Jun 10, 2024
First things first. This anime is ecchi. There is tits and ass galore. Everyone jiggles. That out of the way, let's talk about the rest of it.
I bought the first part of this series on DVD at a Half Priced Books. I had never heard it before but it looked like a weird mecha, which I'm very into. And am I glad I stumbled upon it. This series is absolutely gorgeous. The visual design is great. The mecha design can be a little ho hum at times, but it's never bad. The animation is crisp and smooth. The character designs are all top notch.
And the style itself is unique and eye catching. Backgrounds are detailed and gorgeous. Everything works together visually and makes for an anime that is actual eye candy.
The story has it's ups and downs. Sadly, the OVA is unfinished. There was probably meant to be at least 2 more episodes, so it ends on a cliffhanger. What is there is pretty serviceable. The overarching story is pretty by the books, but it's the details that are interesting. The Villains are all sympathetic and well characterized. The hero's mecha appears to be evil, and not even under their control. The human race originated in Okinawa (not really sure on this one)? Our main characters are kinda stock archetypes. The Quiet One, The Hot One, The Spunky One.
This anime does so much right, and even the stuff it does wrong is just falling back on genre stock tropes. This really deserved a proper ending. And lastly, but maybe most importantly, none of the girls getting naked on screen are underage! And there's even some equal opportunity skimpy outfits (unfortunately there looks like there was gonna be a lot more if we got a proper resolution). So if you can handle some tits and ass, you should watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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