics, right?
I'll say this right now. If you don't yet have friends who trust you then just wait for it and actually try to make those friends. Once you're 27 like Yoshida maaaaybe you'll get people who trust you and your actions and actually would have known you for years. Also, pray tell me, how willing would you be to interfere in anyone else's business? Why would a common person want to involve themselves in something like Yoshida's condition? When you know the guy and trust him then you would definitely want to check up on Sayu and advice her and Yoshida about the next steps to take. That's the most I think that you can go as far as realism is concerned. Maybe drop her back home. And that's it.
Just as I said before, put yourself in the situation and see for yourself what could and could not have been possible. Or come watch it when you're in a better mind state and then comment on the ENTIRETY of the show. Don't just try to garner attention to yourself by using pathos on the readers. That's pathetic. If rape culture and pedophilia are the only things you can think of in your "review" then you definitely lack perspective.
One last thing, This is a fictional show an it is not trying to PROMOTE any unspeakable agenda. Those who do get "INFLUENCED" by this are gullible people and if they do any crime, The blame is on them and their criminal thinking and not on the creators of the show or the original writer. Don't just pass around accountability and responsibility of people.
I have read the manga and light novel years ago so I can tell all this. To all the new viewers and readers: Chill out.
Also, Have a nice day.
May 6, 2021
I'm gonna say this once and for all:
Higehiro is like a piece of shit. It's garbage. An absolute bottom tier romcom with nothing but criminal undertones into it. It's so criminal just thinking how a person just kidnapped a girl literally without her consent! He actually asked her if she wanted to STAY with him and SHE agreed. And he that means that he forced her right? I can't even tell. She had no other option. He blackmailed her into staying with her just because he wanted to enjoy her himself and not let her sleep with any other man. I know about it. ... Sep 10, 2020
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
I'm just gonna go outta the way and say this : This review is for the people who understand the term 'LOGIC' for a human brain and who have already watched Kanokari and find it to be a piece of art. This review ONLY deals with the story and characters. The art and music are quite quirky and weird and get sidelined anyways with such an exquisite plot on display.
Now that we have THAT outta the way, I would like to make a claim. THIS ANIME AND MANGA ARE BULLSHIT. The reason? The story's plot whores. Yes ! You read that right ! Plot whores are ... |